We're at 1080AM in Northfield, MN and online at KYMNradio.net
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Hosts Will Healy and Rob Ryden bring us a show about the philosophical meaning of time. However they never actually get to the subject because they keep getting distracted by other topics like Casio watches, Laurence Ferlinghetti, and what they’re acceptance speeches might sound like when the show inevitably wins a Peabody.…
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Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen discusses the March 24 City Council meeting, the Council’s work session with the Rice County Engineer, a proposed pedestrian crossing at Hwy 3 and County Road 1, and more.KYMN Radio - 1080 AM, Northfield, MN による
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Arlo Hark talks about the Downstream Film Festival with Clean River Partners to be held Tuesday, March 25, 6pm at Imminent Brewing in Northfield where his film “Pastures and Panels” will be one of the films featured.KYMN Radio - 1080 AM, Northfield, MN による
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Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann on April 3 Budget Reduction Community Input Session, 3-25-25
Northfield Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann discusses school budgets and invites the public to a community input session relating to proposed budget reductions on April 3, 6-8:30pm, at Northfield Middle School.KYMN Radio - 1080 AM, Northfield, MN による
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Host Matt Hillmann talks with Northfield Civics/Government/Driver’s Ed teacher Kevin Dahle about his 41 year career in education, and his 32 years teaching at Northfield High School.KYMN Radio - 1080 AM, Northfield, MN による
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Actualizaciones sobre la temporada de los juegos de basquetbol. Compartimos opiniones sobre la natalidad e inmigración en Estados Unidos, también hablamos sobre poesía y el rol de la mujer en diferentes entidades. Nuestras redes sociales: Facebook: El Súper Barrio Latino Instagram: superbarrioradioKYMN Radio - 1080 AM, Northfield, MN による
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The winter season is over and we wrap it up with the Head Coach of the Olympic Weightlifting team, Noah Bachmeier. The team had 15 people represent Northfield in the State meet held in Cannon Falls last week. Two time State High school Wrestling Champion, Ella Pagel joins the program and talks about her recovery […]…
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Today in the ArtZany Radio studio Paula Granquist welcomes guests from the Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra (Paul Niemisto, Deesa Staats, Richard Collman) and the FiftyNorth Band (Dan Bergeson, Sandra Voelker, Eric Johnsrud) to preview their upcoming spring concerts. Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra (CVRO): ENGLISH GARDEN Conductor, Paul Niemisto. …
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Representative Kristi Pursell of District 58A discusses the work she has been doing and the various developments in the Minnesota House of Representatives over the last week.KYMN Radio - 1080 AM, Northfield, MN による
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CC Linstroth of Age Friendly Northfield discusses the mission of Age-Friendly Northfield and the various services and activities for senior citizens available in the Northfield area.KYMN Radio - 1080 AM, Northfield, MN による
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Northfield Police Chief Jeff Schroepfer talks about hiring new police officer Kenna Eschenbach; 150th anniversary of the department, and more.KYMN Radio - 1080 AM, Northfield, MN による
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Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig reviews the March 18 City Council meeting. Among the topics were the water treatment plant and use of federal funds.KYMN Radio - 1080 AM, Northfield, MN による
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KYMN’s Logan Wells discusses last night’s Northfield City Council meeting. Topics include the water treatment plant and use of federal funds.KYMN Radio - 1080 AM, Northfield, MN による
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Jon Olson, retired Naval Intelligence Officer, professor and author, discusses the current global security situation, focusing on U.S. relations with Canada and Greenland, Olson previously hosted National Security This Week on KYMN Radio.KYMN Radio - 1080 AM, Northfield, MN による
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