Teddi Mellencamp and Tamra Judge team up to Tell All. Listen each week as they watch and rehash as only they can. Who knows housewives better than housewives?! Right?! Teddi and Tamra are Two Ts in a Pod. (Telling All).
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Szakmai pezsgőfürdő coachingról, tréningről és különböző vállalati jelenségekről
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Hvad sker der i kulissen på en tv-optagelse? Hvor går kronprins Christian i byen? Og hvad skal man lægge i det nye easter egg, Taylor Swift har lagt? Kom med indenfor, når Nikita Klæstrup og hendes skarpe panel kaster sig over ugens mest opsigtsvækkende og underholdende historier fra kendisverdenen og de kongelige gemakker. Forvent store armbevægelser, ærlige meninger og kærlige opsange - for det hele bliver bare mellem os. Nyt afsnit hver torsdag - lyt med der hvor du ellers lytter til dine ...
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Az Üzleti angol egy csésze kávé mellett podcast azoknak szól, akik fejleszteni szeretnék üzleti angoltudásukat, de nincs idejük naponta órákat foglalkozni az angollal. A rövid epizódokban üzleti angol témákról hallhatsz, gyakorlatias megközelítésben, és ötleteket kapsz, hogyan fejezd ki magad választékosan üzleti helyzetekben: prezentáción, megbeszélésen, állásinterjún vagy telefonálás közben.
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Velkommen til Mellemfolkeligt Samvirkes Soudcloud-side. Her finder du lyd og podcasts om vores arbejde.
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Mellepodden er en podkast fra Valdres. Med lokalt preg vil gjester og spalter presentere hva Valdresdalen har å by på. For utenom litt snakk om tull og tøys vil det bli servert nyheter fra næringslivet, tur og reisetips i fjellet samt trivielle historier fra livet på bygda. Programledere er Sondre Aastveit, Harald Hyseth Østlund og Øyvind Lunde Christiansen.
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Et liv i underverdenen, research i retsmedicin, nekroporn eller bosat blandt bedemænd. Der er mange veje til at lave de indledende undersøgelser, der danner rammen om de bøger, vi læser. Kom tæt på de oplevelser, forfatterne har, når de lægger an til nye historier, lur deres bedste tricks til, hvordan de får det virkelige liv omsat til ord, og bliv klogere på alt det arbejde, der ligger mellem linjerne.
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En podcast på dansk, om rollespil - plus det løse. Primært snakke om bordrollespil som Dungeons & Dragons. Nyheder, anmeldelser af nye produkter, ideer, tips og trick. Værten er Brian Dyg Arp som også er manden bag DNDshop.dk Brian har spillet rollespil siden 1987 og har beskæftiget sig med rollespil i alle dets afskygninger siden. Han har været GM i utallige spil. Han har startet nordjyllands første fantasy live-rollespilskampagne og har lavet rollespil for skoler og efterskoler i over ti å ...
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Elin Bjørn og Kenneth Lemik skal i podcasten Elle Melle hjelpe deg med å ta et valg!
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RUN IT UP WITH MELLE “Every moment will indeed be a memory”
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Ez a Kandalló melletti beszélgetések, az a műsor, ahol kieresztjük a gőzt és szabadon beszélgetünk olyan üzleti és vezetői témákról, amelyek minket érdekelnek. Az Onlife Menedzsment Podcastban szintén beszélgetni szoktunk, de inkább tananyag jelleggel, kifejezetten menedzsmentre fókuszálva. A Kandalló melletti beszélgetés pont olyan, mint amit a címből várhatsz. Csapongóbb, és nem ígérjük, hogy „azonnal megvalósítható trükköket kapsz”. Egyfajta hangos gondolkodás olyan kérdésekről, amelyek a ...
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Der er gået halvandet år siden, vi så dem sammen sidst, men Mads Steffensen og Flemming Møldrup er tilbage. Ikke på TV, men som podcast. Hver uge tjekker de to venner ind med hinanden og taler om de emner der berører dem der hvor de er i livet. Det kan være om venskab, parforhold, den aldrende krop, det digitale liv, skilsmisse, nederlag, musik, politik, relationer - alt det de snakkede om, når kameraet blev slukket, og de ventede fem-ti minutter på at blive lukket ind for i et soveværelse e ...
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Samvirke Mellem Linjerne er en podcast fra Samvirke, som udkommer hver måned samtidig med, at det fysiske magasin lander i butikkerne. I hver episode dykker vi ned i og sætter lyd til den aktuelle historie fra forsiden. Det handler om klimaet, vores forbrugsvaner, den mad, vi spiser, og vores sundhed. Vært Christian Garde interviewer i hver episode journalisten bag artiklen og giver desuden ordet til en eller flere af de medvirkende kilder. Når du har lyttet til en episode af Samvirke Mellem ...
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Join us for a conversation with Stephen King, John Mellencamp, and T Bone Burnett, co-creators of the southern gothic supernatural musical "Ghost Brothers of Darkland County." This extraordinary collaboration—13 years in the making—is a haunting tale of fraternal love, jealousy, and revenge. Our esteemed guests will talk about the inspiration behind the project and the all-star recording, with music and lyrics by Mellencamp, libretto by King, and musical direction by Burnett.
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New Year, More Drama (Headlines & RHOP Recap)
The Bravoverse did not rest over the holidays!! How do Teddi and Tamra feel about Jennifer Aydin’s age shaming? Is Dorit casting a false narrative about PK? What’s going on between LVP and Bronwyn? Then, the RHOP drama with Mia continues. But, how much of her story is true? Is anything off-limits to Mia? Plus, Teddi and Tamra share their Bravo pred…
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Üzleti angol S07 E10: Crisis management: The bakery that never stops - Mia's story
In this last episode of season 7 we are focusing on crisis management. Imagine running a bakery and your oven breaks down on Valentine’s Day, the busiest day of the year! Today, we’ll follow Mia and her team as they navigate this disaster with creativity, communication, and teamwork. #businessenglish #üzletiangol #shortstories #rövidtörténetek #eng…
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Et afsnit om neurodivergens ADHD og ASF og rollespil emner: Identitet Fællesskaber Maskering Agens .. plus det løse Vært: Brian Dyg Arp Gæster: Lykke Sparre Philipa Lubd Frederiksen Link: Psykolog Philippa Lund Anderledes (podcast)Brian Dyg Arp による
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A Holiday Binge: TWOTS Flashback: Jo De La Rosa Part 2
One of the OC’s OGs is back for another Flashback episode! The Two Ts just wrapped Jo’s last season on RHOC… find out how she felt about leaving and Tamra replacing her! Plus, Jo opens up about her relationship with Slade and how her “daddy issues” affected their relationship. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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A Holiday Binge: TWOTS Flashback: RHOC 209 & 210
It’s the end of RHOC season two, and Teddi and Tamra have an observation about Slade… do you agree?! Then, the Two Ts are shocked that the reunion was called “Watch What Happens”!! This is where it all started! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.iHeartPodcasts による
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Üzleti angol S07 E09: The CandleCraft Co. - Tom’s story
This is episode 9 of season 7. Starting an online business is no easy feat, but today we’re sharing Tom’s journey from dreaming of entrepreneurship to building a thriving e-commerce store. #businessenglish #üzletiangol #shortstories #rövidtörténetek #englishvocabulary #angolszókincs Job interview program / Állásinterjú program: https://danyiandrea.…
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A Holiday Binge: TWOTS Flashback: RHOC 207 & 208
Slade and Jo broke up, but why are they still seeing each other?! Plus, Vicky showing up at Michael’s college was so bizarre! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.iHeartPodcasts による
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Hvordan skal det gå i 2025? Bare rolig, det hele står skrevet i stjernerne. I denne særudgave af 'Bare mellem os' har vi allieret os med en moderne heks, der spår om det år, vi netop er trådt ind i. Vi skal også se nærmere på året for en helt bestemt kendt løve og en kendt fisk - nemlig Morten Mortensen og Janni Ree. Og er der mon nogen i studiet, …
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A Holiday Binge: TWOTS Flashback: RHOC 205 & 206
The OC kids were so involved in the show back in the day… It was basically Real Kids of Orange County! Plus, how did Jeana let her son Shane speak to the other women like that?! It’s all in a new episode of TWOTS FLASHBACK! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.iHeartPodcasts による
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Jackie and Jen reflect on the ups and downs of this year. What has been the most challenging thing they’ve faced? And, how do they really feel about still not knowing the fate of RHONJ? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.iHeartPodcasts による
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A Holiday Binge: TWOTS Flashback: RHOC 203 & 204
Are Jo and Slade the Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey of the Housewives franchise? Teddi and Tamra break down Vicki’s feelings towards Lauri’s new engagement. It’s all on a new episode of TWOTS Flashback! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.iHeartPodcasts による
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A Holiday Binge: TWOTS Flashback: RHOC 201 & 202
The Two Ts kick off their recap of RHOC season 2 where the fashion is bad and Slate is dating everyone! Plus, reality just set in that we’re getting closer to watching Tamra’s first season on the show! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.iHeartPodcasts による
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We finally get the answer to our most burning question… did Shep and Teddi ever hook up? Speaking of exes, he drops a huge bomb and tells the Twots ALL the details about his latest breakup with Sienna. And, what did he think about Taylor calling him out on Instagram? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Kan man sige Reality Awards uden at sige skandaler? Det kan vi i hvert fald ikke, og i denne julespecial dykker vi ned i årets måske mest farverige prisuddeling på dansk jord. Hvad kommer der til at ske, når radio- og tv-personlighed Mathias Helt og komiker Natasha Brock indtræder scenen som årets værter? Hvor vildt kan det blive? Nyt afsnit af 'Ba…
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Üzleti angol S07 E08: Financial management - Anna’s Budget Makeover
In the new episode, we’re diving into the world of financial management with Anna, a self-proclaimed shopaholic who discovers the magic of budgeting. Stay tuned to find out how she turns her finances around and learns to save like a pro! Christmas Supersale 50% kedvezménnyel! 2024. december 25-től 2024. december 31-én éjfélig 50% kedvezménnyel érhe…
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The Two T*ts, as Vicki likes to call them, are discussing all things Housewives! How does Tamra feel about Alexis not returning next season? What happened when Vicki wasn’t invited to Heather’s holiday lunch? Then, on RHOP, is Karen actually pressing charges? How much of what Mia says is true? Will Gordon get to speak for himself? See omnystudio.co…
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The Twots are trying Housewives products people have been talking about! From Harry Hamlin’s famous sauce, to Kandi’s vibrating panties… find out what they love and what they’re passing on! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.iHeartPodcasts による
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Gnats Have Each Other’s Backs (Southern Charm Recap)
We learned that Teddi and JT have something in common… But, does that change our opinion of him? Are Shep and Austen jealous of Craig’s success? Plus, is there a spark between Sienna and Shep? Or, is this just a ploy so she can be on TV? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.iHeartPodcasts による
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Breaking news coming in from Potomac! Teddi and Tamra discuss the shocking footage from Karen Huger’s DUI arrest. Then, which RHOSLC Housewife does not fit in? Is there something going on with Meredith this season? Plus, Tamra compares Lisa and Bronwyn’s relationship with someone from the OC cast… See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information…
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Diamonds in the Rough: There’s No Business Like Show Business!
Erika Jayne is heading to Broadway! Find out how she feels to debut as Roxie in “Chicago” next month! Then, are the ladies whooping it up at the club on NYE or staying in? Plus, which Bravolebrity shows the most resilience? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.iHeartPodcasts による
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Was Erin out of line sharing intimate photos of her husband? Garcelle is entering her villain era. Was she in the wrong for alleging Dorit’s robbery was set up? Plus, who is more obsessed with dolls… Jennifer Tilly or John Mellencamp? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.iHeartPodcasts による
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Kong Frederik har angiveligt været på et nyt smut til Madrid. Denne gang var det dog en mere familievenlig tur med sin hustru og børnene frem for den spanske tv-personlighed Genoveva Casanova. Vi skal også se indad, for 'Bare mellem os' skaber debat. Har vi været lidt for hårde mod nepobabies? Vi tager debatten. Og så bliver det heldigvis lidt lumm…
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RHOSLC Angie’s husband, Shawn Trujillo, joins The Eds! From rumors about his sexuality to getting involved in the drama this season, Shawn doesn’t hold anything back! Plus, a surprising fact about how he and Angie ended up on Housewives. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.iHeartPodcasts による
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It’s been a busy weekend of headlines in the Bravosphere! Is anyone surprised by James Kennedy’s arrest? Will Jen Shah film RHOSLC again? Plus, Tamra explains why she made the comment about carrying this season of RHOC on her back. Then on RHOP, is TJ just not that into Stacey? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Teddi and Tamra answer all your burning questions! How is Teddi spending the holidays this year? How does she feel about her name always coming up on RHOBH? What about Tamra and her thoughts looking back on the RHOC reunion? What is her relationship like with Shannon today? Plus, Teddi claps back at Crystal Minkoff after she made a comment about Te…
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The ladies have been BUSYYY but they are back for the season finale of Ay Por Favor! Tune in as Alexia & Marysol catch us up on what they’ve been up to, reflect on 2024, set their intentions for the new year, and as a little holiday present, some RHOM season 7 teasers - OH LA LA! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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I Don’t Identify as Rich (Southern Charm Recap)
Does JT’s incessant gossiping make saying goodbye easy? Or, is he exactly what this show needs… Would you rather: sleep with Miss Patricia or JT? Plus, what did we think of Taylor burning Shep on IG last week?! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.iHeartPodcasts による
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This episode feels like deja vu! Meredith is naming all her businesses after herself and Angie is the queen of getting kicked out of parties! But, it’s the scene with Mary that makes Teddi and Tamra see a completely different side of her. Plus, find out who the Twots think doesn’t fit into this group! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy informa…
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Diamonds in the Rough: You’re Not Famous, You’re Infamous
Teddi and Erika reflect on their past and how it shaped them to be the women they are today. How did Erika get the name “Erika Jayne”? What huge opportunity did Teddi turn down before moving to LA? Plus, Erika opens up about why she left her creative career for Tom. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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