Yamajetがアトリエピーチジュニア声優さんを従え好き勝手やっちゃう、 新感覚ポッドキャスト……それが!YAMAJET STREAM!毎回アトリエピーチの声優さんをアシスタントにお迎えして、かなり実験的な内容でお送りしています。
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世界初のバーチャルシンガー・YuNiがパーソナリティを務めるラジオです。「YuNiのオールナイトニッポンi」は月に1回のYouTube生配信と週1回のポッドキャスト配信のハイブリッドプログラムです。YouTubeのYuNi - virtual singer - アカウントも要チェック! メールアドレス:[email protected] YuNi, the world's first virtual singer, is the personality of the radio. YuNi's "All Night Nippon i" is a hybrid program of a monthly live YouTube stream and a weekly podcast, so check YuNi - virtual singer - account on YouTube!
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YuNiのオールナイトニッポンiついに最終回! 3つ挟めば何とかなる!では最後YuNiの逃げ切りとなるか!? YuNi詠みでは自身のあの曲を朗読します! YuNi's All Night Nippon i Finally the last episode! Three in a row, I can handle it! We'll see if YuNi can get away with it at the end! In this episode, YuNi recites a song of her own! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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クイズ!ASMR!ではこの時期ならではのあの食べ物をASMRします! エアASMRでは意外なお題にYuNiもスタッフも困惑? In the "Quiz! ASMR!" section, we'll be ASMR-ing some foods that are unique to this time of year! In the Air ASMR, YuNi and the staff were puzzled by the unexpected subject. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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クイズひとりに聞きましたではお二人のことがどれだけ理解できたかが試されます! 生配信、収録版とやっていっている中でまさかの微妙な空気に…? In the quiz Hitori ni kikatta, we will test how well we understand the two of you! As we went through the live streaming and recorded versions, there was an unexpectedly delicate atmosphere...? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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今週はゲストにお笑い芸人の蛙亭のおふたりが来てくれています! 2人のお悩みを解決しつつジングル作りにも挑戦します! This week, we have two comedians, Frogmen, as our guests! We'll be solving their problems and trying to make jingles! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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YuNiコーナー中にまさかのやらかし!? YuNi詠みでは阿部真央さんの楽曲を朗読します! During the YuNi corner, there was a surprise! The YuNi poem is a reading of a song by Mao Abe! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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先週に引き続きエアASMR! 今週もめちゃくちゃなお題にYuNiもスタッフも困惑?! It's Air ASMR again, just like last week! This week, YuNi and the staff were baffled by the crazy questions! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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先週に引き続き26時のマスカレイドから江嶋綾恵梨さんが登場! まさかの江嶋さんからのリクエストによりエアASMRおかわり?! Continuing from last week, Ayeri Ejima from 26:00 Masquerade is here! I'm not sure if it was a request from Ejima-san, but she asked for more air ASMR! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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今週はゲストで26時のマスカレイドから江嶋綾恵梨さんが登場! 江嶋さんのお悩みに応えつつジングル作りに挑戦します! This week, we have a guest appearance by Ayeri Ejima from 26:00 Masquerade! We try to make a jingle while answering Ejima-san's questions! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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生配信版でもお馴染みになったこのコーナー! 安定の理不尽なお題にYuNiではなくスタッフの方が逆切れ?! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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先週に引き続きゲストで、ももいろクローバーZ から高城れにさんが登場! 2人でジングル作りに挑戦しつつ、高城れにさんのことをどれだけYuNiが理解したかが試されます! Continuing from last week, Momoiro Clover Z's Reni Takagi appeared as a guest! The two of them tried their hand at making jingles together. The two of them will try to make a jingle together, and YuNi will be tested to see how much she understands about Reni Takagi!…
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今週はゲストでももいろクローバーZ から高城れにさんが登場! 何かと共通点の多い2人、OPトークで大盛り上がり!? This week's guest is Reni Takagi from Momoiro Clover Z! The two have a lot in common, and they have a lot of fun talking about OP! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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YuNiが得意とするこのコーナー! 今回も一瞬で解決!? YuNi詠みでは DECO*27さんの楽曲を朗読します! This corner is YuNi's specialty! This time, it's another instant solution! YuNi will be reciting DECO*27's music! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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生配信版でもお馴染みとなったこのコーナー! YuNiの表現力が試されます! This corner has become a familiar one in the live streaming version! YuNi's powers of expression will be put to the test! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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久々のYuNiポン!シーズン2 ハードモード! 普段生配信ではゲストとばかりやっているYuNiの感覚は衰えていないのか試されます! Long time no see, YuNi Pong! Season 2 Hard Mode! We're going to test if YuNi's senses haven't waned since she's usually only playing with guests on live streams! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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クイズ!ひとりに聴きました!では富士葵さんの天然が炸裂!? YuNiもスタッフも富士葵ワールドに困惑! Quiz! I listened to Hitori! Fuji-Aoi-san's naturalness explodes in the YuNi and the staff were baffled by the world of FujiAoi! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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生配信版に引き続きゲストに富士葵さんが登場! ゲストのお悩みに応えつつ、ジングル作りにも挑戦します! As in the live broadcast version, Aoi Fuji appeared as a guest! She will be answering the guests' questions and challenging them to make a jingle! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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3つ挟めばなんとかなるではYuNiのスピード解決にスタッフも困惑!? どうにか陥れたいスタッフとYuNiの攻防戦が繰り広げられます! The staff is baffled by YuNi's speedy solution. It's a battle of attrition between the staff and YuNi! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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クイズ!ASMR!問題の出題前にまさかのトラブル発生!? 慌てているYuNiをお楽しみください! Quiz! ASMR! There was a problem before the question was even submitted! Please enjoy the panicked YuNi! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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先週に引き続きゲストにはjon-YAKITORYさんが登場! クイズ!ひとりに聴きました!では生配信と収録を経てどれだけYuNiがゲストについて理解できているかが試されます! Continuing from last week, our guest is jon-YAKITORY! Quiz! I listened to one of you! In this episode, we'll test how much YuNi understands about our guest through live streaming and recording! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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ゲストのお悩みにを解決しつつ2人でジングル作りに挑戦します! The two of them will try to make a jingle together while solving the guests' problems! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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最近連勝続きのYuNiに対しついにスタッフの勝利?! そう思ったのも束の間、2問目ですぐにやり返されます… YuNi詠みでは自身で作詞したあの曲を朗読します! YuNi has been on a winning streak lately, and now the staff is finally winning! It was only a matter of time before the second question was answered... In the YuNi poetry contest, YuNi will be reciting a song she wrote herself! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy in…
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クイズ!ASMR!では夏といえばあの味!YuNiに馴染み深い味のお菓子と、 誰もが食べたことのあるお菓子にYuNiが初挑戦!? Summer is all about the taste of sweets, and YuNi is no exception! This is YuNi's first time to try her hand at sweets that everyone has eaten before! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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クイズ!ひとりに聞きました!ではYuNiがどれだけ二人のことを理解しているか、そしてZOCのお二人のメンバー愛が試されます! Quiz! I asked one of you! will test how well YuNi understands them, and how much the two ZOC members love each other! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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生配信に引き続きZOCから西井万理那さんと巫まろさんが登場! 二人のお悩みを解決しつつジングル作りにも挑戦します! Following the live broadcast, Marina Nishii and Maro Wako from ZOC appeared on stage! We'll be solving their problems and challenging them to make a jingle! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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まさかのYuNi過去最速でのスピードクリア!? 悔しがるスタッフを煽るものの… No way, this is the fastest speed clear in YuNi's history! The frustrated staff members are agitated, but... See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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今回のクイズ!ASMR!ではYuNiにちなんだお菓子を作家が持ってくるが、なかなか理解されずスタッフとYuNiの間にビッミョ〜な空気が流れます! In this quiz, the artist brings a snack named after YuNi, but it's hard for the staff and YuNi to understand each other. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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久々のYuNiポン!ハードモード!YuNiはさらにクセの強いお題をクリアすることができるのか!? It's been a while since YuNi Pong! Hard mode! Can YuNi clear the more peculiar challenges? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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先週に引き続き、ゲストでCUBERSから末吉9太郎さんと春斗さんが登場! YuNiがお二人のことをどれだけ理解できているかが試されます! エアYuNiポンでは3分間に時間を延長してきちんと時間通りに話をまとめられるか、乞うご期待! Continuing from last week, we have guest appearances by 9Taro Sueyoshi and Haruto from CUBERS! It's a test to see how well YuNi understands the two of you! In Air YuNi Pong, the time is extended to three minutes to see if YuNi can wra…
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記念すべき配信版YuNiのオールナイトニッポンi第100回目は ゲストでCUBERSから末吉9太郎さんと春斗が登場! お二人の悩みを解決しつつジングル作りにも挑戦します! For the 100th edition of YuNi's All Night Nippon i, we've got a special guest appearance from CUBERS! In the 100th episode of YuNi's All Night Nippon i, 9taro Sueyoshi and Haruto from CUBERS appear as guests! We'll be solving their problems and challenging them to…
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今回の3つ挟めばなんとかなるでは制限時間ギリギリでまさかのYuNiのファインプレー!! YuNi詠みではちゃんみなさんの楽曲をYuNi詠みします! This time, YuNi made a fine play just before the time limit in the "If you put three things in between, you can manage it" section! In the YuNi poetry contest, YuNi poems your songs! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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クイズ!ASMR!では大人気アニメのあの食べ物を食べます! エアASMRではまさかのお題にYuNiもスタッフも困惑!? In "Quiz! ASMR!", we're going to eat that food from a very popular anime! In Air ASMR, YuNi and the staff were bewildered by an unexpected subject! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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恒例のクイズ!ひとりに聞きました!ではゆよゆっぺさんのまさかの回答にYuNi苦戦!? エアYuNiポンではあの大人気アニメのお話を二分間でします! Our regular quiz! I asked one person! YuNi struggled with YuYuppe's unexpected answer! In Air YuNi Pong, we'll be talking about that popular anime for two minutes! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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生配信版でもゲストで来ていただいたゆよゆっぺさんがゲストで登場! ゆよゆっぺさんの悩みにYuNiがまさかの返答!? ジングル作りにも挑戦します! Yuyoyuppe-san, who was also a guest in the live streaming version of the show, makes a guest appearance! YuNi's answer to Yuyuyuppe's problems! We'll also try our hand at making a jingle! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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得意だと豪語しているYuNiに難問が登場! 無事にクリアすることができるのか? YuNi詠みではゲストで来ていただいたコレサワさんの楽曲をYuNi詠みします! YuNi, who claims to be good at it, has a difficult problem! Will she be able to complete it? In the YuNi Chanting section, YuNi will be chanting a song by guest artist Koresawa. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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今週は皆さん懐かしのあのお菓子をASMRで食べます! YuNiは初めて食べるらしく楽しそうに作っているところもお楽しみください! This week, we'll be eating some of your favorite snacks in ASMR! It's YuNi's first time eating them, and she seems to be enjoying making them! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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先週に引続きコレサワさんと一緒にお送りしています! クイズひとりに聞きましたではコレサワさんが好きなあの大人気漫画をYuNiは当てることができるのか!? We're back with another installment of the same show as last week, this time with Koresawa-san! In the quiz Hitori ni kikita, can YuNi guess which popular manga is Koresawa's favorite? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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生配信から引き続きコレサワさんがゲストで登場! コレサワさんの悩みを解決しつつジングル作りにも挑戦します! Koresawa continues to appear as a guest on the live broadcast! We'll try to make a jingle while solving his problems! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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制限時間を1分にしてから露骨に苦戦をしているYuNiは今回も無事にクリアすることができるのか? YuNi詠みでは「愛は勝つ」を朗読します! Will YuNi, who has been blatantly struggling since the time limit was set to one minute, be able to complete it successfully this time? YuNi will be reciting the poem, "Love Wins! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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クイズ!ASMR!では、2月の生配信のゲストだったあーりんの所属しているももいろクローバーZに因んであの都道府県の食べ物でASMRをやっちゃいます! 何かわかった人はぜひその場所まで行ってYuNiと一緒に食べている気分を味わってみてください! We're going to do an ASMR quiz on the foods of the prefectures in Japan, in honor of Momoiro Clover Z, the group to which Arin was a guest in February's live broadcast! If you know what it is, please go to the place and try to f…
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2月の収録の際にmisonoさんから「YuNiを甘やかしすぎている!」と指摘を受けたスタッフ。 今回は心を鬼にして判定もハードモードに! During the recording in February, misono pointed out to the staff, "You're spoiling YuNi too much! This time, the judging mode was hard! This time, we've decided to go hard on the judging! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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今週もゲストはももいろクローバーZ からあーりんこと佐々木彩夏さんが登場! クイズひとりに聞きましたとエアYuNiポンで遊びます! This week's guest is Ayaka Sasaki aka Arin from Momoiro Clover Z! We'll be playing Quiz Hitori ni Kikimashita and Air YuNi Pong! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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今週のゲストはももいろクローバーZ からあーりんこと佐々木彩夏さんが登場! ゲストの悩みを解決した後に一緒にジングル作りに挑戦します! ジングル作りの最中にニッポン放送の”あの人”がスタジオに乱入!? This week's guest is Ayaka Sasaki aka Arin from Momoiro Clover Z! After solving the guests' problems, they will try to make a jingle together! In the middle of making a jingle, "You-Know-Who" from Nippon Broadcasting System breaks into the studio! S…
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YuNiが得意と豪語する3つ挟めばなんとかなる、スタッフからの文句を受け制限時間を設けられたYuNiは無事にクリアすることができるのか! YuNi詠みではバッドエンドが好きなYuNiが選ぶあの曲をYuNi詠みします! YuNi has been given a time limit by the staff to complete the game, but will she be able to do it? In the YuNi Chanting section, YuNi will be chanting the song that YuNi chooses because she loves bad endings! See omnystudio.com/listener for …
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生配信版でもお馴染みのコーナーになりつつあるエアASMR! 今回はどんな無茶なお題が出て、それにスタッフは無事答えることができるのか? Air ASMR is becoming a familiar corner in the live broadcast version! What kind of outrageous questions will be asked this time, and will the staff be able to answer them successfully? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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クイズ!ひとりに聞きました!では姉御と敬愛しているmisonoさんのことをYuNiがどれだけ理解しているかが試されます! Quiz! I asked one person! will test how much YuNi understands about her sister and admirer, misono! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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生配信ではお悩み相談で全然解決できていないと指摘を受けたYuNiは姉御と尊敬しているmisonoさんのお悩みを解決できるのか?! In the live broadcast, YuNi was pointed out that she hasn't been able to solve any of her problems, so will she be able to solve the problems of misono, whom she respects as her sister? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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毎度文句をつけてくるスタッフに向けてYuNiからの挑戦状! YuNiの引いたお題をスタッフはクリアすることができるのか!? A letter of challenge from YuNi to the staff who complain about it every time! Will the staff be able to meet YuNi's challenge? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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今までのクイズASMRの中でもかなりの難問が登場! リスナーの皆さんはよ〜〜〜く耳を澄まして聞いてみてください! This quiz is one of the most difficult ASMR quizzes to date! Listeners, please listen very carefully! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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久しぶりのYuNiポン!ハードモード! 最近YuNiポンのことを余裕と豪語するYuNiは簡単にクリアすることができるのか!? Long time no see, YuNi Pong! Hard mode! Can YuNi, who's been calling YuNi Pong "roomy" lately, clear it with ease? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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相沢梨紗さんと成瀬瑛美がゲストで登場! お二人の悩みを解決しつつジングル作りに挑戦します! Risa Aizawa and Emi Naruse appear as guests! We will try to make a jingle while solving their problems! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.ニッポン放送 による
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