Talking with my friend Jeff and maybe some more. We’re just having some fun and having a laugh usually.
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We are all about creating a connection with people across the globe. A home away from home
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Welcome to the Wilbert Kurevakwesu podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Podcasten Kuren mod stress, er for dig, der ønsker at holde stressen langt på afstand og i stedet lade glæden og meningen fylde i dit liv. Podcasten giver dig viden og inspiration til at leve et liv uden stress, og er fuld af konkrete og let tilgængelige teknikker og metoder til både at undgå stress, og til at komme bedst muligt gennem et stressforløb. Glæd dig til at lytte til en ny episode hver uge, der sætter fokus på forskellige stressproblematikker og guider dig mod et liv med ro, glæde ...
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Hello & welcome to kurengworkx podcast, where we tell stories of Africa by Africans Immortalizing African Legends. I’m Kureng Dapel from Nigeria, passionate about digital arts as informed by my skills in photography, arts and theatre. As the Winner of The Who is Who awards and the Africans Rising international Award, I use my technical know-how to advance human rights through some of my pictures. Gender Based Violence, Cultural rights and children right are my major fields of interest.
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We are a group of young, ambitious, hardworking individuals looking to deliver transparency to the Oklahoma Cannabis Industry, one harvest at a time!
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Interesserer du deg for medienes historie, nåtid og framtid? Da er Kurer programmet for deg. Hvordan påvirker mediene oss? Og hva skjer med demokratiet i en digital mediehverdag? Dette er sentrale temaer i Kurer. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio
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Advertisement for Art For a Kure. Art For a Kure is a non-profit organization that helps kids with cancer by selling art and donating to cancer research. Cover art photo provided by Scott Webb on Unsplash:
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Kurerie means Change in Isoko, a Nigerian language. We are an online publication and community that highlights the social impact work of youth in their communities. Our goal is to amplify the voices of youth and highlight the change they are creating in the world, their visions, the challenges they have faced, and how they have overcome them. If you would like to be a guest on Kurerie or would like to join the Kurerie team, email us at Follow us on Instagram - @ma.ku ...
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I denne episode sætter jeg fokus på to sejlivede stressmyter, der ofte forvirrer og mange gange også er med til at gøre stressen endnu være. Som det altid gælder med myter, bunder de i manglende viden og overleverede fortællinger baseret på subjektive holdninger, ideer og oplevelser. Lyt med i denne episode af Kuren mod stress og lad os sammen gøre…
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”Kan stress egentlig ikke også være positivt?” Det spørgsmål får jeg rigtig ofte, når jeg er ude og holde foredrag, eller når jeg taler med stressramte. Faktisk findes begrebet ”positiv stress”. Men betyder det så, at stress også kan være godt for os? Det kan der hurtigt opstå rigtig meget forvirring om. Lyt med i denne episode af Kuren mod stress …
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”Det er også bare, fordi han er så perfektionistisk”, ”Mon ikke stressen skyldes, at hun altid vil kontrollere alting?”, ”Det var nok aldrig gået så galt, hvis hun ikke var så sensitiv”. Kender du disse udtalelser, hvor personlighedstræk får skylden for stress? Og er der overhoved en sammenhæng mellem stress og personlighed? Lyt med i denne udgave …
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Robusthed har de senere år været et populært begreb. Og robusthed er på mange måder godt - bl.a. fordi det får os til at stå stærkere overfor stress. Men hvad ligger der egentlig i begrebet robusthed? Får du stress, fordi du ikke er robust? Kan robusthed trænes? Og kan begrebet misbruges? Lyt med og bliv klogere i denne episode af Kuren mod stress.…
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En gang stress altid stress – sandt eller falsk?
Jeg hører rigtig ofte udtalelser om, at når man engang har haft stress, så vil man altid være mere udsat for stress. Nogle har mærket det på egen krop – andre har observeret de hos andre og derfra draget konklusionen. Men er det sandt eller falsk, at du bliver mere modtagelig for stress, når du først en gang har været stressramt? Lyt med og hør hva…
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”Det er min egen skyld”. Den sætning har jeg ofte hørt blandt de mange stressramte, jeg har hjulpet gennem årene. Men hvis skyld er stress egentlig? Er det den stressramte selv, der er bærer skylden? Er det arbejdspladsen? Eller er det omgivelserne? Og giver det overhovedet mening at tale om skyld, når det kommer til stress? Det dykker vi alt samme…
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Gør tanke til handling og skab din nye stressfri hverdag
Handling skaber forvandling! Men måske har du mærket, at det kan være svært at gå fra tanke til handling, og at det kan være svært at holde fast i nye gode vaner. Det er der faktisk en meget naturlig forklaring på. Hør hvad det er, og hvordan du styrer uden om det, der bremser dig i at skabe din nye stressfri hverdag i denne episode af Kuren mod st…
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Rigtig mange mennesker drømmer om et liv, men vågner hver dag og lever et helt andet. Over tid risikerer de at ende i mellemtilfredshed, mental tåge, tristhed og stress. Men hvad med dig? Går du på din rette livsvej? Find ud af det i denne episode af Kuren mod stress, hvor jeg går i dybden med det fjerde trin på Kuren mod stress trappen. Lad mig en…
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Det personlige hjerterum er et effektfuldt værktøj, når du vil begynde at gå nye veje med en kærlig indre dialog og nye støttende tanker og overbevisninger. Det er ikke altid lige let at vende negative tanker til positive – for de gamle tanker kan være virkelig insisterende. Netop her er det personlige hjerterum en god hjælp på vejen. Hør mere om h…
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Lyt til hjertets stemme og træf stressfrie livsvalg
Vi har alle to indre stemmer – hovedets stemme og hjertets stemme. Hovedets stemme råber højst, men det er hjertets stemme, der ved, hvad der er bedst for os at gøre. Når du skal træffe valg om din fremtid, er det derfor utrolig vigtigt, at det er den stemme, du lytter til. Men hvordan lytter man til hjertets stemme? Det kan du høre meget mere om i…
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Tankens kraft er enorm. Tanker bliver til ting, og alting i vores liv starter med en tanke. F.eks. ville du slet ikke lytte med lige nu, hvis det ikke var startet med en tanke. Når stress opstår, involverer det ofte stærkt negative tanker, og det kan føles, som om tankerne tager magten i dit liv. Men der er heldigvis noget at gøre. Lyt med og bliv …
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Det vigtige trin 2 - derfor er din krop din bedste ven
I denne episode dykker vi ned i det vigtige trin 2 på vejen ud af stress, der handler om at genskabe kontakten til din krop og lære at lytte og reagere på den signaler. Du bliver klogere på, hvorfor din krop er din allerbedste ven og guide – både når det kommer til at forebygge stress, og, ikke mindst, du skal af med den stress, der måske har fået …
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Det første vigtige trin på vejen ud af stress
I denne episode af Kuren mod stress fortæller jeg dig, hvor du altid skal starte, når du på den ene eller anden måde er kommet ud af balance. Det gælder uanset om du om er ramt af alvorlig stress eller om du bare et lidt ude af balance og måske føler dig mindre energifyldt end du plejer. Jeg møder rigtig mange, der har tendens til at undervurdere d…
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Vejen ud af stress – introduktion til Kuren mod stress-metoden
Hvordan forebygger du stress? Og hvordan kommer du af med stress igen, hvis du er havnet i det? Det dykker jeg ned i, i denne episode, hvor jeg vil introducere dig for metoden, Kuren mod stress, som er den metode, jeg bruger i alt den stresshåndtering, jeg laver. Det er en metode, der indtil videre har hjulpet hundredvis af mennesker af med stress.…
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Symptomer på stress og hvordan du opdager dem i tide
Hvordan opdager du stress? Hvad er det, du skal holde øje med, og hvordan bliver du egentlig god til det? Hvilke faser udvikler stress sig typiske over? Og hvorfor er åndedrættet din bedste ven i processen? Det er alt sammen spørgsmål, vi kigger nærmere i denne episode af Kuren mod stress. Lad mig endelig høre fra dig. Send din feedback her Følg me…
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I denne episode dykker vi ned i, hvad stress egentlig er for noget. Og også hvad det ikke er. Der findes rigtig mange myter om stress. Så hvad er op og ned? Hvordan er det stress påvirker os? Hvordan påvirker det kroppen? Hvordan påvirker hjernen? Hvad er forskellen på travlhed og stress? Det kan du alt sammen lære mere om i denne episode af Kuren …
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Rayan Laghzal, is a young Moroccan leader, editor-in-chief of "Le Bureau Des Jeunes Reporters (BDJR)", writer for "Moroccan Digest", and member of "Les Lycéens!". He has also written articles for Politics4Her and is the founder of 'Point Culture', a podcast that delves into politics and art.
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The Green and Beyond Mag, co-founded by Maesha and Shoummo, is an online magazine that shares stories of people, communities, and businesses who love planet Earth. They are building a sustainable community of people who inspire and help each other take action to protect the future of our planet. Maesha is a climate journalist, a writer, and a socia…
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Itofa Ivarah is a development consultant; his work intersects between designing education intervention for marginalized children and rehabilitating internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Nigeria. He is the founder of My9jaFoodBank initiative and Church On The Street where he has raised over $16,000 for community impact project in Nigeria.He is a re…
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Lella Violet is an 18 year old, Lebanese British, Digital Changemaker and Power of Youth Champion. Since 2020, she has connected thousands of young people and lifelong learners globally to industry leaders and policymakers. Lella uses technology as a catalyst to drive the UN Sustainable Development Goals & ensures young people are at the fore of th…
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Love on Air Episode 1: Cameron and Lauren but podcast version?
Hello guys the first episode of our dating show is finally here and I am excited to get you guys in the same headspace as I am. This is such a special thing for me because I have been dreaming of bringing this to life! Now here it is a pilot, we are improving with time and I just hope you love it as much as I did making it.…
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Joshua Gabriel Oluwaseyi is a 22 year old Nigerian Environmentalist, Climate Activist, Storyteller, founder of LEARNBLUE and Teen Vogue 21 Under 21 Honoree.LEARNBLUE is an international youth-led non-profit organization, creating awareness, and inspiring individual actions against global environmental issues that threaten our planet.…
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Today we help each other be strong in the wait and to always remember where our help comes from always.
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Heritage is the Founder of Her Dream Initiative, an organisation concerned with women rights and girl-child empowerment. She has worked and volunteered with organisations such as; Amnesty International, Hacey Health Initiative, Malala Fund and Thrive CIC Future. Through writing and expressing her thoughts on various platforms, Heritage has educated…
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It's been a year since we have heard anything from this shady station and well we got the culprit to confess to her crimes and decided on a way forward for this home!
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Taryn Riddle is a student at Harvard University pursuing degrees in both Economics and South Asian Studies, with a minor in Environmental Science. She has been involved with MUNs for several years now, including starting and directing the Youth International Summit Model UN, a student-led online conference with delegates from over 120 countries. Sh…
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Dhruv Shah, professional athlete, world record holder, and co-founder of Project Smira is building a team where individuals connect, educate, grow together and give back to the world. Project Smira is a youth-led organization focused on providing second-hand clothing to individuals, organizations, orphanage homes, and non-profits, promoting sustain…
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Yasmina Benslimane is a feminist human rights defender with a multicultural background. She has accumulated over 7 years of professional experience with human rights institutions, NGOs, and United Nations agencies in several countries. She is the founder of Politics4Her, a feminist youth-led blog and movement encouraging the inclusive participation…
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Titilope Adedokun is on a mission to help individuals and companies to create sustainable change and put social impact at the forefront of their mission, no matter what it is. A feminist advocate, she is building, a community that amplifies the voices of African women and connects them with tools and resources to thrive in their chos…
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Kurerie means Change in Isoko, a Nigerian language. We are an online publication and community that highlights the social impact work of youth in their communities. Our goal is to amplify the voices of youth and highlight the change they are creating in the world, their visions, the challenges they have faced, and how they have overcome them. www.k…
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New Year! It's a Psalm 32:8 kind of Year here!
It's a new year and I am grateful to God for making it into this new year. In today's episode I explain what has been happening and the theme for my year this year. It's going to get exciting here so grab your coffee and listen in to my usual yaps. Stay blessed.
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Ep. 2: From Past to Present | Find Your Kure Podcast
Real. Raw. Authentic. Join us on Episode 2 of the Find Your Kure Podcast as we explore the basics of avoiding pests in the grow, things to look for early in new genetics, and more weird tendencies with food. Find out why we chose to grow indoor vs outdoor, starting from seed vs clone, and where to find the product we are talking about! Subscribe an…
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Ep. 1: Welcome to the Find Your Kure Podcast | Find Your Kure Podcast
Real. Raw. Authentic. Tune in on our very first episode of the Find Your Kure Podcast! A podcast that provides transparency to the Oklahoma Cannabis Industry, one harvest at a time. Join me, Coleman Van Sickle, and Riley Slater, Oklahoma native and owner of Kured Cannabis Company, a vertically integrated indoor grow, and processing company as we de…
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Rue-tentional Living Episode 6 : Procastination Final Notice, lets kick it together!
Today's episode dives into getting rid of that big bad bug called procastination. Rutendo talks about her personal experiences and steps she is taking to overcome it.follow me on Instagram : @samantha.borerwe Twitter : @samanthaborerweFollow our social media pages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @kureFm…
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Rue-tentional Living Episode 5 : Guided Christian Self Love Meditation #unpotatowithme
Hello sweet potatoes , I am back with a new segment in the Rue-tentional series. I started this movement after being inspired by Rowena Tsai and integrated it into my walk with Christ. So I don't have a zen voice but i hope you feel some love for yourself. Enjoy yourselves sweethearts!
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This is an introduction to our upcoming online speed dating show called Rudo Parunhare. If you would like to participate in our social experiment please DM us on twitter @kurefm or Facebook page KURE FM Podcast or send an email to
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Rue-tentional Living Episode 4 : Purity in Relationships
This week we are getting into the big S but talking about it in terms of purity. How to flee sexual immorality and stay winning nomatter how hard it gets. Ready set play!
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Rue-tentional Living Episode 3 Let's chase our purpose not paper!
This week's episode is Rutendo going on a tangent, as she speaks on living intentionally whilst going in line with the purpose we were placed on this planet for by God.
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Rue-tentional Living Episode 2 Get your Godfidence back!
Have you ever lost your Godfidence and feel like your self esteem is disappearing. In today's episode Rutendo gives you her guide to coming out on top with God.
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Rue-tentional Living : Starting over again Episode 1
Welcome to our first branch out of our regular shows on Kure fM a love child for our channel head as she focuses on growing in living intentionally as a young Christian lady. Episode 1 is all about starting afresh and we hope you join us in this new adventure.
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Love Triangle in The Streets: Bad Breakups Episode 2 Season 2
In this episode we have Reign sharing his love triangle in the streets with Drey and Massy. It's a really spicy one with a music star feature from Mutare's very own Eastside prettyboi "Virus ZW".
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Long Distanced : Bad Breakups Episode 1 Season 2
We have Angela in studio, telling us about how her relationship turned from a fairytale to a distanced affair.
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It's been a minute and we have been going through the motions of 2020 and well we have decided we won't let it take control of us. Listen in to our podcast with new shows coming soon.
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This week we have a guy's version of the breakup, involving a lot of unspoken rules and red flags. Here is Kevin's story.
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In this episode we hear from Belinda in South Korea as she explains a very weird breakup and trust me brace for it because it went southwards quickly.
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Welcome to KURE fM. a podcast where we are all about talking relationships, life experiences and all things inbetween. Episode 1 is about Mirai a young woman living in Japan giving us a ride into the Japanese experience work, food, culture and RELATIONSHIPS. Enjoy!
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DOUBLE tragedy in love The bad breakup series Episode 2
Lungile gives us an account of how her love life got twisted between two almost identical entanglements in two different stories.
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In this episode we get to hear from Shamiso an amazing young Zimbabwean based in the USA and is also a yoga guru as she discusses love, mental health and dealing with being black in USA.
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Today's episode is from a young lady from Zimbabwe as she gives us an account of her varsity love files and how the fairytale, went south.
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Rants Out Weekly Episode 1 | First time Racism Experience
We all have something to rant about, introducing the weekly rant space where we will let you rant about anything you want to let out. If you have something to say drop us a voice message below.
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