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Nestas memórias, Francisco Pinto Balsemão guia-nos pelas suas origens beirãs, pela extensa família, pelo bairro da Lapa, a Quinta da Marinha, a Duque de Palmela e o mundo das suas viagens; mas leva-nos também ao universo da sua infância, ao Liceu Pedro Nunes, à Faculdade de Direito, à Força Aérea e à sua incursão pelo ensino universitário. Não fica, no entanto, por aqui: abre-nos as portas das empresas familiares, do Diário Popular, do Expresso, da SIC, e não só; apresenta-nos os meandros da ...
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The Fred Pinto Podcast

Frederick Pinto

Can we harness our ingenuity to elevate the human experience? Join technology lawyer and entrepreneur Fred Pinto as he explores the mindsets, stories and insights of leading entrepreneurs, thought leaders and innovators.
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Raquel Queirós Pinto

Raquel Queirós Pinto

A intenção deste podcast é poder partilhar informação, histórias, perspetivas e inspiração para que pais possam mergulhar na preciosidade e no valor imenso do seu papel enquanto educadores e assim potenciarem o desenvolvimento das suas crianças.
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Pinto Fotografía

Pinto Fotografía

Fotografía digital es nuestro lenguaje. Con tu cámara de fotos nos ayudas a recorrer el mundo. Comparte con el hashtag #PintoFotografía ❤️ Amamos la fotografía. Support this podcast:
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Pinto Beanz N Cake

Pinto Beanz N Cake

Mecca Meschét is an r&b/soul singer and poet, (accountant by day), with a passion to positively influence and encourage people from all walks of life. She is a proud foodie and avid movie-goer who loves throwing fabulous parties and is always ready to support her fellow artists and entrepreneurs. Each month she interviews local personalities who share their various personal life experiences. She will serve you a savory bowl of beans to sharpen your mind, with a slice of cake to sweeten your ...
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El cruce de dos caminos: las baleadas, originarias de Honduras y el gallo pinto, originario de Costa Rica; sin embargo, la gastronomía no es el centro de este podcast (aunque es algo que nos encanta y nos alimenta el amor) sino, es de cómo los ingredientes de la vida de Melvin han enriquecido la vida de Mariela, y viceversa.
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Join actor Freida Pinto (Slumdog Millionaire, Rise of the Planet of the Apes) for a discussion of her Michael Winterbottom–directed drama, Trishna. The film details the tragic relationship between the son of a property developer and the daughter of an auto rickshaw owner. It’s also an adaptation of the Thomas Hardy novel, Tess of the D’Urbervilles.
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Centro de Sanación Integral Havona es un lugar de encuentros donde confluyen la evolución e integración del Ser, desde el desarrollo de la Consciencia Convergente, la sanación del cuerpo biológico con la aplicación de terapias de la Medicina Cuántica Vibracional, la Biodecodificación Psiconeuroinmunológica y además escribir en la historia nuevos paradigmas en la educación, introduciendo la 5ta. Fuerza que hoy llamamos la Psicología Integrativa Convergente, abriéndose un abanico de posibilida ...
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show series
‘she’s here’ simplicity what passion should be the great white canvas brushed no explanation a gaze that shines in the vacuum. illusion stitched behind the lids, i have longed to perceive, to know tactile existence, conditioned for a height i’ll fall living; and then she slipped like christmas into my mouth, a gift, and left my tongue of cloves, an…
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Neste episódio, Francisco Pinto Balsemão recua até 1972 para lembrar a atividade da Ala Liberal nas eleições presidenciais desse ano. Fala ainda da deterioração das relações com Marcello Caetano, os cortes da censura, a politiquice na Assembleia Nacional e a apresentação do projeto de lei de imprensa. "É indiscutível a importância da Ala Liberal no…
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Dr. Michael Mannino teaches at the Institute for Data Science and Computing at the University of Miami and is the Chief Science Officer at the Flow Research Collective. (00:00:00) In this episode (00:00:06) Intro (00:04:30) Chapter 1: Neuroscience and Philosophy (00:18:40) Chapter 2: Mind Body Connection (00:28:26) Chapter 3: Levels of Embodied Con…
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‘writer’s block of lovers’ desperate to express how much he misses her his pen loses all penchant for words. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. The large majority of my poetry handcrafted from inside bars. * 'dead bird,' 'From My Front Steps,' …
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‘long night’ i don’t want to go home. a hangover and hell awaits. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. The large majority of my poetry handcrafted from inside bars. * 'dead bird,' 'From My Front Steps,' 'Scotch and Scars' and 'A Distilled Spirit'…
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‘hypocrisy’ the hypocrisy you unfurl like a banner from your tongue a bold statement to the world: your windows are free of streaks; your rooms an absolute mess. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. The large majority of my poetry handcrafted fro…
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O título do episódio foi escolhido pelo membro mais novo da comitiva do basculação que foi a Arouca. De facto, foi dos melhores momentos, mas com forte concorrência da carne do almoço e do golo que fechou o resultado. Continuamos passo a passo a ver se o processo avança... As vitórias ajudam muito!…
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Nesta II parte das 'Memórias', Francisco Pinto Balsemão fala de Jornalismo e de Política num Portugal em mudança, da Ditadura à Democracia. O fundador do Expresso lembra a importância da Ala Liberal, o início do Expresso e o 25 de Abril, nos anos que decorrem entre 1968 e 1979. Neste primeiro episódio da II temporada, o seu foco é a intensa ativida…
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‘how do they stay together’ he talks she listens and listens and listens listens. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. The large majority of my poetry handcrafted from inside bars. * 'dead bird,' 'From My Front Steps,' 'Scotch and Scars' and 'A D…
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Ainda estranhamos o processo, que continua a testar a nossa paciência. Mas parece que a equipa também está com dificuldade em lidar com o famigerado... Melhorias ténues (visíveis?) abafadas por imaturidade e falta de clarividência. Siga a pré-época!Basculação による
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‘four guys in the corner of the bar’ a motley crew their voices rang uneducated, inebriated barely tolerated; their spouses relieved they weren’t at home. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. The large majority of my poetry handcrafted from insid…
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‘quiescent’ a draw between lips, a capture within lungs. i fear this air may be no good for me. it tastes of what you took and what i gave and already repeats. there’s a stirring come november, a chromatic death dust around my tongue and i can count all our late-night conversations spiraling slowly, slowly in the wind. why are you not here to pull …
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Neste quinto episódio, o último da primeira temporada, Francisco Pinto Balsemão lembra os sete anos que passou no Diário Popular, onde descobriu os pequenos detalhes e as grandes histórias que compõem o dia-a-dia de uma redação. A primeira temporada deste podcast sobre os primeiros anos de vida de Francisco Pinto Balsemão, entre 1937 e 1968, termin…
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A pré-época continua numa evolução lenta. Até parecia que podíamos fazer qualquer coisa até ao momento que o Otávio se lembrou de irritar o Dybala... Desconfiamos que a falta de liderança a todos os níveis continua a ter um papel demasiado determinante nesta nossa época. Temos de inventar líderes e rápido.…
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No quarto capítulo das suas 'Memórias', Francisco Pinto Balsemão lembra os anos que passou na Força Aérea, o gosto pela aviação e o seu deslumbramento com África, que se manteve ao longo de toda a vida. Detalha também a sua ligação a Kaúlza de Arriaga, na altura Subsecretário de Estado da Aeronáutica, em cujo gabinete Balsemão foi convidado para tr…
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‘blame the signal not the service’ "there’s a disconnect," she says. he scrolls their long trail of messages and finding no apparent betrayals realizes he has simply been unplugged. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. The large majority of my po…
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A primeira parte teve defeitos a vários níveis, mas a revolta da segunda parte deixou o Dragão em erupção. Até o tempo de compensação parecia um thriller em curta-metragem. Que o golo de Namaso nos leve para a Liga Europa com outro ânimo! Segue a pré-época!Basculação による
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No terceiro capítulo das suas 'Memórias', Francisco Pinto Balsemão lembra os anos que passou na Faculdade de Direito e enumera os principais 'mestres' que encontrou no Ensino Superior. Fala ainda do serviço militar e do 6º ano de Faculdade, altura em que se tornou claro o seu interesse por Política e também por Economia. No início da vida adulta, e…
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A venda de Nico já apontava nesse sentido, mas o resultado ajuda a confirmar que esta vai ser mesmo uma época de transição e que Anselmi tem agora 6 meses para preparar a época de 2025/26. Vão se habituando e diminuindo as expectativas, que doi menos...Basculação による
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Depois dos primeiros dez anos muito limitado às fronteiras familiares, a ida para uma escola foi uma verdadeira revolução na vida de Francisco Pinto Balsemão. Entregue a si próprio, viu o seu círculo de amigos aumentar rapidamente e sucederam-se uma série de novas (e rápidas) aprendizagens, que o fundador do Expresso e da SIC nomeia e explica neste…
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‘avoid’ i’m doing everything i can to avoid you which is hard because the distance between us is so great anyway. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. The large majority of my poetry handcrafted from inside bars. * 'dead bird,' 'From My Front Ste…
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‘her abstract is fucked up’ upon the wall her latest creation twisted abstract; wire for bone— window shades where eyes flutter hole in sheetrock for the jagged heart. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. The large majority of my poetry handcraft…
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‘conversation has lost us’ we must be disillusioned staring out into the great void thinking we can traverse oceans in paper boats. the messages we carry to ferry us one coast to the next will only dissolve upon contact with water bleed one letter into next. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry…
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‘hide behind the words’ on and on she declares her strength to the world every syllable shining while the conviction behind it remains shaken. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. The large majority of my poetry handcrafted from inside bars. * 'd…
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‘denial’ he never had a drinking problem until he met her. then the acceleration of heartbeat paired with the numbing slowdown of brainwaves became essential to his being. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. The large majority of my poetry handc…
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No primeiro episódio ficamos a conhecer as raízes familiares de Francisco Pinto Balsemão, na cidade da Guarda, e os primeiros anos de vida na sua casa de infância - "uma gaiola onde se sentia preso" - na Lapa, em Lisboa. Uma família extensa do lado da mãe e o peso de ser o único herdeiro do lado paterno. A importância dos vizinhos de rua (muitos de…
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Steven Kotler is a New York Times best-selling author, an award-winning journalist, and the executive director of the Flow Research Collective. His books include Stealing Fire, The Rise of Superman, and The Art of Impossible. - Chapters - (00:00:00) In this episode (00:00:11) Intro (00:02:58) Chapter 1: What is Flow? (00:24:11) Chapter 2: Calibrati…
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‘cell phone’ i’m not ignoring you, she said as her thumbs danced eyes lied. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. The large majority of my poetry handcrafted from inside bars. * 'dead bird,' 'From My Front Steps,' 'Scotch and Scars' and 'A Distill…
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'Memórias' é uma janela aberta para a vida de Francisco Pinto Balsemão e uma visita guiada pelo seu caminho e pela sua obra. Editado pela agência de inovação Instinct a partir da voz de Francisco Pinto Balsemão, contou com sonoplastia de João Luís Amorim, coordenação de Mónica Balsemão e Joana Beleza e direção de João Vieira Pereira. Baseado na obr…
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‘inquiry versus demand’ she asks a question (just speaking her mind) a snarl from her throat— isn’t that the prevailing problem a matter of two realities inquiry versus demand oh we are so far off so far and away from each other that conversation no longer exists between lines and all must be deciphered from tomes that no longer hold meaning or res…
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‘late night’ mascara rimming your eyes keeps the pools from spilling while you sell sex freely from your lips; crimson explosion— you're slaying them in droves. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. The large majority of my poetry handcrafted from…
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‘i’ve got nothing’ your words are heartfelt delivered to a heart worn. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. The large majority of my poetry handcrafted from inside bars. * 'dead bird,' 'From My Front Steps,' 'Scotch and Scars' and 'A Distilled Sp…
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‘i will prove you otherwise’ i’ve lost my muse i’ve lost my swagger but i’ve never lost that motherfucking chip on my shoulder. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. The large majority of my poetry handcrafted from inside bars. * 'dead bird,' 'Fro…
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‘innocence suffers’ he’s out in this world gaps within the dna birthed by snakeskin intentions child will never know child will never understand — the devil lives in twisted words heavy hearts and unholy unisons. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment craft…
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‘birds and bees’ one day when you are older i will tell you all about that thing called love and how it was a lie. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. The large majority of my poetry handcrafted from inside bars. * 'dead bird,' 'From My Front St…
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‘leave me be’ there is nothing worse than writing bullshit beside someone who wants to talk it. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. The large majority of my poetry handcrafted from inside bars. * 'dead bird,' 'From My Front Steps,' 'Scotch and S…
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Pena não termos aproveitado o céu pouco nublado para dar um passo em frente no campeonato. Optámos por apanhar sol na Pérola do Atlântico... Que dizer daquela primeira parte? É possível descrever sem palavrões? Em 2 jogos voltamos a Novembro... Siga para a segunda volta!Basculação による
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‘brush strokes’ you're such a fake painting the perfect picture for others you’re an abstract portrait at home. * ‘DEAD BIRD’ NOW ON SALE AT AMAZON! * #barflypoet #josephapinto © Joseph A. Pinto * Poetry served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. The large majority of my poetry handcrafted from inside bars. * 'dead bird,' 'From My Front Steps…
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‘anakin’ train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose. still i clench her tight within my palms. shimmer of stars lighting the cluster of my nerves and she shines straight through. tell me, how can i release her, how in this universe can i ever move on? black hole within a turning heart, she pulls me deep. deeper. every ounce of strength…
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Não é certo que o miúdo seja o responsável por tudo, mas... Dragão cheio, mais entusiasmo, nova goleada, grande segunda parte... E para completar, deixou uma bela pintura no nosso terceiro golo. Será que há nevoeiro na choupana com Mora em campo? Veremos. Bom 2025 e continuem desse lado!Basculação による
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