A Podcast All About Men's Gymnastics
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Brock Richardson and his panel of sports experts engage in a lively round-table discussion about Parasports and professional sports news and newsmakers.
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Contenido de Don Eleuterio, de varias fuentes. Podcast no afiliado a programa o personaje.
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Jimmy Et Neutron
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This podcast is all about what it takes to get beyond neutral – out of that space so you can drive forward to where you want to be. Moving forward in our careers, in our leadership, relationships, or life phases can require new ways of thinking or being, to realize what you want to achieve.
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Michael Lamonato and Rob James valiantly attempt to create approximately 30 minutes of F1-adjacent audio that is both vaguely informative and mildly amusing, often failing spectacularly on both counts.
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A political podcast inspired by Howard Zinn and progressive and radical activism, taking a hammer to our cultural infrastructure to crack the façade and create space for new perspectives. History, Policy, Environment, Society, Culture. Anticapitalist, antifascist, antiracist, antisexist, anticolonial. Working for a better future.
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神戸 住吉 caffe NEUTRAL.昼間はcaffe 夜はBAR.店内にギャラリーとDJブースとプロジェクターを配しあらゆるサブカル的イベントに取り組もうと企んでいる.そんなNEUTRALといろんな絡みのあるゲストを迎えたインタビュー番組.
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Neutrium is a knowledge base of engineering topics, centred mainly around chemical engineering design challenges faced by engineers in their daily work. We created Neutrium to bridge the gap between theory and practice.
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A progressive podcast about politics and gaming. Not willing to pull punches, host Tig dives into controversial topics with passion and compassion. More at www.neutralgoodpodcast.com
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The official podcast from Neutral Wrestling.
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You never know what will spill out of Cig Neutron's mouth.....but that's half the fun.
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Escape from the Maya to be Your Authentic Self!
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Podcast by The Petty Neutrals
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A completely clueless teenage girl provides her opinions on things and just talks forever. Thank you please listen and enjoy.
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Podcast by Neutral Grounders
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What makes fighting games tick? Pros can tell you how to get better. Lab monsters can teach you combos. But here at Neutral Game, we're passionate about design. An interesting movelist, cool system mechanics, interesting writing, good teaching tools, compelling single player! A few mid-level fighting game friends discuss the genre, and the magic of a good fight.
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Welcome to the neutral podcast, where talk about news you can use.
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Neutrinowatch broadcasts daily from a series of parallel timelines which have 32% (± 7%) in common with our own reality. Episodes are updated every day—stream or re-download each episode daily for a slightly modified user-experience. [Neutrinowatch is a generative experimental fiction podcast created and coded by Martin Zaltz Austwick and Jeff Emtman. Thanks to James Coglan for technical advice. Art by Jeff Emtman; individual episode images created using Zoetrope 5.5]
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Een ironisch luisterboekje met pikante romances die zich afspelen tijdens de eerste COVID lockdown in maart 2020, een lente die we nooit meer zullen vergeten. Alles over cabaretière Anne Neuteboom vind je op www.anneneut.nl <3
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A podcast about Stuff Languages Do, covering typology and descriptive grammars from a theory-neutral perspective (or at least, as close as we can get!)
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Ochsner Medical Student Association Telehealth Interest Group Podcast Produced by Sean Byers and Carl Haupt
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Expondo a verdadeira arte de opinar, de forma lúdica, séria, sem perder o lado cearense da coisa. Tudo sobre o futebol cearense, desde os times da Série A até o futebol quase amador da Série D. Aqui também tem espaço para tudo do futebol nacional, focando whole woman of this Brazil!
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2 Gentlemen and a Lady discussing events and trends.
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Watch us stumble aimlessly across the dnd world
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De Boas agora é MENTE NEUTRA PODCAST! Novos episódios todos os domingos! Que tal se colocar com serenidade com a vida, sem mais stress, sem medos e sem luta? Que tal dar à vida um novo significado, onde ser feliz esteja em primeiro lugar? E onde a evolução seja o seu caminho? Este é o objetivo deste Podcast, te apresentar um universo de conhecimentos abrangendo filosofia, psicologia, espiritualida
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Neutron stellt euch das Neueste aus der Welt der Wissenschaft vor. Dabei sprechen wir aber nicht über die Forschung, sondern mit Forscher:innen, die dahinter stecken.
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Cheryl Wicks, founder of Sammie's friends, and I discuss the importance of spaying and neutering.
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Home of the In Stereo, Blue In Review, and Only 4 Sports podcast. Former home of Console Neutral (RIP).
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CEO2-neutral - Der Interview-Podcast für mehr Nachhaltigkeit im Unternehmen
Meike Müller, Nils Langemann
Moin und herzlich willkommen bei CEO2-neutral! Ein Interview-Podcast, den wir ins Leben gerufen haben, um möglichst viele Unternehmer:innen, Entscheider:innen und Mitarbeiter:innen zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz in ihrem Unternehmen zu motivieren. Denn einer unserer ersten Erkenntnisse auf unserer eigenen Reise zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit war: Alle müssen mitmachen. In unseren Gesprächen gehen wir der alles entscheidenden Frage nach, wie Unternehmen ihren Beitrag leisten können. Und das n ...
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A cloaked & grizzled figure stares intensely at you. ”So it’s adventure you crave?” he asks, half-whispering as if about to reveal to you a secret. ”Well you’ve come to the right place!” he exclaims as he leaps to his feet. ”Feast your ears on the wonders of the Awful Neutral podcast! There’s fighting cats, sassy punk gnomes, magic, mayhem, and more fun than a vorpal sword can cut through! Give it a listen, there’s a new episode every week!
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Four environmentalist friends get together each week to talk about their work, pop culture, and how to save the Earth while protecting your sanity.
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Join hosts Gabe Cook (world-renowned cider expert, author, educator), Grant Hutchison (former Frightened Rabbit drummer, current drummer for The Twilight Sad, owner of Aeble Cider Shop in Scotland), Martyn Goodwin-Sharman (works in cider and writes about cider) and Producer Scott Riggs (executive producer, former head of podcasts at Pandora, previously produced Questlove's podcast, Questlove Supreme) on the podcast where the guys engage in boisterous discussions about cider, music, and life. ...
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In this weekly adventure, I discuss literally whatever is on my mind at the moment. From concert anecdotes to horror stories about traveling abroad, this podcast is like a box of chocolates. You never know what ya gonna get.
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Hockey podcast! Interviews and insights into some of the best minds in the hockey world.
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Connor and Agent Five force themselves to watch four episodes of a terrible Nicktoon every week so they can uncover the suppressed evils buried within. What appears to be a simple kids' show is revealed to star a callous, self-centered misogynist bent on world domination, and it's up to our hosts to expose his crimes... before it's too late!
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O Zona Neutra é o podcast de cultura pop capitaneado pelo jornalista de cinema, escritor e tradutor André Gordirro, que conta sempre com convidados da área do jornalismo cultural (inclusive com correspondentes no exterior) para enriquecer o bate-papo com notícias fresquinhas, opiniões embasadas e informações exclusivas que não são ouvidas em nenhum outro podcast do gênero. Cinema, séries, games e livros estão no cardápio das pautas, muitas vezes gravadas no exterior pelo próprio André Gordir ...
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D&D with the Chaotically Neutral Canucks
Kenny Hayter, Kris Muggins, Smat Muggins, Ryleigh Cameron, Ben Whynot and Paul Hayes
"D&D with the Chaotically Neutral Canucks" guarantees a rollercoaster of hilarity as our zany crew tackles dungeons with a flair of comedy and drama! Check us out where you get your podcasting fix every Monday, at 12PM AST.
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Chaotic Neutral Adventures is a podcast that is based on the concept of the Choose Your Own Adventure books. Each installment will have an original story where you, the listener, are in control of the outcome. Content may contain explicit language.
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Ciencia para escuchar
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Chaotic Neutral Podcast: A podcast for the crazies, and the geeky alike.. Seriously, this is no informed debate, or eloquent prattle. This is about as offensive as it comes, making children cry everywhere. Along the way we tend to actually tackle the geeky world around us discussing video games, books, tv, movies, conventions, anime, and so much more. If you ever wanted to stay informed while having a total aneurysm, than this is the podcast for you!
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Het wordt makkelijk vergeten, maar naast Nederland en Turkije doen er nog 22 landen mee aan het EK. In dagelijkse afleveringen gaan Peter en Yordi op zoek naar het land dat het hart van de Neutrale Kijker weet te veroveren, terwijl ze zich met man en macht proberen te verzetten tegen de verleidingen van de oranjekoorts en de toeterende auto's in Diemen.
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False Neutral is The Hooniverse Podcast Network's motorcycle-centric podcast. Eric, Garrett and Pete discuss buying, riding, and wrenching motorcycles. New episodes appear monthly.
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Nachhaltigkeit und Organisationsstruktur: Das braucht dein Team | mit Kai Platschke
mit Kai Platschke | Gründer teamdecoder Unsere Learnings aus der Folge: Ein scheinbar selbstverständlicher Punkt, der dennoch oft übersehen wird: Zusätzliche Aufgaben können nur erfolgreich gemeistert werden, wenn neben dem Tagesgeschäft ausreichend Ressourcen zur Verfügung stehen. Klare Frage auch an uns Brauchen wir überhaupt noch Organigramme? M…
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When Israel Says They Are Targeting Aid, They Mean For Destruction
“YCBN 127 - When Israel Says They Are Targeting Aid, They Mean For Destruction” Targeted Aid Killings - Sparks, et. al. UNRWA Ban - Days of Palestine UNRWA Preparing for Israeli Ban - Goldsmith UNRWA Denies Reports it is Ending Operations - Eichner Moment of Zinn - Johnstone - “Killing UNRWA Funding”…
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De la vulgarisation scientifique pour avoir l’air instruit dans vos soupers entre amisCISM 89.3 による
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Coming up on this edition of The Neutral Zone, Brock spoke with Co-Chef de Mission Karolina Wisniewska about her experience at the Paralympic Games. The panel will also bring you up to speed on the latest at the World Junior Hockey Championships, and, when athletes win awards, does that mean more or less to them than medals? We discuss!…
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De la vulgarisation scientifique pour avoir l’air instruit dans vos soupers entre amisCISM 89.3 による
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“YCBN 126 - Gaza: Life in a Death Trap” Gaza: Life in a Death Trap - Médecins sans Frontières https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/sites/default/files/documents/MSF_REPORT_Gaza%20Life%20in%20a%20death%20trap%20Report_20241229.pdf Moment of Zinn - Scott Free - “A Palestinian in Gaza”YouCantBeNeutral.com による
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Our annual award-giving gala with Superlicense F1 Podcast asks why Valtteri Bottas has developed a propensity to get his pants off and features exclusive audio of Sergio Pérez's payout negotiations with Red Bull Racing. Suggestion box 🗳️ Leave a suggestion Support the show 🤝 Click here to get access to bonus content and ad-free episodes by buying a…
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“YCBN 125 - Water Deprivation and Genocide in Gaza” Summary - Extermination and Acts of Genocide Israel Deliberately Depriving Palestinians in Gaza of Water - Human Rights Watch https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2024/12/gaza1224web.pdf Moment of Zinn - Holly Near - “No More Genocide”YouCantBeNeutral.com による
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Did the USA Gymnastics D Score Bonus System ACTUALLY Work?
Episode 51: At the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, the U.S. Men's Gymnastics Team won their first team Olympic Medal since 2008. The media and members within USA Gymnastics immediately credited their new D Score Bonus System for the win. No publicly available data was given to substantiate or deny these claims. So we did the math. And the results were...…
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De la vulgarisation scientifique pour avoir l’air instruit dans vos soupers entre amisCISM 89.3 による
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Give yourself the gift of reflection and planning
As the holiday season approaches, Paula Reid challenges listeners to step back from the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations to focus on themselves. In this special episode of Beyond Neutral, Paula introduces a simple yet impactful three-step process for ending the year with gratitude and setting the stage for personal success in the new year.…
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Coming up on today’s show, we speak with journalism student Kristian Cuaresma, from Toronto Metropolitan University, who happens to have an interest in para sports. Plus, there could be major changes in the sports landscape the panel will discuss!
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Wie kommt man als Start Up an öffentliche Aufträge? | mit Ecopals
mit Fabian Zitzmann und Jonas Varga von Ecopals Unsere Learnings aus der Folge: Auch als Start Up kann man in öffentlichen Ausschreibungen erfolgreich sein. Es gibt noch viele unentdeckte Verwendungsmöglichkeiten für recycelte Materialien. Es braucht Mut und Vertrauen der Auftraggeber, um in komplexen Projekten auch als neues Unternehmen Fuß zu fas…
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De la vulgarisation scientifique pour avoir l’air instruit dans vos soupers entre amisCISM 89.3 による
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Coming up on today’s show we are joined by friend of the show, and host of the Whiskey and Cream podcast, Ari Shapiro. We’ll talk to Ari about all things baseball! Recently it was International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The panel will talk about where we are today on the landscape of para sports.…
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Episode 50: NCAA Pre-season, Illia Kovtun to Croatia?, and USA Gymnastics Updates
Episode 50: NCAA preseason is in full swing, Illia Kovtun is seriously considering changing nationalities, and the bonus program will be no more for the 2025 Winter Cup For those new here, I’m Kensley the host of Neutral Deductions a Podcast all about men’s gymnastics. This is Episode 50 where we cover the latest competitions and men’s gymternet ne…
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APX GP wins the constructors championship after Brad Pitt's teammate dominates the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix because he is as cunning as a fox who is a professor of cunning at Oxford University (sic). Suggestion box 🗳️ Leave a suggestion Support the show 🤝 Click here to get access to bonus content and ad-free episodes by buying a Box of Neutrals subscri…
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Laxative-Soaked Baton (Christine Walter from Bauman’s Cider)
This just in! Hot off the press, it's Gabe Cook, Martyn Goodwin-Sharman, Grant Hutchison and Producer Scott, with the current news, absolutely up-to-date. Gabe starts off with literally nothing, before a miniature railway saves the conversation. Martyn brings up Gabe’s historic substack about a magical pear tree, taking the boys down fire blight av…
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“YCBN 124 - You Feel Like You Are Subhuman” Executive Summary - ‘YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE SUBHUMAN’ ISRAEL’S GENOCIDE AGAINST PALESTINIANS IN GAZA -Amnesty International https://www.amnestyusa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/You-Feel-Like-You-Are-Subhuman-Israels-Genocide-Against-Palestinians-in-Gaza.pdf ”…
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De la vulgarisation scientifique pour avoir l’air instruit dans vos soupers entre amisCISM 89.3 による
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The Policies and Practices of Israel are Consistent With the Characteristics of Genocide
“YCBN 123 - The Policies and Practices of Israel are Consistent With the Characteristics of Genocide” Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories 20 September 2024 Moment of Zinn - Martin Leahy - “Not In Gaza”…
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Coming up on today’s show, we speak with Boccia athlete Joshua Gauthier, who is coming off of an individual gold-medal performance at the national championships, recently held in Ottawa! Plus the panel explores the idea of what it means to be successful as an athlete particularly at a young age.
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Das CEO2-neutral Corporate Sustainability Briefing (CSB) für November 2024 mit Alexandra Herget
mit Alexandra Herget | Sustainability Consultant bei PHAT CONSULTING Die Quellen zu unserem CEO2-neutral Corporate Sustainability Briefing (CSB) News des Monats November 2024 Die EUDR Verordnung wird nun tatsächlich verschoben, obwohl dieser Faktencheck deutlich zeigt, dass die Anforderungen durchaus machbar sind. Die ESG-Ratinganbieter stehen vor …
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“YCBN 122 - Genocide as Colonial Erasure” Situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967** Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese Genocide as colonial erasure -Francesca Albanese https://documents.un.org/doc/undoc/gen/n24/…
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Lando Norris is robbed of his rightful place on the podium by a panel of unpatriotic stewards. And has Helmut Marko found his newest shiny object? Fantasy F1 📢 Join the 2024 league! (Code: C4L1KFQRT07) Suggestion box 🗳️ Leave a suggestion Support the show 🤝 Click here to get access to bonus content and ad-free episodes by buying a Box of Neutrals s…
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De la vulgarisation scientifique pour avoir l’air instruit dans vos soupers entre amisCISM 89.3 による
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Lando Norris is robbed of the championship by a foreigner. And has anyone actually seen a Cadillac? Fantasy F1 📢 Join the 2024 league! (Code: C4L1KFQRT07) Suggestion box 🗳️ Leave a suggestion Support the show 🤝 Click here to get access to bonus content and ad-free episodes by buying a Box of Neutrals subscription. More Box of Neutrals ⭐ Leave us a …
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oming up on today’s show, we speak with Canadian women’s goalball player Whitney Bogart who recently decided to retire after four Paralympic games. We will find out her thoughts and process behind making her decision. Plus, we will round up the latest in mainstream sports. Okay
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De la vulgarisation scientifique pour avoir l’air instruit dans vos soupers entre amisCISM 89.3 による
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Coming up on today’s show we speak with Josh Vander Vies, a Co-Chef De Mission at the 2024 Paris Paralympic games! Plus we debrief the 2024 Grey cup between Winnipeg and Toronto!
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2024-11-15 - Vie - Análisis Neutrar Con Eleuterio Quiñones
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2024-11-13 - Mie - La Historia de Puerto Rico según Eleuterio Quiñones - Volumen 1 - ElTocino.tv
La Historia de Puerto Rico según Eleuterio Quiñones - Volumen 1 - ElTocino.tv
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With the championship on the line this weekend, we play a title-deciding edition of Formula 1 Numerology. TINSI-I race car 📽️ Watch the video Fantasy F1 📢 Join the 2024 league! (Code: C4L1KFQRT07) Suggestion box 🗳️ Leave a suggestion Support the show 🤝 Click here to get access to bonus content and ad-free episodes by buying a Box of Neutrals subscr…
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Auf dem Weg zur Energiewende - ein Gespräch mit Enpal
mit Dr. Wolfgang Gründiger | Chief Evangalist bei Enpal Unsere Learnings aus der Folge: Für Unternehmen und Verbraucher:innen muss mehr Planungssicherheit her, wenn es um nachhaltige Investitionen geht Förderungen haben nicht immer den gewünschten Effekt, sondern verhindern im schlimmsten Fall sogar die Investitionen in die Energiewende durch zu kl…
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Well, it's a bit overdue, but let's talk about Tekken, shall we? The King of Iron Fist has returned, and our hosts have taken a while to sort out their feelings. Clearly, it's a well made game that does some impressive and admirable things. But it also engenders a weird sort of animosity in us? We finally sat down and decided to figure the whole th…
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Six and Kyrie are more than ready to Rock the Dragon with the newest fighting game in the Dragon Ball series! But, while Dragon Ball FighterZ was a tag fighter in the style of Marvel vs. Capcom, and thus very familiar, Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero is an ~arena~ fighter. You know, that genre that people scorn as being casual, fanservice only, broken …
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De la vulgarisation scientifique pour avoir l’air instruit dans vos soupers entre amisCISM 89.3 による
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Coming up on today’s show, we are going to put our friend and cohost Claire Buchanan in the interview seat were going to talk all things surrounding her trip to Norway with the women’s para ice hockey team and find out what’s going on with on para. Plus I’m going oppose a question about the women’s rivalry series and its importance within the lands…
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Alpine proves Jack Doohan is a star of the future by considering dropping him from its 2025 driver line-up before he's even had a chance to make his debut. Fantasy F1 📢 Join the 2024 league! (Code: C4L1KFQRT07) Suggestion box 🗳️ Leave a suggestion Support the show 🤝 Click here to get access to bonus content and ad-free episodes by buying a Box of N…
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Nesta live do Ecotrim Cast, Marcello Cotrim abre a semana discutindo temas fundamentais para a vida amorosa, abordando o amor e a paixão em profundidade. Com insights sobre autoconhecimento, cura emocional, e espiritualidade universalista, Cotrim explora como a compreensão dos nossos traumas e condicionamentos da infância influencia nossas relações…
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2024-11-08 - Vie - Análisis Neutrar Con Eleuterio Quiñones
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“YCBN 121 - Mutually Reinforcing Atrocities” Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Michael Fakhri Starvation and the right to food, with an emphasis on the Palestinian people’s food sovereignty https://documents.un.org/doc/undoc/gen/n24/212/30/pdf/n2421230.pdf www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/issues/food/2024-08-27-visua…
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De la vulgarisation scientifique pour avoir l’air instruit dans vos soupers entre amisCISM 89.3 による
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