Rabbi Ariana Katz is the founding rabbi of Hinenu: The Baltimore Justice Shtiebl. She was the creator and host Kaddish, a podcast about death, mourning and identity.
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This d'var Torah was given on Shabbat Parshat Yitro, February 15 at Hinenu Baltimore.A transcript can be found here: www.arianakatz.com/sermons-writing/yitro-2-5785Rabbi Ariana Katz による
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This d'var Torah was given on Shabbat Parshat Vaera, January 24 2025 at Hinenu Baltimore.A transcript can be found here: www.arianakatz.com/sermons-writing/vaera5785Rabbi Ariana Katz による
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What we love, what we leave, what we save: Parshat Vayechi 5785
12:30This d'var Torah was given on Shabbat Parshat Vayechi, January 2025 at Hinenu Baltimore.A transcript can be found here: https://www.arianakatz.com/sermons-writing/vayechi5785Rabbi Ariana Katz による
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Kaddish's farewell episode, recorded live at Kol Tzedek at the Calvary Center for Culture and Community on July 6 in Philadelphia, PA.Featuring:Evi Numen, thanatography.comChristopher Bartlett, gayhistory.wikispaces.comPoetry:Noor Jaber, mapsforteeth.com/2016/12/31/noura-jaberMusic of:Dan Blacksberg, danblacksberg.comDot Levine, evancorylevine.comR…
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In this episode of Kaddish, listeners share their stories of chosen family and grieving the losses of loved ones.Where is there room in the Jewish tradition to honor the role that chosen family, logical family, plays in our lives? How have others mourned the losses of chosen family?Featuring the voices of Rabbi Vivie Mayer, as well as Rebecca, Noga…
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Graham Garner of the Friends Southwestern Burial Ground and Namrata Kolla of Coeio join episode 6 of Kaddish to share stories of synchronicity and celebrating identity in burial.Learn more about FSWBG at http://fswbg.org/Learn more about Coeio at http://coeio.com/Rabbi Ariana Katz による
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BONUS Episode 5.5: Long cut with Naomi Leapheart
16:07Naomi Leapheart discusses queer reproductive loss in episode 5. Listen to the full episode here: https://soundcloud.com/user-544994582/episode-5-a-container-big-enough-to-hold-usAlso featuring some crucial listener feedback at the top of the show, and this article:http://everydayfeminism.com/2015/11/trans-women-reproductive-justice/If you want to s…
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Naomi Leapheart and Christa Craven discuss queer reproductive loss in episode 5. They weave the body and spirit into our imaginings of what reproductive loss is- something that happens to queer bodies, and in queer families.If you want to share your story of reproductive loss with the Kaddish community, you can call 240-KAD-DISH and for a listener …
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Jacqui Morton shares her story of reproductive loss, and the founding of Holding Our Space (holdingourspace.tumblr.com)Follow along with the transcript: kaddishpodcast.com/blogIf you have a story of reproductive loss that you wish to share with the Kaddish community, call (240)KAD-DISH for a listener episode.Donate to support the Kaddish fundraisin…
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In this episode of Kaddish, guests Dr. Joy Ladin and Noach Dzmura discuss transgender taharah, the ritual washing of the dead before burial. "It takes some strength of soul and not just individual strength but collective understanding to avoid the void. And to stand up demanding to be seen and heard." Adrienne RichNovember 15 is Trans Day of Resili…
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What is it about the taharah ritual that can transition a person from this world to the next? And why does it necessitate gallons of water? Rabbi Linda Holtzman, founder of the Reconstructionist Chevra Kadisha of Philadelphia joins Kaddish to talk about the origins of the local progressive community that washes and prepares the dead for burial. Dav…
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Episode 1.5: Visioning Old Age with Deidre Scherer
13:30Bonus episode this month.A conversation with Deidre Scherer, textile artist that often focuses on the faces of the elderly, they dying, and the deceased. Content warning: storytelling includes audio of air raid sirens.Follow Deidre's work: http://dscherer.com/Kaddish Podcast: kaddishpodcast.comThanks to Moment Magazine for covering Kaddish this mon…
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This episode features the health, teaching, and sickness of Megan Andelloux, sex educator and hospice volunteer. This episode explores dementia, hospice, and advance directives. More at kaddishpodcast.comSupported by advertising from Years of Radical Dreaming, a 5777 Jewish calendar. Order yours at: bit.ly/radicallyjewishin5777…
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Episode 0: The Words We Say and the Words We Mean
32:06Introducing Kaddish, a podcast about death, dying, and who we are while we do it.Featuring:+The liturgy of Black Lives Matter+Elliott batTzedek, poet and liturgist+The tale of Rabbi Akiva, a cemetery, and the origins of the mourner's prayerEpisode 1 is out in August!Facebook.com/kaddishpodcastTwitter @kaddishpodcast…
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