The editorial team brings you a weekly look at some of the latest innovations in digital journalism, and speaks to industry experts on how newsrooms are approaching key challenges and opportunities in the industry.
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The job is not done once you hit publish or clip up soundbites for social. To keep local listeners interested, you must remain fresh and による
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The big expansions, closures and acquisitions of 2024 tell us one thing: you cannot afford not to listen to your audience in the year to による
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A new tech journalism co-operative publication launches with an ambitious concept: rewarding readers for engaging with content instead of asking them to による
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Generative AI is advancing at an unprecedented speed and newsrooms will find it harder to keep up if they completely reject the tech, says the physicist and serial による
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In May, our flagship journalism conference explored new threats around misinformation, how to combat political apathy among young readers and how to sustain essential journalism. We look at the main takeaways before next week's による
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AWP Magazine could not survive on self-financing and a few grants, despite its noble ambitions. So what could it have done differently? による
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Fortune’s executive editor for Europe Alex Wood Morton, and Metro UK's head of growth Martina Andretta lift the lid on their successful revenue growth による
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A former BBC executive with 17 years at the broadcaster shares how she made a career change into consultancy - and how you can による
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The digital radio broadcaster has amassed 1m subscribers on the social video platform - but a vanity metric does not pay the bills. We learn that revenue comes from longer watch time and reaching the right による
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Franki Cookney and Lucy Douglas of the Mag Hags podcast take a flick through 50 years of glossy magazines and examine what has - and has not - stood the test of による
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Sky News producer and psychotherapist James Scurry: 'Journalists are a decade behind the latest knowledge about mental health'
Depression, schizophrenia and narcissism are all terms that are widely misunderstood and misreported, allowing myths to persist and those affected to feel による
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The independent local news organisations innovated plenty and invested heavily. But in the end, there was not enough public support to keep it による
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Shishkin plans to align diverse newsrooms and tackle the challenges of expanding into new markets with a clever internal document that brings audience and data teams on the same による
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Sub-reddits, karma, AMAs and more all jargon-busted and explained how they can help your newsroom get closer to highly engaged による
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How do you sort through murky ownership data when telling stories about vacant high street properties in Scottish cities? による
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The independent, co-operative local news organisation just hit its target to increase membership revenue by £60k in one による
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Writing a story about a supernatural hero serving justice to those whose crimes have gone unpunished helped Leona cope with witnessing the senseless murder of her peer, Lyra による
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"We're still here when the national media goes home, so the weight of responsibility is quite heavy" による
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As Google decides not to phase out third-party cookies after all, the news industry needs to reinvent its advertising model instead of competing with big tech による
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A radical alternative to local newspapers has just launched in Suffolk: its writing is Axios-inspired, its domain names cost £25k and it has no ads, paywalls or による
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News organisations of all sizes can dip into niche topics and tap into to specialist audiences by going direct to people’s inboxes and による
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It is not enough to report on what is happening with politics. Young people want actionable information delivered to schools and による
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Although Julian Assange is famously difficult to work with, he will be ironically best remembered for transforming investigative journalism into a collaborative による
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The annual study into media trends found that audiences are not getting the inspirational and entertaining news they need. Two newsrooms with mature user needs strategies offer their perspective on how to address this による
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40 independent publishers are taking part in online campaigns and in-person events up and down the UK, in a combined effort to generate interest and revenue for community による
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Whether you have been made redundant or need a fresh challenge, journalists can find work in non-reporting roles, self-employment, and other sectors. Here is による
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What’s top of mind for today’s news leaders? Evolving at pace, finding your USP - but not burning out in the による
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Media companies can no longer be something for everyone - but we can be everything to someone による
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Have news organisations learned the right lessons from working with platforms? Are newsrooms being too short-sighted in their applications for the tech? These questions and more were discussed at the International Journalism による
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The media startup sought to improve diversity in UK news by making work experience more affordable for students. But industry resistance, personal circumstances and funding issues proved による
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A year-long investigation shows the increasingly narrow gap between tech platforms, surveillance and authoritarian regimes, making it a crucial area for journalists to による
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The senior director of leadership programmes at CUNY discusses how to lead with empathy, motivate your team and create a culture geared toward experimentation, whatever the size of your による
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The New Humanitarian garnered more than 100 contributions for its Yemen Listening Project detailing how lives have been affected by ongoing による
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News organisations must strike a balance between being nimble and responsible with this increasingly accessible and innovative による
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Platforms offer new connections and story leads but burnt-out reporters are increasingly disconnecting. What can newsrooms do to support them? による
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Between charitable status and news deals with big tech, there are lots of moves to support local news, but are they short-term patches or long-term solutions? による
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Failing to switch off damages our relationships which are a vital support network for burnout-prone media による
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The host and creator of The 51 Percent show talks about what it takes to keep a series going for a decade when it comes with tough topics and online による
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What can news organisations do to win over audiences that want nothing to do with them? による
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A veteran conflict reporter shares the profound insights gained from a decade on the frontline, revealing the human experience amidst the による
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Not giving time and space to those who have lost loved ones can contribute to their trauma and interrupt the healing process. Modern newsrooms must put the human before the による
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Having a shiny new strategy is not the same as getting results. So when the going gets tough, how can we stick to our new plans? による
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The non-profit news organisation advertises its constructive stories in UK high streets and shopping centres to reach audiences where they による
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What to watch for in the year ahead? Generative AI and social platforms offer both promise and pitfalls to による
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Journalists need to hold onto joy to overcome sadness, fear or anger so often associated with the profession. But newsroom managers also have a role in keeping spirits による
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A leading psychiatrist explains why some reporters go to extraordinary lengths to hold power to account and what they do to mitigate による
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When journalists are in control of how they feel, they can do their jobs better. But we first need to recognise and understand the impact our work has on our mental による
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What are the biggest challenges facing newsrooms? Our audience shared their thoughts and takeaways from our last flagship media による
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What sort of journalism should educators be teaching? A new book wrestles with the traditional and evolving skills fledgling reporters need to acquire before setting foot in the による
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A journalist with half a million TikTok followers developed a content creator literacy programme that lifts the lid on how narratives spread on TikTok, Instagram and による
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