Mit Gästen aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft im virtuellen Kaffeehaus
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You have so many question and situation that are bothering you and yet still can't turn to the ones close to you for answers. The BORNRICH generation is here to answer every Question that has left you in doubt and give you understanding with an infallible, unadulterated words of faith. Stay connected and be blessed.
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An outdoors show that covers hunting, fishing, and trapping. The main purpose of this show will be to help others and myself learn new ways to do things or why certain things are done certain ways. I will be speaking on hunting public and private lands, feeding/baiting to hunting natural. I will be randomly having guest on to speak about certain aspects and products for hunting, fishing, and trapping. I will cover some of my hunting, fishing, and trapping trips along with scouting trips for ...
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Hey everyone! My name is Julius Covington I’m from Fort Worth, Texas. I’m 21 years old and this is my podcast of chats with Julius. On this podcast I will be talking of random topics from game reviews, to celebrity’s YouTube and whole of other stuff. Also follow my insta and my YouTube and twitch.
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Julius Caesar
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Hi this is Bishop Julius C Trimble. I have a mission “to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potential” - in short, to be encouraged. I get encouraged when I hear stories of good news. It could be a gospel story like Jesus encouraging Zacchaeus about going to his house or one of our United Methodist Churches serving the needs of the homeless in their community or even the laughter of my own granddaughter. I am compelled by Jesus to share with you an en ...
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Podcast by Julius Teu
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This podcast covers hip hop culture, positive thinking, motivation and anything else that's interesting to talk about.
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its a podcast with me just talking no other co host or guest yet maybe later on tho
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We do Julius Caesar related podcasts. Cover art photo provided by Scott Webb on Unsplash:
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Hallo, ich bin ein 14-jähriger Hobbyfotograf und will meine Erfahrungen mit dir in diesem Podcast teilen. Ich werde über verschiedene Fotografie Themen sprechen, natürlich ist mir klar dass ich nicht die Erfahrung wie ein Berufsfotograf habe. Aber ich glaube du kannst trotzdem was lernen Komm bitte mit mir in Kontakt: Instagram: Julius Foto ( ) Youtube: Julius Foto ( ) E-mail: [email protected]
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An English Podcast for Mrs. Cross’ class; Emily Reed, Emily Allensworth, Harley Keys, & Bethany Jones.
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Artemidorus foreshadow Cover art photo provided by Willian West on Unsplash:
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Ho Ho Ho damit hattet ihr nicht gerechnet, dass Santa euch dieses Jahr höchstpersönlich die Geschichten um die Ohren schallert. Na dann hört mal gut zu und bleibt immer artig ihr kleinen Racker! Frohes Fest und Gott segne euch.
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Welcome to Inside Julius’s Mind in this podcast I’m going to hit on everything that happens around us and our everyday lives while also having some of my closet friends come on and give their opinions I hope you enjoy this journey.... Welcome to Inside Julius’s Mind I don’t own any of the music you hear on this podcast it belongs to each of the artist respectively Support this podcast:
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Welcome to the "Wait a minute with Julius" Podcast where you only need a minute to listen and learn. This where I share inspiration from the Word of God. Warning! It will be thought provoking. Join me on an incredible journey with Jesus.
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It’s about Julius Caesar Cover art photo provided by Ken Lawrence on Unsplash:
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Hey, wir sind Julius und Lotta und reden hier über alles Mögliche, was uns gerade so beschäftigt. Wir geben unser Bestes uns regelmäßig zu melden, sonst meldet ihr euch doch auf Twitter oder Instagram: @ALottaTime oder unter dem Hashtag #ALottaTime. Entstanden mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Alex Berlin Musik von Susanne Hardt Cover art photo provided by Sonja Punz on Unsplash:
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Summary of Act 4
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Become a Paid Subscriber: Welcome to my podcast called Julius’ Motivations a safe space for everyone to express themselves and to explore their own experiences through poetry and creative writing. If you would like to have your writing featured into one of our podcast episodes please email us down below!! ✨Blessings and Peace✨ Schedule: Every Monday Night @ 7pm Follow me on my Socials Twitter ~ @JuliusPodcastNY Instagram ~@jrawesome567 Business Inqui ...
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For class, if u wanna k ow my opinion make sure you listen💯
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Gives a lot of opinion on Julius Caesar story of Act 3. Also funny and interesting.
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DAILY RHEMA WITH JOHNSON A. JULIUS is a verbal daily devotional word of God for every Christian... It's to prepare and equip end time Soldiers for the Kingdom Of God... It's being anchored by God's Messenger Johnson A Julius, the Caretaker of TABLE OF GOD'S GRACE TABERNACLE, Lagos, Nigeria. You can contact me via: [email protected] WhatsApp +233 202 749 915 / Calls +234 703 964 5262 / +234 802 598 1052
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Dürfen wir vorstellen? Auch Beachvolleyball Olympiasieger und Weltmeister Julius Brink hat jetzt einen Podcast. Endlich. Kaum einer kennt sich besser in der Szene aus und deshalb redet er drüber. Worüber? Über Beachvolleyball. Über die beliebteste Sportart der Olympischen Spiele. Über die Lehren des Leistungssport und das, was jeder von uns daraus für den Alltag saugen kann. Alleine? Nein! Mit dem früheren Olympiateilnehmer und Verbands-Funktionär David Klemperer. Und auch mit ARD-Sportjourn ...
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The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare Act III, Scene II (The funeral speeches)
Kate Corsi
This podcast examines Brutus and Mark Antony's speeches
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Designed by the Julius Baer Foundation, the Wealth Inequality Initiative aims to shed light on the global challenge of wealth disparities. It connects worldwide key players and experts to awaken interest, circulate knowledge, mobilise stakeholders and drive action against wealth inequality. The Wealth Inequality Initiative Podcast Series features inspirational and influential personalities, including experts of wealth inequality. The guests’ voices and experiences turn the wealth inequality ...
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There is a shadow of death that must dealt with
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Hey everyone today's episode is Virginia. I hope you enjoy it. Y'all let us know what you think, what we need to add or if you would like to jump on and do more about your state, thanks. Send us a text [email protected] [email protected]…
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Sharing Love in a Discouraging World: Lessons from Bishop Julius C. Trimble |Ep 128
17:55Episode 128."Embracing Love in a Divisive World" In this enlightening episode of "To Be Encouraged," with Bishop Julius C. Trimble, listeners are invited to explore the profound power of love and compassion in today's often discouraging world. Bishop Trimble's mission to inspire and encourage 2,000,000 people is brought to life through heartfelt di…
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Betriebsnachfolge leicht gemacht – mit Boris Pelikan
13:51Wie unterstützt das Raiffeisen Continuum bei der Übergabe von Unternehmen? Dieser und vielen weiteren spannenden Fragen geht Elisabeth Sauritschnig, Geschäftsführerin der Julius Raab Stiftung, im Gespräch mit Boris Pelikan, Gründer und Geschäftsführer des Raiffeisen Continuum, nach. Gemeinsam sprechen sie über die Gründe für den Anstieg außerfamili…
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In this teaching we will see the need for power and how power can silence the mouth of the enemy and give you mastery in the things of God and this world.
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In this episode we talk about the increase in hunting license in numerous states. Send us a text [email protected] [email protected] Craig による
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Hey everyone today's episode is Virginia. I hope you enjoy it. Y'all let us know what you think, what we need to add or if you would like to jump on and do more about your state, thanks. Send us a text [email protected] [email protected]…
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From Anger to Action: Encouraging Justice and Compassion in a Divided World | Ep. 127
26:55In Episode 127 of the "To Be Encouraged" podcast, Bishop Julius C. Trimble shares an inspiring dialogue that centers around addressing the profound discouragement affecting our world today. Living amidst significant political shifts, economic strains, and environmental challenges, Bishop Trimble reflects on the turbulence faced by many, particularl…
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On this episode I talk about the recent disqualifications that have happened in the Bassmaster Elite circuit, also about the rule infraction in the Bass Opens at Sam Rayburn. Send us a text [email protected] [email protected] Craig による
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Hey everyone today's episode is New Hampshire. I hope you enjoy it. Y'all let us know what you think, what we need to add or if you would like to jump on and do more about your state, thanks. Send us a text [email protected] [email protected]…
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Send us a text [email protected] [email protected] Craig による
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Ep. 126 | Embracing Hope: Transforming Despair into Faith and Optimism
26:06In this episode of the "To Be Encouraged" podcast, Rev. Dr. Brad Miller and Bishop Julius C. Trimble dive into a profound conversation about hope, serving as a beacon to listeners in an often discouraging world. Inspired by Bishop Desmond Tutu, Bishop Trimble identifies himself as a "prisoner of hope" and emphasizes the critical need for hope in su…
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Hey everyone today's episode is South Carolina. I hope you enjoy it. Y'all let us know what you think, what we need to add or if you would like to jump on and do more about your state, thanks. Send us a text [email protected] [email protected]…
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Black History Month and the Power of Storytelling with Bishop Julius C. Trimble
35:19In this enlightening episode of the "To Be Encouraged" podcast, guest Bishop Julius C. Trimble and Rev. Dr. Brad Miller delve into the significance of Black History Month 2025, exploring the lasting impact of recognizing the contributions of African Americans throughout history. This insightful conversation sheds light on various dimensions of Blac…
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Just a short run down of the weather and wolf update. Send us a text [email protected] [email protected] Craig による
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The greatest prison house is our ignorance, not knowing the wonderful capacity of who God is cant limit the way you view and see God and can make you feel your problem is stronger than your God.
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Hey everyone today's episode is Maryland. I hope you enjoy it. Y'all let us know what you think, what we need to add or if you would like to jump on and do more about your state, thanks. Send us a text [email protected] [email protected]…
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We talk about the second round of wolves introduced in Colorado along with what that will and has caused to the ecosystem from both sides as a supporter and non supporter of it. Send us a text [email protected] [email protected] Craig による
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Hey everyone today's episode is Massachusetts. I hope you enjoy it. Y'all let us know what you think, what we need to add or if you would like to jump on and do more about your state, thanks. Send us a text [email protected] [email protected]…
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In this episode I talk about antler growth. The when, what, and how of what it takes. 1)nutrition 2)genetics 3)age 4)habitat 5)stress 6)hormones Send us a text [email protected] [email protected] Craig による
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Hey everyone today's episode is Pennsylvania. I hope you enjoy it. Y'all let us know what you think, what we need to add or if you would like to jump on and do more about your state, thanks. Send us a text [email protected] [email protected]…
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The Prophetic Voice: Faith Leaders on Social Justice From Martin Luther King Jr to Modern Day Prophets. Part 2 of 2
17:21Part 2 of 2 A Vision for Prophetic Actions and Community Building In this enlightening episode of "To Be Encouraged," host Rev. Dr. Brad Miller and guest Bishop Julius C. Trimble discuss the significance of prophetic voices and community engagement in today's world. They explore historical and contemporary issues through the lens of faith, drawing …
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This is kind of a follow-up to our are you killing big bucks in the spring seasons over so what are you doing don't give a little rundown on what's going on for us and what we have happened in the next couple months so I will see if I have some of it when a horse is some of its family moved your stay tuned exciting. Send us a text https://www.youtu…
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Martin Luther King’s Teachings in Today’s World. Part 1 of 2
25:55Episode Title: Reflecting on Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Leadership in 2025: Part 1 of 2 In this enriching episode of "To Be Encouraged," Rev. Dr. Brad Miller and Bishop Julius C. Trimble take a deep dive into the significance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the context of 2025 and discuss the implications of the newly inaugurated President Tru…
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Hey everyone today's episode is New Jersey. I hope you enjoy it. Y'all let us know what you think, what we need to add or if you would like to jump on and do more about your state, thanks. Send us a text [email protected] [email protected]…
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In this episode we talk about when do you kill mature deer and doing all the work in the spring and prep work to get there to kill. Also we talk about do deer really know when deer season is, and why do they know this. Send us a text [email protected] [email protected]…
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Understanding the role of sacrifice in this year will do you a lot more good and help you choose your ways with the lord and yourself.
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Hey everyone today's episode is New Jersey. I hope you enjoy it. Y'all let us know what you think, what we need to add or if you would like to jump on and do more about your state, thanks. Send us a text [email protected] [email protected]…
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Happy new year everyone!!! This episode I’m talking about why i disappeared and that I’m telling you guys that I’m looking forward to stay to stick with podcasting from here on out with special new guests and discussing new topics. This is year will be an awesome exciting new year and I can’t wait for it to happen. I love you guys very much and I a…
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In today's episode we talk about APR's which is antler point restrictions and if they work or not. We give our opinions of them and we support it with some research from Meateater and Bronson Strickland Mississippi University. They have a wonderful podcast that actually details this along with some of the things I discuss in mine today. We also tal…
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In this teaching you will be hearing revelation insight on how to build capacity in certain areas of your life that will aid in the manifestation of your full potentials.
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Hey everyone today's episode is Pennsylvania. I hope you enjoy it. Y'all let us know what you think, what we need to add or if you would like to jump on and do more about your state, thanks. Send us a text [email protected] [email protected]…
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The prove of your prayer and fasting is coming out of the presence of God with strategies and plans to help you succeed in this year. tune in and listen to the life changing teachings and you life will never be there same.
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As we dive into 2025 we are hoping for and expecting big things for the year. We are thankful for y'all putting up with us and looking forward to doing it more. Send us a text [email protected] [email protected] Craig による
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teachings will give you deep insight into the things of the spirit and also to give you clarity on what you are to be doing when you encounter God
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Hey everybody this is the first ever episode of the states addition of the podcast. We will go over every state, their rules and regulations, public land, tag prices, just a general overview of what the states have to offer. So look forward to really just diving in there and seeing what we can all learn together. The titles will show what state we'…
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Hey everybody, in today's episode it's just a rundown of closing the year out. I hope y'all had a great year hope y'all have a great 2025. We are looking forward to things that we intend to change and look forward to interacting with all of y'all Merry Christmas happy New Years. Send us a text info@delt…
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Bishop Trimble's Vision for 2025: Encouraging 2,000,000 People with Hope and Love | Ep. 122
27:53Title: Embracing Hope and Kindness: A Path to Encouragement for 2025 Show Notes: Welcome to Episode 122 of the "To Be Encouraged" podcast, featuring, Bishop Julius C. Trimble. As we prepare to step into the year 2025, Bishop Trimble carries forward his God-sized mission to encourage 2,000,000 people through hope and love. In this episode, the conve…
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Merry Christmas! In this episode, I have my wife, Meredith, joining me again to discuss Christmas traditions and memories. Deer hunting, eating with family, laughs and good times are discussed. 2025 is upon us, and what will be coming up for DFO and our listeners. We hope you have a great holiday season and look forward to spending 2025 with you! S…
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In this episode I give a quick rundown of how our 2024 season has been so far this year. I will be getting the guys on to discuss their specific hunts in detail and mine later after season. Send us a text [email protected] [email protected]…
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A Theology of Hope: Insights from Bishop Trimble | S3 Ep.121
20:14Title: The Transformative Power of Hope with Bishop Julius C. Trimble Description: Welcome to the "To Be Encouraged" podcast, where Reverend Dr. Brad Miller dives deep into meaningful conversations about faith, hope, and encouragement. In this enlightening episode, we are joined by the inspiring Bishop Julius C. Trimble, who is on a mission to spre…
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Ep.120 Embracing Advent: Finding Encouragement and Joy in the Christmas Story with Bishop Julius C. Trimble
22:05In this heartwarming and insightful episode of To Be Encouraged, Rev. Dr. Brad Miller sits down with Bishop Julius C. Trimble to explore the profound significance of Advent and its inherent message of hope, resilience, and divine presence. As the festive season unfolds, Bishop Trimble aims to inspire and encourage listeners by connecting the histor…
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In today’s episode I just talk about the changes that are happening here with the Craig family as always. We will be moving back to Louisiana sometime mid next year, we will put the ranch here in Oklahoma on the market in March to May. Send us a text [email protected] Julius@deltaflaugeoutdoo…
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in this section we are praying and there was a short message on how we need to battle for our next level. these prayers will help you keep moving. stay blessed. EOY means END OF YEAR
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This is a compilation of prayers prayed on our clubhouse platform during the time of fasting, kindly listen to be blessed as season ministers of God leads us through prayers. NB: EOY means END OF YEAR FAST
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In this episode I sit down with my wife, and we talk just her introduction into being married to an avid hunter and fisher. She talks about not knowing some of the things because her family never hunted and her friends where social hunters. Its just a lot of fun and laughs with some funny stories scattered into it. Send us a text https://www.youtub…
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In dieser Podcast-Episode vom Café Julius spricht unsere Geschäftsführerin Elisabeth Sauritschnig mit Saphir Rauch, Co-Founder und Creative Director von Kiss & Rauch, einer Social Media Agentur mit Fokus auf den Bereichen Gastronomie und Lifestyle, über ihren ganz persönlichen Weg in die Selbstständigkeit. Rauch erzählt von den Herausforderungen un…
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Beyond Politics: Bishop Trimble's Journey to Uplift Humanity with Love | S3 Ep.119
42:15Show Notes for "To Be Encouraged" - Episode 119: Title: Encouraging Amidst Disappointment with Bishop Julius C. Trimble Join host Rev. Dr. Brad Miller for an uplifting and thought-provoking conversation with Bishop Julius C. Trimble in this episode of "To Be Encouraged." Together, they delve into themes of love, hope, and resilience in a world that…
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So on today's episode, I had Mr. Bill Hart of Hartbeat of Oklahoma Outdoors on. We talked everything from when he first started hunting, to kill his first deer, where he grew up at since we are both of us being Louisiana boys. all the way up to my son's first kill. We talked rules and regulatuibs behind deer hunting, with license fees, one buck, an…
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