Messages given by Rabbi Brian Samuel from Messianic congregation Mishkahn David in Rhode Island.
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Teachings by Rabbis Michael and Carol Calise
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Weekly sermons from Sha'arey Tzion Messianic Synagogue In Colorado Springs, Colorado.
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Rabbi Bruce L. Cohen's explanatory readings from the Torah and sermons, given at Congregation Beth El of Manhattan - a Conservative Two-Testament (“Messianic”) Jewish synagouge in the Upper East Side of New York City, where Jewish people and "People of Calling" (not born Jewish), and interfaith couples come together in Manhattan ince 1993 to observe Two-Testament Judaism. For more information visit, or if you're in New York come to one of our Saturday morning services.
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Sermons – B'rit Hadasha Messianic Jewish Synagogue
Sermons – B'rit Hadasha Messianic Jewish Synagogue
A Vibrant Messianic Jewish Community
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Yom Kippur - Book of Life and Crafting Our Own Narratives
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On Yom Kippur, the Day Of Atonement, there is really only one message that matters - that Yeshua came and died for our sins, so we can have true, eternal (Rabbi Brian Samuel) による
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Yeshua and the Apostles consistently tell us to be ready for the Day Of The Lord, so it does not overtake us like a thief. What does it mean to be ready? Yeshua's parables and other scriptures give us (Rabbi Brian Samuel) による
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We often want to forget our troubled pasts. But God is able to extract gold from our past and use it to build His (Rabbi Brian Samuel) による
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We are an outcomes-based society. We always look for the empirical results of our work efforts. But God does not call us to effect outcomes. He simply calls us to obedience. The outcomes belong to (Rabbi Brian Samuel) による
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ABC's of Faith: Infilling of the Ruach and Speaking in Tongues
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This sermon warns the American church to remember God as the source of its blessings and to guard against the spiritual apathy that prosperity can (Rabbi Brian Samuel) による
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The destruction of Jerusalem Temple certainly didn't come without prophetic warning. But amidst the devastation, another prophecy emerged: To build, plant, and prosper, within the city you are exiled (Rabbi Brian Samuel) による
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Forgiveness is something that is easy to say without truly meaning it, but hard to genuinely do in our hearts. However, there is a key to achieving true forgiveness and experiencing the freedom that comes with it. That key is Yeshua, who lives within you. When Yeshua forgives through you, the forgiveness is complete and transformative.…
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ABC's of Faith: The Fall of Man and The Salvation of Man
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The parable of the wheat and weeds teaches that despite being surrounded by challenges, God transforms our mourning into joy, working all things together for (Rabbi Brian Samuel) による
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In the end-times, God is raising up an army of true prophets. In reaction, a spirit of false prophecy is also rising up at the same time. Bilaam is the prototype of the false prophet, and his spiritual failings are warnings to the body of Messiah in these (Rabbi Brian Samuel) による
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Our fear of the Lord is tested not at our church or synagogue, but when we are alone. How we speak, how we act, how we interact, when we are not in the presence of (Rabbi Brian Samuel) による
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Pharaoh and his army may have drowned in the sea. But the lure of Egypt never left our ancestors. So it is with occultic practices that we've previously dabbled with. They want us back. And we need to renounce them (Rabbi Brian Samuel) による
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Rabbi Brian details the laws pertaining to the "Nazir", the Nazarite, and how they pertain to our own struggles with addiction and taming the (Rabbi Brian Samuel) による
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Parshat Bamidbar: God is not only the God of heaven and earth, but the God of the individual. God is the One who speaks galaxies into existence, but also hears the cries of His one child that feels unloved and (Rabbi Brian Samuel) による
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Rabbi Brian explores the Autumn festivals of the Lord and discusses how they prefigure the events of the end times. This includes the tribulation, the rapture, the millennial reign, and notably, the return of Yeshua to (Rabbi Brian Samuel) による
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The purest meaning of Shabbat is that we work at something, but then rest, and let God do the miracle. We rest on Shabbat, but He doesn't! (Rabbi Brian Samuel) による
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Rabbi Brian's sermon centers on the central theme of the Torah and Prophets... to "Love your neighbor as yourself." What does it mean, not just to love your neighbor, but to love them "as yourself"? We will delve into the concept of loving ourselves, not in a prideful way, but truly in a Biblical way, connected to loving our neighbor. This message …
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The Who, What, When, Where, Why And How Of Giving And Receiving Correction
Giving and receiving correction (a rebuke) is spoken of only in positive terms in all of the Bible. Yet both are viewed in negative lights these days. In this sermon, Rabbi Brian gives Biblical and practical insights into the art of giving and receiving (Rabbi Brian Samuel) による
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Pesach (Passover) begins with a Shabbat and ends with a Shabbat. The interim days are called "Chol HaMoed", meaning the workdays/ordinary days of the festival. It's in these days, when things seem ordinary, as if God isn't moving, that God does amazing inner work, even when we don't realize (Rabbi Brian Samuel) による
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Mission Possible - Fellowship: Building Together
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In Torah portion Tazria, we learn about the leper and leprosy. By reviewing what Torah says about this malady, we learn so much about the leper who approached (Rabbi Brian Samuel) による
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