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Bacsó Benjámin

Együtt a vezetés útján! A Katalizátor podcast célja, hogy inspiráljon és az értékalapú vezetés gyakorlati oldaláról nyújtson praktikus információkat. A műsorban olyan vendégekkel beszélget Bacsó Benjámin, akik komoly vezetői tapasztalattal rendelkeznek. A személyes életpéldájukon keresztül tekinthetünk be a vezetés kihívásaiba és sikereibe, miközben mi magunk is fejlődhetünk a saját területünkön.
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The Kat and Mark Show

Markus Wolf & Kat Cortez

2 x WINNER - BEST PODCAST - AUSTRALIAN ADULT INDUSTRY AWARDS 2023 & 2024 Unhinged and unapologetic takes on anything and everything that is taboo, wild and spicy. Hosted by International Sex Coach Markus Wolf & Playboy Playmate of the Year Katija Cortez. @playmatekatija @markasswolf
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Rangos Katalin

Rangos Katalin

Ez itt az úgynevezett szöveggyüjteményem, mely megmutatja kikkel és miről dumáltam az elmúlt két-három évben. A Spinozában inkább politikusokkal ültünk össze, a Bálint Házban művészek, tudósok olykor politikai elemzők voltak a vendégeim. A Heti tévében pedig mindenki, aki valamiért éppen aktuálisnak mutatkozott. Azért csináltam ezt a csatornát, hogy a sok izgalmas embert egy közös puttonyba gyüjtsem, ahonnan kiszedhetitek aki éppen érdekel benneteket.
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Katarzyna Strzelczyk

Katarzyna Strzelczyk

Nazywam się Katarzyna Strzelczyk, jestem psychodietetykiem. W swoich podcastach opowiadam o zdrowym stylu życia, holistycznym podejściu do jedzenia, zdrowia i natury. Mówię o emocjach, które trzeba wyrażać aby ich nie zjadać. Pomagam kobietom czuć się dobrze w swoim ciele. Zapraszam Cię do zmiany sposobu myślenia o jedzeniu. Jeśli masz nie udane próby odchudzania, odwlekasz wszystko na jutro to ten podcast jest właśnie dla Ciebie. Pomagam odzyskać kontrolę nad jedzeniem, oraz jeść w zgodzie ...
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Friendships gradually fade or abruptly end. The heartbreak and grief we experience in friendship is often more painful than a break up in romance. You are not alone! Join our weekly discussion as we re-hash the specifically difficult events surrounding losing a friend.
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Season 2: Kat Torres has the insta-perfect life. She is rich, gorgeous and not ashamed to share it. Her posts about witchcraft and "alien baths" draw in over a million followers, all chasing the dream of a lifestyle like hers. But as she gathers more followers around her, the secrets beneath her fame grow darker and more dangerous. One woman sets out to bring back her best friend who has fallen under the spell of this modern-day guru. And what begins as a search for a missing friend soon put ...
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Zöld magazin a fenntarthatóság jegyében. Főszerepben a Föld, magyar hangja Nemes Takách Kata. Megmutatjuk, egy kis kreativitással hogyan adhatunk új esélyt a kidobásra szánt holmiknak, mindemellett rámutatunk majd olyan jelenségekre, illetve közéleti, aktuális eseményekre is, amelyeknek van valamilyen környezetvédelmi vetülete. A műsor a szorongás elmélyítése helyett igyekszik bebizonyítani, hogy környezetbarát módon élni jó dolog.
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Case Files with Kat and Ashley

Case Files with Kat and Ashley

Join us each week as we discuss alcoholic beverages, our chaotic lives and do deep dives into stories involving true crime, unsolved mysteries, disappearances, murder and the paranormal. Come explore the dark side of humanity!
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Kate And Kat Live

Kate and Kat Live

Welcome to Kate and Kat Live! Our podcast is completely Spirit led. Every episode is a new adventure where we walk people through healing anything from spirit guides, to past lives, to inner child work, to how the energies and trauma affects the mechanical workings of our physical bodies, to exploring time, space and dimensions, and how it's all happening now. This podcast is for beginners and experts alike. This can be considered explicit content to some as we do not edit ourselves.
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Go Kat, GO! The Rock-A-Billy Show!

Del Villarreal

The best NEW rockabilly music alongside the greatest rockin' records of all time! Join Motorbilly Radio's DJ Del Villarreal for a lively blend of 1950's styled rock'n'roll, hillbilly bop, country boogie, western swing, raucous RnB, desperate garage & twangy hot rod music in each week's radio programs: hear exclusive LIVE interviews with the artists & organizers in our world-wide rockin' scene! "Good to the last BOP!™" Requests? Email: del@motorbilly.com
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Katakota adalah podcast yang membahas tentang ilmu ke-PWK-an dan isu-isu perkotaan. Dikelola oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
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Wouter Nieuwenhuizen (Curator)

Podcast verbonden aan platform Katar. In April 2018 gestart met een serie gesprekken over de dood, met uiteenlopende gesprekspartners. Vanaf Episode 5 overgestapt naar Podbean: https://katarcast.podbean.com/ Curator: Wouter Nieuwenhuizen
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Dimas Muhammadalfay

Membicarakan apapun yang ingin dibicarakan si kepala. KataKita ? Kata-katain aja. Di jaga oleh pria manis beralis tipis @mhmmdalfay (instagram) @kataalfay (twitter)
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Makna Kata Podcast

Makna Kata Podcast

Selamat datang di Makna Kata Podcast. Sebuah podcast yang membahas tentang segala hal yang terjadi di sekitar kita, secara santai & menyenangkan bersama @fendyrakhman Episode baru tayang setiap Hari Selasa & Jumat, pukul 21.00 WIB. Dngarkan via Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, dan Aplikasi NOICE. KARENA SETIAP KATA SELALU BERMAKNA.
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You have heard all the cat myths. Do cats have nine lives? You have watched your cat do quirky things. Why does your cat follow you to the bathroom? We live with these tiny predators, yet we do not truly know them. What do they really need to eat? How do their minds work? Cats are still an enigma. How do you keep your cat fit and healthy? If it is related to cats, I will relate it to you! Together we will explore all aspects of the “cat-o-sphere” and learn everything we can about cats from a ...
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Ruang Katalis

Fadhlan Alfarisy

Ingin berbagai pengalaman romansa dari kehidupan saya, karena cinta adalah katalis emosi pada jiwa, maka kita harus memiliki ruang untuk menganalisis reaksinya, serta mempelajari segala sifat-sifatnya supaya bisa termanfaatkan fungsinya secara maksimal.
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Annisa Zahra Nabila

Welcome to Katara. Podcast ini nantinya langsung dipandu oleh @zahranabilala . Isi podcastnya? Adalah isi hati yang belum sempat tersampaikan. Bisa juga bertukar pikiran dan cerita di: annisazahranabila@gmail.com . Selamat mendengarkan, manusia 🖤
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KATALITALK adalah program bincang bersama para "pekerja" MERDEKA muda atau biasa disebut Pelaku Bisnis muda dalam bidang dan kultur apapun. Kami dengan senang memanggil mereka sebagai "Agent of Katalis" karena kami percaya dari merekalah suatu perubahan baik akan muncul lebih cepat. Selamat menikmati obrolan santai kami. Salam.
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Im True Crime-Katastrophen Podcast “Das Fiasko” benutzt ein, dem Schreiber dieses Textes "unbekannter Host" das Stilmittel der narrativen Geschichten Erzählung, um über Unfälle und Katastrophen die in den letzen 100 Jahren vorkamen zu berichten. In jeder Folge widmet er sich aufs neue, ausgestattet mit Archiv-Audio und immersiven Klanglandschaften, dem nächsten tragischen Fiasko. Er erläutert im Detail die Hintergründe und bringt dem Zuhörer so das Geschehen in den letzten Minuten auf schaur ...
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Spouting Off with Karen Kataline

BBS Radio, BBS Network Inc.

You're better off, when you're Spouting Off! Karen, host of Spouting off, is very well-informed and opinionated, but she also believes that protecting others’ rights to free speech protects our own. Topics range from the timely to the timeless, but always include a healthy dose of debate and discussion. If you can’t stand disagreement or diversity of opinion, enter with extreme caution. But if you just love mixing it up about the hottest issues of the day, tune in. You might just have your m ...
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Kat and Moose Podcast

Kat and Moose Podcast Network

Kat and Moose Podcast is a true-life podcast exploring the quirks of being human. We bring hilarious anecdotes and thought-provoking discussions about spirituality, mental health, personal growth, bodywork, midlife, relationships, self-care, and more! Join hosts Kat, Moose, and Producer Sara as they dive deep into various topics: spirituality, mental health, mid-life questions, relationships, bodywork, poetry, loving ourselves, and living our most authentic lives. We also sprinkle in some en ...
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show series
In this week's episode Ashley discusses the disappearance of Bethany Markowski who was only 11 at the time of her disappearance. Her father claims she walked into the mall but she was never seen entering and has never been since. Join us as we discuss the background history of this family, the disappearance, the investigation and what has happened …
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Today we talk with Dr Joe Bartges, a Veterinary nutritionist, about some of the things that have been in the news recently about feline nutrition and which of the information is good and which is bad. He also shares some techniques for getting cats to be less finicky. This is an informative and valuable episode. Check it out. EPISODE NOTES: Nutriti…
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⁠WATCH KATE AND KAT LIVE IN THE RAW ON YOUTUBE(Ahora Con Subtitulos En Español⁠⁠)On this episode of Kate and Kat Live, we had multiple guests on, that joined us from the comments, for mini healing sessions! The first guest needed some help visiting a past car crash. The next person, to join us, needed a little bit of help shifting their healing pra…
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This week on the show we had on Mistress Eros - an expert in all things tantric! We talk all things in the world of domination, tantra, kink and sex parties. This show is brought to you by our sponsors Raven Management. @raven_management https://www.ravenmanagement.com.au/ CHECK US OUT ON YOUTUBE!!! https://www.youtube.com/@KatAndMarkShow BTS & BON…
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Adult star and onlyfans creator Annie Charlotte joins the Kat Baker Show podcast to discuss living with 2 v*ginas (Uterus Didelphys) and we answer a bunch of crazy fan questions. 0:00 intro 1:55 living with 2 v*ginas 9:15 her boyfriend is obsessed with an*l?! 18:40 should he sleep with his second cousin? 24:50 her colleague wants to share her boyfr…
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When her best friend goes missing, Paty launches an internet campaign to find her. The trail leads to a glamorous influencer, who is hiding a dark secret. Based on the hit Brazilian podcast, journalist Chico Felitti uncovers a gripping story of influence, control, and those who dare to fight back.. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy an…
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Dive into the latest episode of Kat and Moose, where we unravel the complexities of human experiences with humor and heart. This week, we introduce the whimsical idea of a "furuncle"—a medical term that encapsulates the quirks and embarrassments we all face. Through personal anecdotes, we explore how these experiences, while often awkward, serve as…
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Hallå! Vi är här igen med ett fullmatat avsnitt. Det blir prat om min och Patricks resa till preppboxlagret och jobbet med att minska leveranstiderna. Sen länge om ABF och studieförbund och gräsrotsrörelser och varför det är viktigt. Lite uppföljning kring kritikstormen mot jordbruksverkets nya regler kring hobbydjurhållning. Om logistik kedjor och…
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32.019 Wild, wild women.. like to have a great rockin' time! Celebrating with plenty of the BEST rockin' sounds from the fairer sex (and more than a few rockin' fellas, too!) on DJ Del's "Go Kat, GO!" LIVE from the Motorbilly Studios on www.RockabillyRadio.net , 8-11 pm EST Wednesday Nite! Good to the last bop!™ Please follow on FaceBook, Instagram…
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Ok, först lite om Patricks nya gig som upprätthållare av historisk ängsmark. Sen om jordbruksverkets förslag om nya regler för småskalig djurhållning. OM varför det går emot deras egen verksamhetsbeskrivning och riskerar att minska samhällets motståndskraft vid kris. Lyssna och bli arg. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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Menulis belasan novel membuat saya bisa menuangkan imajinasi dan membagikan cerita yang saya dengar agar tidak menumpuk di pikiran. Namun, semakin banyal novel yang saya terbitkan, maka semakin terbukalah hal-hal yang dulu hanya ada di angan-angan. I know myself more through writing fiction, how?IG @kata_reffiTelegram channel s.id/telegram_channel…
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32.017 Let's all rock n' roll with the Aztec Werewolf™ tonite! Wednesday evenings were made for ROCKIN' on www.RockabillyRadio.net : hit that magic button and hear DJ Del Villarreal live in the Motorbilly Studio with this endlessly fascinating & always engaging "Go Kat, GO! The Rock-A-Billy Show!" LIVE on Rockabilly Radio 8 til 11 pm EST! Good to t…
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In this episode of Case Files with Kat & Ashley, Kat dives into the chilling case of Dan Wozniak—a struggling actor who committed two brutal murders in a desperate attempt to fund his wedding. What started as a plan to steal from his friend, Afghanistan war veteran Sam Herr, quickly spiraled into a gruesome double homicide that shocked Orange Count…
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In this episode of the Kat Baker Show podcast, I focus on answering YOUR questions as the audience. I am the most experienced agony aunt in the world. Let me know what you think of this new format! 0:00 intro 2:33 should he date his sister's friend? 5:45 WOKE boss cheated with his employee?! 17:38 He made out with his sister-in-law?! 32:28 How to a…
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Menulis fiksi itu membuat dunia baru dengan tokoh yang kita ciptakan. Mana yang harus dibikin duluan? Karakter atau settingnya? Gabung juga di Wordholic Telegram Channel, gratis untuk konten eksklusif lainnya s.id/telegram_channel
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⁠WATCH KATE AND KAT LIVE IN THE RAW ON YOUTUBE(Ahora Con Subtitulos En Español⁠⁠)⁠ On this episode of Kate and Kat Live, we have a gggggaaaammmmmmeeee sssshhhhooooowwwww brbrbrbrb!!!! We had so much freaking fun with @JoJo, @PurpleOwl33812, @Jennifer, @LunaSole724, @afterdark_reiki! We put a sign up to play a game, and win a prize, with 5 spots ava…
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Jag ska kläcka ägg och undrar tusen saker om det. Hur ökar man kläckningsprocenten? Vilka ägg ska man kläcka? Hur förvarar man dom? Vad gör man med kycklingarna när dom kommit ut OCH SÅ VIDARE. Noga och bra! Sen om att odla eget foder till smådjur. Gräsmatta och foderbetor. Om lagring av tandborstar och av kaffe. Går det att odla eget kaffe i sveri…
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This week we sat down with Luke Skewes, dating and intimacy coach and former host of the Expo Sex Ed Stage (RIP Sexpo). This show is brought to you by our sponsors Raven Management. @raven_management https://www.ravenmanagement.com.au/ CHECK US OUT ON YOUTUBE!!! https://www.youtube.com/@KatAndMarkShow BTS & BONUS FOOTAGE ON INSTAGRAM @katandmarksho…
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W podcaście rozmawiam ze szczegółnym i wyjątkowym gościem o mojej metamorfozie. Dlaczego zniknęłam z mediów na cztery tygodnie. Jak bardzo zmienniło się moje podejście do pracy z klientami oraz do samej siebie. Z podcastu dowiesz się : Dlaczego przestałam aktywnie działać w mediach społecznościowych. Jakie zmiany poczyniłam aby lepiej się czuć Jak …
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32.016 Another amazing episode of the world-famous "Go Kat, GO!" radio program! This show features an exclusive LIVE interview with young n' talented singer-songwriter Willie Barry (of The Rock-A-Sonics) who has a brand new release available on his Barrified Records label, "This Is How We D-U-E-T!" featuring 13 lively recordings pairing the express…
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Ni är många som har hört av er och bett oss kommentera noggrannare kring det stökiga omvärldsläget. Vi kände att vi behövde hjälp av nån som vet nåt på riktigt. Oscar Jonsson forskar i krigsvetenskap på Försvarhögskolan och är en internationellt erkänd auktoritet på rysk militär strategi. Han har en jävla koll helt enkelt. Lyssna så får du också de…
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