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Boyfriend Material

Midnight Snack

Welcome to Boyfriend Material, the only relationship advice show guaranteed to ruin your relationship. Join your three BFs, Armando, Andrew, and Griff, as they answer your love life questions with jokes so funny you’ll forget to text your partner back.
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Materia Oscura es un programa especializado en Ciencia del periodista José Manuel Nieves. Universo, física, hallazgos, nuevas investigaciones... Todo pasa por el tamiz de Nieves.
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Der Materie Podcast - dein Deep Dive in die großen und kleinen Themen der österreichischen politischen Debatte. Von Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Transparenz und Bildung über Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Nachhaltigkeit besprechen wir detailliert politische Fragen mit unseren Gästen - stets mit dem Ziel, den liberalen politischen Diskurs in Österreich zu fördern.
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Materialism: A Materials Science Podcast

Taylor Sparks and Andrew Falkowski

In this podcast, Taylor and Andrew investigate the past, present, and future of materials science and engineering. Topic areas ranging from cutting edge materials technology, the history of different materials, the commercialization of new materials, and exciting advances in processing and characterization are all covered in detail. Our episodes include things like the unlikely discovery of superglue or teflon, the fascinating backstories about modern biomaterials like dialysis filters, and ...
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Tenda Materna

Tenda Materna

O Tenda Materna é um podcast mensal para mães! Um espaço cheio de trocas, afeto, acolhimento e cuidado para mulheres. Vamos juntas mergulhar nas dores e delícias da maternidade, com leveza, respeito e bom humor. Apresentamos diversas possibilidades para que nossas ouvintes possam se aproximar do seu jeito único de maternar. <3 O Tenda Materna foi criado por Maíra Soares, Mentora de Mães e Educadora Parental, criadora do Canto Maternar e mãe da Nara, e por Clarissa Yakiara, Educadora Parental ...
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Relay FM

Material is a weekly discussion about the Google and Android universe. Your intrepid hosts try to answer the question, “What holds up the digital world?” The answer, so far, is that it’s Google all the way down. Hosted by Andy Ihnatko and Florence Ion.
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Retrouvez tous les témoignages et les experts de l'émission La Maison des Maternelles sur France 2 en audio ! De la périnatalité à l’adolescence, de l’éducation à la vie de famille, aucun sujet n’est tabou dans La maison des Maternelles, le rendez-vous quotidien de la famille. 🎙️ Retrouvez La Maison des Maternelles en vidéo sur france·tv :
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"Welcome to Charissa Marie's Maternal Musings, where insightful conversations with mothers, aunts, and fellow moms take center stage. Join me, Charissa Marie, as we delve into the profound life advice shared by our guests. Together, we embark on a journey of enlightenment, encouragement, and empowerment, drawing from personal experiences, life lessons, and professional expertise across diverse fields. Tune in to be inspired and uplifted as we navigate the beautiful complexities of motherhood ...
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Material Girls

Witch, Please Productions

A scholarly podcast about pop culture hosted by Hannah McGregor and Marcelle Kosman, produced by Witch, Please Productions. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
  continue reading - Friends of Zayne Adams is a 501c3 nonprofit. FOZA is working to help stop the suicides, the stigma, the silence, and the suffering associated with Postpartum Depression and related maternal fatalities. We offer an educational scholarship for the children who are left behind. We research resources according to zip codes to support postpartum moms and and we welcome our moms and birthing people, medical care providers, doula’s, therapists, counselors, and all advocates of MMH ...
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In Material Matters, host Grant Gibson talks to a designer, maker, artist, architect, engineer, or scientist about a material or technique with which they’re intrinsically linked and discovers how it changed their lives and careers. Follow us on Instagram and our website The Material Matters fair will return in 2025, as part of the London Design Festival. Material Matters is produced and published by Delizia Media Ltd.
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The building materials marketing landscape is changing faster than ever. Creating an engaging online presence is crucial to the success of any building materials manufacturer. But can your Instagram profile actually grow sales? Will you earn more market share if you change your website? How can you outperform your competition online? Zach and Beth tackle your most burning questions about digital marketing for building material manufacturers, share proven strategies to grow leads and sales, a ...
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The Maternal Wealth Podcast creates a collective space for sharing all birth-related stories. I want to acknowledge birth's uniqueness, honor its variations, and remind us of the power we hold in giving birth. As a Labor and Delivery Nurse, I see the impact of our stories. Let's share those stories with those who come after us to prepare them for what's to come. For those who came before us, allowing them to reminisce and heal as we realize we were not alone in our experiences. Maternal Weal ...
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Maternal Health Innovation

Maternal Health Learning and Innovation Center

We are the Maternal Health Learning and Innovation Center, a network of maternal health equity experts and organizations working to make real change for women and birthing people in the U.S. Our podcast is a series of episodes connecting around culture, lifting voices and stories, exploring innovations in maternal care and discussing ways we can center equity in the way we approach our health and wellness. Learn more about us, explore our resource center and find support for all maternal hea ...
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Husband Material

Drew Boa

So you want to outgrow porn. But how? How do you change your brain, heal your heart, and save your relationship? Welcome to Husband Material with Drew Boa, where we answer all these questions and more! Each episode makes it easier for you to achieve lasting freedom from porn—without fighting an exhausting battle. Porn is a pacifier. This podcast will help you outgrow it and become a sexually mature man of God.
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Matéria Bruta

Canal Curta!

Podcast realizado pelo Canal Curta! com os grandes nomes da música, das artes, do cinema, da literatura e da nossa história. Publicado quinzenalmente às quartas-feiras.
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Join myself and my co-host "The Butt" as we delve into all the wrestling news; while also sharing our thoughts and opinions on the current product. It's just two good friends navigating the roads of professional wrestling.
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A Climate Change with Matt Matern

Matt Matern's Environmental Advocacy Podcast

A Climate Change with Matt Matern is a weekly show featuring influential guests from government, business, activism, academia, and culture. The show serves to inform its audience with a focus on environmental and climate issues. Join us as we commit to making "a climate change." Similar to these great podcasts: TED Climate, Reversing Climate Change, Climate One, My Climate Journey, Volts, America Adapts, & A Matter Of Degrees.
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Listen up, you naughty little chickens! Dating, sex, and relationships in your twenties—it’s messy, confusing, and sometimes you just want the male perspective. That’s where Boyfriend Material with Harry Jowsey comes in. Every Tuesday, Harry Jowsey lets you in on what the male brain is thinking—he’ll break down all of your relationship questions and situations in a manner that only Harry can bring. He’ll give you his honest advice on your friends-with-benefits situation, that late night text ...
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Undercooled: A Materials Education Podcast

Steve Yalisove and Tim Chambers

A look into active learning, flipped teaching, team based/project based learning and much more. Everything related to teaching materials science and engineering will be covered. Kindly sponsored by the University of Michigan Materials Science and Engineering Department
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Sole Material

Sole Material

Listen to our take on sneaker culture along with untold stories from behind the scenes of the footwear industry. Growing up in the DMV during the 80’s & 90’s has strongly influenced our lifestyle so pay attention to the details when you’re tuned in. Whether home or away, donning the same uniform or not, your hosts TMart Da Street Shark & The OG EOH are ready to trash-talk, motivate and shock the podcast world in the same fashion as the Fab5 DC duo Juwan Howard & Chris Webber! The Podcast You ...
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"Negocios Entre Pañales" es el espacio para mujeres que se niegan a elegir entre su carrera y su familia. En cada episodio, Paola Elizaga entrevista a mujeres ambiciosas y valientes que están redefiniendo el éxito. Hablamos de cómo ser mamá, emprendedora y líder sin soltar la independencia económica. Si crees en cambiar el mundo mientras sigues tus pasiones y crías a tu familia, este podcast es para ti. Descubre cómo otras mujeres lo hacen y encuentra las herramientas para lograrlo tú tambié ...
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Darovi materinstva

Mother Nature Slovenija

Prisluhni zgodbam žensk in izzivom ter radostim, ki jih prinaša materinstvo. Mother Nature najdeš še na: INSTAGRAMU: FACEBOOKU: SPLETNI STRANI:
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show series
En France, entre 15 000 et 20 000 mineurs seraient aujourd’hui victimes de prostitution, un chiffre alarmant qui aurait augmenté de plus de 70 % en cinq ans, d’après les associations. Ce phénomène dramatique est au cœur du témoignage poignant de Thierry, le père de Nina. Ensemble, ils ont co-écrit le livre « Papa, viens me chercher », publié aux éd…
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En este episodio de 'Negocios Entre Pañales', Paola y Ana Lucía Cepeda discuten la importancia de la flexibilidad laboral, especialmente para las mujeres que equilibran la maternidad y el trabajo. A lo largo de la conversación, se abordan los retos culturales y estructurales que enfrentan las mujeres en el ámbito laboral en México, incluyendo el ma…
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Folge 55: „How to Build a Truth Engine“ heißt der aktuelle Film von Friedrich Moser, für den er George Clooney als Executive Producer gewinnen konnte. Der österreichische Filmemacher beschäftigt sich schon viele Jahre mit dem Impact von digitalen Kommunikationstechnologien auf Sicherheit, Politik und Gesellschaft. 2015 veröffentlichte er „A Good Am…
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Join Nat, Sam, and their co-host Pip for today’s episode as they “paws” to reflect on 2024 and all they experienced. ✨ Today’s episode includes a brief meditation, please take care while listening and operating a vehicle. Navigating the Spiritual and Material World as 2024 Wraps Up: Explore the delicate balance between the spiritual and material re…
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In this episode, Nat & Sam share openly about the triggers they encountered during the launch party, and how they navigated them consciously together. Their shares lead to a lively discussion on conscious friendships, and how to navigate triggers and other dynamics that exist within these very special bonds. ✨ Exploring the Foundations of Conscious…
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In this special episode, join Nat & Sam as they process in real-time a download they received after recording and sharing what they shared in episode 12. (Recommended to listen to Episode 12 first, as this episode is a continuation of that energy.) This episode is a real-time ceremony your spiritual big sisters were guided to turn on the cameras fo…
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Join Nat & Sam as they share their fave tips for navigating difficult holiday dynamics and consciously managing relationships that sometimes be the opposite of your Spiritual BFF’s. Navigating Complex Family Dynamics: Tips for handling difficult family interactions during the holidays, with a focus on maintaining your personal boundaries amidst tra…
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Can AI help make up for the fact that you forgot to set up the family Christmas card? Maybe someday. Links and Show Notes: I'm Using Image Playground and Pixel Studio to Make the Laziest Holiday Cards Whisk: Visualize and remix ideas using images and AI State-of-the-art video and image generation with Veo 2 and Imagen 3 Wing Blog: Drone delivery se…
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Environmental educator and Yale Climate Connections contributor Dr. Michael Svoboda joins us to discuss the best sustainability-themed books for holiday gifting. He highlights impactful titles addressing climate change, biodiversity, and the food system, like Atlas of a Threatened Planet and Before They Vanish. We also explore works connecting envi…
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La libido dans le couple n’est pas un long fleuve tranquille. Pierre Dubol, psychologue clinicien spécialisé sans les thérapies cognitives, comportementales et émotionnelles, nous parle de ce fameux désir. Il est l’auteur, en compagnie de Laura Stromboni-Couzy, du « Petit traité du désir » publié aux éditions Wébédia Books.…
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Dans le carnet de santé des enfants, s’il y a bien des pages que les parents scrutent régulièrement à la loupe, ce sont les courbes de croissance, poids et taille confondus. Cécile est la maman d’Iris, 8 ans et de Gaïa, 4 ans. C’est précisément en observant la courbe de taille de sa fille aînée, qu'elle a compris qu’il y avait un problème… Iris ne …
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Camille Berthelot est chercheuse à l’Institut Pasteur et responsable du groupe Génomique Fonctionnelle. Elle travaille depuis quelques temps sur l’endométriose. Un de ses axes de travail est précisément le dépistage précoce de cette maladie chronique.France Télévisions による
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Naitre entendante dans une famille où tous les autres sont sourds ce n’est pas banal. C’est l’histoire de Léa. Aujourd’hui, grâce à ses vidéos sur les réseaux, elle s’attache à mettre en lumière le monde des sourds et à gommer la frontière entre sourds et entendants.France Télévisions による
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I přes náročnou diagnózu je možné najít radost a podporu v malých vítězstvích. Ředitelka neziskové organizace Epicana sdílí příběh své rodiny, které dceřin syndrom Dravetové převrátil život vzhůru nohama. V podcastu Po mateřských stopách mluví o výzvách péče, o nečekaných záchvatech i o naději, kterou našla v komunitě podobně zasažených rodin.…
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This week the boys help out a guy who's "wife got too drunk at the company holiday party", whatever that means. Like, holiday parties were scientifically designed for you to get blasted at. They also weigh in on whether or not you should tell your kids about Santa Claus. If you’d like to support Boyfriend Material and Midnight Snack go to patreon.c…
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We have the dirtiest chicken of them all on the podcast: it's NYC social media influencer and Unwell family member Hallie Batchelder... and she is staying alive until 35. Harry and Hallie discuss her background: growing up in Boston, majoring in Art History, how she started posting on TikTok, and her new podcast with Unwell! They dive into a silly …
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On arrive bientôt à la fin du 1er trimestre… Enfants, profs et parents sont fatigués, chacun attend les vacances. Emilie Hanrot, professeure des écoles et star des réseaux sociaux nous donne de précieux conseils pour bien recommencer l’année en janvier prochain.France Télévisions による
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À quel moment partir à la maternité ? C’est la grande question que toutes les futures mamans se posent à l’approche du terme. Entre le risque d’être renvoyée chez soi pour un faux travail et le risque d’un accouchement inopiné, le cœur des femmes souvent balance… Tiphanie est la maman de Ulysse, 5 ans et de Mathias, 20 mois. Son deuxième fils est n…
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Hay una serie de estudios que se preguntan quién dominaría la Tierra si el hombre desapareciera por completo del planeta. No sabemos qué nuevas especies evolucionarán en ese tiempo; de lo que sí estamos seguros es de que seguirá habiendo, igual que las ha habido siempre, bacterias. Y es que las bacterias siguen siendo, hoy, las criaturas más exitos…
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What defines purity culture? Why is it harmful, and how can we heal from it? Dr. Camden Morgante explains what purity culture is, where it came from, and how to let go of toxic beliefs without letting go of your faith. Stay until the end to hear Dr. Camden's beautiful meditation on healing from sexual shame. Dr. Camden Morgante is a licensed clinic…
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As 2025 approaches, building product companies face a year of uncertainty and opportunity, from shifts in the commercial market to heightened competition. In this episode of Smarter Building Materials Marketing, Zach Williams and Beth PopNikolov sit down with Jim Wueste, VP of Carlisle Waterproofing, to offer their insights into what the future hol…
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Discover the innovative world of lactation consultancy with our guest, Holly Johnson, a dedicated International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) whose journey from a cattle ranch to launching a mobile lactation clinic is nothing short of inspiring. Holly's firsthand experiences as a military spouse facing breastfeeding challenges have f…
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Les auditrices de Bliss Stories s'emparent du micro ! // Vous le savez, en octobre dernier, on a organisé la deuxième édition de notre Bliss Festival : un condensé de sororité, de love, d’empouvoirement, de câlins, d’émotions, de Bliss en fait. Et évidemment, on ne pouvait pas refaire un Bliss Festival SANS la fameuse record room : cette petite cab…
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