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いつもご愛聴ありがとうございます。 エンタメから経済、社会、意識、科学、宇宙まで。いろんな世界を "ちょいマニアック" に話しています。喫茶店の隣席から聴こえてくるような、ゆるトークをお楽しみください。 ●メンバー〈Gaja(ガジャ)〉藤本直登|読書、映画、漫画、アニメ、麻雀好きのガテン系会社員。自称・解脱ニスト。〈Aki(アキ)〉國見亜希子|編集者、心理カウンセラー。自然や動植物など非言語世界を愛する感覚人間。趣味は絵、文字、登山。〈Hatsumi(はつみ)〉池田はつみ|タッチセラピスト、保育士。完全なる愛と調和の世界を目指す人。 【 更新日 】不定期 ●This podcast is recorded by Gaja and AKi. We are talking about the universe and human psychology, books, Japanese anime, movies and Japanese news. Please use it to listen to Japanese daily conversations ! Message t ...
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【毎週日曜日 昼12時配信】 5年前にトロントで出会った3人が、今までの経験や日々の発見をシェアするラジオ📻 🇨🇦🇯🇵🇮🇳から人生を少し前向きに楽しむためのアイディアやヒントをお届けします💡 ————————————————————————— 視聴していただきありがとうございます。 ぜひ番組のフォローをお願いします! 番組の感想、BARちづるへのお便りはこちら 番組公式Twitterはこちらから 番組公式Instagramはこちらから —————————————————————————
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Sexology Project


オーストラリアにいるYukiと東京にいるSummerが性に関する情報やニュースを紹介したり、ゆるく英語と関西弁で話し合います。私たちは、性について学び語り合うことは自分へのエンパワーメントにつながっていくと思います。 We’re mainly two females, Yuki in Australia and Summer in Tokyo, openly talking about sex and any sex-related news. We believe that breaking sexual taboos can lead us to self-empowerment.
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Minatomachi Art Table, Nagoya(MAT, Nagoya)は名古屋市港区エリアにて、創造性をもって活動する人びとを歓迎し、制作・実践の場をつくることで、創造的なアイディアをまちで活かすプログラムを行っています。5回目となるスタジオプロジェクトでは3名のクリエイターが参加し、2019年6月22日-8月24日の期間中、普段見ることのできない制作現場や滞在中に制作された作品などを公開するオープンスタジオ、トークイベント、ワークショップなどを開催します。ポッドキャストでは、参加者のひとりであるデザイナーの阿部航太が、プロジェクトに関わる人たちに話を聞きながら、スタジオの様子を伝えていきます。
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世界一周とロングトレイルの旅をしてきたUBE・MASARUが、日常の気づきや、旅から得たこと・学んだこと・旅のエピソードなど踏まえてお話する番組です。 配信:毎週土曜日
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「Rethink FUKUOKA」をテーマに、新たな産業やコミュニティ、文化が続々と生まれ始めているエネルギッシュな街=「福岡」を舞台に、異なるジャンルで活躍する企業や人々を有機的につなぎ合って、新しい「コト」・「モノ」を生み出していく「Rethink FUKUOKA PROJECT」。このPODCASTプログラムでは、福岡・天神の書店「Rethink BOOKS」で開催されるトークイベントを、現場の空気そのままにアーカイヴしていきます。
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この番組は、現在の各界で活躍するレジェンド達から未来への贈り物として彼らの中にある言語化されていない領域の「裏エッセンス」をインタビュアーの河本真が抽出し、コッソリ未来へ届ける番組です。果たして今を生きるレジェンド達は未来へ何を残すのでしょうか?巷の書籍やインタビューなどでは決して語られない彼らすらも気づいていない無意識に迫ります。インタビューだからこそ「彼らの意識」していることではなく彼らの意識していないいない無意識の領域を多々掘り出していきますのでお楽しみに! #河本真 #ポッドキャスト #潜在意識 #心理学 #音声学習 #ビジネス #成功者 河本真(かわもとしん) The Legendary Roots 88 Inc CEO 1988年生まれ。大学在学中に起業をし、 得意とするニッチビジネスを元に、 電磁波シールドパンツや、マイルをお得に 使った旅行術を教えるオンラインスクール、 メンズ性教育スクール、通わない小顔サロン、 などの多岐に渡る分野で「働かないけどお客様に 最大限に貢献する仕組み」を構築。 1日3時間しか働かないことをモットーに 家族で世界中を旅する人生をエン ...
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I would like explore post COVID exchange model through Process Work, World Work, Deep Democracy, relationship, Japaneseness and earthquake preparation. プロセスワーク、ワールドワーク、深層民主主義、関係性、日本性、地震の準備を通して、COVID-19 新型コロナウィルス後の交換モデルを、色々試していきたいと思います。 Support this podcast:
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子どもの頃に思い描いた様々な夢についての最新研究を紹介! 「HAVE A GOOD DREAM. いい夢を見よう」をテーマに、 生活の中に潜んだ科学を検証するプロジェクト 「LOVE FM HAVE A GOOD DREAM PROJECT」がスタート。 世界にはまだまだ知らないことがある! ラジオやウェブイベントを通じて夢を持つ素晴らしさを伝えていきます。
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How I Built This 日本語版


「How I Built This」は米国の公共ラジオ放送、ナショナル・パブリック・ラジオ(NPR)が配信する番組で、掃除機で知られるダイソンの創業者ジェームズ・ダイソン氏ら著名な起業家が、自らのサクセスストーリーをインタビューに答えながら語るポッドキャストで、米国でもリスナーから幅広く支持されています。今回制作しました日本語版は、豊富なビジネス取材の経験を持つ日経BP総合研究所上席研究員、品田英雄氏が番組案内役を務め、起業家の肉声を伝える番組の魅力をそのままに、日本語で紹介します。 番組ではジェームズ・ダイソン氏の他、オンライン百科事典ウィキペディアの創設者、ジミー・ウェールズ氏や写真共有アプリのインスタグラムを創業したケビン・シストロム氏とマイク・クリーガー氏のインタビューを11月15日(月)からまとめて配信します。
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どうも!プロテインです! 大阪に住む大学生がジャンルを問わず様々な企画にチャレンジしていくラジオ番組です。 みなさまの、通勤通学・作業などのお供になれればと思います。 よろしくお願いします! 番組では皆様からのお便りを募集しております!! お便りのメールアドレスは です。 以下のテーマを募集中です↓ 【あるあるPROJECT】 様々な〇〇あるあるを募集し、本当に「あるある」なのか「ないない」なのかかを分析するコーナー (例)小学生あるある→冬やのに半袖のやつ学年に1人はおる 【さすらいの川柳】 みなさまの身近に起こった出来事や想い、愚痴や本音などを川柳として募集し、世界に発信するコーナー (例)先生に 言ってしまった お母さん 【悪しき風習ぶったぎり】 世の中の悪しき風習を今一度見直し、本当に必要かどうかを考え、撤廃、改変を提案するコーナー (例)野球部全員坊主 【一般メール】 番組へのお便り、感想、クレーム、お悩み相談、ネタ提案、などなど何でも大丈夫です! ※ラジオネームと、メールの件名にテーマ名の記入をお願いします。 ぜひ ...
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abago is an Interactive Language Acquisition Program for Italian, Japanese and Neapolitan, hosted by Alessandro Mavilio. あばごというのは、第二言語習得、双方向的なプログラムです。 イタリア語と日本語とナポリ弁でも用意しております! abago è un programma mensile interattivo per acquisire una seconda lingua (il giapponese, l'italiano e perfino il dialetto napoletano). Subscription/Project Support - 登録またはプロジェクトサポート - Iscrizione/Supporto al progetto: ↓↓↓↓ Method and texts on - メソッドと教科書は - Metodo e testi su: https://ww ...
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海外で如何に洋画が批評されているのかを下敷きに、そこから新たな映画の見方を議論していく・・・ことを理想とはするが、実際は気楽に喋りまくるポッドキャストです。単なる感想には留まらない、考察を展開できればと思います。 なお、容量がもう既にオーバーしそうなので、全エピソードはこちらからどうぞ→
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Heart Beat サンデー!

FMうらやす(83.6MHz)~Heart Beat サンデー!~

FMうらやす(83.6MHz)で放送中の音楽番組Heart Beat サンデー!イイ感じの次世代アーティストを発掘、応援していく音楽番組です。月ごとにかわるマンスリーMCにも注目!■FMうらやす(83.6MHz)第2・4日曜日16時半~17時オンエア中!■
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show series
Popular soda brand Poppi is facing a class-action lawsuit filed by a consumer who says its products don’t improve gut health as much as their marketing suggests.In a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, Kristin Cobbs said she purchased Poppi drinks on multiple occasions because of their labels, which say they are prebiotic sodas a…
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World Cup and Champions League winners are learning about the soccer industry at FIFA alongside club founders and front-office leaders. All were teammates in the classroom at the soccer body’s headquarters in Zurich to study all fields of the industry for the FIFA Diploma in Club Management.Now in its third edition, the FIFA course aims to give for…
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The cost of your next flight is likely to go up. That's the word from the International Air Transport Association, which held its annual meeting in Dubai, home to the long-haul carrier Emirates.While carriers recover from the grounding worldwide from the coronavirus pandemic, industry leaders told journalists that there are several costs likely to …
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The Trucking Association of New York filed a federal lawsuit in May against the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which developed the toll scheme, arguing the higher fees unfairly and unconstitutionally target the trucking industry. The trucking association’s lawsuit is among at least eight seeking to block the congestion fee plan, which is sl…
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New York City is not only getting more public toilets but making them easier to locate using your smartphone.Mayor Eric Adams announced on June 3 a plan to build 46 new restrooms and renovate 36 existing ones located in city parks, adding to the city’s roughly 1,000 such facilities over the next five years.The Democrat said the city has also develo…
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The latest artificially intelligent innovations have been unveiled at the VivaTech show in Paris.From the tip of a nozzle, a very human body part is emerging–a piece of skin. This bio-printing technology has been developed by beauty giant L’Oréal. The company has long used reconstructed skin to test products on. But this latest innovation makes it …
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Most people would find just getting on top of a unicycle challenging, let alone actually maneuvering it. However, some athletes are not only doing that but also playing hockey competitively whilst doing so.Some of Australia’s best players in this unusual sport compete in one of the rounds of the Australian Unicycle Hockey championship.Players from …
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Consumers are increasingly struggling to pay their credit card bills, raising concerns about severe delinquencies spiraling and sapping consumer spending.The share of credit card debt that’s more than 90 days overdue rose to 10.7% during the first quarter, a 14-year high, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s report on first-quarter h…
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Member countries kicked off the World Health Organization's annual assembly with hopes of improving global readiness for deadly outbreaks like COVID-19, after an ambitious "pandemic treaty" ran aground.Health officials are racing to get the world to agree to new ways to prepare for and fight an inevitable future pandemic. COVID-19 is fading into hi…
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今回のPPPはロングディスンスハイカーをお二人をお招きして、全然ハイキングと関係ない話をしています笑 若さって無限の可能性を秘めてますよね。 いや、今が一番若いのよ! 若者に負けず、頑張っていきましょう!
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Ask Google if cats have been on the moon and it used to spit out a ranked list of websites so you could discover the answer for yourself. Now it comes up with an instant answer generated by artificial intelligence—which may or may not be correct.“Yes, astronauts have met cats on the moon, played with them, and provided care,” said Google's newly re…
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White Rose Books & More is part of the ever-expanding and diversifying world of independent bookstores. Even as industry sales were slow in 2023, membership in the American Booksellers Association (ABA) continued its years-long revival. It now stands at 2,433, more than 200 over the previous year, and has doubled since 2016. Around 190 more stores …
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Will the Justice Department’s lawsuit against Ticketmaster and Live Nation give concertgoers, sports fans, and theater patrons some relief from surging ticket prices?The lawsuit could potentially lead to a breakup of Live Nation Entertainment, a company that resulted from Ticketmaster’s 2010 merger with concert promoter Live Nation. Attorney Genera…
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A ‘flying car’ has lifted off for the first time in Tokyo, in front of dozens of spectators gathered to watch what could be the future of the automobile. And as regulations are fine-tuned, experts say the race is on to become the first city to host commercial aerial vehicles.With the turn of a switch, the Hexa 'flying car' takes off and performs tw…
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Access to mobile internet is driving economic development in Africa but the cost of buying a phone is still a major obstacle for ordinary traders.85% of the sub-Saharan region is covered by networks but only 25% of people use it according to the mobile lobby group GSMA, now a company in Ghana has a plan to close this digital gap.Cyril Fianyo is a v…
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Those who want to climb one of the most popular trails on Japan’s iconic Mount Fuji will have to book a slot and pay a fee as crowds, littering and climbers who try to rush too fast to the summit cause safety and conservation concerns at the picturesque stratovolcano.The new rules for the climbing season, starting July 1 to September 10, apply for …
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Microsoft wants laptop users to get so comfortable with its artificial intelligence chatbot that it will remember everything you're doing on your computer and help figure out what you want to do next.The software giant on May 20 revealed an upgraded version of Copilot, its AI assistant, as it confronts heightened competition from Big Tech rivals in…
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McDonald's plans to introduce a $5 meal deal in the U.S. this month to counter slowing sales and customers' frustration with high prices.The deal would let customers get a four-piece McNugget, small fries, a small drink and either a McDouble burger or a McChicken sandwich for $5 in most areas, according to a person familiar with the deal who wasn't…
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Shandong Province in east China is taking an early lead in the country’s solar energy development, but it now faces challenges that will be met by other regions sooner or later.China is ramping up to install clean energy to meet the urgency of cutting its greenhouse gas emissions. The country wants one-fifth of its power to come from renewables by …
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Bike shops across the U.S. have had a bumpy ride in the years since a sales boom early in the pandemic.A surge of interest in cycling pushed sales up 64% to $5.4 billion in 2020, according to the retail tracking service Circana. It wasn’t unheard of for some shops to sell 100 bikes or more in a couple of days.The boom didn’t last. Hobbled by pandem…
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A school right next to Kenya's largest dumpsite has started planting bamboo to improve air quality. Foul-smelling fumes from the waste have been affecting the students' health.More than 100 bamboo trees dot the mini forest created around the Dandora Secondary School, located east of Kenya’s capital Nairobi next to the country’s largest dumpsite.The…
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Democrats and Republicans from Congress teamed up with professional footballers to raise money for youth soccer programs during the tenth edition of the Congressional Soccer Match.The game of red versus blue was the headline act for the U.S. Soccer Federation event at Audi Field in the nation's capitol on May 8.Rep. Darin LaHood, a Republican lawma…
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A new mandate that requires school districts across New Mexico to adopt calendars that consist of at least 180 days was put on hold by a judge while he considers the change’s legality.Dozens of school districts and superintendents have been challenging the state Public Education Department over the change. Teacher unions and Republican lawmakers al…
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A newly released ad promoting Apple's new iPad Pro has struck quite a nerve online.The ad, which was released by the tech giant on May 7, shows a hydraulic press crushing just about every creative instrument artists and consumers have used over the years—from a piano and record player to piles of paint, books, cameras, and relics of arcade games. R…
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Ever since humans have journeyed to space, their meals there have proved to be, well, nothing to write home about. But that could change after a Michelin-starred chef teamed up with the Florida-based startup Space Perspective to take fine dining to our upper atmosphere in late 2025.Six guests are set to ascend aboard Spaceship Neptune to the strato…
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Researchers are exploring ways to use features in modern cars, such as GPS, to make traffic safer and more efficient. Eventually, the upgrades could do away entirely with the red, yellow, and green lights of today, ceding control to driverless cars.Henry Liu, a civil engineering professor who is leading a study through the University of Michigan, s…
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Several dozen young people wearing light blue T-shirts imprinted with “#teachclimate” filled a hearing room in the Minnesota Capitol in St. Paul in late February.The high school and college students and other advocates called on the Minnesota Youth Council, a liaison between young people and state lawmakers, to support a bill requiring schools to t…
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Personal patient information is being given currency in Kenya as a way of expanding patient access to doctors.A mobile start-up says its phone application allows users to pay for medical services by selling their personal data online through blockchain technology which protects their identity.In Kenya, accessing medical services can be expensive. K…
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The tranquil spaces of Kew Gardens are a perfect place for a bit of quiet reflection. And there’s more than one way to do that now.Dotted across the landscape is a series of sculptures, many of them made in stainless steel. The lush green vegetation of Kew is mirrored back from their shiny surfaces. There are 16 works to spot, some sitting on the o…
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Scammers stole more than $3.4 billion from older Americans last year, according to an FBI report that shows a rise in losses through increasingly sophisticated criminal tactics to trick the vulnerable into giving up their life savings.Losses from scams reported by Americans over the age of 60 last year were up 11% over the year before, according to…
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There may soon not be enough gas to meet demand in the Australian state of Victoria, and this could happen as soon as next year according to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).This is pushing more and more Victorians to switch off their gas, especially as their energy bills are getting steeper.“It’s just the savings. Like obviously, envir…
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Solar panels dot rooftops across sprawling Lagos, a Nigerian city that is undergoing a transformation as it adopts solar power. Nearly a decade ago, things looked quite different.Climate technology was new in Africa, and it was tough to get funding for start-ups that would eventually enable the region’s electrification.But the ecosystem has since c…
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Nationally, most teachers report feeling stressed and overwhelmed at work, according to a Pew Research Center survey of teachers last fall. Waning job satisfaction over the last two decades has accompanied a decline in teachers’ sense of autonomy in the classroom, according to a recent study out of Brown University and the University at Albany.At F…
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Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz says the company’s leaders should spend more time in stores and focus on coffee drinks as they work to turn around flagging sales.In a LinkedIn post, Schultz said many people had reached out to him after Starbucks reported weaker-than-expected quarterly sales and earnings.The Seattle coffee giant said revenue dro…
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Spicy, steaming, slurpy ramen may be everyone’s favorite Japanese food. In Tokyo, long lines circle around blocks, and waiting an hour for your favorite ramen is normal. Ramen has also surged in popularity in the U.S., South Korea, and other countries in the past 15 years or so.Menus at the top 500 U.S. restaurant chains have 6% more mentions of ra…
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Thousands of negotiators and observers representing most of the world’s nations gathered in Ottawa to craft a treaty to end the rapidly escalating problem of plastic pollution.The scale of the plastics problem is daunting, but not for the volunteers collecting waste on a Cape Town beach.Cleanup on this scale may be considered a drop in the oceans o…
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The Biden administration issued final rules to require airlines to automatically issue cash refunds for things like delayed flights and to better disclose fees for baggage or canceling a reservation.The Transportation Department said airlines will be required to provide automatic cash refunds within a few days for canceled flights and “significant”…
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Day-trippers to the fabled canal city of Venice who failed to pay 5 euros ($5.43) to enter the lagoon city’s historic center during a time-limited pilot program launched in April faced fines starting at 10 times the entrance fee.Venice has launched the long-discussed day-tripper fee after the city escaped being placed on the U.N. agency’s list of e…
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New York City residents may soon see warning labels next to sugary foods and drinks in chain restaurants and coffee shops, under a law set to go into effect later this year.The rule requires food businesses with 15 storefronts or more to post a warning icon—a black and white spoon loaded with sugar—next to menu items containing at least 50 grams of…
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This spring, NBC News, The New York Times, and National Public Radio (NPR) have each dealt with turmoil for essentially the same reason: journalists taking the critical gaze they deploy to cover the world and turning it inward at their own employers.Journalism as a profession attracts people who are anti-authoritarian, and who see themselves as tru…
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