When a young Eva Kollisch arrives as a refugee in New York in 1940, she finds a community among socialists who share her values and idealism. She soon discovers ‘the cause’ isn’t as idyllic as it seems. Little does she know this is the beginning of a lifelong commitment to activism and her determination to create radical change in ways that include belonging, love and one's full self. In addition to Eva Kollisch’s memoirs Girl in Movement (2000) and The Ground Under My Feet (2014), LBI’s collections include an oral history interview with Eva conducted in 2014 and the papers of Eva’s mother, poet Margarete Kolllisch, which document Eva’s childhood experience on the Kindertransport. Learn more at www.lbi.org/kollisch . Exile is a production of the Leo Baeck Institute , New York | Berlin and Antica Productions . It’s narrated by Mandy Patinkin. Executive Producers include Katrina Onstad, Stuart Coxe, and Bernie Blum. Senior Producer is Debbie Pacheco. Associate Producers are Hailey Choi and Emily Morantz. Research and translation by Isabella Kempf. Sound design and audio mix by Philip Wilson, with help from Cameron McIver. Theme music by Oliver Wickham. Voice acting by Natalia Bushnik. Special thanks to the Kollisch family for the use of Eva’s two memoirs, “Girl in Movement” and “The Ground Under My Feet”, the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College and their “Voices of Feminism Oral History Project”, and Soundtrack New York.…
Alan Kohler, Eureka Report’s Editor-in-Chief, explores and explains the week’s news, views and events with smart people who like good coffee. Topics include but not limited to inflation, Bitcoin, Scott Morrison, vaccines and climate change. Got a question for next week's episode? Email themoneycafe@eurekareport.com.au.
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Zwei Dinge von denen man nicht genug haben kann: Fußball und Geld. Genau darum geht es hier: Kicken und Kohle. Gehostet von Fußball-Experte und Profi Marco Terrazzino und Finanz-Experte Nikolas Stemmermann. Zu Gast sind aktuelle Fußball-Profis und Ex-Profis, sowie Menschen die mit Fußball direkt oder indirekt Geld verdienen. Fragen zum Podcast, zu unseren Gästen oder unseren Themen an: kicken-kohle@studio-genesis.de Eine Produktion von Studio Genesis. www.studio-genesis.de
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David Kohl is a wine importer with a passion for video story telling. In this podcast series, he highlights the global wine spectrum : Bordeaux’s majestic grand cru classe wine estates, Burgundy’s elegant offerings and an international array of value based, budget-friendly selections. Tune in to be entertained & educated about the captivating world of wine. #wine #winepodcast #bordeauxwine #burgundywine #italianwine #winetravel #redwine #whitewine
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Der Podcast aus dem Ruhrgebiet beschäftigt sich mit Morden aus dem Pott. Dabei hört ihr je nachdem einen gelösten oder einen ungelösten Fall. Jede Woche stellen wir die liebe Betty und die liebe Charlie im Wechsel einen Fall vor. Die jeweils andere stellt Fragen und kommentiert.
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Takakansi-podcast - kiireettömiä kohtaamisia kirjojen, lukemisen ja kirjoittamisen äärellä
Marko Suomi
Takakansi-podcast - kiireettömiä kohtaamisia kirjojen, lukemisen ja kirjoittamisen äärellä Tavoitteena on tuoda monipuolisia näkökulmia lukemiseen ja jakaa erilaisia keinoja avartaa omaa lukemista. Takakansi löytyy kaikista podcast-palveluista sekä osoitteesta https://takakansi.fi Vieraina on lukijoita, kirjailijoita, asiantuntijoita ja muutenkin kiinnostavia ihmisiä. Teemat pyörivät laajasti kirjojen ja lukemisen ympärillä, ja joskus myös sivuraiteilla, kantavana teemana on kuitenkin lukemi ...
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Interviews over coffee with NFT digital artists and crypto enthusiasts.
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Motivation to take action on your dreams. It’s not a choice, it’s a duty.
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My favorite activity
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Der Kochcast über essen, kochen, bbq, grillen, backen und vieles mehr von Michael Hetfeld und Matthias Jortzik.
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Get ready for a true-crime podcast that will leave you questioning everything with its relentless focus on the capture and prosecution of Bryan Kohbeger - the man accused of committing a quadruple homicide in Moscow, Idaho, involving the brutal murder of four innocent college students he allegedly didn't even know. We'll leave no stone unturned as we explore the dark depths of Kohbeger's mind, asking the most haunting question of all - what drove him to commit such a heinous act? With every ...
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Startup Tales: My Journey
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Journalismus für ein Miteinander. Menschen mit Migrations- und Fluchtgeschichte sind in den Medien bisher deutlich unterrepräsentiert. Das möchten wir ändern. Denn jeder Mensch hat eine Geschichte zu erzählen. Schreib mit, lies mit, hör mit - für mehr interkulturellen Zusammenhalt. Gemeinsam sind wir kohero. Hier werden ausgewählte Artikel des kohero Magazins vorgelesen.Mehr zu kohero: https://www.kohero-magazin.de/ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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As Human Beings we should share experiences and wisdom in order become better version of ourselves. Always use a 360 degree point of view.
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Tässä podcastissa tehdään matkaa kohti pääsiäistä. Matka kestää paastonajan ajan pääsiäiseen asti. Studiossa äänessä ovat Anna Pulli-Huomo, Joona Salminen ja vaihtuvat vieraat.
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Koh Lantapodden är en podcast för dig som på något sätt har intresse av den vackra thailändska ön Koh Lanta. Vi levererar tips och råd, främst genom spännande gäster som har unika band med denna ö.
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People talking about stuff
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By Giancarlo Kohler Reflexões quase diárias do meu dia-a-dia. Professor, treinador comportamental e consultor, CEO da SouHub treinamentos e consultoria. Siga-me: linklist.bio/giancarlokohler
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Jeden Monat erzählt Starautor Michael Köhlmeier die Geschichte einer außergewöhnlichen Persönlichkeit, die ihn inspiriert. Faktentreu, aber mit literarischer Freiheit.
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Podcast obrolan apa saja dengan siapa pun.
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An den Ufern der Havel lebte, um die Mitte des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts, ein Roßhändler, namens Michael Kohlhaas, Sohn eines Schulmeisters, einer der rechtschaffensten zugleich und entsetzlichsten Menschen seiner Zeit. – Dieser außerordentliche Mann würde, bis in sein dreißigstes Jahr für das Muster eines guten Staatsbürgers haben gelten können. Er besaß in einem Dorfe, das noch von ihm den Namen führt, einen Meierhof, auf welchem er sich durch sein Gewerbe ruhig ernährte; die Kinder, die ih ...
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Dr. Kohout trained in plastic surgery for a total of 6 years in Great Britain, Australia and the United States. 25 years of experience in Breast Surgery, Dr. Mark Kohout is a renowned qualified Plastic Surgeon in central Sydney. Specializing in Breast Surgery, Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, Labiaplasty & Gynecomastia. Call Us at 1300551151 today.
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Welcome to the Raghav Kohli podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Kohtaussarjassa käsitellään monenlaisia aiheita ja ilmiöitä sekä haastatellaan mielenkiintoisia ihmisiä. Podcastia houstaa Tarja Jänis. Lähetykset tulevat Joensuusta, rintamamiestalon legendaarisesta yläkerran välikammarin studiosta. Jaksot julkaistaan keskiviikkoisin klo 16.00. Löydät Kohtaussarjan Facebookista ja Instagramista, SoundCloudista, Spotifysta ja Suplasta. Tervetuloa mukaan!
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Techno DJ and producer. Originally from Russia, now based at Koh Phangan island, Thailand.
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Talking Business is an inflight entertainment radio program on Qantas, hosted by Alan Kohler. Each month business leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators are interviewed about their expertise, businesses, and careers. This is where you can podcast all of the guests from Talking Business.
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Die griechischen Mythen, das sind Geschichten von Liebe, Mord und Eifersucht. Schriftsteller Michael Köhlmeier schildert sie in der 80-teiligen ARD-alpha-Reihe so eindrucksvoll, dass plötzlich all die Götter, Halbgötter, Kentauren und Titanen von ihrem Olymp herunter - oder aus ihrer Unterwelt emporsteigen und zu Gestalten voller Leben, Gefühl und Seele werden.
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Erin Lilly, KOHLER Design Studio Manager, speaks with global architects and designers about the ideas that are shaping the spaces in which we spend our time. In our first season, we explore the Dimensions of Wellbeing, which contends that design is foundational to wellbeing (and vice versa).
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Dr. Mark Kohout Is A Fully Trained Plastic Surgeon With 18 Years Experience In Plastic Surgery.
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Märchen versteht jeder. Die Geschichten, die darin erzählt werden, sind einfach, entfernen sich selten von einer gewohnten Dramaturgie und spielen mit Stereotypen. Märchen lassen uns in jedem Satz hinabblicken in die erschreckendsten Ungeheuerlichkeiten unserer Leidenschaften, unserer Süchte und unserer Haltlosigkeit. Schriftsteller Michael Köhlmeier erzählt immer dienstags um 22.45 Uhr Märchen aus aller Welt - in der ihm eigenen, poetischen, musikalischen Sprache.
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In entspannter Atmosphäre trifft Moderatorin Doreen Steinert prominente Gäste an ihrem Wohnzimmertisch und versucht ihnen bei einem guten Glas Wein und ein paar leckeren Snacks möglichst viele Geheimnisse zu entlocken. Doreen unterhält sich mit ihrem Gast über Berufliches ebenso wie über Privates – und natürlich werden auch ein paar Spiele gespielt, die ziemlich sicher dabei helfen werden, den Gast noch ein bisschen besser kennenzulernen!
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Podcast Koho by to zajímalo přináší příběhy lidí se zkušeností s dlouhodobou institucionalizací, jak je účastnice a účastníci výzkumného projektu Životní příběhy za lidská práva vyprávěli přední české dokumentaristce Brit Jensen. Příběhy přeživších českého ústavnictví nejsou běžné, ani jednoduché. Jejich vypravěčky a vypravěči věří, že mají moc měnit zavedené představy o jinakosti, zranitelnosti a „dobré“ péči. ------------------------------ Tento podcast vznikl s podporou Norských fondů a N ...
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“Nach der Kohle” ist eine zwölfteilige Reportage-Serie über den Strukturwandel im Mitteldeutschen Braunkohlerevier. Spätestens 2038 ist Schluss mit der Braunkohle. Deutschlands Reviere bereiten sich auf den Ausstieg vor. Da, wo jetzt noch Kohleverstromung stattfindet, soll in Zukunft klimaneutral gewirtschaftet werden. 40 Milliarden Euro stellt die Bundesregierung für diesen Strukturwandel bereit. Aber was bedeutet das eigentlich konkret? Wie macht man aus einem Kohlerevier eine Modellregion ...
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„Kohle, Knast & Kaviar“ ist der True-Crime-Podcast aus Düsseldorf. Der Podcast erzählt von Kriminalfällen, die so eigentlich nur in Düsseldorf passieren konnten. Große Vermögen und Schickimicki sind einerseits nur Klischees, andererseits ziehen sie tatsächlich auch Menschen an, die auf illegalem Wege versuchen, einen Teil davon abzubekommen. VierNull-Redaktionsleiter Hans Onkelbach hat die Fälle einst als Gerichts- und Polizeireporter erlebt. Im Podcast berichtet er, wie sich die Taten ereig ...
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Each week, State of Resistance features a frank conversation with a leader in the resistance. Whether it’s a national activist or someone toiling away at the grassroots out of the spotlight, we’ll talk about the issues — from DACA to climate change to labor issues to criminal justice reform — with a focus on what real people can do to get more involved and help make change at their own level, in their own communities. We’ll talk about the emotional toll of activism, especially as so many fol ...
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Unser Rhein/Ruhr Gebiet erfährt derzeit einen drastischen Strukturwandel. Im Herzen von Nordrhein-Westfalen gelegen, war unsere Region seit jeher bekannt für Braun- und Steinkohle-Förderungen. Der Sage nach fand ein Junge in der Gegend von Witten, Sprockhövel oder Wetter beim Schweinehüten glühende schwarze Steine in einer Feuerstelle. Hier wurde bereits im Mittelalter Kohle in einfachen Grabelöchern (Pingen) abgebaut. Die Schwerpunkte dieses frühen Steinkohlenbergbaues lagen im Raum Witten- ...
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This podcast is for ESAC Week 6 Remote Learning on the Basics of Science. The podcast is about Inquiry-based Learning and specifically on the video “Investigating Rocks.” The podcast covers the role of teachers in this video, the use of questions, emphasis on process skills, provision of time, space, materials and resources, as well as other pointers. Cover art photo provided by Oliver Paaske on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@photolli
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In einer Langzeit-Betrachtung dokumentiert MDR AKTUELL die Energiewende und den damit einhergehenden Strukturwandel in den mitteldeutschen Braunkohle-Regionen. Die Reporterin Britta Veltzke und der Wirtschaftsjournalist Ralf Geißler reisen dafür regelmäßig mit dem Mikrofon ins Revier. Sie treffen den Planungschef des Kohleunternehmens Mibrag, der künftig auch die Renaturierung der Tagebaue verantwortet. Sie sprechen mit der Pfarrerin des Dörfchens Pödelwitz, das den Kohlebaggern nur knapp en ...
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Wie sehr Sex unser Leben steuert und wach hält, erzählt die Geschichte um Lauren, Lola, Ines und Nika, die in einem Stadthaus auf unterschiedlichen Etagen wohnen und bei denen die Libido in ganz unterschiedlichen Lebensphasen mächtig an die Tür klopft.
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Die größten Sportthemen der Woche - erklärt, kommentiert, analysiert. Kommunikationsexperte Michael Cramer und Reporterlegende Uli Köhler verbinden die wichtigsten Ereignisse der Sportwelt mit Witz, Charme und großer Expertise. Wer hat was gesagt und vor allem: Was ist damit gemeint? Sie erklären und hinterfragen die Kommunikation von Vereinen, Verbänden und Sportlern bei besonderen Ereignissen und in Krisensituationen. Die komplette TV-Sendung von Sky Sport News gibt es hier als Podcast. Fa ...
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On The Money Café this week, Alan Kohler and James Thomson discuss German markets, Trump’s address to Congress, inflation, the housing market, and much more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Eureka Report による
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Bryan Kohberger’s Autism Defense A Game-Changer or Desperate Move
32:31Bryan Kohberger’s Autism Defense A Game-Changer or Desperate Move In this explosive deep dive into the Bryan Kohberger case, we unravel the latest legal twists that could change everything. His defense team has now introduced an autism spectrum disorder argument, claiming it should exempt him from the death penalty. But will this strategy hold up i…
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Will Kohberger's Alleged Autism Spectrum Disorder Save Him From A Death Sentence?
12:06Will Kohberger's Alleged Autism Spectrum Disorder Save Him From A Death Sentence? What happens when the strongest defense strategy isn’t proving innocence, but making the jury question everything they thought they knew? Bryan Kohberger’s legal team is running out of moves, and now, they’re playing a psychological game—one that’s less about evidence…
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Can an Autism Defense Keep Bryan Kohberger Off Death Row? A Legal Breakdown
13:51Could claiming autism spectrum disorder really be a life-or-death strategy? Bryan Kohberger's defense team is throwing a curveball, suggesting that ASD should factor into whether he faces the death penalty. But here’s the problem—autism isn’t a get-out-of-execution-free card. In fact, this argument could backfire spectacularly. Former prosecutor Er…
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#34 Wenn Träume wahr werden - mit Pascal Groß / Borussia Dortmund
1:15:03In dieser Folge von „Kicken & Kohle“ sprechen wir mit BVB-Profi und Nationalspieler Pascal Groß über seinen späten Karrieredurchbruch, seine Zeit in der Premier League und die aktuelle Herausforderung beim BVB. Zudem gibt er spannende Einblicke in seine finanzielle Planung und erinnert sich an besondere Momente mit Marco Terrazzino.…
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Could Autism Impact Kohberger’s Fate? Robin Dreeke Discusses
12:12Could Autism Impact Kohberger’s Fate? Robin Dreeke Discusses Could autism be the legal loophole that saves Bryan Kohberger from the death penalty? His defense team is tossing out a new argument—Kohberger may be on the autism spectrum, and therefore, less culpable for his alleged crimes. But is this a legitimate factor in understanding his behavior,…
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Could Autism Make Kohberger 'Less Guilty' FBI Profiler Weighs In
26:03Could Autism Make Kohberger 'Less Guilty' FBI Profiler Weighs In Could autism be the latest legal loophole in the Bryan Kohberger case? His defense team seems to think so. In a move that’s equal parts surprising and desperate, they’re floating the idea that he’s on the autism spectrum—suggesting it could be a mitigating factor in avoiding the death…
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Givry wine region of Cote Chalonnaise in Burgundy
6:33Burgundy’s wine regions have lately been challenged by climate conditions which have impacted pricing. But there is still value to be found. David Kohl presents a Givry selection from Domaine Perraud. Not to be confused with the elite & pricey Gevrey Chambertin, the Givry region of Burgundy sits within Cote Chalonnaise and offers Pinot Noir with mi…
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One of the top suppliers in David Kohl’s import portfolio is Domaine Perraud, located in Burgundy’s Macon region. Today we feature their “Pouilly Vinzelles” offering. Pouilly Vinzelles is a compact Macon region nearby to the better known area of Pouilly Fuisse. But while not well known, Pouilly Vinzelles provides cutting edge value of Chardonnay wh…
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The brother / sister team of Raphael & Beatrice Dubois hail from 11 generations of Burgundy winemaking and today run Domaine Dubois, a value-centric estate in Nuits St. Georges. With Burgundy prices escalating it is impressive to find offerings within the elite Cote de Nuits that provide consumers with gems that are ready to drink today. #winepodca…
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David Kohl holds a discussion of France’s Cooperative winemaking (Coops) vs. independent vigneron growers. Almost 40% of wine from France is produced by Coops who are able to supply European grocery stores and USA big box retailers with sizeable volume of product. Vineyard owners will bring their grapes to the Coop for processing & vinification as …
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Defense’s BIGGEST Motions Just Got Thrown Out—Bob Motta Breaks It Down!-WEEK IN REVIEW
26:53Welcome to the "Week in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this week's headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that made the news. This is not your average news recap. With the sharp i…
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Hallo ihr Lieben Mordwürstchen: Triggerwarnung:🕷️ Übergriffe, Mord Der Fall ist gelöst.✉️ E-Mail: zwischenkohlecurrywurstundmord@gmx.de https://instagram.com/kohleundcurrywurst?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM=https://tiktok.com/kohlecurrywurstundmord Und folgt uns auch auf YouTube: https://youtube.com/@Kohle_Currywurst_Mord Wenn es euch gefallen hat, abonniert …
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Kohberger’s DNA on the Knife Sheath—Bob Motta REVEALS the Possible Explanations!-WEEK IN REVIEW
10:18Welcome to the "Week in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this week's headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that made the news. This is not your average news recap. With the sharp i…
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Kohberger’s Lawyers Are Running Out of Moves – Here’s What’s Left-WEEK IN REVIEW
29:46Welcome to the "Week in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this week's headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that made the news. This is not your average news recap. With the sharp i…
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Prosecutors Are DIGGING Into Kohberger’s Amazon Orders—Will They Find the Knife Sheath?
16:41Was Bryan Kohberger just another criminology student fascinated by the criminal mind, or was he leaving a digital breadcrumb trail straight to his own doorstep? When Amazon search histories start getting contested in court, you have to wonder—what exactly was in that cart? A K-Bar knife and sheath purchase might just be the smoking gun… or in this …
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Kohberger’s DNA on the Knife Sheath—Bob Motta REVEALS the Possible Explanations!
11:23What do you do when your defense strategy keeps getting shut down before the trial even begins? Well, that’s exactly where Bryan Kohberger’s legal team finds themselves—motions to suppress? Denied. Motions to dismiss? Denied. Death penalty off the table? Not a chance. At this point, their playbook is looking thinner than an airline napkin, and the …
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Aki Antman - AI ennen, nyt ja tulevaisuudessa
1:15:06Keskustelimme IT-vaikuttaja Aki Antmanin kanssa hänen tuoreesta kirjastaan From Copilot To Commander, joka käsittelee tekoälyä varsinkin organisaatioiden johdon näkökulmasta, ja mietimme myös teknologian kehitystä ja vaikutusta elämään ja työhön C64:stä sosiaalisten intranettien alkuaskelten kautta tähän päivään ja kohti tulevaa AI-lähtöistä asenno…
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Defense’s BIGGEST Motions Just Got Thrown Out—Bob Motta Breaks It Down!
26:48What do you do when your defense strategy gets shut down before the trial even begins? That’s exactly the predicament Bryan Kohberger’s legal team finds itself in—every major motion denied, the death penalty still on the table, and a stack of damning evidence that’s looking more solid than their case. Defense Attorney Bob Motta joins to break down …
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Bryan Kohbergers New Defense; Autism Spectrum Disorder
35:38Bryan Kohberger’s legal team is fighting an uphill battle, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. In this gripping episode, we break down the latest developments in the Idaho college murders case, where prosecutors are pushing to limit his alibi defense and block any psychiatric evidence related to autism spectrum disorder. Kohberger’s attorneys claim …
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On the Money Café this week, Alan Kohler and Stephen Mayne go through the hits and misses of reporting season, cast their eye over Trump and the upcoming Federal election, look at what the Murdoch family is up to, and much more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Eureka Report による
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Kohberger Can’t HIDE From the Jury—Robin Dreeke Explains Why!
14:23Kohberger Can’t HIDE From the Jury—Robin Dreeke Explains Why! Is there a point where a defense strategy stops being about proving innocence and starts being about throwing legal spaghetti at the wall just to see what sticks? Because that sure seems to be the case with Bryan Kohberger’s legal team. Months of motions, objections, and desperate attemp…
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Bryan Kohberger’s Defense Just Got Stronger – Meet the DNA Expert Fighting for Him
21:58In a stunning development, newly unsealed court transcripts reveal how FBI investigators used Investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG) to identify Bryan Kohberger as a suspect in the Idaho murders. This previously hidden evidence exposes the controversial DNA search that led law enforcement to his doorstep, raising major questions about privacy, foren…
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Meet The OTHER Suspects In The Idaho College Murders, Before Bryan Kohberger
14:14The shocking murders of four University of Idaho students left the country searching for answers. But behind the scenes, investigators faced an unexpected roadblock—DNA evidence that led them to the wrong suspects… or so they thought. In this deep dive, we uncover the “Four Brothers” lead, the family connection that could have solved this case week…
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Shocking New Kohberger Claim, Witness Recalls Seeing Him with “Vacuum-Type Object” As He Fled
18:47Shocking New Kohberger Claim, Witness Recalls Seeing Him with “Vacuum-Type Object” As He Fled Newly revealed court documents have provided fresh insight into the night of the brutal home invasion attack that left four University of Idaho students dead, as Judge Steven Hippler denied a motion from accused killer Bryan Kohberger. The ruling rejected …
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Could the Other DNA at the Kohberger Crime Scene Create Reasonable Doubt?-WEEK IN REVIEW
10:01Welcome to the "Week in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this week's headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that made the news. This is not your average news recap. With the sharp i…
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What Does Bryan Kohbergers Childhood Tell Us About The Person He Became?-WEEK IN REVIEW
8:45Welcome to the "Week in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this week's headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that made the news. This is not your average news recap. With the sharp i…
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Did the FBI Overlook a Key Piece of Evidence in the Kohberger Case?-WEEK IN REVIEW
10:28Welcome to the "Week in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this week's headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that made the news. This is not your average news recap. With the sharp i…
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Inside the Mind of a Killer FBI Expert Breaks Down Bryan Kohberger-WEEK IN REVIEW
36:13Welcome to the "Week in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this week's headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that made the news. This is not your average news recap. With the sharp i…
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Breaking Down The Mind Of Bryan Kohberger With Psychotherapist Shavaun Scott-WEEK IN REVIEW
21:47Welcome to the "Week in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this week's headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that made the news. This is not your average news recap. With the sharp i…
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Can Bryan Kohberger’s Defense Use Unknown DNA to Create Reasonable Doubt? -WEEK IN REVIEW
17:14Welcome to the "Week in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this week's headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that made the news. This is not your average news recap. With the sharp i…
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The Shocking Truth Kohberger’s Medical History Might Convict AND Protect Him-WEEK IN REVIEW
8:04Welcome to the "Week in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this week's headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that made the news. This is not your average news recap. With the sharp i…
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DNA BOMBSHELL Was Bryan Kohberger Framed While the Real Killer Walks Free?-WEEK IN REVIEW
9:49Welcome to the "Week in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this week's headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that made the news. This is not your average news recap. With the sharp i…
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Did Bryan Kohberger Plant Other DNA at the Scene to Mislead Investigators?-WEEK IN REVIEW
9:31Welcome to the "Week in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this week's headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that made the news. This is not your average news recap. With the sharp i…
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Could Bryan Kohberger’s Defense Get the DNA Evidence Thrown Out? -WEEK IN REVIEW
8:09Welcome to the "Week in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this week's headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that made the news. This is not your average news recap. With the sharp i…
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How Did Bryan Kohbergers Drug Problem Play A Role In The Alleged Murders?
13:18How Did Bryan Kohbergers Drug Problem Play A Role In The Alleged Murders? What makes someone go from studying crime to allegedly committing it? In this chilling discussion, Tony Brueski and psychotherapist Shavaun Scott dig into the psychological makeup of individuals who cross the line from academic curiosity to violent obsession. Was substance ab…
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The Shocking Truth: Kohberger’s Medical History Might Convict AND Protect Him
7:59The Shocking Truth: Kohberger’s Medical History Might Convict AND Protect Him Did Bryan Kohberger’s own mind betray him? With newly released mental health records now in the hands of the prosecution, the question isn’t just about his alleged actions but also about what was going on inside his head. Could these documents paint a picture of a deeply …
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Judge Denies Defense Motions in Bryan Kohberger Case, Allowing Key DNA and Digital Evidence at Trial
17:54Judge Denies Defense Motions in Bryan Kohberger Case, Allowing Key DNA and Digital Evidence at Trial An Idaho judge ruled against Bryan Kohberger’s defense team in a series of motions challenging critical evidence, a significant setback for the man accused of murdering four University of Idaho students in 2022. Judge Steven Hippler denied multiple …
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More Than Just DNA, What Other Clues Were Left Behind In Kohberger Case?
16:38More Than Just DNA, What Other Clues Were Left Behind In Kohberger Case? Was he meticulous or just plain lucky? The case against Bryan Kohberger keeps unraveling, but one thing’s clear—this wasn’t some impulsive crime of passion. Between cell phone pings, digital footprints, and a whole lot of sealed evidence, investigators have been digging deep. …
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Kohberger’s Lawyers Are Running Out of Moves – Here’s What’s Left
29:41Bryan Kohberger’s legal team is running out of options. After a brutal series of courtroom defeats, where every major motion to suppress evidence was denied, the defense is now scrambling for a new strategy. With DNA, phone records, and surveillance footage all cleared for trial, Kohberger’s lawyers have to pivot—and fast. In this episode, we break…
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What Does Bryan Kohberger's Childhood Tell Us About The Person He Became?
8:40What Does Bryan Kohberger's Childhood Tell Us About The Person He Became? What happens when someone who studies crime allegedly becomes the criminal? That’s the eerie question swirling around Bryan Kohberger, a criminology student now accused of one of the most brutal mass murders in recent history. With his psychiatric and medical records now in t…
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Did Bryan Kohberger Plant Other DNA at the Scene to Mislead Investigators?
9:26Could Bryan Kohberger’s defense be playing the long game? With new mental health records handed over to prosecutors, the question arises: is this about proving innocence or simply avoiding the death penalty? Tony Brueski and former felony prosecutor Eric Faddis break down the implications of this risky move—one that could open up Kohberger’s entire…
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Kohberger’s Defense FIGHTS BACK – Is Touch DNA Enough to Convict?
14:05Could a single knife sheath be the smoking gun that unravels the entire case against alleged killer Bryan Kohberger? The defense is working overtime to cast doubt on DNA evidence, arguing everything from privacy violations to the idea that DNA was planted. But when you leave your DNA at a crime scene—especially on something as damning as a knife sh…
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Stephen King on valtava hahmo ja podcastin aiheena mahdoton. Olen jo pitkään halunnut jotenkin käsitellä Kuningasta jossain jaksossa, ja onneksi Inna Lohikäärmeradiosta keksi hienon idean: Kingin tapa kuvata lapsihahmoja sekä lapsuutta kirjoissaan, sekä lapsen/nuoren kasvaminen Kingin kirjojen parissa, eli tavallaan meidän molempien "origin story".…
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Could the Other DNA at the Kohberger Crime Scene Create Reasonable Doubt?
9:56Could the Other DNA at the Kohberger Crime Scene Create Reasonable Doubt? Could Bryan Kohberger have actually planted evidence at the crime scene to throw investigators off his trail? It sounds like something straight out of a crime thriller, but some experts are taking the idea seriously. With unidentified male DNA found at the scene and Kohberger…
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Can Bryan Kohberger’s Defense Use Unknown DNA to Create Reasonable Doubt?
17:08Could Bryan Kohberger have been arrogant enough to believe he'd committed the perfect crime—only to be caught off guard when investigators came knocking? His legal team is now hammering away at the discovery of unidentified male DNA at the crime scene, claiming it could introduce reasonable doubt. But does this actually shake up the case, or is it …
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On The Money Café this week, Alan Kohler and James Thomson discuss the RBA's first interest rate cut in four years, look at reporting season, BHP, and answer a number of questions on Trump, the housing market, and much more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Eureka Report による
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#33 Börse und Immos - mit Kai Rupalla und Niko Stemmermann
49:35In dieser Folge beantworten wir eure Fragen zum Thema Kapitalmarkt und Immobilien. Unser Host Niko und Kai sind seit über einem Jahrzehnt an der Börse und in Immos investiert. Seit knapp 5 Jahren beschäftigen sie sich mit der Thematik Finanzielle Bildung in ihrem Workshop-Format Real Life - was die Schulen und Unis nicht beibringen.…
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Did the FBI Overlook a Key Piece of Evidence in the Kohberger Case?
10:23Did the FBI Overlook a Key Piece of Evidence in the Kohberger Case? Was the infamous knife sheath really a careless mistake, or is there more to the story? As Bryan Kohberger’s defense team continues to poke holes in the prosecution’s case, new theories are surfacing about the DNA evidence—some reasonable, others reaching into the realm of legal gy…
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Breaking Down The Mind Of Bryan Kohberger With Psychotherapist Shavaun Scott
21:41Breaking Down The Mind Of Bryan Kohberger With Psychotherapist Shavaun Scott How do you go from studying criminology to becoming the accused in one of the most gruesome mass murders in recent history? That's the question looming over the case of Bryan Kohberger, and new revelations about his psychiatric and medical records might just provide some a…
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