"Speaking of Psychology" is an audio podcast series highlighting some of the latest, most important and relevant psychological research being conducted today. Produced by the American Psychological Association, these podcasts will help listeners apply the science of psychology to their everyday lives.
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Psychologia. Terapia. Zdrowie psychiczne. Dbanie o siebie. Monika Kotlarek - psycholog, terapeutka, autorka książek. Dzielę się wiedzą i doświadczeniem. Psychoedukuję. Łamię tabu. Walczę ze stygmatyzacją.
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Vous vous posez des questions sur la psychologie et le bien-être ? Découvrez le podcast de Psychologue.net, le portail leader en psychologie qui vous permet de vous sentir mieux quand vous en avez besoin. Retrouvez Psychologue.net sur internet et les réseaux : 👍Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/psychologuenet/ 👍Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/psychologuenet 👍Notre site : https://www.psychologue.net/ 🔎Pour lire nos articles : https://www.psychologue.net/articles ❓Pour poser vos questio ...
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Bold Unedited Discussions on Psychology, Philosophy, Therapy, and Change. Entertaining and informative talks explore psychology and philosophy with a variety of guests including authors, doctors, healers, professors, therapists, scientists and more. We delve into everything from modern therapeutic techniques to ancient wisdom practices, offering practical and unique approaches to living a vibrant life. Host Paul Krauss, MA LPC, draws on his unique background – from a rural motel childhood to ...
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Ask Dr. Carlos Psychology tidbits is a 60-90 second discussion about psychological concepts and the latest research on human behavior
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Was ist da manchmal los in unserem Kopf? Verhaltenstherapeutin Maren Wiechers und Host Verena "Fiebi" Fiebiger gehen dieser Frage jede Woche auf den Grund. Mit Empathie und Sachverstand sprechen sie über die großen und kleinen Themen der Psychologie, die uns umtreiben: Was macht der Alltagsstress in der Rushhour des Lebens mit uns? Wie ist das mit unserer Persönlichkeit: Bleiben wir ein Leben lang gleich? Wie sehr prägen unsere Eltern uns – und wir damit wiederum unsere Kinder? Welche Werte ...
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In each episode, we talk with inspiring scientists, thinkers, and other self-actualized individuals who will give you a greater understanding of yourself, others, and the world we live in. Scott Barry Kaufman explores the depths of human potential and tries to get a glimpse into human possibility in every episode.
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A psychology podcast that is both educational and entertaining.
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Renée Zavislak, a licensed psychotherapist, counsels callers, teaches holistic wellness principles, and talks a lot of shit
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Wszystko, co chcesz wiedzieć o psychologii, rozwoju, radzeniu sobie z wypaleniem i spokoju w życiu.
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We are five experts in psychology, bringing you science-backed ideas that can help you flourish in your work, relationships, and health.
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Psychologen beim Frühstück belauschen, wie sie über die Themen reden, die sie gerade beschäftigen: Von der "Psychologie des Lügens", über "Energievampire" und das Streitthema "Ordnung" bis hin zur "Macht des Vergebens". Immer persönlich, immer menschlich aber mit psychologischen Erklärungsversuchen, warum wir uns wie verhalten. Unsere Zuhörer lieben es, mit uns auf den Ohren zusammen zu frühstücken: "Danke für die Sendung ! Ich habe ein neues Hobby am Sonntagmorgen: Bügeln und Eure Sendung h ...
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Dr. Carlos is an adjunct Professor in Forensic Psychology and Criminal psychopathology. He discusses concepts in the world of forensic psychology. He discusses legal issues pertaining to forensic psychology, psychology disorders, the criminal justice system and more
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Jeder Mensch ‚tickt‘ anders - doch warum? Psychologie hilft, unsere Wahrnehmung zu schärfen und sich und andere besser zu verstehen. Ihr wollt erfahren, weshalb Dankbarkeit befreiend wirken kann, Neid uns einengt, was unsere Partnerwahl über uns aussagt,
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Psycholog, Dietetyk, Psycholog odchudzania
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Pigułka wiedzy psychologicznej do wykorzystania w życiu Psychologia do kawy to podcast prowadzony przez psycholożkę Natalię Sadownik. Znajdziesz w nim treści o emocjach, komunikacji i ogólnie pojętej psychologii, przedstawione w przystępny sposób, tak, żeby można było zabrać dla siebie jak najwiecej cennych wskazówek. Psychologia jest ciekawa i użyteczna, przekonaj się 💜 Instagram: @psychologiadokawy
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Les psychologues canadiens Yves Dalpé et Johanne Côté, associés et mariés, offrent un podcast permettant aux auditeurs d'être à la fine pointe des connaissances en psychologie et en communication interpersonnelle.
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Weekly discussions and perspectives on all aspects of psychology, neuropsychology, psychopharmacology, and mental health topics. Psychoeducation, information, misinformation, controversy, and passion about an incredibly relevant and misunderstood medical field.
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Interviews with Psychologists about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/psychology
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Waarom leerde niemand je ooit hoe je moet omgaan met stress, hoe je een vriend kunt troosten, of hoe je stopt met het continu checken van je Instagram? De Podcast Psycholoog bespreekt elke aflevering een belangrijk psychologisch thema en geeft tips die je meteen kunt toepassen in je dagelijks leven. In de serie Hoofdverhalen gaat Marissa in gesprek met mensen die een fikse tegenslag voor hun kiezen kregen die hun leven (tijdelijk) op z’n kop zette. In elke aflevering blikken zij terug op hun ...
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Arab-American Psycho is an unfiltered podcast from Palestinian-American personality, Noor Elkhaldi. Noor never holds back as she discusses identity, relationships, and all sorts of interesting shit with cool guests. New episodes on Sunday.
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The Psychosemantic Podcast: Join host Daeron and a revolving door of guests in discussing politics, movies, and political movies.
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Zapraszam Cię w Mistrzowską Drogę. Nazywam się Mateusz Brela i jestem, psychologiem oraz sportowcem z ponad 20-letnim doświadczeniem gry w piłkę nożną. Jeśli jesteś sportowcem, trenerem, rodzicem lub chcesz zgłębiać tajniki ludzkiego umysłu, to zapraszam do słuchania mojego podcastu.
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The Testing Psychologist Podcast
Dr. Jeremy Sharp: Licensed Psychologist & Private Practice Consultant
Helping psychologists, neuropsychologists, and mental health professionals start, grow, and scale psychological testing services in private practice.
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Listen to full Psychostick concerts, podcasts and fart noises though the power of internet technology.
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Podcast o tym, jak wykorzystać odkrycia psychologii w swoim codziennym życiu, zarówno osobistym jak i zawodowym. Będziemy koncentrowali się przede wszystkim na praktycznych aspektach psychologii, ale nie zabraknie też ciekawostek oraz odpowiedzi na wasze pytania.
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The Psychedelic Psychologist is a conversational-style podcast hosted by Dr. Ryan Westrum with clients and guests who use talk therapy to integrate Psychedelic experiences for healing and personal transformation. Tune in to hear people’s experiences, breakthroughs and stories of healing addiction, depression, and trauma through Psychedelics. Dr. Ryan Westrum gracefully and empathetically narrates real therapy sessions with people in their most vulnerable and transformational moments.
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Seeking a healthier emotional life? It’s time to bring a trained psychologist and mental health expert along for the ride. Dr. Monica Johnson explains the why behind complex emotions, helps you form better relationships, and guides you down the path of self-understanding.
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This is NOT a professional therapy podcast. This is simply the view of the world through the lens of someone who happens to be a clinical psychologist. It is not polite, it is definitely not professional, but it IS real.
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Maggie Lawson and Timothy Omundson (aka Lassiter and Jules) are back at it again hosting the official Psych re-watch podcast. Each week they'll talk about your favorite episodes, share behind-the-scene stories, incredible memories, and have drop-in visits from their best friends and fellow cast-mates.
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Wie kann Psychologie im Alltag helfen? Das erfahren Sie im IAP Podcast «Psychologie konkret». Im Podcast spricht Ellen Gundrum mit Expertinnen und Experten über Methoden und Modelle der Psychologie und wie sie im Arbeits- und Lebensalltag nutzbar sind. Der IAP Podcast «Psychologie konkret» erscheint jeden Monat. Das IAP Institut für Angewandte Psychologie ist ein Hochschulinstitut der ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
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The Sex and Psychology Podcast is the sex ed you never got in school—and won’t find anywhere else. Kinsey Institute researcher Dr. Justin Lehmiller takes you on a journey through the psychology of sex and relationships, offering practical tips along the way that can help you take your intimate life to the next level. Learn more on Dr. Lehmiller’s blog at sexandpsychology.com
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Verband Freier Psychotherapeuten, Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie und Psychologischer Berater e.V.
PSYCHO, LOGISCH! Der Podcast des Verbandes Freier Psychotherapeuten, Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie und Psychologischer Berater. In unseren Folgen erwarten Sie spannende Interviews, Fachgespräche und jede Menge Wissen rund um Psychologie und Psychotherapie. Mit dem 14-tägigen Rhythmus der Veröffentlichung neuer Ausgaben haben wir die Möglichkeit, auf brandaktuelle Themen einzugehen. Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiche VFP-Mitglieder und Gäste, die ihr Wissen mit uns teilen. Jetzt reinhören!
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Nazywam się Karolina Koziara, jestem doktorem psychologii, specjalistą seksuologii. Pracuję jako adiunkt w Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego oraz doradca okołotestowy HIV/AIDS. W tym podcaście staram się tłumaczyć zjawiska psychologiczne w przystępny i prosty sposób. Moją misją jest wyprowadzenie nauki poza mury uniwersytetu, a przy okazji rozbrojenie mitów jakie narosły wokół eksperymentów i zjawisk psychologicznych. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/ ...
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This is a podcast about deciphering human behavior and understanding why people do the things they do. I, Zach Elwood, talk with people from a wide range of fields about how they make sense of human behavior and psychology. I've talked to jury consultants, interrogation professionals, behavior researchers, sports analysts, professional poker players, to name a few. There are more than 135 episodes, many of them quite good (although some say I'm biased). To learn more, go to PeopleWhoReadPeop ...
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A podcast with my three ways of life:Clinical PsychologyAyurvedaYoga
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An L.A. based podcast brought to you by two forensic psychologists who dissect the intersections where true crime, forensic psychology, and entertainment meet. "True Crime, Psychology, and Snark: Trust Us. We're Doctors." All of our episode resources can be found on our website: www.la-not-so-confidential.com and be sure to follow along on Instagram: @lanotsopodcast, TikTok: @lanotsoconfidential & X: @lanotsopod
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A podcast that explains how everything is psychology. Even your 20s. Hosted by Jemma Sbeg, each Tuesday and Friday we deep dive into the science and psychology behind a topic, concept or universal experience that defines our 20s - from dating, to mental health, career anxiety, friendship, finances and all the growing pains associated with this decade. Listen now. For business enquires please email [email protected] New merchandise here: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopif ...
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This is a podcast about advices, each episode is dedicated to a specific topic. We cover everything we go through be it work, relationships, friendship and just life in general. Join the conversation and let's make magic
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Find us on Youtube: https://youtube.com/@saurabhgandhii/ Our Courses: https://www.gandhiuniversity.com/
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Jestem praktykiem. Matką czwórki dzieci, pracuję na co dzień z młodzieżą, rodzicami, nauczycielami. Moim celem jest wzmacnianie rodziców, by byli dla swych dzieci autentycznymi i kochającymi przewodnikami.
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Welcome to The Psychology World Podcast with me, Connor Whiteley GMBPsS, psychology graduate and bestselling author. What you'll get by subscribing to this podcast is access to engaging and free psychological knowledge covering a wide range of areas and psychology news to help you deepen your understanding of psychology beyond textbooks and the lecture theatre. Hosted by me... Connor Whiteley, a psychology graduate currently studying a Clinical Psychology MSc and the internationally bestsell ...
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When Renée asked Torie what she does for work, Torie responded, "Ugh. You're going to hate this. I'm a lawyer." This was only one of many times that Torie made Renée laugh out loud. Hilarious and whip-smart, Torie grew up in an "enmeshed" family that survived both her mother's brain tumors and her father's catastrophic car accident. She navigated s…
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À travers l’Occident l’engagement amoureux n’est plus le même. Les gens se marient peu et changent d’amoureux au cours de leur vie, qu’ils aient des enfants ou non. Il y a un lien avec la possibilité de vivre des amours romantiques, ce qui est relativement nouveau dans l’histoire. Extrait du livre intitulé « L’Infidélité n’est pas banale » par Yves…
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In dieser Folge von PSYCHO, LOGISCH! spricht Thomas Schnura mit André Yassa, Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie mit Schwerpunkt auf Burnout. Gemeinsam erörtern sie die Unterschiede zwischen Burnout und Depression sowie die gesellschaftlichen und persönlichen Faktoren, die Burnout begünstigen. André Yassa teilt dabei wertvolle Einblicke in präventive …
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It's 2025, the AAP hiatus is over, and I'm MARRIED!!! It only made sense to release a solo episode so you're caught up on where the fuck I've been these past few months, and wtf I've been up to. Enjoy psychos!instagram.com/nooreinstagram.com/arabamericanpsycho Listen to exclusive solo episodes of AAPwww.patreon.com/arabamericanpsycho…
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Its a new year! Hey Psycho fam, join me and my very first guest Ntandoyenkosi as we dive right in the world of love, dating and ofcourse Tinder.
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Dr Kirk Honda answers patron and member questions. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/KIRK to get 10% off your first month. 00:00 Dreams about PiS 09:04 Dr. Kirk's dyslexia journey 27:01 Strategically reading for graduate school 38:49 Seattle Freeze & generalizations 59:54 Understanding paranoid per…
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How to be empowered in 2025: Overcoming triggers and trauma
16:08Feeling emotionally drained by the news or social media? Monica explores vicarious trauma and shares the E.M.P.O.W.E.R. method, practical steps to set boundaries, manage triggers, and build emotional resilience in 2025. Savvy Psychologist is hosted by Dr. Monica Johnson. A transcript is available at Simplecast. Have a mental health question? Email …
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It's our 200th episode and we are doing it LIVE! Please enjoy this look back, with special guest friends and fan-favorite moments. Tim Pilleri: https://www.youtube.com/@CrawlSpace Rebekah Sebastian: https://www.rebekahsebastian.com/ John Lordan: https://www.youtube.com/@LordanARTS Hollywierd Paranormal: https://hollyweirdparanormal.blubrry.... If y…
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Hila Yahalom, "A Psychoanalytic Reflection on Narcissistic Parenthood and its Ramifications: The Forgotten Echo" (Routledge, 2024)
1:05:26A Psychoanalytic Reflection on Narcissistic Parenthood and its Ramifications: The Forgotten Echo (Routledge, 2024) proposes a new perspective on narcissism, focusing on its destructive impact within relationships. Psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Hila Yahalom discusses the patterns and ramifications of traumatizing upbringing by narcissistic parents,…
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Ever had a conversation that just clicked—where you felt truly heard and understood? What if you could create that kind of connection more often? Best-selling author Charles Duhigg joins Debbie in a conversation about his latest book, Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection. Discover the psychology of great conversations…
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Understanding and treating chronic pain, with Rachel V. Aaron, PhD
35:36Each year, more than 50 million U.S. adults experience chronic pain. Increasingly, researchers and patients are finding that behavioral treatments and therapies can be an important part of pain treatment. Pain psychologist Rachel Aaron, PhD, discusses what effective treatments are available, the link between chronic pain and mental health, how our …
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Posłuchaj zanim zdecydujesz się na psychoterapię
17:1332 wyświetlenia 4 lut 2025Wysłano📌 Jak znaleźć dobrego psychoterapeutę? Na co zwrócić uwagę?Jeśli zastanawiasz się, jak wybrać psychoterapeutę, od czego zacząć i co jest naprawdę istotne w tym procesie, ten film jest dla Ciebie. Opowiem o najważniejszych aspektach wyboru terapeuty, rozwieję wątpliwości i podzielę się swoimi refleksjami.Dowiesz się …
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Pessimismus - Die Macht des negativen Denkens
23:20Negative Erfahrungen speichert unser Gehirn intensiver ab als positive Erfahrungen. Denn aus schlechten Erfahrungen können wir lernen. Wird Pessimismus aber zu einer Grundstimmung, dann erreicht eine solche Weltsicht eher das Gegenteil: Dann fehlt es an M
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Zastanowimy się, o co chodzi z egoizmem i dbaniem o siebie. Z jednej strony jest całkiem sporo osób, które stawiają siebie bardzo nisko na liście priorytetów i kiedy dbają o siebie, to mają poczucie winy, że może są zbyt egoistyczne. Z drugiej strony jest coraz więcej osób, u których dbanie o siebie, stawianie siebie na pierwszym miejscu wydaje się…
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Cognitive Processing Therapy (Deep Dive) (2019 Rerun)
14:42[Rerun] Dr. Kirk Honda critiques cognitive processing therapy and other trauma therapies, along with talking about the This American Life episode that presented the therapy. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/KIRK to get 10% off your first month. Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOU…
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Daniel Oberhaus, "The Silicon Shrink: How Artificial Intelligence Made the World an Asylum" (MIT Press, 2025)
59:34AI psychiatrists promise to detect mental disorders with superhuman accuracy, provide affordable therapy for those who can't afford or can't access treatment, and even invent new psychiatric drugs. But the hype obscures an unnerving reality. In The Silicon Shrink: How Artificial Intelligence Made the World an Asylum (MIT Press, 2025), Daniel Oberha…
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Episode 368: What We Get Wrong About Relationships
31:44A lot of the things you’ve probably learned about what healthy relationships look like are just plain wrong. In today’s show, we’re going to dive into what you really need to know. Some of the topics we’re going to explore include how to know whether a given relationship is right for you, how to avoid moving too fast, and the single best things you…
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Today's episode is a rather personal, less psychological one. I want to talk about my fear of flying but also how I have managed to bring that fear back into my control and the huge list of tips I've put together along the way. In this episode we discuss: Where the fear of flying emerges from How a fear of the unknown or a lack of control contribut…
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How abuse and trauma gets passed down through the generations and where the cycle can end.Impolite Psychologist による
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Angry People: When Emotion Goes Up, Logic Goes Down
27:24Text at 617-750-9411Dr. Corey J. Nigro による
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💡 Czy empatia zawsze prowadzi do dobra? Często słyszymy, że to kluczowa cecha moralna, ale czy na pewno? W tym odcinku przyglądam się ewolucji pojęcia empatii, jej wpływowi na decyzje moralne i badaniom, które pokazują, że czasem może prowadzić do niesprawiedliwości i błędnych wyborów. 🔬Eksperymenty i koncepcje: 📖 Paul Bloom – Przeciw empatii 🧪 Eks…
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Rebeccasode! Dr Kirk and Rebecca answer patron emails. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/KIRK to get 10% off your first month. 00:00 Why do I have low libido? 05:47 Handling a surprise pregnancy 13:42 Bad therapists & sex work in clinical therapy 40:41 Intimacy in long distance relationships 48:35 …
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Rouw komt in veel gedaantes en op onverwachte momenten. Hoe kan het dat we zo verschillend omgaan met verlies, en waarom valt rouw toch vaak zó rauw op ons dak? We praten in deze aflevering met rouw-expert dr. Riet Fiddelaers-Jaspers over ‘rouwverweving’, het belang van rituelen en de vele redenen van rouw. Hoe kun je er het beste zijn voor een rou…
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What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? A Clinical Psychology Podcast Episode.
39:12OCD is unfortunately the type of mental health conditionthat laypeople abuse to some extent, as OCD is often used in a loose, cut-off-the-cuff way that decreases the severity of the condition in people’s minds. Yet OCD can be immensely distressing to the person with the condition as those around them. At the moment, I live with someone with OCD and…
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Diagnose ADHS – Was heisst das für Betroffene?
31:40Sie können sich vermeintlich nicht gut konzentrieren oder an einer Sache dranbleiben. Sie haben Probleme in der Schule oder bei der Arbeit. Träumer:innen oder Zappel-Philippe wurden sie früher genannt. Heute weiss man, dass die genannten Symptome Indizien für ADHS, das Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom, sein können. Im Podcast spreche ich mit der Psych…
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🔥 Jak radzić sobie z kompleksami? Moja historia łysienia Kompleksy – każdy je ma, ale nie każdy potrafi sobie z nimi poradzić. W moim przypadku to łysienie było czymś, co długo mnie blokowało i wpływało na moją pewność siebie. Czy naprawdę wygląd definiuje naszą wartość? Jak zaakceptować siebie, kiedy czujemy, że nie pasujemy do ideału? W tym odcin…
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O tym co jest najważniejsze w podejściu psychodynamicznym. Łap mnie na: 🐦 Twitter @realKarKoz 📸 Instagram at @dr_kkoz_official 💼 LinkedIn at k-koziara 📚 ResearchGate at Karolina_Koziara Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/od-nowa-psychologia-po-prostu--6258076/support.…
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Episode 88 - Embracing Boundlessness with Boundaries in Psychedelics
30:16Welcome to your weekly dose of The Psychedelic Psychologist. This week we drop in with Dana - a brilliant mind - and wonderful lens on psychedelics, plant medicine and journeying. The Intersection of Serendipity and Choice Where did psychedelics come into my life? Did they find me, or did I seek them out? In truth, it was a little bit of both. My j…
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Folge 287: Schlafen wie ein Baby Na, das war nix mit dem Babyschlaf… Christin, die heute mit uns frühstückt, haben nacheinander ihre vierjährigen Zwillinge aus ihrem Bettgedrängelt. Ihr intensiv schnarchender Mann sägte einen großen Wald ab…Und bei uns mußte Annika musste wegen unseres Frühstücks ihren Schlaf abbrechen - Garant für Grummelei und kl…
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Get Energized: The REAL Way To Kill Fatigue & Lack of Focus
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Normalizing Sexual Health, Sex Therapy, and Healing from Sexual Trauma with Tiffany Taylor LCSW [Episode 145]
1:00:42If you are interested in learning about Sexual Health, Sex Therapy, and Healing from Sexual Trauma, you will not want to miss this conversation with Tiffany Taylor LCSW--who is a sex therapist and pleasure coach. About Tiffany Taylor, LCSW: With over 19 years of experience as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I specialize in helping people create …
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Ahron Friedberg, "Life Studies in Psychoanalysis: Faces of Love" (Routledge, 2023)
55:24Life Studies in Psychoanalysis: Faces of Love (Routledge, 2023), by Dr. Ahron Friedberg, consists of four psychoanalytic studies each representing a patient's course of treatment over several years. These studies demonstrate how love, in an array of forms, is refracted through the process of psychoanalysis, which unfolds over time and reveals the c…
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Dans cet épisode 220, la thérapeute Carole Ricaud répond à la question : comment se libérer du besoin de tout contrôler ? Entre peur de l’incertitude, quête de sécurité et lâcher-prise, nous interrogeons les mécanismes qui nous poussent à vouloir tout maîtriser et les impacts de ce besoin sur notre bien-être. Comment apprendre à accueillir l’imprév…
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Episode 367: Five Things Everybody Can Learn From Kink
33:32Whether you consider yourself to be kinky or not, there’s a lot that all of us can learn from the kink community that could benefit our sex lives. Today, we’re going to explore five important things to know about cultivating safer, healthier, and more pleasurable sexual experiences. Along the way, we’re also going to dispel some common misconceptio…
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219. Samoocena, pewność siebie i poczucie własnej wartości - nowa zimowa seria S2 Ep1
42:37W 219. odcinku opowiadam o samoocenie. Otwiera on zimową serię o poczuciu własnej wartości. Czym jest samoocena i w jaki sposób wpływa na jakość naszego życia? Dowiesz się z nagrania.Odsłuchaj, by zrozumieć: Czym jest samoocena i co na nią wpływa? Jakie są filary budowania zdrowego poczucia własnej wartości? Czy samoakceptacja pomaga czy przeszkadz…
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271. Overcoming our purpose anxiety ft. Elizabeth Gilbert
58:33In this episode I had the rare and wonderful opportunity to interview a personal hero of mine, the author of Big Magic and Eat Pray Love, writer, true creative and teacher, Elizabeth Gilbert. We discuss why the idea of 'purpose' is incorrect and making us confused and anxious, how to identify your calling, the difference between a career, hobby, jo…
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Czy nadmierna produktywność może nas zniszczyć? W dzisiejszym odcinku porozmawiamy o produktywności, która zamiast pomagać – potrafi nas wykończyć. Za wszelką cenę chcemy być lepsi, szybsi, bogatsi. Nie chcemy marnować ani sekundy, ciągle szukając… No właśnie, czego? Wymarzonego spokoju? A może już go mamy, tylko nie potrafimy tego dostrzec?…
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Episode 171 - Ayurveda : escapism in it's finest form and how to start prioritising your personal space
37:30Share your thoughts with me Get in touch : [email protected] My Lifestyle and cook book Living Ayurveda is now available on Amazon : https://mybook.to/LivingAyurvedaCharlotte による
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This week, Maggie Lawson and Timothy Omundson dive into the fan-favorite episode "S.E.I.Z.E. the Day" from Psych Season 8! Join them as they unpack Shawn and Gus's hilariously disastrous attempt to turn their side hustle as life coaches into a steady income—only to stumble into a chaotic case involving Lassie's heroics. Maggie and Tim also recap th…
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How To Help Children Thrive in the Age of Uncertainty w/ Dr. Tovah Klein
58:19This week Scott is joined by Barnard College Professor Dr. Tovah Klein. Scott and Dr. Klein discuss her groundbreaking research on child development including the importance of being a safe anchor for your children by providing them safety in their worst moments, accepting them for who they are, and being there for them no matter what. See omnystud…
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Gehirnfreundlicher arbeiten mit Neurohacking?
30:24Oft machen wir uns erst Gedanken über unsere Arbeitsbedingungen, wenn es knirscht und der Leidensdruck steigt: Lärm im Großraumbüro, Einsamkeit im Home Office, die Langeweile bei sinnentleerten Tätigkeiten oder Dauerstress durch Arbeitsverdichtung. Warum blühen manche Menschen unter starker Belastung regelrecht auf, während andere ein ruhiges Arbei…
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Tired of all the fighting over politics and morality? For this episode, we’re tackling moral outrage with Kurt Gray, a psychology professor and author of Outraged: Why We Fight about Morality and Politics and How to Find Common Ground. You’ll learn why we get so caught up in right vs. wrong, how to better understand what’s driving people’s fears an…
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