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Ex libris

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La domenica dei libri

Radio Popolare

La domenica dei libri è la trasmissione di libri e cultura di Radio Popolare. Ogni settimana, interviste agli autori, approfondimenti, le novità del dibattito culturale, soprattutto la passione della lettura e delle idee. Condotta da Roberto Festa
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Ingredienti: consigli, liste di cose belle, film, musica, libri, fumetti, amici nerd, serie tv, videogiochi, luoghi e tutto quello che passa per le teste qui riunite da Claudio Garioni. Special Guest: CARLO LUCARELLI, ANDREA DELOGU, LUCA RAVENNA, PAOLA BARBATO, MAX COLLINI (Offlaga Disco Pax), GIULIO PRANNO, GIACOMO KEISON BEVILACQUA, GIANLUCA MOROZZI, WALTER LEONARDI, BARONCIANI, SANTAMATITA, CARLO CORALLO, LEONARDO PATRIGNANI, STANLIO KUBRICK (I 400 calci), MEGANOIDI, FRANCESCO DIMITRI, LU ...
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Un’inviata virtuale in libreria per scoprire le ultime novità del mercato editoriale. In ogni puntata due interviste dal vivo a scrittrici e scrittori, italiani e stranieri, per parlare dei romanzi: dai personaggi ai temi, dalle trame ai retroscena della scrittura. Con uno stile informale Alessandra Tedesco racconta i romanzi e talvolta anche gli aspetti inediti degli autori. Un modo per orientarsi nella vasta produzione editoriale e scegliere il libro adatto a sé.
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Hörspiele sehen – Der Theater ex libris Podcast

Christoph Tiemann & Björn Roguszka

Hörspiele lassen fantastische Welten in unseren Köpfen entstehen: das nebelverhangene London, ein Piratenschiff im Sturm, die Weiten des Weltraums – alles wird vor unserem inneren Auge lebendig und das nur durch die Kraft von Stimmen, Geräuschen und Musik. Beim Theater ex libris kann man Hörspiel sehen - live auf der Bühne. Mit Live-Musik, einer aufwändigen Bildpräsentation und stimmungsvollen Lichteffekten verwandelt das Ensemble Literaturklassiker und eigene Geschichten in spannende Live-H ...
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Ex Libris

Sergio Vieira

Um podcast rápido e ligeiro (às vezes) sobre Política, Comportamento Humano, Ciência, Tecnologia e Cultura do Projeto Impressões Digitais.
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Benvenuti amanti dei libri! Questo podcast nasce con l'obiettivo di diventare una grande libreria comune dove potrete trovare, ogni settimana, nuovi suggerimenti di lettura.
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A Libri Magazin podcast-csatornája íróportrékkal, könyvajánlókkal és tematikus műsorokkal várja a könyvrajongókat. Kövesse csatornánkat a Spotify-on vagy a Google és az Apple podcast-alkalmazásaiban, és kerüljön képbe a legfrissebb könyves újdonságokkal!
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Libri per il successo si presenta come un podcast dove si propone all’ascoltatore un libro che possa fornire spunti per migliorare la sfera personale e professionale. Ogni due settimana un libro- un argomento, una pillola pratica, se mettiamo insieme podcast dopo podcast nell’arco di un periodo ci troviamo ad assimilare una serie di strumenti che di danno una marcia in più. Ovviamente i libri vanno letti e questo programma è pieno di opinioni e aneddoti personali del suo autore, non intende ...
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NFO Radio

È finalmente arrivato il momento di partire per un viaggio che ci catapulterà nel mondo dei libri e dei brividi di amore, dolore, piacere, stupore, follia che riescono a fare vivere nei nostri corpi… vera LIBRIDINE. Un programma di Radio NFO realizzato da Elena Piazza, Andrea Firrincieli e Giorgio Grasso.
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Ex Libris LIVE!

Oxford Games Ltd

Listen to some of the UK’s wittiest wordsmiths cross pens as they bluff and counter bluff in Ex Libris LIVE! the entertaining panel show adaptation of Ex Libris, the game of first lines and last words. Be prepared for a good deal of bluffing, entertaining chit-chat and outright literary sneakiness! While panelists set about writing fake but plausible opening or closing sentences to genuine books, the Ex Libris LIVE! host, broadcaster David Freeman, will interview, in turn, each contender dis ...
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Dr. William J. Librizzi, PsyD

Dr. William J. Librizzi, PsyD

William Librizzi is the founder and director of The Wellspring Counseling Center and the Wellspring Communications Group in Manasquan, New Jersey. He, along with his team of Christian counselors, assist individuals in the areas of emotional and spiritual growth. They work with their clients integrating the word of God with sound, psychological principals. Reverend Librizzi is a Licensed Professional Counselor within the state of New Jersey and an ordained minister. Prior to counseling full t ...
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I romanzi di Ferrante saranno la cartina di tornasole per guardare ai libri scritti dalle donne, al femminismo per come lo intende Ferrante e soprattutto alle italiane che sono le vere protagoniste dell’opera monumentale dell’autrice invisibile. Io sono Viviana Scarinci ho scritto fino a oggi alcuni libri su Elena Ferrante pubblicati in Italia e in Germania.
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Book Review - Ladra di Libri

Ladra di Libri podcast

Mi chiamo Mariana, sono una ladra compulsiva, ossessiva e ripetitiva. E sono una ladra di libri. Ogni lunedì on line con le #bookreviews della settimana, interviste e tutte le news dal mondo dell'editoria e dei libri.
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Zona Lettura. Libri da leggere

Ludovica Scaramuzzino

Zona Lettura è un podcast di recensioni letterarie ideato per avvicinare alla lettura, per stimolare alla riflessione, per approfondire temi di interesse letterario, e per consigliare nuovi titoli a chi è in cerca di novità.
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Mille Libri per Sognare

Eliana Matania Ruggiero

Autrice di romance, thriller e fantasy MM e LGBTQ, ma anche lettrice compulsiva e book-blogger. Amo leggere e scrivere per poter condividere, con chi ama la lettura, quelle che sono le mie sensazioni, emozioni, pensieri vissuti quando leggo un libro, e per dare visibilità a quegli scrittori esordienti, schiacciati dai big, ma che meritano di essere letti. Con questi podcast proseguo una rubrica già intrapresa su Facebook, Instagram e YouTube di lettura di incipit, prologo, primo capitolo o e ...
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Shpjeguar nga Hoxhë Lulzim Perçuku. Pesë librat prej ku është marrë komenti i librit: 1. Fet’hul Mexhid – Abdurrahman Ibn Hasen (nipi i shejhut), Allahu e mëshiroftë 2. Tejsirul Azizil Hamid – Sulejman Ibn Abdilah (nipi i shejhut), Allahu e mëshiroftë 3. Temhid – Shejh Salih alu Shejh, Allahu e ruajtë 4. Ianetul Mustefid – Shejh Feuzani, Allahu e ruajtë 5. El Kaulu el-Mufid – Shejh Uthejmini, Allahu e mëshiroftë ©Të gjitha të drejtat i përkasin shoqatës "Qendra Udhëzimi". Menaxheri i këtij p ...
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Questo podcast si intitola "Libri che raccontano idee" perché bisogna sempre farsi ispirare dalle idee che circolano per non rimanere mai indietro. Io mi chiamo Luigi Serra e sono un consulente di Marketing e le idee di questi libri sono dedicate ai piccoli imprenditori, a quelli che devono fare tutto da soli per promuovere una azienda e a quelli che cercano nuove strade. In "Libri che raccontano idee" parlerò di marketing, di comunicazione, di business e di digitale.
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Incipit di libri

Due Minuti Un Libro

Gli incipit di Due Minuti Un Libro. Il piacere della lettura ad alta voce. Che sia un thriller, un romanzo, un manuale, un libro per bambini o ragazzi, di poesie, un distopico, un autobiografico, uno spirituale a noi piace leggerli. Buon ascolto!
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I libri di PaperFIRST

Il Fatto quotidiano

Un libro, un podcast. Le conversazioni dei nostri autori con il direttore editoriale della nostra casa editrice, Marco Lillo. Arricchite, talvolta, da uno o più commentatori autorevoli che partecipano al dialogo. Il primo episodio è dedicato a Contro! di Alessandro Di Battista. Seguiranno L’Uomo nero e le stragi di Giovanni Vignali con la partecipazione di Carlo Lucarelli e Antonella Beccaria, Le Banane della Repubblica di Pino Corrias, Il caso Khashoggi di Marco Lillo e Valeria Pacelli, Io ...
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show series
Un thriller inquietante in cui ci sono il male, i serial killer e la malattia mentale. Parliamo di "Il maestro dei sogni" (Longanesi) di Marco De Franchi, già molto apprezzato con il suo esordio "La condanna dei viventi", un thriller in cui avevano un ruolo determinante i dipinti di Caravaggio. Nel nuovo romanzo tornano alcuni dei personaggi che er…
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The Enchiridion or Handbook of Epictetus (Ancient Greek: Ἐγχειρίδιον Ἐπικτήτου, Enkheirídion Epiktḗtou) is a short manual of Stoic ethical advice compiled by Arrian, a 2nd-century disciple of the Greek philosopher Epictetus. Although the content is mostly derived from the Discourses of Epictetus, it is not a summary of the Discourses but rather a c…
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Menù del giorno: - QUESTO POSTO MI PIACE DA MORIRE - GLI ATLETI ITALIANI DA SEGUIRE ALLE OLIMPIADI DI PARIS 2024 (con Luca Bertelli) 1' 20'' - 3 AUDIOLIBRI DA ASCOLTARE SU STORYTEL E 3 SU AUDIBLE (con Eleonora "Vivere tra le righe") 28' 18'' - THE ANIMAL KINGDOM (con Matteo Mazza) 47' 01'' - Lista dell'attesa n°80 (Here, Darkly, Blink Twice) 1h 09'…
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Ultima puntata della stagione di La Domenica dei Libri oggi con Michele Masneri e il suo ultimo romanzo “Paradiso” (Adelphi Edizioni) e con Leo Vardiashvili su “Vicino a una grande foresta” (Bompiani). Poi i consigli di lettura per l’estate di Francesco Matteo Cataluccio e altro ancora.
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LibriVox recording of Le Rime by Guido Cavalcanti. Read in Italian by LibriVox Volunteers Raccolta di rime a cura di Ercole Rivalta, pubblicista italiano che nel 1900 ha curato la raccolta, rifacendosi a edizioni precedenti, come indicato nella sua prefazione.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types:…
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LibriVox recording of Tristram and Iseult and other poems by Matthew Arnold. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers The English poet and cultural critic Matthew Arnold was the son of the headmaster of Rugby School who became a fellow of Oriel College, Oxford.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: …
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LibriVox recording of Masterpieces of Mystery: Ghost Stories by Robert Louis Stevenson; Guy de Maupassant; Ralph Adams Cram; Algernon Blackwood; Pliny the Younger; W. F. Harvey; M. R. James; Wilbur Daniel Steele; Katherine Rickford.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Ar…
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LibriVox recording of The Renaissance and the Reformation: A Textbook of European History 1494-1610 by Emmeline Tanner. Read in English by Pamela Nagami Dame Emmeline Tanner writes of the Renaissance that its "special characteristic was the revolt against authority and the rise to importance of the .... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of Lectures on the History and Principles of Ancient Commerce by James William Gilbart. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers "There are few in this room who have not attended [Gilbart's] excellent lectures on 'Ancient Commerce.' I feel what a train of agreeable and elevating ass.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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Torna l'avvocato Guido Guerrieri personaggio comparso per la prima volta nel 2002 in "Testimone inconsapevole". Nel nuovo romanzo, "L'orizzonte della notte" di Gianrico Carofiglio (Einaudi), Guerrieri si sta avvicinando ai 60 anni e vive con amarezza e malinconia il passare del tempo. Ha chiuso la relazione con Annapaola, investigatrice privata che…
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LibriVox recording of Mother Earth, Vol. 1 No. 6, August 1906 by Various. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers Mother Earth was an American anarchist journal that described itself as "A Monthly Magazine Devoted to Social Science and Literature".... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3,…
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"Il dolore non esiste" è il titolo nel nuovo romanzo di Ilaria Bernardini (Mondadori), ma anche una delle frasi che il padre dell'autrice ripeteva spesso insieme all'espressione "i figli non si scelgono, amarsi solo perché siamo imparentati non ha senso". Il padre di Ilaria, Achille, è un uomo difficile da inquadrare. È un anaffettivo che per anni …
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LibriVox recording of Herakles by Louis Couperus. (Translated by Else Otten.) Read in German by LibriVox Volunteers Louis Couperus erzählt die antike Heldengeschichte des Herakles in Form eines Romanes.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, DjVuTXT, Djv…
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A používat v ní zdravý rozum je čím dál obtížnější? V tom případě pro vás máme "manuál". Přesněji, má jej slovenský šachista, filozof a teolog Ján Markoš. Jeho knihu "Síla rozumu v bláznivé době" přečetl, ukázky z ní vybral a pro pořad Ex libris okomentoval Libor Dvořák. Všechny díly podcastu Ex libris můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci …
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Un romanzo su due esistenze danneggiate dal male: lei il male l'ha compiuto, lui l'ha subìto. Entrambi vivono nel senso di colpa e nella sensazione dolorosa di non avere diritto al desiderio e alla felicità, addirittura di non avere il diritto alla vita. Queste due esistenze sono al centro di "Cuore nero" (Rizzoli) di Silvia Avallone che, con la su…
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LibriVox recording of La vida es sueño by Pedro Calderón de la Barca. Read in Spanish by Epachuko La vida es sueño, publicada en 1635, es posiblemente la obra de teatro más relevante del barroco español.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, DjVuTXT, Dj…
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LibriVox recording of Jazz by R. P. Jones. Read in English by Ben Tucker Long before 1900 there began a fusion of African and European musical forms from which, at the end of the nineteenth century, "jazz” emerged.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, …
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LibriVox recording of Gargantua and Pantagruel, Book IV by François Rabelais. (Translated by John Ozell; Peter Antony Motteux.) Read in English by Thomas A. Copeland This fourth in the five novels about the giants Pantagruel and his father Gargantua is the last novel indusputably attributed to Fran.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Thi…
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LibriVox recording of The Iliad (Version 2) by Homer. (Translated by Samuel Butler.) Read in English by Peter Dann This great and terrifying poem about the final weeks of a long war fought between the Greeks and the Trojans before the city of Troy (here rendered into prose by Samuel Butler, himself .... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of Greatest Wonders of the World by Esther Singleton. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers A selection of descriptions of famous, and not so famous, natural beauty spots, as described by various travelers of the age.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP…
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LibriVox recording of A Bundle of Letters from over the Sea by Louise B. Robinson. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers In presenting my little book to the public, I feel that I should apologize for so doing, instead of introducing it; for at the time my letters were written I had no idea of publi.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of His House in Order by Arthur Wing Pinero. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers "A well-meaning second wife is made miserable by the fact that she is continually compared, to her disadvantage, with her predecessor.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP…
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LibriVox recording of Der Hungerpastor by Wilhelm Raabe. Read in German by josvanaken Der Hungerpastor von Wilhelm Raabe erzählt die Geschichte des Schuhmachersohns und späteren Pfarrers Hans Unwirrsch, der aus einfachen Verhältnissen stammt und sich in einer von Hunger und Not geprägten Zeit in.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This i…
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LibriVox volunteers bring you 13 recordings of Malade by D. H. Lawrence. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for July 7, 2024. Lawrence's opinions and artistic preferences earned him a controversial reputation; he endured contemporary persecution and public misrepresentation of his creative wo.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This…
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LibriVox volunteers bring you 13 recordings of Summer Evening At Home by William Lisle Bowles. This was the Weekly Poetry project for July 14, 2024. William Lisle Bowles was an English priest, poet and critic.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, Item …
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LibriVox recording of Short Science Fiction Collection 100 by Various. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers Librivox has officially contributed a whopping 100 of these numbered collections of science fiction short stories! To celebrate, we are doing something a little special with this one.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item …
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LibriVox recording of Mental Fatigue by Tsuru Arai. Read in English by Leon Harvey Published as a doctoral thesis, the human capacity for sustained effort in mental work and the occurrence of exhaustion has been examined in a series of experiments by Tsuru Arai, who also compiled the conclusions by .... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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Selene ha 34 anni e vive a Milano dove ha aperto un ristorante di cucina al vapore prossimo al fallimento, l'ultimo di una serie di fallimenti che Selene registra nella sua vita. In questo momento di crisi decide di fare una toccata e fuga nel luogo della sua infanzia felice: un ashram in Puglia dove aveva trascorso alcuni anni con i genitori e la …
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LibriVox recording of Ik en mijn speelman by Aart van der Leeuw. Read in Dutch by Anna Simon Een jonge edelman, Claude de Lingendres, ontvlucht een gearrangeerd huwelijk in de Middeleeuwen, en trekt met de speelman Valentijn de wereld in.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps M…
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LibriVox recording of Billy Bunny and the Friendly Elephant by David Cory. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers Children’s story author, David Cory, who gave us the series of Little Jack Rabbit, Billy Bunny, Little Journeys to Happy Land, and the Little Indian stories, gives us another in his Bi.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This…
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LibriVox recording of The Hardy Boys: The Shore Road Mystery (version 2) by Franklin W. Dixon. Read in English by Anthony St. Pierre The Hardy Boys track down a ring of car thieves - summary by Anthony St.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, DjVuTXT, …
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LibriVox recording of Tea: Its History and Mystery by Joseph M. Walsh. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers Utility, not originality, has been aimed at in the compilation of this work. The obstacles and difficulties its author had met with in his endeavors to learn something of the article he was .... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of The Percheron horse by Charles du Hays. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers The little volume which is now presented to the notice of the lovers of the horse in America is a translation of the work of a distinguished French author, who, holding a high position of trust, made.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of The Strange Voyage and Adventures of Domingo Gonsales to the World in the Moon by Francis Godwin. Read in English by Verla Viera Among the earliest sci-fi books known in English, this account of a trip to the moon was originally published in 1638.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the followi…
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LibriVox recording of Reviewers Reviewed by Anna Cora Mowatt Ritchie. Read in English by Kelly S. Taylor This satirical text was a response to the drubbing the fledgling poet received at the hands of the critics to her debut work, “Pelayo, or the Cavern of Covadonga.” The poem stages a humorous .... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This i…
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00:00:00 Preface 00:03:01 Dedication 00:16:14 What the Rosary Is 00:16:15 First Rose 00:17:22 Second Rose 00:21:01 Third Rose 00:28:53 Fourth Rose 00:33:21 Fifth Rose 00:39:05 Sixth Rose 00:41:16 Seventh Rose 00:43:56 Eighth Rose 00:49:46 Ninth Rose 00:51:56 Tenth Rose 00:57:13 Eleventh Rose 00:59:57 Twelfth Rose 01:11:25 Thirteenth Rose 01:14:29 F…
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LibriVox recording of Finnische Märchen by Various. (Translated by Emmy Schreck.) Read in German by LibriVox Volunteers Eine von Emmy Schreck übersetzte Sammlung von 22 Märchen und 14 Tiersagen aus den verschiedensten Regionen Finnlands.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP…
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LibriVox recording of With Carson and Fremont by Edwin L. Sabin. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers This is another book in the Trail Blazer Series. Being the adventures, in the years 1842–’43–’44, on trail over mountains and through deserts from the east of the Rockies to the west of th.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item …
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LibriVox recording of Germinal by Émile Zola. (Translated by Ángel de Luque.) Read in Spanish by Carlos Lombardi La novela narra la historia de una huelga de mineros en el norte de Francia en la década de 1860.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, DjVu…
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LibriVox recording of Der gemüthskranke Husar und andere Militärhumoresken by Alexander Roda Roda. Read in German by LibriVox Volunteers Mit spitzer Feder nimmt der Autor, der selbst Offizier der k. u.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, DjVuTXT, Djvu…
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LibriVox recording of Fiander's Widow by M. E. Francis. Read in English by Belinda Loveday A rural romance, as described by the author, set in Dorset. A 58 year old farmer meets the beautiful young grand-daughter of a recently deceased friend and they marry but she is soon widowed herself.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has…
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LibriVox recording of American Indians by Frederick Starr. Read in English by Mario Pineda School students is Starr's intended audience of this work. The easy-to-read stories discuss and describe a wide range of topics such as food, money exchange, dances, hunting, dress, war, burials.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has fil…
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LibriVox recording of David Blaize by E. F. Benson. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers Written during World War I but set before the war, David Blaize is a coming-of-age story set in an all-boys boarding school.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent,…
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00:00:00 Introduction 00:03:32 Chapter 1 - Wish Events To Happen As They Do 00:13:05 Chapter 2 - Written In Stone 00:21:42 Chapter 3 - Embracing Discomfort 00:47:09 Chapter 4 - What Are You Really Afraid Of? 00:52:35 Chapter 5 - Dichotomy Of Control 01:02:53 Chapter 6 - Apply The Dichotomy Of Control. 01:32:51 Chapter 8 - Helpful Stoic Exercises. 0…
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LibriVox recording of A Marigold Miscellany by George Wither; Susan Augusta Woodbridge; Franklin H. Mackey; Catherine Wheeler; Mary Pettus Thomas; Harvey Maitland Watts; Arthur William Fisher. Read in English by Newgatenovelist This collection celebrates the marigold in verse from the 17th through t.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox volunteers bring you 19 recordings of Green Fields and Running Brooks by James Whitcomb Riley. This was the Weekly Poetry project for July 7, 2024. Riley was among the most popular writers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, known for his "uncomplicated, sentimental, and h.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This…
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LibriVox recording of The Mystery of Black Rock Creek by Various. Read in English by Ben Tucker A mysterious dying man! A hidden diamond! Conspiracy to murder! Ghostly visitations! All this in more in this intriguing and unique story written in a round robin fashion by several of the great fiction w.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of Multilingual Short Works Collection 036 - Poetry & Prose by Various. Read in Multilingual by LibriVox Volunteers This is our 36th collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard English) as listed below.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This ite…
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LibriVox recording of Cuentos valencianos by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. Read in Spanish by LibriVox Volunteers Publicado en 1896, este volumen contiene 13 cuentos que transcurren en la Valencia natal de Blasco Ibáñez ( Wikipedia en español sobre el autor).... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps…
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LibriVox recording of The Time Dissolver by Jerry Sohl. Read in English by Ben Tucker WAS IT MENTAL SUICIDE...OR MENTAL MURDER? He awoke one morning in a strange motel beside a beautiful woman he'd never seen before.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent…
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