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miGraceChurch Podcast

migracechurch - Richmond, MI.

Welcome to the podcast of sermon recordings from Grace Community Church - Richmond, MI. Find us online at www.migracechurch.com We exist to GLORIFY God, REACH people for Jesus Christ, CONNECT them with other believers, EQUIP them to Grow in their faith and SERVE Him.
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“Migration Unpacked” is a podcast miniseries from the International Organization for Migration in Germany, in celebration of International Migrants Day. We’ll explore the main drivers, impacts and benefits of migration according to IOM experts and Germany-based migration actors.
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Malin Östblom & Leonora Mujkic

Podden om migrän – en av våra största folksjukdomar – och allting runt omkring. Leonora Mujkic och Malin Östblom pratar med varandra och intervjuar experter för att lära sig mer om denna neurologiska sjukdom som drabbar 1,5 miljoner svenskar och deras anhöriga. Alla avsnitt finns även som text på migränpodden.se.
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Migration Conversations is a podcast that invites persons to share their migration stories. Hosted by Professor Jamie Liew, each episode is an in-depth conversation with people who have experienced the Canadian immigration system or other migration regimes up close. We talk to migrants, immigrants, lawyers, policy makers, advocates and experts. We hope that these conversations shed light on the challenges migrants face through their own voices. Please note this podcast is not legal advice.
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Kroniki migrantki

Martyna Michalak

„Kroniki migrantki” to podcast dla osób mieszkających na emigracji w Niemczech. Pojawiają się w nim takie tematy, jak: życie w Niemczech, życie poza granicami Polski, emigracja, praktyczne porady i fakty o życiu w Niemczech oraz o życiu w Berlinie. W odcinkach podcastu „Kroniki migrantki” znajdziesz rozmowy z ekspert(k)ami, inspirujące pogadanki z emigrantkami i emigrantami oraz luźne wymiany myśli o emigracji i życiu w Niemczech. Chcesz oswoić emigrację i odnaleźć się w życiu zagranicą? Kon ...
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Unwetter im Kopf ist der erste deutsche Migräne Podcast und er ist nicht nur ein Podcast für Menschen mit Migräne, sondern auch für Menschen, die im Umfeld Migränepatient*innen haben. Ich habe selbst seit Jahren Migräne und war inzwischen bei sehr vielen Ärzt*innen und alternativen Mediziner*innen. Ich habe unglaublich viele Maßnahmen ausprobiert, um meine Migräneattacken weniger werden zu lassen. Über die Jahre habe ich mir ein großes Migräne-Wissen angeeignet und dieses Wissen möchte ich m ...
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Sonic Migrations

Sounding Wild & Soundquake

We want to take you on your own sonic migration across continents, filling your ears with immersive audio from across the world whilst telling the stories of the adventures that allowed us to capture them, and how through these recordings we then can create music and art that brings us closer to nature and landscape. A collaboration between Sounding Wild and Soundquake, Sonic Migrations is a place where hosts Axel Drioli and Jake Lee-Savage explore nature, narrative and art whilst travelling ...
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The Migraine Miracle Moment is a podcast for migraine sufferers who want to find their path to migraine freedom without drugs. The podcast is hosted by Dr. Josh Turknett, a neurologist, migraine sufferer, and author of the book The Migraine Miracle. ** This podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. ...
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Spotlight on Migraine®

Association of Migraine Disorders®

Through personal stories and interviews with experts, we expose the true scope of migraine by exploring symptoms, treatments, research topics and more. Formerly known as Shades of Migraine. Video versions of the Spotlight on Migraine® Podcast can be viewed on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/user/MigraineEquivalent/videos *The contents of this podcast/video are intended for general informational purposes only and do not constitute medical or legal advice; the content is not intended to ...
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The Migration Podcast

The Migration Podcast

The field of migration and mobility studies is vast and has grown exponentially over the past decades. To make sense of the movement of people, this podcast explores migration and mobility research globally. Providing a platform for migration scholars to speak about their projects, ideas and insights, The IMISCOE Migration Podcast aims to publicize what happens inside universities around the world. This is a podcast by the research community for everyone interested in knowing more about acad ...
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Migraine Oasis

Karen Ash, ACC

A podcast sharing information, support, and healing strategies based on the science-backed MindBody Connection and Healing approach to reversing Migraine pain for sustainable relief. The host, Karen Ash, ACC suffered (past tense) from Chronic Migraine for 34 years before finding the work of Dr. John Sarno, Nicole Sachs, LCSW, Dr. Howard Schubiner, Alan Gordon, LCSW, the Curable App, and others educating on the role stress and emotions have in dysregulating our nervous system, sending unsafe ...
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O MIGRACAST é o podcast do GTARI, Grupo de Trabalho em Apoio a Refugiados e Imigrantes e a sua fonte de informações e debate sobre a temática migratória.
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Migrationsstadt Mannheim

Mannheimer Morgen & Joschka Moravek

Nahezu die Hälfte aller Menschen, die in Mannheim leben, haben einen Migrationshintergrund. Damit liegt die Stadt deutlich über dem Bundesdurchschnitt. Wir wollen hinter die Statistik blicken: Was haben Menschen mit Migrationserfahrung in Mannheim erlebt? Was bewegt Gastarbeiterkinder und Geflüchtete? In "Migrationsstadt Mannheim" erzählt Joschka Moravek ihre Geschichten. Jeden Donnerstag eine neue Folge.
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Migrapreneur stories is an initiative by Catalysr, where we interview world class migrant and refugee entrepreneurs or migrapreneurs to learn about their stories, grit, perseverance and how they have fought against all odds to be incredible at what they do. Catalysr is a startup incubator in Australia, helping exceptional migrants and refugees start their own startups and create Australia 2.0!
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Migracion Sin Estigmas

Migración Sin Estigmas

Aquí conocerás un proyecto enfocado en la crítica del fenómeno social de la xenofobia por ello comenzarás a reflexionar sobre cómo llegan los prejuicios en la cognición social del humano.
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FAQs for migrants and refugees

pod.gr, SolidarityNow

Tο SolidarityNow και η Ύπατη Αρμοστία του Ο.Η.Ε σε συνεργασία με το pod.gr, δίνουν τις απαντήσεις που χρειάζονται οι πρόσφυγες & οι μετανάστες που ζουν ανάμεσά μας σε 5 γλώσσες.
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Podcast Migrantes

Entrevistas íntimas a Migrantes Argentinos Hablamos de su vida, su historia personal, que fue lo que los llevo a migrar y un poco de su país de residencia actual Seguime en IG: @PodcastMigrantes Podcast Migrantes
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Welcome to CRM Migration Mastery, the go-to podcast for businesses, marketers, and CRM managers looking to confidently transition from Keap to GoHighLevel (GHL) and maximize their CRM’s potential. Hosted by CRM migration expert Mike Weiss—an original Keap partner, Infusionsoft Internet Marketer of the Year, and creator of two multi-million dollar businesses built on Infusionsoft—this podcast is your comprehensive resource for seamless, effective CRM conversions. With over five years of exper ...
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Carnets Migratoires

Carnets Migratoires

Migrant.e. Ce tout petit mot couvre de multiples expériences de migration. Découvrez en six épisodes les parcours de celles et ceux qui quittent leur pays, racontés par des chercheur.ses en devenir. Produit par la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les dynamiques migratoires mondiales et CKIA
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Migrant Diaries

Pharez Monney

Migrant Diaries is a podcast for engagement and conversation about various issues that affect individuals, as migrants, moving across the globe. The intersections of culture, outlooks on life, their experiences and other things that help them to navigate the world of migration. Sit back and listen.
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Människor & Migration

Människor & Migration

Människor & Migration är en podcast om människor på flykt och deras rättigheter. Podden har fram till och med 14 mars 2019 (avsnitt 58) ägts av Arena Idé, men drivs nu av Asylrättscentrum.
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Grensoverschrijdend, de migratiepodcast

PerspectieF, ChristenUnie-jongeren

De podcast over asiel en migratie door Dieke Scheurwater en Dorothé Kalkman, leden van PerspectieF, ChristenUnie-jongeren. Vanuit hun eigen ervaring met vluchtelingenwerk gaan ze in gesprek met diverse gasten over actuele migratiekwesties. Ze delen hun verhalen, leren over wat er speelt, en zoeken hoop op een betere toekomst.
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「胡康邦移民顧問」多年來為客戶提供澳洲、加拿大、英國及歐盟國家等各類移民簽證服務,一直秉承「對客用心、令客安心、讓客開心」的服務理念,並致力為大眾提供最新、最快的移民資訊。 【It's passion. It's different】 We provide our clients with the best valued, reliable and professional migration services to Australia, UK, Canada, USA and Hong Kong.
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show series
Despite the ongoing war and heavy destruction across Ukraine, some of the more than 6 million Ukrainians who fled after Russia’s invasion in February 2022 are already returning to Ukraine. As of August 2024, an estimated 1 million Ukrainians had returned to their country from abroad, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). …
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A growing body of evidence links climate events such as sea-level rise or droughts to migration—both within and across borders. As climate change amplifies the risks and severity of disasters, policymakers should better understand their options for managing how environmental change interacts with mobility. Held ahead of the COP29 United Nations Cli…
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This is the start of a very long journey, that will take you across continents and oceans, bringing to your ears sounds that you are guaranteed not to have ever heard. Welcome to the very first episode of Sonic Migrations, a place where hosts Axel Drioli and Jake Lee-Savage meet to talk audio, nature and art. To kick our first season off we will be…
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Many countries need more workers to fill jobs in clean energy and other sectors that are critical in the fight against a warming planet. Immigrants may be one part of the solution to the challenges posed by climate change. But governments have been slow to ramp up responses to recruit, train, or accredit foreign-born workers necessary for the green…
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Many countries need more workers to fill jobs in clean energy and other sectors that are critical in the fight against a warming planet. Immigrants may be one part of the solution to the challenges posed by climate change. But governments have been slow to ramp up responses to recruit, train, or accredit foreign-born workers necessary for the green…
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Welcome to “Migration Unpacked”, a podcast by the International Organization for Migration in Germany. In this podcast, we explore the main drivers, impacts and benefits of migration and hear from IOM experts and Germany-based migration actors.IOM Germany による
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We’ll cover labour migration, a form of migration where people leave their home country to work abroad. Guests: Elizabeth Warn, Head of the Labour Mobility Division at IOM. Wenke Christoph and Anne Parsons, Kiron Open Higher Education Chief Executive Officer and Chief Partnerships Officer.IOM Germany による
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We’ll cover climate migration and the various ways migration actors research and mitigate risks to improve the protection of migrants. Guests: Dr Andrea Milan, previous Head of the Mobility Data Lab at IOM Dr Kira Vinke, Head of the Center for Climate and Foreign Policy at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), co-chair of the Advisory Boa…
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We’ll cover conflict-related migration, a form of forced migration where those impacted by war or violence must leave their home region for their safety. Guests: Dr Marie McAuliffe, Head of the Migration Research & Publications Division at IOM Headquarters, editor of IOM’s flagship World Migration Report. Dr Anne Koch, researcher and policy analyst…
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I avsnitt 26 av Migränpodden träffar vi återigen professor Lars Edvinsson. Vi diskuterar den senaste forskningen om hormoners påverkan på migrän och varför så många fler kvinnor än män lever med sjukdomen. Lars berättar också om var i hjärnan migränanfallet faktiskt startar, och om Svenska huvudvärkssällskapets förslag för en bättre migränvård. Mus…
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In dieser Podcastfolge geht es um das Thema Fibromyalgie. Es gibt eine Reihe an Menschen mit Migräne, die ebenfalls Fibromyalgie haben und umgekehrt. Daher habe ich mir heute Kerstin Goldstein als Gast in den Podcast geholt. Im Interview sprechen wir u.a. darüber: was Fibromyalgie ist welche Symptome es gibt was helfen kann wie Kerstin Betroffene u…
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Send us a text Join my insightful conversation with Sally Tether (a friend, and former chronic migraine sufferer) as we delve into the importance of self-compassion in the chronic pain journey and everyday life. We explore how adopting a kinder, gentler, and understanding approach toward oneself can significantly impact chronic pain and overall wel…
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Meet award winning writer, performance artist and community healer Kai Cheng Thom. She talks about how love can be a framework for transformative change and how even in the face of hate and denialism, compassion and love is what she has for everyone, even those that have none for her. We talk about her latest book, Falling in Love with Being Human,…
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While we take a break from our regular programming before our fifth season – we have a special treat for you! We have the honour of offering you an episode from the fantastic podcast "Border & Belonging, a CERC Migration podcast", which is produced by the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration at Toronto Metropolitan Universi…
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W tym odcinku rozmawiam z Kubą, przewodniczącym Polskiego Towarzystwa Szkolnego "Oświata" w Berlinie i szefem sztabu WOŚP Berlin. Z naszej rozmowy dowiesz się m.in.: jak działa Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy poza granicami Polski, jak wygląda organizacja Finału WOŚP w Berlinie, jak Polonia w Niemczech angażuje się w działania WOŚP, jakie wyzwa…
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Send us a text Join me in this episode as we discuss the joys and challenges of the holiday season, specifically focusing on how to handle the potential stressors that may arise. We explore various strategies to anticipate and manage stress, maintain mindbody health, and prevent flare-ups of chronic pain symptoms. Learn the importance of preparatio…
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Ever curious why light, sound, smells and touch can be so bothersome when you live with migraine? Migraine really can make you more sensitive! In this episode of Spotlight on Migraine, Neura Health medical director Dr. Thomas Berk, MD FAHS explains why people with migraine experience more sensitivities and offers insight on ways to manage them. Thi…
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Send us a text Episode Synopsis: CRM Migration Mastery Podcast In this episode of the CRM Migration Mastery Podcast, we dive deep into the challenges businesses face with their marketing tech stacks and how these issues can hinder growth. Co-host Mike Weiss shares alarming statistics, revealing that nearly 70% of businesses feel their marketing tec…
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Meet Justin Piché, co author of the book How to Abolish Prisons with Rachel Herzing. We talk about this book and how abolition is not just a theoretical concept but a practice and a possibility. Justin reveals his research with Rachel and how collective reconstruction to get rid of human cages is a viable movement despite the dark struggles around …
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W tym odcinku rozmawiam z Dr Kamilą Matthies – adwokatką specjalizującą się w prawie karnym i wykładowczynią na Uniwersytecie Europejskim Viadrina we Frankfurcie nad Odrą. Z naszej rozmowy dowiesz się m.in.: z jakimi problemami prawnymi najczęściej zgłaszają się do niej Polacy mieszkający w Niemczech, jak zachować się podczas kontroli celnej lub ar…
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I avsnitt 25 av Migränpodden intervjuar vi Bodil Karlsson från forskningsinstitutet RISE. Vi pratar om projektet Migränvänliga ljuskoncept och vikten av inkluderande miljöer som kan anpassas till personer med migrän, men även är till nytta för andra. Malin och Leonora berättar hur de hanterar ljuskänslighet, och diskuterar om ljus triggar migränanf…
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Send us a text Mike Weiss's Odyssey: From Keap to the Future Embark on a transformative journey through the turbulent seas of digital marketing as industry veteran Mike Weiss charts a course for businesses in the wake of Thryv's acquisition of Keap (formerly Infusionsoft). In this riveting 20-minute episode, we navigate the choppy waters of tech tr…
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Send us a text In this episode of our podcast, we tackle a pressing issue for users of Keep (formerly known as Infusionsoft) as the platform faces significant changes due to its acquisition by a competing public company. Our guest, Mike Weiss, a leading expert in CRM migrations, provides invaluable insights into why this transition is not just nece…
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The international humanitarian protection system that was built in the aftermath of World War II does not offer protection for people displaced by climate change. In this episode, former UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees T. Alexander Aleinikoff, who is now Executive Dean of The New School for Social Research, calls the refugee system “broken…
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The international humanitarian protection system that was built in the aftermath of World War II does not offer protection for people displaced by climate change. In this episode, former UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees T. Alexander Aleinikoff, who is now Executive Dean of The New School for Social Research, calls the refugee system “broken…
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Migrants Rights Network recently published a report on the extent and nature of immigration raids in the UK. This episode interviews two of its co-authors. In this episode:Julia Tinsley-Kent, Head of Policy and CommunicationsLauren Fernandes, Policy and Campaigns Assistanthttps://migrantsrights.org.uk/about/our-people/To read the report 'Immigratio…
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W tym odcinku rozmawiam z Justyną Burzynski, autorką książki „Taki jest Berlin”. Z naszej rozmowy dowiesz się m.in.: co sprawia, że Berlin, mimo szybkich zmian, wciąż zachowuje swój unikalny charakter, jak Berlin wygląda oczami osoby, która widzi miasto nie tylko turystycznie, ale z perspektywy codziennego życia, jakie nietypowe miejsca w Berlinie …
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Let's talk about the expenditure every migrant looks forward to with fondness each month. Join @HonaAfrica & NyariClaire as they discuss Black Tax Make sure to tell others about this show. Yeah? Send us your experiences via iMessage & WhatsApp voice notes at 07493 216886 Instagram @20YearsAMigrant
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W tym odcinku opowiadam o moich osobistych doświadczeniach związanych z kryzysem na emigracji i adaptacją do życia w Niemczech. Z odcinka dowiesz się m.in.: czym jest kryzys migracyjny i dlaczego większość migrantów przez niego przechodzi, jak wyglądały moje początki w Niemczech i z jakimi trudnościami musiałam się zmierzyć, jakie są kolejne etapy …
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Send us a text This video addresses the detrimental effects of chronic worry on the nervous system, emphasizing its role in its potential to cause various health issues. I discuss the importance of normalizing worry while highlighting the dangers of prolonged rumination. The video offers insights into the science of worry, the negative bias of the …
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Send us a text **** DON'T LISTEN WHILE DRIVING!! **** Regulating your nervous system and sending signals of safety to the brain are essential steps toward reducing—and even eliminating—neuroplastic symptoms like migraines. This Body Scan Meditation offers a tool to help you soothe your nervous system, practice mindfulness, and tune into the message…
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W tym odcinku rozmawiamy o studiowaniu na Freie Universität Berlin – jednym z czołowych uniwersytetów w Niemczech. Dowiesz się m.in.: jak wygląda proces aplikacji z polską maturą na FU, jakie są wymagania językowe i dokumenty niezbędne przy aplikacji, jak wygląda życie studenckie w Berlinie, jakie są koszty i opcje zakwaterowania, na co warto zwróc…
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In this episode, I speak with Petra Molnar about her new book The Walls Have Eyes where her research uncovers what technological experiments are taking place at various borders around the world on migrants as test subjects, and how the consequences of greater use and lack of oversight over tech use on people will shape our society in harmful ways. …
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