New Community Church is a multi-venue church in South East London living for Jesus. On Soundcloud we have Sunday talks and podcasts from across our venues. You can also find the talks on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.
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New Community Church in Elizabeth City, NC. Find out more about New Community Church by visiting
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Our purpose is to connect the disconnected and grow together towards full maturity in Christ.
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The Bible reveals one irreducible fact: God is for broken people. This channel contains the sermon recordings of the preaching pastors at the New Community Church with services at Hackensack and Edgewater in New Jersey. Our vision is to be "A Church for the Broken" and we hope these messages will help the listeners come to know more intimately the God who is for those who don't have it all together. You can find more media content and information about the church at
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We strive to build a church of action founded on biblical truth characterized by faith, grace, community, service, authenticity, clear thinking and cultural relevance. Grace Community Church is about knowing God, knowing His truth, and building community that extends to our full lives, not just Sunday morning.
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sermons from new community covenant church logan square in chicago, il
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"Growing Together Toward Maturity in Christ"
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Sermons and Audio Messages from New Life Community Church
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It is our prayer that these sermons will encourage you and strengthen you in your walk with the Lord.
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Sermons and Audio Messages from New Life Community Church
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Sermons and Audio Messages from New Life Community Church
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We welcome the imperfect, flawed, and broken as much as the healing and thriving because we are all God’s children. As a family, we seek to create relationships and foster growth to trust in God and pursue His loving purpose for our lives. Join us as every week we go through topical messages that help us grow as Christians and understand God's word.
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A gospel centered church in Highlands Ranch, proclaiming God's glory in the gospel of Jesus Christ through a Spirit-empowered community.
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New Covenant Community Church is a Bible-based church located on Route 62 east of Johnstown, OH.
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Weekly audio podcast of New Hope Community Church in Traverse City, MI.
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Let's Live the life of Christ. So the lost can be found.
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We are a community church in the Hamilton / Oxford area that believes in fellowship through the love of Christ.
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New Horizons Community Church
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Sermons from New Day Community Church Kalamazoo. For more info on our church, visit
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Sermons and Audio Messages from New Life Community Church
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New Life Community Church Podcasts
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Sermons and Audio Messages from New Life Community Church
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Sermons and Audio Messages from New Life Community Church
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Sermons and Audio Messages from New Life Community Church
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Sermons and Audio Messages from New Life Community Church
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New Life Community Church's weekly audio podcast. We are a church that desires to make disciples disciple makers.
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Vandalia Campus Sermons, New Day Community Church. For more info on our Michigan Campuses, visit
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Sermons and Audio Messages from New Life Community Church
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New Dawn Community Church, in Coral Springs, Florida - The Word, Prophetic Messages, Intercession, Worship Music, Dream Interpretation and More.
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Vine Campus Sermons, New Day Community Church. For more info on our Michigan Campuses, visit
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It is our belief that the preaching of the Word of God is a vital component of Christian worship. Generally speaking we preach through individual books of the Bible in their entirety, and none too quickly, with briefer topical series interspersed from time to time.
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Sermons and Audio Messages from New Life Community Church
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Sermons and Audio Messages from New Life Community Church
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Gospel-centered, Bible-based, and relationship-focused harvesting church that is passionate about making disciples who love God, one another and our community. We exist to live for the glory of God by loving Jesus, making disciples and serving our community. We offer two Sunday services at 7:30am and 9:30am at located at Aina Haina Elementary School (801 W. Hind Dr. Honolulu, 96821).
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Sermons and Audio Messages from New Life Community Church
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We are located in Tucson, Arizona and our vision statement is: In Jesus Christ, we are an intentionally transformational community: meeting people where they are, accepting them as they are, taking them by the hand and walking with them to where God wants us to be.
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Sermons and Audio Messages from New Life Community Church
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Sermons and Audio Messages from New Life Community Church
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Sermons and Audio Messages from New Life Community Church
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Sermons and Audio Messages from New Life Community Church
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Location: 4620 E. Nees Ave. Clovis, CA 93611 We're currently in the process of editing and re-uploading all of our previous sermons, so please be patient for past sermons.
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The 'But God' Moment // Special Message // March 23, 2025
44:36In this we take a week off from our regular Matthew series to take a look into Moses’ life. You see, Moses was living his life business as usual AND THEN God visited him with a “But God Moment.” This intersection of God and Moses took place at the Burning Bush and forever changed the course of his life. God tends to do this in the life of a believe…
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This week we had guest preachers Alianore Smith and Jonny Goodchild from International Justice Mission speak about God's heart for justice.New Community Church による
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3/23/2025 - "You Don’t Stand a Chance without Prayer - Part 2" (Daniel 10:15-21)
42:253/23/2025 - "You Don’t Stand a Chance without Prayer - Part 2" (Daniel 10:15-21) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "You Don’t Stand a Chance without Prayer - Part 2" (Daniel 10:15-21) III. Pray, because Disciples Are Rickety (vv. 15-19) IV. Pray, because of Our Daily Reality (vv. 20-21)…
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16 By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. 17 But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? 18 Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. 19 By this we shall kn…
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Sharing the Good News - 8 - Starting Conversations about God, Part 3
54:25New Hope Community Church | Robbie Lankford | Queensbury, NY | Glens Falls, NY による
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Aaron ReardonNew Hope Community Church による
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Robert Knechtle による
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New Life message given by Pastor Juan Sanchez (3/23/2025)Pastor Juan Sanchez による
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New Life message given by Pastor Bobby Moss (3/23/2025)Pastor Bobby Moss による
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New Life message given by Pastor Ray Abruzzi Jr. (3/23/2025)Pastor Ray Abruzzi Jr. による
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Fasting is Rest (Rest Pt. 9) by Pastor Mitch CostonPastor Mitch Coston による
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3/16/2025 - "You Don't Stand a Chance without Prayer - Part 1" (Daniel 10:1-14)
48:423/16/2025 - "You Don't Stand a Chance without Prayer - Part 1" (Daniel 10:1-14) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "You Don’t Stand a Chance without Prayer - Part 1" (Daniel 10:1-14) I. Pray, because Divinity Replies (vv. 1-9) II. Pray, because Delay Has a Reason (vv. 10-14)…
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The Gold Standard: The Gravest Dangers Facing the American Church
12:00Pastor Ryan Gold による
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God’s Plan>My Agenda - Bryan Mowrey - Guest Speaker
36:55"If you make yourself the most significant thing in your life you’ll never feel more insignificant.”"If you want a full life get into mission.”Listen to guest speaker Bryan Mowrey of Jubilee Church St Louis, USA speak on how God’s plan is better than my agenda. @bryanmowrey @jubilee_churchNew Community Church による
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Dave takes us through Scripture as well as personal experiences to explain how we can be filled with the Holy Spirit to have power in our daily lives.New Community Church による
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The Blessed Person: Part 2 // Blessings. // March 16, 2025
57:01One of the qualities of a healthy developing adult is the ability to bring peace to situations. Too many of us create or inflame an existing crisis. Jesus says the Blessed person does the opposite. They “Make” peace. They relieve tension wherever they go and interestingly, the Peace Maker is considered a “Son of God.” And that makes perfect sense s…
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Pastor Ryan Gold による
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Glen EwartNew Hope Community Church による
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Cliffe Knechtle による
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New Life message given by Pastor Juan Sanchez (3/16/2025)Pastor Juan Sanchez による
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New Life message given by Pastor Jason Holt (3/16/2025)Pastor Jason Holt による
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New Life message given by Pastor Ray Abruzzi Jr. (3/16/2025)Pastor Ray Abruzzi Jr. による
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New Hope Community Church | Robbie Lankford | Queensbury, NY | Glens Falls, NY による
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The Gold Standard: An Assessment of the American Church
6:00Pastor Ryan Gold による
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Sharing the Good News - 7 - Starting Conversations about God, Part 2
1:00:03New Hope Community Church | Robbie Lankford | Queensbury, NY | Glens Falls, NY による
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3/9/2025 - "The Anti-Messiah" (Daniel 9:27) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "The Anti-Messiah" (Daniel 9:27) I. Deceiver (v. 27a) II. Disrupter (v. 27b) III. Desolator (v. 27c) IV. Destroyed (v. 27d)New Woodstock Community Church による
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The Blessed Person // Blessings. // March 09, 2025
51:50As we march through the Beatitudes of Jesus we come to the place that I believe is vital to being a mature adult, and to anyone in a position of authority. Jesus tells us, “Blessed are the Gentle.” Gentle is also the word Meek. As the saying goes, “Meekness is not weakness.” In fact it is just the opposite. It actual means, “Power under control.” W…
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7 Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. 8 Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. 9 No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's s…
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Aaron ReardonNew Hope Community Church による
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Stuart Knechtle による
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New Life message given by Pastor Ray Abruzzi Jr. (3/9/2025)Pastor Ray Abruzzi Jr. による
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New Life message given by Pastor Juan Sanchez (3/9/2025)Pastor Juan Sanchez による
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New Life message given by Pastor Chad Bacon (3/9/2025)Pastor Chad Bacon による
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Love Makes It Easy (Rest Pt. 8) by Pastor Mitch CostonPastor Mitch Coston による
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3/2/2025 - "The Heart of Paul" by Pastor Barney at New Woodstock Community Church.New Woodstock Community Church による
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Jesus is our servant king, the one who models that it is better to serve than to be served. As we finish our Multiply series and look to the future of multiplication this final sermon encourages each of us to explore how we can use our time, talent and treasure to serve God and others.New Community Church による
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Jesus is our servant king, the one who models that it is better to serve than to be served. As we finish our Multiply series and look to the future of multiplication this final sermon encourages each of us to explore how we can use our time, talent and treasure to serve God and others.New Community Church による
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Serve > Served - Yemi Kolajo - Multiply Part 7
35:09Jesus is our servant king, the one who models that it is better to serve than to be served. As we finish our Multiply series and look to the future of multiplication this final sermon encourages each of us to explore how we can use our time, talent and treasure to serve God and others.New Community Church による
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True Happiness Revealed // Blessings. // March 02, 2025
42:01“Are You Chasing True Blessings?” Discover the difference between the world’s empty promises and the true blessings Jesus offers. In a world filled with fake happiness and fleeting success, learn how to find real joy and lasting comfort. ——————————————————————————————— Gather your church essentials here for notes, prayer, events, etc: https://nbcc.…
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4 Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. 5 You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. 6 No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him.Pastor Ryan Gold による
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Aaron ReardonNew Hope Community Church による
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Cliffe Knechtle による
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New Life message given by Pastor Roger Cortez (3/2/2025)Pastor Roger Cortez による
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New Life message given by Pastor Bobby Moss (3/2/2025)Pastor Bobby Moss による
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New Life message given by Hugo Luna (3/2/2025)Hugo Luna による
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Sharing the Good News - 6 - Starting Conversations about God, Part 1
52:05New Hope Community Church | Robbie Lankford | Queensbury, NY | Glens Falls, NY による
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As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us (Differentiation - Rest Pt. 7)
46:54As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us (Differentiation - Rest Pt. 7) by Pastor Mitch CostonPastor Mitch Coston による
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New Hope Community Church | Robbie Lankford | Queensbury, NY | Glens Falls, NY による
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“It is more blessed to give than receive.” Really? This talk explores what this popular saying actually means and looks like for those who really believe it.New Community Church による
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God gives us all time, talent and treasure. How can we use them in our worship to God and in our blessing of those around us?New Community Church による
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