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A body is pulled from the ocean, and a race against time to capture one of the world's most wanted criminals begins. This is the story of a con man who couldn't stop lying. A tale of murder, stolen identities, fine art, a diaper stuffed with gold bars, and a crime solved by a Rolex watch. From rural Canada to coastal England, he lied and deceived at every turn. Award-winning podcaster Sam Mullins (Chameleon: Dr. Dante & Wild Boys) takes you inside the world of a devious scammer whose trail o ...
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Bed of Lies

The Telegraph

A taxi driver is shot dead in front of his children. A high-security room goes up in flames. Then terrorists are unmasked as spies. And behind it all, a shadowy unit of the British Army. Award-winning journalist Cara McGoogan investigates the biggest cover-up of the Northern Ireland Troubles and asks: is the British state getting away with murder? The first and second series of Bed of Lies are also available to listen to on this feed: Series 2: It was meant to be a miracle treatment, but it ...
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Rainer, lies mal vor!

Rainer Schuppe

Rainer, lies mal vor! ist ein Vorlese Podcast. Ich lese Bücher vor, vorwiegend Klassiker der Weltliteratur, weil ich Spass am Vorlesen habe. Jeden 2. oder 3. Tag wird ein Kapitel eines Buches veröffentlicht, so dass mit der Zeit komplette Hörbücher entstehen.
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Ich lese was, was du auch liest!

Fabienne Imlinger, Martina Kübler

Was macht mehr Spaß als alleine ein Buch lesen? Gemeinsam ein Buch lesen und dann darüber diskutieren! Das tun wir in diesem Podcast. In jeder Folge sprechen wir ausgiebig über ein Buch. Wir lesen querbeet und reden frei nach Schnauze. Meistens Belletristik, Tendenz zeitgenössisch. Hauptsache interessant und divers: Literatur von und über Frauen, PoC, LGBTQIA*. Dass darunter keine Bücher von alten weißen Männern sind, ist natürlich reiner Zufall. Wir, das sind Fabienne und Martina, zwei Lite ...
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Ulrike Sumfleth und Joachim Feltkamp lesen und interpretieren den vollständigen Text des bahnbrechenden Werkes von Niklas Luhmann. Dabei gehen wir für diejenigen, die Luhmanns Systemtheorie noch nicht kennen, auf die theoretischen Grundlagen und Konzepte ein und erklären diese, so dass keine Vorwissen erforderlich ist.
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Experience Star Trek Deep Space Nine for the first time all over again with the Especially the Lies crew! Join a group of DS9 super fans and complete newbies as we experience every episode of the landmark series. We will have spoiler free reviews of each episode, and then those rewatching the show can visit the prophets where we discuss spoilers and the show as a whole.
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Pia liest

Pia-Rhona Saxe

Hereinspaziert und durchgegruselt! :) Kleine Warnung: Hier werden zumeist gruselige Geschichten gelesen; sie können explizite Gewaltdarstellung und Horrorelemente enthalten. Ihr Lieben, schön, dass ihr hergefunden habt. Hier lese ich urheberrechtsfreie Kurzgeschichten vor oder solche, von denen der Rechteinhaber mir erlaubt hat, sie zu lesen. Jeden letzten Samstag im Monat gibt es dabei eine meist gruselige Geschichte, die ich inzwischen mit Geräuschen, Musik und Ambient-Sounds versehe, um e ...
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Truth & Movies has all your film needs covered, reviewing the latest releases big and small, keeping you across important industry news, and reassessing great films from days gone by with the Truth & Movies Film Club. All brought to you by the people behind Little White Lies, the world's most beautiful film magazine. email: truthandmovies@tcolondon.comtwitter: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Embark on thrilling adventures with The Terrifying Lies Podcast, where stories of mystery, intrigue, and unexpected twists await. Dive into an immersive experience with professional sound design and original music and a song. Listen to a new song at the end of each episode to tie it all together. Journey into a world of captivating tales that span genres. Subscribe for new episodes dropped bi-weekly, each designed to entertain, surprise, and inspire. Support this podcast at http://www.patreo ...
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Live, Laugh, Lies

Podcast Nation

Welcome to Live, Laugh, Lies, a podcast where we delve into the intriguing world of relationships gone awry. Hosted by Susie Evans, this podcast shines a light on the stories of individuals who have been bamboozled by a loved one through deception, deceit, and downright dishonesty. From infamous media stories to listener-submitted catfishes, we uncover the heart-wrenching yet often comically absurd experiences of those who fell victim to the charms of love's tricksters. Episodes feature cand ...
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Papa Liest

Papa Liest

Papa liest - Ein Podcast zum geborgen Fühlen, Nachdenken und Träumen. In dem neuen Podcast „Papa liest“ gibt es wöchentlich spannende Geschichten für die Autofahrt, den Weg zur Arbeit oder vor dem Einschlafen. Immer sonntags, 10 Uhr. Ihr findet den Podcast auf allen gängigen Streaming-Plattformen! Über Axel Dahm und seinen Podcast „Papa liest“: Geboren am 24. Mai 1962 in Düsseldorf, wuchs er in Golzheim auf. Seine Mutter las ihm von frühester Kindheit an täglich vor und lehrte ihn das Lesen ...
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Truth, Lies & Alzheimer's

Lisa Skinner

The Truth Lies and Alzheimer’s Podcast features Lisa Skinner, a highly recognized expert and media host. Lisa Skinner’s original thinking and counter-intuitive solutions provide family members, spouses, children, caregivers, and others with a concise guide and the tools they need to effectively manage the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. She is an International Speaker and Author. The Podcast features conversations that provide Tips for all caregivers navigating the heartbreakin ...
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Love After Lies

Joshua & Avonlea Roy

Welcome to the Love After Lies podcast, where we help couples who have been devastated by infidelity find hope and healing for their relationship. We're your hosts, Josh and Avonlea Roy. We've walked the painful road of infidelity in our own marriage, and we're going to show you how we overcame the impossible so that you can have more love, freedom, connection, intimacy, and happiness in your marriage.
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Pretty Lies And Alibis

GiGi McKelvey

"Pretty Lies and Alibis" is a true crime podcast hosted by GiGi McKelvey covering stories from across the world, focusing on providing fact-based episodes while maintaining respect for the victims and their families. GiGi delves into various criminal cases, particularly those involving trials, offering deep dives on current casesm updates as the case works it's way to trial, and summarizing the day's testimony in about an hour or less, ensuring listeners get all the necessary information to ...
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Lust auf Bücher? Kristian Thees und Larissa Vassilian sind Leseratten und Podcastfans. Da lag es nahe, einen gemeinsamen Buchpodcast zu starten. In jeder Episode werden viele verschiedene Bücher vorgestellt, dazu kommen Buchhändler und Buchhändlerinnen sowie Autoren und Autorinnen zu Wort. Und natürlich darf auch die Community gute Bücher empfehlen! Schicke uns deinen Buchtipp gerne als Sprachnachricht unter einer Minute an Du willst uns unterstützen? Dann komm zu Steady ...
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No Lies Just BS

Nick Swartz

Listen to Nick Swartz tell stories about his life. From growin' up in the small VA mountain town of Clifton Forge to his entry into and career in the tattoo industry. All the rough upbringin', punk rock, family, country, skateboardin', good eatin', blues, ass-kickin', tattooed, hard to believe but addictin' to perceive bullshit that can be packed into each episode. His brother Josh helps out and the guests are the best of the best.
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Step into the vibrant, glitter-drenched world of Lisa Frank—but this time, go beyond the stickers, trapper keepers, and kaleidoscopic designs. Behind the Rainbow Lies unveils the untold history and truths hidden behind one of childhood’s most iconic brands. Through exclusive interviews with former employees, associates, and industry insiders, this podcast explores the fascinating rise of Lisa Frank, the culture within the company, and the controversies that swirled beneath its colorful facade.
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Death Lies & Alibis


Murdered and missing persons not only affect those left behind but the crimes are felt throughout our communities. Join me as I take us into everyday American lives like yours and mine except these ordinary people were touched by a special kind of evil, the kind of evil that rips out hearts and blacken souls. We’ll tell their stories, talk with the victims families and friends and interview with officials. These disturbing and frightening cold cases need your help, just listen and maybe you ...
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Cheating: When Love Lies


Affairs are prevalent but rarely talked about relationships. The podcast, Cheating: When Love Lies, is a deep dive into the complex emotions surrounding these secret unions. Creator and host, Jillian Hamilton, delves into this taboo topic and asks the hard questions about affairs: how common are they, who's having them, and why? These questions illicit unexpected answers that reveal both men and women as people actively seeking something - validation, escape, understanding, vengeance, thrill ...
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Heavy Lies the Helmet

Mike Boone, Dan Rauh, & Dr. Amanda Humphries

"Heavy lies the crown" is a common misquote of "uneasy lies the head that wears a crown" from Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 2. It refers to the responsibility and insecurity of governing an entire kingdom. Likewise, "heavy lies the helmet" refers to the responsibility we face as critical care transport providers working in an autonomous and often unpredictable environment. Our minds are eased with education that better prepares us for any situation that we may encounter. That is exactly what ...
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You're in the right place for the real and unpolished truth about fraud, crime, scams and threats to your bottom line. Episodes include conversations with notorious criminals, victims and FBI agents that get to the bottom of it. From their jaw-dropping stories you'll discover how to spot fraud, crime, scams and detect lies so you protect yourself from personal and business losses. Your host Traci Brown is the Fraud-Busting Body Language Expert. She's spent the last 20 years reading people an ...
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Sex, Lies, and Spray Tans


Professional dancer Cheryl Burke has been a part of Dancing with the Stars since the very beginning. 26 Seasons of the samba, the rumba, and the cha cha. 24 Partners, 6 finals, and 2 mirror balls trophies. She knows all the secrets, the behind the scenes arguments and the affairs, the flings, the flirting and the fighting. It's time to tell all. We'll take you all the way back to Season 1 and up through today for the dance floor drama like you wouldn't believe. Former partners, co-stars, fri ...
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Big Butts No Lies is the best plastic surgery podcast hosted by plastic surgery patient coordinator Mavi Rodriguez. On this show you’ll hear a mix of interviews with talented plastic surgeons, recovery experts and real-life patients. The conversations are an exquisite mix of pre-op and recovery tips for tummy tucks, liposuction, bbls (Brazilian butt lifts), breast lift and breast augmentation as well as insight into the beauty industry and breaking down the stigma around plastic surgery. We ...
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Truth, Lies and Work

Leanne Elliott, MBPsS, CBP, MSc Psychology

Want to create an enviable workplace culture where people and businesses thrive? Look no further than Truth, Lies, and Work, the award-winning, top 10 rated podcast hosted by business psychologist, Leanne Elliott, and business owner, Al Elliott. With a unique blend of theory and practice, this dynamic duo simplifies the science of people to help business owners and leaders uncover the truth about finding, keeping, and motivating great people. Joined by some of the business world’s most respe ...
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Leipzig liest

Leipziger Buchmesse

Die Leipziger Buchmesse und ihr Lesefest „Leipzig liest“ sind das Frühjahrsereignis der Buchbranche. Den Bücherrausch der Buchmesse-Jahre 2021 und 2022 gibt es hier auch zum Nachhören. Im Podcast „Leipzig liest“ präsentieren und Moderatoren die besten Gespräche. Damit sich die Zeit bis zur nächsten Buchmesse nicht ganz so endlos anfühlt.
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Späth liest den Duden

Späth liest den Duden

Späth liest den Duden ist ein Podcast der verbindet. Gemeinsam mit Gästen spricht Herr Späth über zwei Begriffe aus dem Duden. Es entwickeln sich interessante Gespräche mit interessanten Gästen. Als „Schulprojekt“ im ersten Corona Lockdown entstanden, um Menschen zu vernetzten, ist Späth liest den Duden mittlerweile ein fast eigenständiges Projekt mit mittlerweile 3 Staffeln und über 20 Folgen.
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What Lies Ahead Podcast

Chris Ruffini

Podcast hosted by Chris Ruffini, lead singer of the Long Island Hardcore band, Overthrow. I explore everything related to the music scene with guests that include bands, promoters, and record labels. What Lies Ahead Podcast on Instagram: What Lies Ahead Podcast on Facebook: What Lies Ahead Playlist on Spotify (bands on the podcast): https://open.spo ...
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Watch for information about Season Two coming in 2025! Season one of the series was active from January-April, 2024. Bonus episodes were periodically posted throughout the remainder of 2024. Please subscribe so you will be notified about Season Two in 2025. Telling Jefferson Lies chronicles how history can be hijacked for ideological and political purposes, as well as a much broader story about the surge of Christian nationalism and the misuse of history which often goes along with it. The s ...
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show series
Truth, Lies, and Work is an award-winning psychology podcast from the HubSpot Podcast Network, hosted by Chartered Occupational Psychologist Leanne Elliott and business owner Al Elliott. Every Tuesday, we bring you This Week in Work—your go-to for workplace news, a hot take from an industry expert, and our world-famous workplace surgery, where Lean…
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This week on Century of Lies: Duterte Arrested and Flown to The Hague for Trial.Authorities have arrested former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on charges of crimes against humanity. Plus we hear the second half of a conversation with David Borden, Executive Directo...KBOO Community Radio による
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In 2024, a video featuring Charlie Kirk defending America as a Christian nation was viewed over 10 millions times on social media. Many of the claims were false or misleading. This season of Telling Jefferson Lies will examine this video and other Christian nation claims by Christian nationalists in addition to Kirk. The first full episode is plann…
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You're a husband. A good guy, a strong provider and a very present father. Despite that, your wife is not satisfied and has an affair with a man who has substance abuse issues, an unstable job history and troubles with the law. Guided by your faith, you manage to hold your marriage together and your wife ends the affair. But several years later you…
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Reading the filing and the text messages from the time of the murders of Ethan, Xana, Kaylee, & Maddie and later in the morning. These have been ruled as admissible and were released after the judge expressed concerns about the lack of transparency in the case. Donate: (Thank you for your support! Couldn't do what I love without all y'all) PayPal -…
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In this episode of Big Butts No Lies, Mavi sits down with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Amir Arsalan to discuss the evolving world of breast augmentation and fat grafting. Dr. Arsalan breaks down how fat grafting works, its benefits, and why some surgeons support it while others remain skeptical. Dr. Arsalan explores the key differences betwe…
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The voice of a killer. The truth uncovered. Coming April 23, 2025. For years, journalist Arlene Bynon took forbidden jailhouse calls from notorious murderer Clifford Olson. Hundreds of hours of secret recordings — hidden from prison guards and the public — are now being revealed. In Uncover: Calls From A Killer, Arlene, joined by Nathaniel Frum, wi…
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Welcome to Book of Lies Podcast! Scams are always happening, someone is always trying to get your information to do terrible things with, therfore here is a list of scams that are currently cooking in 2025. If you like what you hear come back, subscribe, leave a review. We would really appreciate it. Have a story of Fraud or a Scam you want to shar…
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Kapitel 15 Spike konfrontiert Bellamy mit einem Brief Creagers in dem von einem geheimnissvollen Z die Rede ist. Abel Bellamy weiss natürlich von nichts. Kurz darauf entlässt er seinen Hausmeister, nachdem dieser ihm eine verdächtig hohe Gasrechnung zeigt. Holland greift das natürlich sofort auf und spricht mit dem ehemaligen Hausmeister darüber. U…
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Having narrowly escaped something quite strange, Fred and Nicholas find themselves lost in unfamiliar territory... or is it more familiar than they realize? --- “Days Long Since Decided” is written by Taylor Bell. Played using Delta Green: The Roleplaying Game by Arc Dream Publishing. Subscribe to our feed today to be informed when new episodes arr…
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Now in transit to the Polidris System for the ultimate rock and roll gig, Twana begins teaching her clone of Bieber how to sing and dance just like the original. Meanwhile, her brother Butch, stowes away to act as her guardian angel. Support Terrifying Lies: Pleas leave positive reviews of this podcast.…
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On Truth & Movies this week, we discuss the return of Bong Joon Ho with Mickey 17. We also review On Falling and, for Film Club watched brutal Australian neo-western The Rover Joining host Leila Latif are Hannah Strong and Rafa Sales Ross. Truth & Movies is the podcast from the film experts at Little White Lies, where along with selected colleagues…
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Brian Nelson is finally in the dock for his campaign of murderous violence, but will he face justice? The question sends shivers through the British government, and the answer causes even more of a stir. But Brian is just the tip of the iceberg – there’s a new battle, shocking revelations, and a landmark apology to come. Archive in this episode: Ge…
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The Grand Negus comes to DS9! Let's talk The Negus!If you have just started watching #DS9, have no fear! Our newbies are right there with you. If you have watched the series before, and you want to take a deeper dive, stay until the end when we "meet the prophets" and talk spoilers for the entire show!Support the show!…
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“Golden Bachelorette” Joan Vassos explains to Thelma & Louise why long-distance marriage can work when it’s your “I Do, Part 2”. Despite her closeness with her children, she did not get their permission for this… And the man from her show she calls a “playboy” and why she won’t set him up. Email us at: or call us at 844-4-I D…
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Traci and her friend Pat Dwyer make their private conversation public, talking about what really goes on during John Reid Interview and Interrogation training. You'll learn the somewhat contriversial process of getting a confession. How to detect lies and lots more. Help us keep the show going and Buy us a Coffee. Your donation goes a long way.…
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Living with dementia! It’s not just about memory loss and confusion. It impacts nearly all of our cognitive functions, including language skills, notable changes in personality, mood, the ability to reason, the ability to use to use sound judgment in decision making, vision changes, a diminished sense of smell, trouble multitasking, and completing …
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On this episode, I speak with John Scanlon of Miles To Go Presents. We discuss his history in hardcore, booking shows, selecting the right venue, and the newly renovated AMH. We also spoke about his band Dead Last, their releases, tour of Europe, and future plans. The discussion ends with rapid fire questions on promoting, music, and his favorite a…
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After his good friend Mario Desa shot the shit with Nick a few episodes back, and with the release of his new book "Tales of a Tattoo Apprentice," Julio Avila decided to hop on a plane from Milwaukee, Wisconsin to DC, drive down to Alley Cat Tattoo and hang out with Nick for a day. The result is a killer couple of hours talking about all kinds of t…
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Fun | Für Polina | Little Women | Wunschloses Unglück Das hier sind verkürzte Shownotes. Alle Infos ganz ausführlich findet ihr auf Unterstützt uns gerne auf Steady! Unser Bankkonto für Überweisungen:Larissa VassilianDE10 3701 9000 1011 0403 35BIC BUNQDE82 Und einen PayPal-Link gibt es …
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Does your patient have high blood pressure? Are they seizing or showing other signs of a neurological disorder? It could be PRES! Unfortunately, Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES) is difficult to diagnose unless you are aware of its existence. In this podcast episode, we discuss this infrequent condition and how can you appropriate…
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Podcast Episode Description: The Disappearance of Jeffery Fultz In late 2023, 74-year-old Jeffery Fultz vanished from his small-town home in Cambridge, Ohio, without a trace. Known for his quiet routines, love for westerns, and a passion for fixing anything broken, Jeffery wasn’t someone who would just walk away from his life. Yet, one day, he was …
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In the season one finale of Live, Laugh, Lies, Susie heads back home to Virginia for a heartfelt conversation with her dad, Tom—because who better to close out the season than the man who raised our favorite truth-seeker? Tom shares his side of some infamous stories Susie spilled throughout the season, dishes on what it was really like watching her…
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