Gustavo Carvalho entrevista pessoas para quem a comédia é paixão e profissão. Por vezes abre a porta a conversas sobre outros temas culturais que o entusiasmam, seja sobre teatro, música, digital, televisão ou cinema. A comédia, a arte e a cultura que estão para acontecer, todas as terças-feiras no Humor À Primeira Vista.
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V podcaste 20 000 Míľ pod humorom sa komici Jakub Gulík a Jakub Zitron Ťapák ponárajú hlboko do krásneho a pestrého sveta komédie, ktorý úprimne milujú... A to je vlastne všetko. Rozhovormi o humore sa ho snažia priblížiť práve vam - ľuďom čo sa v robote zajebávajú a majú čas počúvať podcasty. Hanbite sa!
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Jim, James, Jimbo, and Steve should not be allowed anywhere near normal Society. They think they're funnier than everyone else. They know they are funnier than you. The four idiots attempt to launch their conversations into the interwebs. No topic is taboo. And just about every opinion is fucked. Vices include cigars, whiskey, beer, weed, sports, politics, gambling, poker, self love, self hate, arguing, busting chops, etc.
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Humorexpertin fragt Führung. Eva Ullmann & Katrin Hansmeier machen Humor für Sie Be-Rechenbar und einsetzbar. Hören Sie, wie Sie den Return on Investment gezielt durch humorvolle Strategien steigern können. Die beiden Humorexpertinnen fragen Führungskräfte, die erfolgreich Humor nutzen und sammeln Best Practice Beispiele genauso wie Fuck Up Momente. Die eigene Markenbekanntheit steigern, Kunden gewinnen, Mitarbeiter motivieren und Humor nutzen um Konflikte zu entspannen. Ja es gibt viele Füh ...
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Dans ce podcast, Je reçois des humoristes pour parler avec eux d'humour à travers leur parcours :D On y parle de tous les aspects de ce métier incroyable et on name droppe des gens talentueux ! Pour soutenir le podcast et me suivre sur les reseaux : Soutenez ce podcast Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Velkommen til hunorkanalene
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Join us for a wild ride through laughter, learning, and absurdity! Our podcast blends sharp humor with unexpected edutainment as we explore the unbelievable, debate the unthinkable, and offer advice that’s anything but conventional. Every episode promises surprises, spirited conversations, and plenty of moments that’ll leave you questioning reality.
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What the H stands for: Horror, Humor, & Healing! Episodes explore what the H is happening. Hosted by Meg from her own scary basement.
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2 cops who find the funny in modern law enforcement. Ride along with T-Bone and J-Man as they tell funny stories of their personal experiences as street cops in South Texas.
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In Horror Humor Hunger, host and horror author Viggy Parr Hampton will scare you, make you laugh, and then feed you. Each season presents an original short story, followed by interviews with experts, discussion about the themes of the story and the nature of horror, and a custom-crafted recipe inspired by the story.
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Programa sobre literatura y cultura de terror, humor, ficción absurda y ocultura, es decir, cultura de lo oculto y paranormal, dirigido por el blogger y escritor R. R. López. Series, libros, microrrelatos de humor y terror.
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Hi this is Kate Davis I’m a comic and keynote Speaker, and thanks for checking out my Podcast Humor in the C-Suite where I interview leaders, executives and business owners on how they use humor and levity to create an extraordinary work culture. I want to ask the questions that we all want answers to like… Does humor help us or harm us at work? Does humor change our perception of a problem? And how do our leaders use humor to inspire curiosity, success and innovation. I want to be a fly in ...
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Todo el humor siempre disponible. Los contenidos más gamberros, canallas e irreverentes de la SER con los mejores humoristas: David Broncano, Silvia Abril, Berto Romero, Juan Carlos Ortega, Quequé, Henar Álvarez, Manuel Burque, Valeria Ros o Buenafuente.
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Did you know that a 2018 Lifeway study showed that 49% of ministers say they never talk to their churches about mental illness? The same study found that 59% of Christians suffering from mental illness said that they wanted their church leaders to speak more openly on the subject. We strive to normalize the discussion about mental health among Christians. Ben, a licensed professional counselor, also provides valuable insight for the family members and friends of those who suffer from mental ...
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Um canal dedicado aos humores da vida acadêmica...São diálogos e conversas sobre as experiências nos bastidores dessa comunidade. Nos siga no Twitter @HumoresA Quer contar sua experiência acadêmica? Entre em contato pelo e-mail:
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Criminal psychology meets the dark corners of true crime and horror cinema with a sense of humor. Hosted by Shannon and Cathy, we dive deep into the twisted minds of serial killers, uncover the mysteries behind true crime documentaries, and explore the artistry of horror films and their creators. From ridiculous crimes and unhinged criminals to female and male psychopaths and narcissists, no topic is off-limits. With our dark sense of humor and a conversational approach, we aim to entertain ...
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Ernste Interviews mit funny Germans. Ein comedy Podcast von und mit Amerikanischer Comedian Drew Portnoy.
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Comedy bits delivered in a Voice So Sexy, It's Criminal Variety of shorter podcasts ranging in witty edgy humor, sarcasm, and a sprinkle of edge. It's Nice Baby...
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Podcast for people too stubborn to quit and too creative not to make a difference!Join visual artist Pat Benincasa in conversation with a riveting roster of guests to uncover extraordinary stories of everyday people. Listen as they share their quirky wisdom, unlikely adventures, and poignant life lessons! Fasten your emotional seatbelt for this journey of heart, humor and grit!
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Canal destinado al desarrollo personal y afrontar el dia a dia
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For those followers of Elizabeth on Twitter (@ahumorlessfem), Professional Humorless Guttersnipe Kevin and now showing up Queen herself Bianca (@bravenakblog) you now can sit back and listen to them rant about everything political. Join us on Facebook!
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SPLANCHNICS: The Society for the Preservation of Literature, the Arts, Numinosity, Culture, Humor, Nerdiness, Inspiration, Creativity & Storytelling
Clare Walker & Hannah Kubiak
We are a mother-daughter team of creative artists irreverently discussing books, movies, TV shows, theater, art, bad grammar, or whatever else has captured our imaginations. This is a very serious podcast!!
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Zum Thema Schule haben alle etwas zu sagen, schliesslich waren mal (fast) alle auf einer. Doch gibt es Themen im Bereich Schule und Bildung, über die man zu wenig redet, wie z.B. Strafen, mentale Gesundheit, herausforderndes Verhalten, Kleinklassen, Noten, Zeugnisse, etc. Was kommt zu kurz und wo lohnt sich der genauere Blick? Sonderschullehrer und Schulberater Sammy Frey und Podcaster Simon Berginz treffen sich bei Schuelfrey zum Gespräch. Dabei werden auch Themen von Lehrpersonen verhandel ...
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Humorpodden är poddcasten där bjuder er lyssnare på en riktig skrattfest. Dela med er av era åsikter och idéer på vår facebooksida (Humorpodden) En podcast av ZEBULON MEDIA SWEDEN Nytt avsnitt varje vecka.
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Like the funny stuff found at, but for ears.
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Judy Croon is Canada’s Keynote Humorist, Tedx motivational speaker, comedian and stand-up coach at Second City. She has worked with many celebrities including; John Cleese, Jon Stewart, and Joan Rivers. Her specials have appeared on NBC, CBS, CTV and The Comedy Network. She is a co-author of ‘From the Stage to the Page: Life Lessons from Four Funny Ladies!” Judy draws from her standup performance and coaching experience to entertain, inform and inspire in her dynamic keynotes and workshops e ...
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Canal de documentales variios sobre historia, música y ciencias...y demas temas de caracter humanista.
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My inexpressibly hilarious commentaries about modern life will brighten the day of all who hear them! You'll laff 'til you stop or your money back!
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Comedy is dead
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Podcast recordando los años 80 y 90, variedades y buena música.Nostagia y humor. Tu lugar para recordar cuando eras un cani feliz!!! Un magazine lleno de colaboraciones, un podcast lleno de vida, únete a la familia Datilera. Síguenos en Telegram y en todas las redes como el dátil de E.T, no olvides dar un like y dejar un comentario en el cajón de ivoox. un abrazo queridos Datileros y gracias por apoyar este programa, se os kiere.
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Jesus at 2AM - A Humorous, Intelligent Look at the Bible, Church History & the Life of Faith
Kirk Winslow | Canvas | Irvine, CA
One pastor's attempt at late-night-level honesty about the Bible, church history, theological scholarship, spiritual practice and...God. (AKA how one nearly-de-churched thinker discovered that love is the name of the game.)
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Tacos, tacos, and much much more!
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Onde quatro roteiristas recebem convidados mais que famosos, celebridades mesmo, tipo gente %*@$% e esquecem que o microfone está aberto.
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Welcome to Hillbilly Humor! A podcast from a random guy from the foothills of Appalachia.
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Partez à la rencontre des plus grands humoristes francophones : pourquoi et comment devient-on humoriste ? Quel rôle ont-ils envie de jouer dans la société ? Une discussion sans filtre animée par Guillaume Pot.
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Honesty in rawest form, lol.
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What is humor nowadays and how is it different for everybody.
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Der Journalist Manuel Stark ist Autist. Mit Comedy und Humor hat er ein echtes Problem. Die feinen Linien zur Ironie oder zum Sarkasmus stellen ihn vor eine echte Herausforderung. Mit Humor kann Manuel Stark daher nicht viel anfangen, weil er ihn meistens einfach nicht versteht. Das wollte er ändern – und hat sich die witzigsten Menschen des Landes eingeladen: Comedians. In „nicht witzig“ spricht der Autist mit den Fachleuten für den feinen und auch groben Humor darüber, was eigentlich witzi ...
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Drink and see where it goes! Featuring Sean Anthony from beloved Flow of Wisdom and Matt Frammett from More Beer!
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Podcast de Entretenimiento, chistes, historias, datos y noticias curiosas y graciosas.
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Hey there! We’re Caitlin and Jenny (she/her). We host How to Be a Grownup: A Humorous Guide for Moms, with CK & GK, AKA the CK & GK Podcast. Our show is dedicated to any mom who's ever looked around and thought, "I need an adultier-adult than me to handle this." We're moms just like you, navigating the everyday chaos and unexpected surprises. We bring a relatable and humorous perspective to parenting, drawing on our own experiences and sharing honest, practical advice you can actually use in ...
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Un podcast comico, condotto da una stand up comedian, che scherza su temi delicati intervistando un ospite ad ogni puntata Fare standup comedy mi ha insegnato che non esiste nulla di cui non si possa scherzare: per esorcizzare, provocare, dimostrare che un’altra narrazione è possibile. Fragolina74 su facebook scrive: “ delle tragedie non si scherza “. Scrivendo un pezzo sull’aborto invece ho scoperto che quando scherzo sul palco delle mie esperienze più vergognose, dopo averne riso insieme, ...
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This is the second part of what’s the 311? Will discuss news, True crime, Cultural stuff.
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Welcome to the Not much Humorous podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Shrink Chat - Heart Eyes, The Gorge, Presence, Red Rooms, Little Bites
29:12In this Shrink Chat episode of Terror Talk Podcast, we dive into a mix of horror and non-horror films and shows, sharing our first impressions and opinions—spoiler-free! We break down the latest in horror with The Gorge, Presence, Heart Eyes, The Apprentice, The Dead Thing, Red Rooms, Little Bites, and The Damned. Plus, we explore non-horror short …
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“Severance”: não leve trabalho para casa, descubra a série que tem ‘uma segunda vida na internet’ e em que nada é por acaso
53:53Quando Mark perde a esposa, como forma de lidar com o luto decide submeter-se a uma operação que separa as memórias do trabalho das da vida pessoal. Na prática passa a ser duas pessoas numa: assim que o Mark do exterior sai do elevador do escritório onde trabalha, transforma-se no Mark do interior. Não se conhecem, não comunicam, não sabem nada da …
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Hora Veintipico #553 | ¿Las exhumaciones? Van pa' lante
15:19Menudo día para ser "nostálgico", ¿no? La exhumaciones de Cuelgamuros seguirán, a pesar de los recursos profranquistas, y hemos tenido que venir nosotros a explicarle a esta peña cómo hacer cierto símbolo hindú. Bolsonaro puede acabar sus días en la cárcel y Bruselas nos pide hacer un kit de emergencia por si estalla la guerra.…
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Elon's Maps and Aedangraef's Knitting Burrito
37:49In this episode of Humor Highwire, TheClown and AedanGraef talk about everyone's favorite tech CEO and his affinity for account sharing. Afterwards, AedanGraef creates a list of super edible ingredients while Ian and Clown have a great time figuring out which things he thinks are Delicious or Disaster(s). **🔥 Follow & Subscribe:**🎧 Listen on [[Spot…
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Walk 4 Water & Some of Our Favorite CYC Things
27:57Preorder "The Adventures of Ben and Travis and The Joy Rider" here: $5 off your off your Pre order by using code "CPMONTH25" at checkout. Ben and Travis interview Will Myhan about his work with Walk 4 Water ( They all answer the instagram submitted question "What is your favorite a…
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In this week's episode of “Humor in the C Suite,” host Kate Davis sits down with Aneace Haddad, a distinguished C-suite executive coach, to explore the intersection of humor and leadership. Aneace shares insights from his remarkable journey from tech entrepreneur to executive coach, highlighting how his midlife transformation led him to discover hi…
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El Dátil de E.T (Tem 3) Especial "Almas de Metal"
1:42:58El Dátil de E.T (Tem 3) Especial "Almas de Metal" Programa dirigido por Alber Moskeo donde con mucha nostalgia y en clave de humor desbloqueamos recuerdos con secciones de los colaboradores más majetes del momento, películas de videoclub, cómics, la ruleta del cabreo, cine porno y un largo etc Únete a la familia Dátil y sumérgete en esos maravillos…
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Send us a text What do Bugs Bunny, a book of Italian love poems, and a burned diploma have in common? Me. And Papaco. In this episode, I trace a line from my grandfather’s one-armed resilience to my own battle with shame, dyslexia, and teachers who said, “college isn’t for you.” From Calabria’s poverty to the Welland Canal’s brutal cost, from war-t…
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Ride along with T-Bone and J-Man as they discuss just what it takes to even be hired and survive your first year as a cop. You don't know what you are in for and its a wild ride. Buckle up!!! T-Bone and J-ManT-BONE & J-MAN による
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EHC 7X10. Pesadillas y Ensoñaciones, "Dimensión desconocida" a la indonesia
35:19Pesadillas y ensoñaciones de Joko Anwar: El terror psicológico de Indonesia en tu pantalla En este episodio, nos sumergimos en Pesadillas y ensoñaciones de Joko Anwar, la serie antológica de terror que está dando de qué hablar en Netflix. Analizamos cada uno de sus impactantes episodios, explorando los elementos más perturbadores de este thriller p…
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This is a very serious episode. Clare and Hannah tackle a topic that is probably far beyond them, but that's never stopped them before. Today we discuss the difference between tragedy and evil. Hannah brings up vampires because at least she knows something about those. Support the show We provide these resources to help you find and enjoy the thing…
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Norovirus, Camp Cucamonga, and the Erewhon phenomenon
16:36Got a topic or a question? Text us! Fever dreams take me on many internet journeys...with Urkel and overpriced smoothies.Meg による
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Entwicklungsstörungen verstehen (mit Micha von Rhein, Kispi)
1:05:07Wann genau reden wir von Entwicklungsstörungen bei Kindern? Eine Frage, die Sammy Frey im Gespräch mit Micha von Rhein bespricht. Micha ist Leiter des Forschungsbereichs Pädiatrische Versorgungsforschung am Kinderspital Zürich. In dieser Episode geht es unter anderem um die Balance zwischen elterlicher Unterstützung und Eigenständigkeit der Kinder,…
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If you’re into Gothic vibes, body horror, and creepy nuns, then you’re ready to enter…. THE ROTTING ROOM. My third novel, THE ROTTING ROOM, will publish on 4/23. Season 7 of Horror Humor Hunger will be chock-full of incredible guests discussing everything from religious fanaticism to screenwriting to recipe development. Trust me, this season has so…
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Especialistas Secundarios | Sor Rubiasca nos trae la vida del Arcángel Arancel, el enviado de Dios que gravaba los bienes que las almas puras subían al cielo
5:45Además de la historia arancelaria en el cielo cristiano, la monja de las Carmelitas con Chanclas cuenta el origen de san Paracetamol, un pescador cubano increíblemente pesado.
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El Mundo Today | Asturias reparte cachopos de emergencia entre la población
1:40Conocemos la actualidad del mañana de la mano de El Mundo Today
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TodoPorLaRadio con Toni Martínez, Especialistas Secundarios, El Mundo Today, Mario Panadero, Cristina del Casar, Laura Piñero, Lucía Taboada, Raúl Pérez e Iñaki de la Torre
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Humorexpertin fragt Führung Annette Scheckmann ist Unternehmensbereichsleitung Österreich & Vorstandsmitglied der STRABAG AGSie war in renommierten multinationalen Unternehmen tätig bevor sie 2008 ihre Karriere im STRABAG Konzern begann. Seither hat sie viele internationale Herausforderungen im Konzern erfolgreich gemeistert. Nach ihrer letzten Pos…
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Humorexpertin fragt Führung Dagmar Kumbier hat mehrere Jahre in Paarberatungsstellen, ist als Mitarbeiterin von F. Schulz von Thun an der Universität Hamburg und als Psychotherapeutin in Kliniken tätig. Außerdem arbeitet sie als Dozentin, Supervisorin und Lehrtherapeutin in der Ausbildung Psychologischer Psychotherapeuten. Sie leitet die Selbsterfa…
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Humorexpertin fragt Führung Stefan Häseli ist der Experte, wenn es um glaubwürdige Kommunikation in anspruchsvollen Situationen geht. Als Führungskraft gestaltete er aktiv einer der wohl größten Change in der Schweizer Unternehmenswelt mit. Seine Konzepte verhelfen Führungskräfte dazu mit Chaosphasen, Widerständen, Hoffnung und anderen Herausforder…
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Hora Veintipico #552 | ¿Rearme? ¿Quién es Rearme? Yo soy Tipo de Incógnito
16:46Mientras Héctor os miente sobre su puntualidad, Pretty ha estado de carcajadas en el Congreso mientras evita el término 'rearme'. Mazón le ha echado un dinero muy necesario a la tauromaquia en Valencia y uno de los subordinados de Trump se ha ido a Groenlandia con su mujer. Para ser un miércoles de karaoke... Por Carlos Barrón, nuestro extra de con…
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Elena Rivera lleva toda la vida en nuestras pantallas. De pequeña participó en concursos de televisión de canto hasta que saltó a la fama protagonizando el papel de Karina en la serie 'Cuéntame'. Es la primera Rivera famosa en España sin tener nada que ver con la Pantoja. La actriz ha sido de esas invitadas que lo primero que ha confesado es que no…
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Especialistas Secundarios | Una asociación de padres pide la retirada de todas las palabras que rimen con polla
4:31La Asociación Padres Limpios Cristianos ha iniciado una ofensiva contra las rimas procaces. El objetivo es proteger a los niños mediante las útiles herramientas de censura.
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Ciencia y ficción | ¿Deberíamos crear leyes para la inteligencia artificial?
7:01La nanotecnóloga y divulgadora Anna Morales nos habla sobre la ciencia detrás de ficciones como 'Yo, robot'
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Especialistas Secundarios | Los datos de llegadas contradicen la alarma ante una invasión alienígena
5:12En el Consultorio extraterrestre se aborda la alarma social ante una posible invasión procedente del espacio exterior. Los alienígenas representan el 0,0002% de todas las llegadas al año. También hablamos con un extraterrestre que quiere conocer a Erasmo de Rotterdam.
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TodoPorLaRadio con Toni Martínez, Especialistas Secundarios, Mario Panadero, Cristina del Casar, Susanna Ruiz, Anna Morales y Javier Coronas
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The Abundant Life, Part 02: The Life-Giving Law of God
45:47We continue our look at the abundant life by turning - quite unexpectedly! - to the 10 Commandments and consider the possibility that they are not meant to be the burden we so often imagine them to be, but are rather a gift pointing us to health, life and joy. They are, after all, the first instruction of a loving God to his chosen people. Perhaps …
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Vanished in Galveston: The Unsolved Murders of Rhonda Johnson & Sharon Shaw
20:53In this episode of Terror Talk Podcast, we dive deep into the chilling and still-unsolved case of Rhonda Johnson and Sharon Shaw, two teenage girls who vanished from Galveston, Texas, in 1971. Their tragic murders remain a haunting mystery, tied to a dark history of disappearances in the region. We break down the case details, the investigation’s m…
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Mientras Estados Unidos se muere por nuestros huevos, Mazón se ha puesto más chulo que nunca, otra vez, para tapar su gestión. Bruselas nos pide que almacenemos provisiones por si todo hace ¡BOOM! y Héctor os muestra nuestras tareas paralelas como asistentes personales. Ah, y se viene canal de tele.
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Especialistas Secundarios | Flu hunters, cazadores de gripes. El nuevo formato de DMax que va a reventar la parrilla televisiva
5:24Un grupo de chalados recorren USA en su furgoneta buscando posibles portadores del virus gripe para contagiarse. El estado del servicio de salud americano convierte la aventura en una invitación a la muerte
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Especialistas Secundarios | Una academia saca un curso de español-alemán-español y destruye el habla de sus alumnos
5:40La Academia Castilla La Mannschaft, para hacer frente a la amenaza de las nuevas tecnologías, decidió sacar un curso para aprender alemán y después volver a aprender castellano. El resultado ha sido catastrófico.
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TodoPorLaRadio con Toni Martínez, Especialistas Secundarios, Mario Panadero, Cristina del Casar, Emma Vallespinós, Esti Gabilondo y Juan Manuel López Iturriaga
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Joel Ricardo Santos: “Tirando uns 10 comediantes, acho que todos têm medo de ter salas vazias. Vender bilhetes é muito mais difícil do que esses fazem parecer”
48:06Nasceu e cresceu nos bares, atuou muitas vezes em condições impróprias para stand-up comedy, mas em 2018 conseguiu fazer a transição para os teatros com “Estava Lá e Vi”, primeiro espetáculo a solo. Já com algumas participações na televisão, como no “Levanta-te e Ri”, em 2023 integrou o programa “Vai ou Racha”, na TVI, como um dos assistentes do ap…
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Guilt-Free Self-Care: 5 Ways To Feel Good About Putting Yourself First
36:57Send us a Text! Hey Mama, feeling guilty about taking time for yourself? You’re not alone. In this episode, we’re diving into the real reason self-care feels so hard—guilt—and sharing five practical ways to ditch it for good. Whether you’re a serial people-pleaser or just can’t seem to prioritize yourself, we’ve got the tools to help you reclaim yo…
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Discussion avec Emilie Croon et Anthony Circus
2:20:22Cette semaine, je suis très content de partager ma discussion avec deux humoristes que j’aime beaucoup sur scène et hors scène, Emilie Croon et Anthony Circus. On a parlé d’humour et on est revenu sur leurs parcours Pour suivre Emilie : Son spectacle un mercredi par mois à 21h au petit kings https://w…
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