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Send us a text As we continue our series - The Crucified Messiah - leading up to Easter, we arrive with Jesus at the garden of Gethsemane, where we learn from his example of how to pray and seek peace in times of turmoil and despair. Join us next week as we continue our series at our 9:30 and 11:30am services at UWL, or at our 6:30pm service at The…
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Send us a text This Sunday we continued our series in Matthew looking at the Crucified Messiah. Focusing on the Lord's supper, Pete encouraged us with the different names of Jesus which are used in the passage, while challenging us on what it truly means to be a disciple, and call him Lord! Join us next week as we continue the series at our 9:30 an…
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Send us a text As we begin our new series for Lent - The Crucified Messiah - we learn how Jesus wasn't the Messiah that Judas expected, but that Mary recognised him as the true Messiah. Pete challenges us as to how we will respond to Jesus as our Crucified Messiah. Join us again on Sunday as we continue our series at our 9:30 and 11:30am at UWL, an…
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Send us a text In the final preach of our series on Joshua, Josh shares what we can learn from the story of Achan, and encourages us to be those who repent, and allow God to show forgiveness and grace to us. He also commends us to be like Joshua, trusting that God will respond in areas where we are being faithfully obedient. Join us next week as we…
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Send us a text Today Pete continues our series on the book of Joshua, reminding us of the famous story of the battle of Jericho. He reminds us of the importance of simple, often silent obedience as we follow God, and that we can trust that he will bring the victory, in his perfect way. Join us next week at one of our three Sunday services - 9:30 an…
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Send us a text This morning we were joined by our good friend Jonny Carson, who is the pastor of The Way Church in Ballyclare, Northern Ireland. He invites us to regain our heart for mission, and to step out in faith as we go Fishing with Jesus. Join us next week as we continue our series on Joshua, and find out more about us, and the Advance famil…
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Send us a text This morning Pete preached to us from Joshua 5, on the importance of preparing ourselves to be used by God. He reminds us that our character is much more important than our achievements, and our obedience is more important than our comfort. Join us next week as we welcome guest speaker Jonny Carson from Northern Ireland, who will be …
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Send us a text This morning as we celebrated baptisms at Redeemer, Pete reminded us of Joshua 4, and another momentous 'Day to Remember' in the lives of the people of Israel. He stirred us to be those that remember all that God has done in our lives, and are stirred to worship him in response. Join us next week as we move to three Sunday services, …
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Send us a text Welcome to part 3 of our series on the book of Joshua! Today, Greg encourages us to recognise that it is in the moments when the odds are stacked most against God, that he gets the most glory when he makes a way for his people. He stirs us towards obedience to follow God even when the waters of life are raging before us. Join us next…
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Send us a text Today we continue our sermon series on the book of Joshua, shifting our focus from the nation of Israel to a woman named Rahab. Pete shows us how we can take inspiration from her faith, and be reminded that she, like us, was welcomed into the people of God as a result of her faith, and recognition of his power and lordship over her l…
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Send us a text As we begin the year, we begin a new preaching series, and Pete speaks to us from Joshua 1, stirring us to be strong and courageous as we look forward to 2025! Join us next week at our morning or evening service, 10:30am at UWL or 6:30pm at The Hub. We look forward to seeing you there! Find out more at…
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Send us a text This Sunday, we continue our Advent series as Pete reminds us that our Joy this Christmas is because of who Jesus is and what he has done, not because of trees or presents or family! Join us this coming Sunday for our Christmas family service at UWL at 10:30am, our Evening Service will be back in the New Year. Find out more about our…
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Send us a text Today we begin our Advent series entitled Jesus Is... - looking at four of the defining aspects of Jesus' character as we remember his birth. Greg starts us off by talking about how Jesus represents God's love, in the way he lived, and in the way that he died. Join us next week to discover more of who Jesus is, and come back in the e…
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Send us a text As we begin the month of December, and prepare our hearts for Christmas, Pete finishes our series on Hebrews 11 by reminding us of the countless stories of faith which we can continue to be inspired by. He reminds us that whether we have a faith that leads to triumph, or a faith that guides us through suffering, our faith is in somet…
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Send us a text As we continue with our series on faith in Hebrews 11, Pete tells us the story of Moses, and the steps of faith that defined his life, he asks us the question, what are we willing to turn our back on for the sake of the call of God on our lives? Join us again next week at 10:30am at UWL or at 6:30pm at The Hub to hear the next messag…
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Send us a text This morning we were joined by a guest preacher - Matt Hosier from Gateway Church, Poole. Matt is on the global team for Advance, the family of churches of which we are a part - find out more at This morning he encourages us through Jesus' teaching on the greatest commandment, and how as we live it out we can enj…
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Send us a text This morning Pete speaks to us about the faith of Joseph, and the promises of God that he believed, even if he didn't see them fulfilled in his lifetime. We hope his messages encourages you as you believe the promises of God for your life that you are still praying to see fulfilled. Join us next week as we welcome Guest Speaker Matt …
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Send us a text Apologies, we have had a few technical issues with our preaches over the past couple of weeks, we hope to be back to normal next week. This week's preach has the first minute or so cut off, but the rest of the message is available. We hope you enjoy! ••• Today Ross preaches to us on the life of Abraham from Hebrews 11:8-12 and 17-19,…
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Send us a text Today we began a new preaching series based on Hebrews chapter 11, looking at faith! As we start, Paul introduces us to what faith is, and the changes it should prompt in our lives, beginning by making the decision to follow Jesus with all of ourselves. Join us next week as we continue the series at our morning and evening services -…
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Send us a text As we conclude our series on the 7 signs in the Gospel of John, and celebrate a baptism Sunday! Pete preaches to us on the raising of Lazarus, and Jesus' interactions with Martha, Mary and Lazarus himself, reminding us that Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Join us next week as we begin a new preaching series, at our morning an…
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Send us a text As we continue our preaching series on the Gospel of John, Pete preaches to us on the healing of a blind man, calling us to believe that Jesus can heal our spiritual blindness. We would love you to join us on a Sunday at one of our services, we meet at 10:30am at UWL and at 6:30pm at The Hub. Find out more at…
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Send us a text As we continue our series on the seven signs in the Gospel of John, Greg asks the question - Are you in the boat? Are we willing to sail into the storms of life trusting that God has called us there, and he will guide our steps? Join us next week as we continue this series at our morning service (10:30am - UWL) and our evening servic…
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Send us a text This Sunday we continue our series on Jesus' 7 signs in the Gospel of John. As we learn about the feeding of the five thousand men, Pete stirs us to bring what we have to Jesus, to expect him to us us for his glory, and reminds us that he is the bread of life. Join us as we continue our series next week, and are back to two services …
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Send us a text In the next message as part of our 7 Signs series on the Book of John, Pete shares with us about the healing from the pool, the third sign mentioned in the gospel. He challenges us on whether we miss who Jesus is even when he is standing right in front of us, and asks whether we have got too used to a list of rules about what church …
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Send us a text As we continue our series on the 7 signs in the book of John, Pete shares with us about Jesus being Lord over space, and encourages us that though we may have never met the physical person of Jesus, he can still bring transformation in our lives. Please join us at our services next week as we hear about the third sign in the book of …
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Send us a text As we begin a new series, Pete keeps us up to date on his summer reading list, and introduces us to the mystery of the person of Jesus which unfolds throughout the book of John. Join us for the next 7 weeks as we explore the 7 signs of Jesus in this gospel. Redeemer Church London meets twice on Sundays, at 10:30am at UWL and at 6:30p…
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Send us a text In our final Sunday message as part of our Daniel series, Ross preaches from Daniel 9, reminding us of how we should pray, first focusing on God, secondly recognising our need to repent, and finally throwing ourselves on God's mercy. Join us this Wednesday at The Hub at 8pm for our final summer Bible Study as we look at Daniel 12. We…
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Send us a text This Sunday, Paul shared with us lessons learnt we can learn from the famous Biblical account of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in Daniel 3. Commending us to be those who stand firm in our faith, believing that God will provide, but even if he doesn't, still trusting him. You can join us for the next lesson in our series on Wednesday…
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Send us a text Today we began a new preaching series looking at the book of Daniel, and Pete introduced us to the people of God in exile. During this series we will be preaching on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, with a unique message being shared midweek alongside an opportunity for discussion. To hear these additional messages please join…
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Send us a text This week Pete concludes our 9 month series on 1 Corinthians! If you have missed any of the previous preaches in the series they are available on our website at, or you can find them wherever you get your podcasts. Join us next week at our Morning or Evening service as we begin a new series looking at the boo…
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Send us a text As we continue our series on 1 Corinthians - United for Gospel Advance - Pete reminds us of the privilege it is to be able to give to the work of the church as members of a church family, and commends us to be those who invest time in one another. Join us next week as we conclude the series! Find out more at or joi…
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Send us a text This Sunday was International Sunday at Redeemer, and we celebrated the diversity at Redeemer and the ways that we are connected with the global church. Pete continued our series on 1 Corinthians reminding us of the victory that Jesus has won over death, and how that will be fully realised when our earthly bodies pass away and we exp…
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Send us a text *This week's scripture reading is absent from the recording* Join us in 1 Corinthians 15, as we continue to talk about resurrection, and what it means for us. This Sunday Pete asks us whether we have become too obsessed with the bodies we have now, which will be seeds that are buried, and forgotten about our resurrection bodies, whic…
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Send us a text This Sunday we continued our preaching series in 1 Corinthians - United for Gospel Advance. Pete shared a message with us on the importance of the resurrection of the dead, challenging us on whether we recognise the importance of Jesus resurrection in our daily lives, and whether we are responding to its call to live radically as fol…
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Send us a text Join us as we listen to a message on Romans 6 from guest preacher Terry Virgo. Terry commends us to live our lives not as sinners, but in our true God given identity as saints! Terry has been a spiritual father to us at Redeemer and it was a great blessing to have him join us this week. Join us again next week as we continue our regu…
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Send us a text In the latest in our preaching series on 1 Corinthians, Pete speaks to us of the resurrection of Christ, and how it is the foundation on which our faith is built. You can find out more about us as well as listening to the rest of our series in 1 Corinthians by visiting our website at Join us at a morning or evening…
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Send us a text As we continue our series in 1 Corinthians, Pete encourages us to see The Lord's Supper as a communal dinner. Taking time to linger, rather than just refuel, and to look 6 different directions as we reflect on the meaning of the meal. Join us again next week as we continue this series at both our morning and evening services. 10:30am…
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Send us a text At our evening service, as we take a week's break in our series on 1 Corinthians, Toby preaches to us from Paul's letter to Philemon. He encourages us to pursue unity and reconciliation, reminding us of the reconciliation bought for us by Jesus. You can join us every week at our evening service, at The Hub at 6:30pm. Find out more at…
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Send us a text This Sunday morning we were blessed to be joined by Andrey Bondarenko, a Ukrainian pastor who has seen God move powerfully in his church planting ministry in Ukraine despite the war that wages around them. Based in Bedford, Andrey joined us this week to inspire us through the example of Philip, and the ministry of the scattered belie…
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Send us a text As we continue our preaching series on 1 Corinthians, Ross preaches from a challenging passage, revealing to us the beauty and honour to which we are called as those who submit to Christ, even as we lead those we are called to lead. Join us next week at our morning and evening services, 10:30am at UWL and 6:30pm at The Hub. Find out …
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Send us a text In the next preach in our series on 1 Corinthians, Pete reflects on how we can learn from the Illustration of the exodus in chapter 10, and how it helps us to resist temptation and encourages us to participation in communion together as the people of God. Join us as we continue the series next week and celebrate baptisms at our morni…
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Send us a text As we continue our series in 1 Corinthians, Greg speaks to us about how Paul surrenders his rights as part of his desire to share the gospel with those around him, and challenges us to do the same. God has placed us within the unique environments in which we live, how are we serving them with the truth of the gospel? Join us again ne…
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Send us a text This week at our evening service, Toby shared from 1 Corinthians 9, bringing before us the example of how the gospel can allow us to surrender our entitlement, and empower us to effectively evangelise within the places to which God has called us! Join us next week at our morning and evening services at UWL at 10:30am and The Hub at 6…
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Send us a text In today's message, Pete shares with us how we can navigate the grey areas of what it looks like to follow Jesus, while still following his example. We hope this message challenges you to walk with faith this week. Join us next week as we continue our series in 1 Corinthians at both our morning and evening services, 10:30am at UWL an…
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Send us a text Today, Pete preached to us on 1 Corinthians 7:25-40, reminding us of Paul's primary aim, to encourage us as believers to glorify him and pursue the extension of his kingdom, and unpacking what that means for those who are unmarried. Join us next week as we continue to hear from God's word about how we are united for gospel advance. W…
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Send us a text As we continue our series in 1 Corinthians - United for Gospel Advance - Greg exhorts us that we see our situations and life circumstances as opportunities for the gospel to be preached, to our families, neighbours, work colleagues and to the ends of the earth! Join us next week at our Morning and Evening Congregations, 10:30am at UW…
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Send us a text As we return to our series on 1 Corinthians - United for Gospel Advance - Pete speaks to us from chapter 7, and guides us through Paul's wisdom for both those who are married and those who are single, asking, what is God asking us to pursue? Join us next week at one of our services, we meet at 10:30am at the University of West London…
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Send us a text This morning we reached the culmination of our Easter series as we celebrated Resurrection Sunday! Pete encouraged us and reminded us that He is Risen! Hallelujah! Join us next Sunday as we return to our series on 1 Corinthians - United for Gospel Advance.Pete Cornford による
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Send us a text As we continue our Easter Services, Farayi shares with us on Good Friday. He leads us to a place of reflection on how we can be changed and inspired by the sacrifice of Jesus, to step into areas of commitment within our church family.Farayi Hobwana による
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