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Interviews with authors of articles from JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery. JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery is a peer-reviewed medical journal that provides timely information for physicians and scientists concerned with diseases of the head and neck. Given the diversity of structure and function based in this anatomic region, JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery publishes clinical, translational, and population health research from an array of disciplines. We place a high p ...
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Heels, Pearls and Neckties is a podcast that deals with relationships. Are you someone who has a lot of baggage from past love relationships? Are you dealing with a lover who has not yet committed to you? Is your lover fulfilling what you want and need in your relationship? Are you seeing a lot of red flags? Are you datable? These are just a few of the subjects we will be dealing with at HPN. Join us! You don't want to miss our first episode and those to follow!
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Neck of the Woods

Freshalina & Xtian Emiliano

Hosted by Black Twitter's favorite cousins, blogger Freshalina and Xtian Emiliano Neck of The Woods is a hilarious weekly wrap-up of everything ranging from ratchet to righteous.
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CancerCare's free Connect Education Workshops are a way for people to learn about cancer-related issues from the convenience of their home or office. Leading experts in oncology provide the most up-to-date information in these workshops to help you and your loved ones better understand and cope with your cancer diagnosis, treatment options, quality-of-life concerns, treatment side effects, pain management, doctor-patient communication and other important topics.
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長頸鴨 Long Neck Duck

長頸鴨 Long Neck Duck

長頸鴨會分享很多方面的東西,在馬來西亞所說的chapalang,就是anything, everything。不過,還是會圍繞著我們喜歡的東西,研究的東西,看過的東西,還有感受。 歡迎到長頸鴨的Blog Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Open Neck No Respect

Open Neck No Respect

Welcome to the f**king show!! This is Open Neck No Respect... the Philly based podcast with no respect but much love to all. We’ll be covering topics on the crazies in entertainment, the wild in social issues, and the personal on some real shit. This about to be a good jawn! Support this podcast:
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GRACEcast Head and Neck Cancer Audio

cancerGRACE - H. Jack West, MD

Oncology experts summarize current and emerging issues in cancer management for patients and caregivers. Information from the Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education (GRACE) helps people to become informed partners in their care.
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Welcome to the Neck Up Training Academy by Jerry Lund. This where I take you from surviving to thriving by sharing my unique perspective with 28 years as a firefighter and police officer. Don't let fear stop you from reconnecting with your dreams and reenergize your dreams.
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A podcast with host and professional rugby player Niall Annett and guests! Guests include current and former professional athletes from many fields along with experts in elite performance giving a close and honest insight to their experiences and views.Subscribe to ensure you don't miss an episode!!
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Less Tech, More Neck

Less Tech More Neck LLC.

Hosts Eric Beattie & DeVante Branch dive into the world of technology and its impact on our daily lives. They share their insights and personal experiences on how to reduce the use of technology, connect with people in person, and discuss how to navigate relationships in modern society. Eric and DeVante recognize that many people are going through tough times in their personal lives, and their goal is to offer solutions and support to those who need it. They believe that by living a more bal ...
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What Pain in the Neck? Resolving Suffering is a podcast about finding real solutions to stubborn suffering. Stories of people who got their life back in abundance or are helping others to do so. Your host Ruth Elder has devoted her life to spreading the message that healing is possible even in the most severely complicated and long-lasting cases. Are you suffering and feeling like you have tried everything? Gone from doctor to doctor, had tests, X-Rays, MRIs, and more, only to be told there ...
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show series
Interview with S. A. Reza Nouraei, BChir, PhD, author of Baroreflex Sensitivity in Patients With Laryngopharyngeal Dysfunction—The Overwhelmed Vagus Hypothesis. Hosted by Paul C. Bryson, MD, MBA. Related Content: Baroreflex Sensitivity in Patients With Laryngopharyngeal Dysfunction—The Overwhelmed Vagus Hypothesis…
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Eine Aufnahme eines Live-Interviews mit einem Sprecher* zur Demo "Bezahlkarte stoppen!" in Heidelberg. An der Demo sind beteiligt: die Seebrücken aus Heidelberg, Mannheim und Karlsruhe, die AIHD, der Asylarbeitskreis Heidelberg, der Verein Chancen gestalten, die Heidelberger Lokalgruppe von Rolling Safespace, die Falken Heidelberg, GSK, Akut+[c] so…
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1-TransAktionswochen MA/HD2-Spinelli auto-armes Wohngebiet?3-Interkulturelle Sprachmittler*Innen und Berater*Innen4-Ausländerbehörde Rhein-Pfalz Kreis5-Keine Fahrrad- und Fußgängerbrücke in LU6-Ermittlungen wg. Privatfahrten gegen OB von FT7-NPD und die Rechte planen zur Reichspogromnacht Demo in DurlachSprecher: trattaktara…
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Beitrag:Das Trio hinter der 68 GALLERY bestehend aus Raumgestalter und Kunstliebhaber Thomas Beil, der Künstlerin Bianca Staff und dem Fotografen Felix Zeiffer ist seit 2024 durch den Musiker Chris Hans von Ferrytales Music ergänzt worden. Das Konzept der 68 GALLERY bleibt auch unter dem neuen Quartett gleich: Einen Ort schaffen, an dem regelmäßig …
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IFFMH (Internationales Filmfestival Mannheim/Heidelberg) : Die 73. Ausgabe des IFFMH findet vom 7. bis 17. November statt – wir sind wieder Spielstätte! Im Cinema Quadrat laufen Filme aller Festivalsektoren, hauptsächlich aber Beiträge aus der diesjährigen Retrospektive, die sich dem Thema „Körper im Film“ widmet.Musikfilm Festival Klang/Bild;Von 2…
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The guys are back to break down week 9 of the NFL season. Get into how the games played out last week before we dive head first into this week of games. Touch on our NHL futures and talk a little bit about the way the world series is playing out.Nicky unders- Willie overs による
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1-Mietspiegel MA veröffentlicht2-Scientology in der Immobilienbranche3-DÜW Anti Corona Prozess muss neu gestartet werden4-Reichsbürger Szene im Rhein-Main-Gebiet5-Sparkurs in HD6-Lesung „Weggegangen. Angekommen – Mannheimer Migrationsgeschichte" im Kulturhaus RomnoKherSprecher: trattaktaraMichael: Rasenspieler (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar) による
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Die Essenz – das ist der Titel eines Theaterstücks. Es wurde von Studierenden der Pädagogischen Hochschule haben entwickelt. Theatergruppe „Mach mit“ hat ein Stück für alle Sinne daraus gemacht. Annette Lennartz –Annette Lennartz (bermuda.funk - Freies Radio Rhein-Neckar) による
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More bad roommates: In this episode of r/BadRoommates we encounter some of the worst bad roommates stories out there. There are some shining moments, but one of these stories takes it above and beyond and delivers that fresh cringe content that we all hope for. I'm not sure wh…
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Need more great relationship advice?? In this episode we are giving out some relationship advice. It's mostly just me screaming into a microphone for extended periods. Some people would call it reddit narration. Just like some people would call these situations we're narrating…
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"La Bête" FRA/CAN 2023 Termine: 25.10.2024 19:30 Uhr 28.10.2024 19:30 Uhr 29.10.2024 17:30 Uhr 2044. KI bestimmt alle gesellschaftlichen Fragen, deshalb sind Emotionen Hindernisse im Produktivitätssystem: Sie hindern die Menschen daran, rational und KI-konform zu entscheiden und zu handeln. Gabrielle will daher ihre DNA von Gefühlen reinigen lassen…
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Am 7. November startet die 73. Ausgabe des Internationalen Filmfestivals Mannheim Heidelberg. Im Cinema Quadrat, dem kommunalen Kino in Mannheim, wurde am 17. Oktober das Programm vorgestellt. Eva Mayer von der Kulturredaktion fuzzy des bermuda.funk sprach im Anschluss mit Tim Moeck vom Programmteam des Festivals.Das Internationale Filmfestival Man…
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1-Revisionsprozess im Fall Ante P.2-Kritik am Policy Report zu Antisemitismus / Antizionismus 3-Gedenken an Sinti-und Roma geschändet 4-”Ehemaliges” Mitglied des Nat.Widerstands in Stadtrat ZW gewählt 5-"Das Jasmin-Inferno" mit Imad Al Suliman - Lesereise zu den Themen Flucht und Abschiebung6. Christoph Spengel im Bargespräch zu CumEx 7-Umweltforum…
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RPG Horror playlist: In this episode of r/RPGHorrorStories we meet a whiny powergamer paladin. Is he a neckbeard? Absolutely. But that doesn't seem to stop the OP and the DM from coming off as equally repugnant. This RPG Horror Story is so frustrating. YouTube:…
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Andreas Schmitt von der Stadt Mannheim stellt das Programm von Woche 4 der einander.Aktionstage 2024 vor. Weitere Infos: und auf Social Media.Die Mannheimer einander.Aktionstage stehen in diesem Jahr unter dem Motto „Mannheim verbindet. Gesellschaft lebt vom Miteinander“. Vom 27. September bis zum 27. Okt…
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1-CDU berät AfD bei Einschränkungen der Förderung des JUZ 2-Scipio-Garten soll privatisiert werden3-Verkehrsberuhigung der Kunststraße 4-Helmut-Kohl-Allee in LU5-Wattenheim Kita-Neubau soll an ehemalige Synagoge erinnern6-Tod einer Joggerin in Lampertheim und der Mob tobt nicht nur in soz. Medien6-AZ Eli Lilly Ansiedlung hat ein GschmäckleSprecher:…
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More 4chan Greentext Stories: 4chan is a hive of villainy, but greentext stories are sometimes worth braving the depths for... These 4chan greentext stories were hand-selected from every corner of the internet, and now they have arrived at your ears. Sometimes they go off the …
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38. Mannheimer Filmsymposium vom 18. - 20.09.2024 (ES KÖNNEN AUCH EINZELVERANSTALTUNGEN BESUCHT WERDEN!)Das Thema Künstliche Intelligenz – bis vor kurzem nur von Fachleuten diskutiert – hat mit der kostenfreien Verwendung von ChatGPT seit November 2022 inzwischen alle Lebensbereiche erfasst und fordert zunehmend von jedem eine Haltung dazu. In dies…
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Andreas Schmitt von der Stadt Mannheim stellt das Programm von Woche 3 der einander.Aktionstage 2024 vor. Weitere Infos: und auf Social Media.Die Mannheimer einander.Aktionstage stehen in diesem Jahr unter dem Motto „Mannheim verbindet. Gesellschaft lebt vom Miteinander“. Vom 27. September bis zum 27. Okt…
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More creepy nice guy interactions: The Minami-chan Saga is a Japanese horror story that was originally posted on 2channel in 2004. The story is about a young woman named Minami-chan who is stalked and harassed by an anonymous online user. The story is told through a series of …
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Italien ist das diesjährige Gastland der Buchmesse Frankfurt. In Verbindung mit Goethes berühmter "Italienischer Reise" und der Buchmesse (14. -20. 10.2024) ist auf dem Frankfurter Paulsplatz „The Great Escape Room – Eine inspirierende Auszeit auf den Spuren Goethes 'Italienischer Reise'“ zu sehen. Ein tiefes und wunderbares Buch ist "Das Jahr ohne…
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1- Unitas Germanica – Neue Nazigruppe im Südwesten2-Alleingang von OB Specht bei der Änderung der GO der Bezirksbeirät*innen 3-Stellenabbau bei Alstom geplant4-Kompromisslösung bei Tadano ZW5-Tandemstreife in der Neckarstadt West zieht Bilanz6-Unterbesetzung des Stellwerks am Ludwigshafener Hauptbahnhof7-Test von autonomen Kleinbussen im Nahverkehr…
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More neckbeard stories playlist: In this episode of r/NeckbeardStories we are taking a trip through the top posts of all time from the neckbeard stories subreddit. Some of these really come out of left field, and we will experience one of the foulest beards to come out of our …
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More neckbeard stories playlist: In this episode of r/NeckbeardStories we are taking a trip through the top posts of all time from the neckbeard stories subreddit. Some of these really come out of left field, and we will experience one of the foulest beards to come out of our …
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Show notes: Episode no. 412 (10/4/24): It’s the final episode of the show, as Dan Tom explains why and whats to come before breaking down his picks and plays, from top to bottom, for UFC 307 (answering questions in the live chat along the way). Links: Support Tumen’s legal fund:…
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More 4chan Greentext Stories: 4chan is a hive of villainy, but greentext stories are sometimes worth braving the depths for... These 4chan greentext stories were hand-selected from every corner of the internet, and now they have arrived at your ears. Sometimes they go off the …
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More neckbeard stories playlist: In this episode of r/NeckbeardStories we are taking a trip through the top posts of all time from the neckbeard stories subreddit. Some of these really come out of left field, and we will experience one of the foulest beards to come out of our …
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Show notes: Episode No. 411.5 (9/29/24): Dan Tom and Feno recap results for UFC Paris (answering questions in the live chat along the way). Links: Support Tumen’s legal fund: Subscribe to the show on YouTube: https://www.youtu…
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Looking for more dating hell stories? In this episode of r/DatingHell we have the displeasure of another series of dating fails. Dating is always difficult, but our OPs decide to give these specimens the benefit of the doubt... And it almost goes terribly wrong every single ti…
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More 4chan Greentext Stories: 4chan is a hive of villainy, but greentext stories are sometimes worth braving the depths for... These 4chan greentext stories were hand-selected from every corner of the internet, and now they have arrived at your ears. Sometimes they go off the …
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Episode No. 411 (9/26/24): Dan Tom breaks down his picks and plays, from top to bottom, for UFC Paris (answering questions in the live chat along the way). Breakdown starts at approx. 0:10:20 Links: Support Tumen’s legal fund:…
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Interview with Alexander T. Hillel, MD, author of Oral Everolimus Following Dilation in Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis: A Phase 1 Nonrandomized Clinical Trial. Hosted by Paul C. Bryson, MD, MBA. Related Content: Oral Everolimus Following Dilation in Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis
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Willie overs and Nicky Unders are back this week hammering out bets. We hop into MLB's last week of the season and the wild card races. Break down what happened in Week 3 of the NFL season. Get into week 4 with some heavy prop action from willie overs and our large cards we got for the week. End it with some of the best NCAAF games this week and Na…
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- Definition of a Caregiver- What Research Tells Us About Caregivers’ Well Being- Caregiving for an Older Adult- Caregiving for a Younger Adult- Caregiving for a Friend- Caregivers for Cancer Survivors- Couples, Partners, Siblings & Friends- Family, Partner & Friend Communication- Care Coordination: Challenges & Tips- Stresses on Family, Partners &…
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