Podcast by Park Community Church
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Sermons and Audio Messages from New Life Community Church
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Our church family here is a loving, close-knit group of Christians trying our best to live for Christ. We’re not perfect, of course, but we’re striving each day to let God’s Word be our guide for everything we do—in everyday life, at work, at school, at church. . . everywhere. Many of us come from different backgrounds, and we work in various fields, but we share a common love for Jesus Christ and His church and look for opportunities to share that love with others. Maybe you’ve realized the ...
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New Life message given by Pastor Bobby Moss (1/5/2025)Pastor Bobby Moss による
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Scriptures Referenced Romans 12:11–12Romans 6:17–18James 2:14-17David Szostek による
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New Life message given by Pastor Bobby Moss (12/22/2024)Pastor Bobby Moss による
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New Life message given by Joel Johnson (12/15/2024)Joel Johnson による
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Scriptures Referenced Mark 13:31Psalm 119:160David Szostek による
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New Life message given by Joel Johnson (12/8/2024)Joel Johnson による
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“Questions Regarding Noah’s Ark” The Ark would Not have been Big enough.But you still can’t get two of every species on the boat!Noah would not have had sufficient time to build a boat that big.How could they have collected all the animals by himself?Well, you may be able to get them all on the ark, but how did Noah feed, water, and clean up after …
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Scriptures Referenced Psalm 100Ephesians 2:10–13John 3:161 Timothy 6:17–18Luke 3:10–11David Szostek による
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New Life message given by Joel Johnson (11/24/2024)Joel Johnson による
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Scriptures Referenced 2 Timothy 2:15Acts 17:10–12Job 38:24Isaiah 51:6Psalm 8:8Ecclesiastes 1:7Ecclesiastes 11:3Amos 9:6Job 38:16Genesis 6:15Genesis 7:20Romans 1:20David Szostek による
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New Life message given by Pastor Bobby Moss (11/17/2024)Pastor Bobby Moss による
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New Life message given by Pastor Bobby Moss (11/10/2024)Pastor Bobby Moss による
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Scriptures Referenced 2 Peter 1:20–21Matthew 24:352 Samuel 23:2Ephesians 3:3–52 Timothy 3:15–17Hebrews 2:3–4David Szostek による
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New Life message given by Pastor Bobby Moss (11/3/2024)Pastor Bobby Moss による
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Scriptures Referenced 2 Peter 1:161 John 1:1Romans 1:20David Szostek による
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New Life message given by Pastor Bobby Moss (10/27/2024)Pastor Bobby Moss による
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Scriptures Referenced Genesis 1:1Colossians 1:16–17Isaiah 45:18 Scientific Evidence Richard Feynman, a Nobel Prize winner said, “Why nature is mathematical is a mystery…The fact that there are rules at all is a kind of miracle The existence of a great engineer who planned the universe is the only logical explanation, for the precise and consistent …
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New Life message given by Mark Condra (10/20/2024)Mark Condra による
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Scriptures Referenced Revelation 2:10Revelation 3:211 Peter 1:3–4 10 Persecutions of Roman Emperors Nero’s Persecution Persecuted Christians by accusing them of arson which caused the great fire of Rome, which was of his own doing. Executed Christians were used as food for beast or as torches to light up outdoor party venues. Most of these persecut…
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Scriptures Referenced Mark 2:5Mark 2:1–2Mark 2:3-12Romans 12:15James 2:14–16David Szostek による
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Some StatisticsWorld Population 8,178,983,374 World Birth Rates 4.3 births per second260 births per minute.(374,400 will be BORN today.) World Death Rates 2 people die every second120 people die per minute.(172,800 people will DIE today…) Scriptures Referenced John 17:20-21Luke 24:44-47Isaiah 53:6 Conclusion If we “Won’t Go” to the Lost, 2 people w…
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Taught live Sunday, September 22, 2024 Story of a missionary journey to Kenya with the Walk4Water program of Healing Hands International.Matt Perry による
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Why Soul Winning Matters The Devil is a liar,Eternity is forever,Jesus commands it and partook of proclaiming the Gospel.God wants everyone to have the opportunity to be in His Kingdom/Church. Scriptures Referenced Mark 1:14–152 Corinthians 4:4Matthew 25:462 Peter 3:9John 8:31Mark 10:451 Corinthians 15:3Matthew 16:18Mark 9:1Luke 14:23Mark 16:15–16E…
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Scriptures Referenced Matthew 21:25Colossians 3:17Matthew 16:15John 8:24Matthew 16:16John 3:1–2Matthew 16:17Matthew 16:18Isaiah 28:161 Corinthians 3:11Matthew 16:19David Szostek による
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Question: In the sermon on the mount, Jesus Said, “judge not” (Matt 7:1) but later He Said, “judge righteous judgement” (John 7:24). Explain please. Opening: 3 keys to unlocking a puzzling passage are: context, context and context. A. Exegete—what it meant, Hermeneutics—what it means. B. Matt 7:1-3 suggests a negative connotation for “Judging”. C. …
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Introductory Observation What do you think of Religious Traditions?The Greek term translated “tradition” refers to a body of precepts or practices handed down orally or in writing.All religious groups, including ours, have more or less distinctive traditions. Scriptures Referenced Mark 7:1-13Colossians 2:82 Thessalonians 3:61 Corinthians 11:23-251 …
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Scriptures Referenced Matthew 25:422 Corinthians 9:6–7Matthew 6:24James 4:17Galatians 6:6–72 Thessalonians 1:7–9David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced John 3:16Lamentations 3:22John 17:24bGenesis 2:16–17Leviticus 17:11Hebrews 9:22 Steps to Salvation You Must Hear the Word.Believe that He is God and a rewarder of those who seek Him.Repent of your sins. Confess Jesus as Lord and Savior.Be Baptized for the forgiveness of your sins.Remain Faithful, Loving and Consistent in your …
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Scriptures Referenced Proverbs 2:1–5Ecclesiastes 8:1Ecclesiastes 7:20-22Ecclesiastes 7:23–242 Timothy 3:13–172 Timothy 2:15Proverbs 2:1–5Romans 11:33Romans 13:1–2David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced Proverbs 28:6Proverbs 28:7Proverbs 28:91 Peter 3:12Psalm 66:18Isaiah 1:10–17David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced Proverbs 28:1Proverbs 28:2Hosea 4:1–3Proverbs 28:3Proverbs 28:4Colossians 2:8Proverbs 28:5David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced Matthew 23:13-36John 2:15John 6:53-55John 6:60-61John 6:66Romans 6:1-4Jim Fussell による
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Scriptures Referenced Proverbs 14:16–17Proverbs 29:22Proverbs 30:33Proverbs 29:20Proverbs 19:19Proverbs 16:32Proverbs 15:23Proverbs 14:29Proverbs 20:3Proverbs 19:11Proverbs 15:1Proverbs 15:18James 1:19–20David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced Proverbs 3:5-6Proverbs 3:7Romans 12:16Job 38:1–3Judges 21:25Psalm 119:105John 6:38David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced Isaiah 41:131 Corinthians 15:331 Timothy 4:16Matthew 11:28–29Revelation 3:15–16Colossians 3:23Mark 10:28–30Proverbs 4:1–4David Szostek による
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God’s Wisdom is Practical.God’s Wisdom is Enlightening.God’s Wisdom is Moral.God’s Wisdom brings Answers. Scriptures Referenced Proverbs 1:1-6Proverbs 1:7Isaiah 8:13Ecclesiastes 12:13Psalm 33:18David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced John 3:161 Corinthians 13:1–7David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced Hebrews 2:9Psalm 8:9Psalm 9:1-2Psalm 34:1-3Psalm 113:1-3Psalm 122:1Hebrews 12:28–29 Observations Cell Phone usage(Checking Emails, Text messaging, playing Games)Not singing or partially paying attention.(if you are a member of the church, you MUST participate in the worship of God, you are a participant not an observer).Bringi…
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Scriptures Referenced Romans 13:1-2Ephesians 5:22–25Ephesians 1:22–23Colossians 1:181 Peter 5:1–4Hebrews 13:171 Timothy 3:1 Greek Terms Defined Elder = presbuteros; defined an older man, one experienced in life.Pastor, Shepherd = poimēn; defined as one who protects those in his care; a shepherd cares for, Spiritually feeds, and protects the flock.O…
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Scriptures Referenced John 19:25Mark 16:9David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced 1 John 5:11–12Revelation 20:15Matthew 25:41Matthew 25:46John 14:6 John 8:24Matthew 7:21David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced Acts 2 : 41–471 John 1 : 3–71 Corinthians 1:9Ephesians 4:31 Corinthians 1:10Acts 2:47John 13:35David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced Acts 2:38-39Matthew 28:18–20Ephesians 3:3–5David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced Matthew 3:1-2 Matthew 4:17Matthew 10:7 Mark 9:1 Acts 1:8Acts 2:1-4 Colossians 1:13Acts 2:47Matthew 16:18–191 Corinthians 15:22–24David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced Acts 1:9–11Daniel 7:13–14Colossians 1:13–14John 18:36–37Matthew 16:18–19Daniel 2:44David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced Matthew 16:21Matthew 27:62–64Acts 2:33–36Luke 24:44–49David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced Matthew 26:36Matthew 26:55–56Isaiah 53:7Luke 23:34Mark 10:45Mark 15:33John 10:17-18David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced Mark 4:26–29Matthew 10:341 John 5:41 Corinthians 15:57–58David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced Matthew 7:24–29Matthew 7:241 John 5:3Acts 5:29Luke 6:46Matthew 7:25Matthew 12:46–501 Corinthians 3:10–11Philippians 2:10–12David Szostek による
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Scriptures Referenced Luke 13:1-9Romans 7:4John 15:8Hebrews 10:24–27David Szostek による
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