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Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and Japanese-speaking Australians. - 世界やオーストラリアのニュース、インタビュー、特集、そしてコミュニティーの話題などを、SBSの日本語放送でお聴きいただけます。
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Radio Tonight


Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it. But one of the MCs is in Adelaide and warmly looking forward to some feedback from each of you about language, military affairs, japanese history, aviation,etc こんにちは! ラジオが大好きな2人の大学生が世界や日本のニュース、近況から、海外生活での発見、新しい"トレンド"や、バカバカしいエロトークもはさみつつ「Radio Tonight」をやっていきたいと思います。グダグダですが、日本とオーストラリアを繋ぐ架け橋となるような番組を目指していきます。 E- ...
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show series
Yoshiko Ito's journey into pet rescue began when she saved a kitten trapped in the double walls of a building. This act of compassion sparked her dedication to volunteering and helping animals in need. This story was first published in June 2021. - シドニーに住む伊藤佳子さんは、近所の野良猫を救助したことをきっかけに、ペットレスキューのボランティアをはじめました。2021年6月放送。…
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The Australian government has a social security system that provides a range of income support to those who are eligible . In fact, most people will receive a government payment at some stage in their lives. Strict rules determine who can receive these payments and how much they are paid. In this episode of Australia Explained we break down some of…
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In episode 516 of Music File, Naomune Anzai introduces, independent artist ENOLA, hailing from Melbourne and now based in London, UK. This story was first published on June 2024. - サウンドエンジニアの安齋直宗さんが担当する『Music File』。マルディグラ・パレードが開催される今週は、自身がクィアであることを公表している、エノーラが登場しました。こちらは2024年8月に放送されました。
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The countdown is on—just 365 days remain until the AFC Women's Asian Cup Australia 2026. Host cities Sydney, Gold Coast, and Perth marked the occasion with simultaneous 'One Year to Go' celebrations." - オーストラリアが開催するAFC女子アジアカップまで1年。ホストシティとなるシドニー、ゴールドコースト、パースで式典が開催されました。
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The Prime Minister says the federal government is going through the budget "line by line" to find a way to fund its Medicare pledge. Forecasters monitor a cyclone off the Queensland coast, after it was downgraded overnight. - 総選挙が迫る中、数十億ドル規模のメディケア公約の財源をめぐる議論が続いています。気象局はクイーンズランド州沿岸沖のサイクロンの動きを引き続き監視しています。1週間を振り返るニュースラップです。1週間を振り返るニュースラップです。…
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A Melbourne-based cooking instructor and seasoned camper shares tips for enjoying camp nights. Listen to Mayu's episode. - メルボルンの料理講師で、ベテランキャンパーの都丸真由さんが、キャンプでの夜の楽しみ方を伝授!快適な寝床作りや夜道の散歩、焚火デザートタイムなど、お話しいただきました。
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Ukraine's President is preparing to meet with Donald Trump over a proposed minerals deal. Forecasters monitor a cyclone off the Queensland coast, after it was downgraded overnight. - ウクライナのゼレンスキー大統領が、ウクライナの鉱物資源の共同開発をめぐり、トランプ大統領と協議する見込みです。気象局はクイーンズランド州沿岸沖のサイクロンの動きを引き続き監視しています。1週間を振り返るニュースラップです。
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This year, Yuuki will be participating in the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade for the first time, openly sharing his identity as a transgender person. He will be joining the parade as a member of Gender Free Japanese. - 今年、シドニー・ゲイ・アンド・レズビアン・マルディグラのパレードに初参加するゆうきさん。自身がトランスジェンダーであることをオープンに発信しています。ゆうきさんは、Gender Free Japaneseのメンバーとして参加します。…
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From twinkling lanterns to crescent moons, Ramadan decorations are transforming shops and homes across Australia. - 灯籠から揺らめく灯火…三日月のモチーフ…。 ムスリムの人々にとって神聖な月である「ラマダン」の季節がやってきました。
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Nearly 9,000 new homes have been fast-tracked through the approvals process in New South Wales, to address an urgent lack of housing supply. Police are asking the public to avoid part of the Gold Coast's Main Beach, after a suspicious device washed ashore. Listen to the News from today's live program (1-2pm). - ニューサウスウェールズ州とビクトリア州それぞれの政府による住宅建設支援策の…
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VIVA! Opera is a music content broadcast on the 4th and 5th Thursday each month. In the 73rd episode, Ms Ohtake picks 'Hello, hello' from The Telephone composed by G. Menotti. - オペラは壮大で豪華な作品ばかり!?登場人物がたった2人のオペラもあります。メノッティ作曲の「電話」より、とても愉快なアリア「もしもし ああ、マーガレット!」を選びました。
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Treasurer Jim Chalmers has met with US Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent in Washington DC in a bid to secure tariff exemptions. Nine people are dead after a record outbreak of a disease linked with heavy rain in far north Queensland. - チャーマーズ財務相は関税免除への合意に漕ぎ着けるため、ベッセント米財務長官と会談を行いました。QLD州北部では、豪雨に起因すると観られる感染症「メリオイドーシス」により9人が死亡しました。…
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From "Communist Kamala" to Bollywood endorsements, artificial intelligence and disinformation played a big role in some of the biggest democratic elections last year. - 「共産主義者のカマラ」からボリウッドスターまで――。民主主義大国で昨年実施された選挙では、人工知能(AI)や偽情報(ディスインフォメーション)が大きな影響力を持ちました。
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Vandals have tried to decapitate a statue of Captain Cook and sprayed graffiti on a historic cottage in Melbourne's Fitzroy Gardens. Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan labelled the attack "senseless vandalism," stating it "has no place" in society. - メルボルンのキャプテンクックの生家が、今日未明、何者かによって落書きされる事件が発生しました。同じ庭園内にあるキャプテンクックの銅像には頭部を切り落とそうとした形跡が見つかっています。…
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Questions continue over funding for a multi-billion dollar Medicare pledge. Captain Cook statue vandalised in Fitzroy Gardens, East Melbourne. Listen to the news from today's live program (1-2pm). - 総選挙が迫る中、数十億ドル規模のメディケア公約の財源をめぐる議論が続いています。メルボルンのランドマークである、キャプテン・クックのコッテージが、今日未明、何者かによって落書きされる事件が発生しました。午後1時から放送されたラジオ番組のニュース部分をお届けします。2025年2月25日放送。…
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こんにちは!MC TOMです! Radio Tonight-022でお伝えした通り、MC総選挙の政見放送です!本放送でもお聞きいただけますが、こちら増刊号でもお届けします! さぁ、誰がイケボだ!  Twitterからご投票いただけます! 清き一票をお待ちしております! Twitter:@tomrikuradio (
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こんにちは!MC TAROです! Radio Tonight-022でお伝えした通り、MC総選挙の政見放送です!本放送でもお聞きいただけますが、こちら増刊号でもお届けします! さぁ、誰がイケボだ!  Twitterからご投票いただけます! 清き一票をお待ちしております! Twitter:@tomrikuradio (
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こんにちは!MC RIKUです! Radio Tonight-022でお伝えした通り、MC総選挙の政見放送です!本放送でもお聞きいただけますが、こちら増刊号でもお届けします! さぁ、誰がイケボだ!  Twitterからご投票いただけます! 清き一票をお待ちしております! Twitter:@tomrikuradio (
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is Japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it,but one of the MCs is in Adelaide. We are warmly looking forward to hearing some feedback from you about languages, military affairs, Japanese history, aviation, se…
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is Japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it,but one of the MCs is in Adelaide. We are warmly looking forward to hearing some feedback from you about languages, military affairs, Japanese history, aviation, se…
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is Japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it,but one of the MCs is in Adelaide. We are warmly looking forward to hearing some feedback from you about languages, military affairs, Japanese history, aviation, se…
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is Japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it,but one of the MCs is in Adelaide. We are warmly looking forward to hearing some feedback from you about languages, military affairs, Japanese history, aviation, se…
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is Japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it,but one of the MCs is in Adelaide. We are warmly looking forward to hearing some feedback from you about languages, military affairs, Japanese history, aviation, se…
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it. But one of the MCs is in Adelaide and warmly looking forward to some feedback from each of you about language, military affairs, japanese history, aviation,etc.こんに…
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it. But one of the MCs is in Adelaide and warmly looking forward to some feedback from each of you about language, military affairs, japanese history, aviation,etc.こんに…
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it. But one of the MCs is in Adelaide and warmly looking forward to some feedback from each of you about language, military affairs, japanese history, aviation,etc.こんに…
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it. But one of the MCs is in Adelaide and warmly looking forward to some feedback from each of you about language, military affairs, japanese history, aviation,etc. こん…
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Let's start the show! 2 high school students having a chinwag!! Im sorry, the show is spoken in Japanese! but one of the two is in Sydney and welcome some feedback from rest of the world!! こんにちは! ラジオが大好きな高校生が世界のニュース、日本のニュース、たまにはバカバカしいエロトークもはさみつつ、「Radio Tonight」をやっていきたいと思います。 E-mail:[email protected]
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