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Sanatan Dharma, aka Hinduism, was present throughout the world in ancient days. One can find evidence of this in almost all the countries. In the forthcoming Podcasts, I shall be sharing researched information on this point. For more detailed information on this subject,you may visit www.ramanisblog.in
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Fever FM - HT Smartcast

The Hindu religion is full of symbolic practices, each of which has profound and scientific reasoning. In this podcast, we learn the relevance of everyday practices, through an innocent conversation between a father and son. This is a Fever FM production, brought to you by HT Smartcast.
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Hinduismus Podcast

Sukadev Bretz - Weisheit und Spiritualität

Hinduismus verstehen und leben - darum geht es in diesem Podcast. Du erfährst vieles über Mythen und Symbole im Hinduismus. Du lernst einiges über Sitten und Gebräuche. Aber vor allen Dingen lernst du einiges über die Spiritualität des Hinduismus im Alltag. Autor und Sprecher dieses Podcasts ist Sukadev Bretz, Gründer von https://www.yoga-vidya.de. Die Beziehung zwischen Hinduismus und Yoga ist nicht so einfach: Es gibt nämliche viele Formen von Hinduismus - nicht zu allen gehört Yoga dazu. ...
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Feiertage - Indien, Hinduismus, Christentum und mehr

Sukadev Bretz - Spiritualität und interreligiöser Dialog

Spirituelle Bedeutung der indischen Feiertage: Wofür stehen Hindu Feiertage, christliche, buddhistische Feste - und die Festtage anderer Religionen? Erfahre auch über die Bedeutung der Wochentage, der Mondphasen und mehr. Shivaratri, Ostern, Ram Navami, Chaitra Navratri, Pfingsten, Guru Purnima, Krishna Janmashtami, Sivananda Geburtstag, Ganesha Chaturthi, Navaratri, Vijaya Dashami, Diwali, Skanda Shashti, Advent, Weihnachten und Silvester sind besondere Schwerpunkte dieses Feiertage Podcast ...
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dhyānaṃnagādhīśvara viṣtrāṃ phaṇi phaṇōttṃsōru ratnāvaḻībhāsvad dēha latāṃ nibh'u nētrayōdbhāsitām ।mālā kumbha kapāla nīraja karāṃ chandrā ardha chūḍhāmbarāṃsarvēśvara bhairavāṅga nilayāṃ padmāvatīchintayē ॥ṛṣiruvācha ॥1॥ityākarṇya vachō dēvyāḥ sa dūtō'marṣapūritaḥ ।samāchaṣṭa samāgamya daityarājāya vistarāt ॥ 2 ॥ tasya dūtasya tadvākyamākarṇyāsur…
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Bhagavahi Bhagaguhye Bhagayoni Bhaganipatini Sarvabhagavashankari Bhagaroope Nityaklinne Bhagaswaroope Sarvani Bhagani Mehyayanaya Varade Rete Surete Bhagaklinne Klinnadrave Kledaya Dravaya Amoghe Bhagavichche Kshubha Kshobhaya Sarva Sattvan Bhageshwari Aim Blum Jem Blum Bhem Blum Moem Blum Hem Blum Hem Klinne Sarvani Bhagani Me Vashamanaya Streem …
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Fifth Chapter of Sree Durga Sapthasathi is chanted here.It is called Devi Dhootha Samvadha.This contains the famous Sloka ' Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu 'अस्य श्री उत्तरचरित्रस्य रुद्र ऋषिः । श्री महासरस्वती देवता । अनुष्टुप्छन्धः ।भीमा शक्तिः । भ्रामरी बीजम् । सूर्यस्तत्वम् । सामवेदः । स्वरूपम् । श्री महासरस्वतिप्रीत्यर्थे । उत्तरचरित्रपाठे विनियोगः ॥…
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SivaH SaktiH kaamaH kShitir atha raviH Seeta kiraNasmarO haMsaH Sakran tadasu ca paraa maara harayaHamee hRullEkhaabhis tisRubhir avasaanEShu ghaTitaabhajantE varNaan tE tava Janani naamaa vayavahataamThis is 32nd Mantra from Soundarya Lahari1.Shiva, 2 Shakti, 3, Kama or Manmatha, 4, Kshiti, the Earth, 5. Ravi, the Sun, 6. Sheetakirana, the Moon, 7…
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शक्रादिस्तुतिर्नाम चतुर्धोऽध्यायः ॥ध्यानंकालाभ्राभां कटाक्षैर् अरि कुल भयदां मौलि बद्धेन्दु रेखांशङ्ख-चक्रं कृपाणं त्रिशिखमपि करै-रुद्वहन्तीं त्रिनेऱ्त्रम् ।सिंह स्कन्दाधिरूढां त्रिभुवन-मखिलं तेजसा पूरयन्तींध्याये-द्दुर्गां जयाख्यां त्रिदश-परिवृतां सेवितां सिद्धि कामैः ॥ऋषिरुवाच ॥1॥शक्रादयः सुरगणा निहतेऽतिवीर्येतस्मिन्दुरात्मनि सुरारिबले च देव्या ।…
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The Poorva Bhaga of Sree Lalitha Sahasranama is chanted here. This is to be chanted before Nyasa and itvis mandatory to recite this and the Palasruthi with Sree Lalitha Sahasranama parayana.This chapter is in the form of a dialogue between Sree Hayagriva and Agastya.The orgin, procedure and general Benefits of Sree Lalitha Sahasranama chanting is m…
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Lausche einem kurzen Beitrag über die Bedeutung von Advent im Hinblick auf die Chakras und das Christusbewusstseins. Dies ist ein kurzer Vortrag als Inspiration für den heutigen Tag von und mit Sukadev Bretz, Gründer von Yoga Vidya, eine Aufnahme speziell für den Täglichen Inspirationen Podcast. Infos über Yoga, Meditation und Ayurveda auf www.yoga…
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Höre einen kurzen Beitrag über das Manipura Chakra. Dies ist ein kurzer Vortrag als Inspiration für den heutigen Tag von und mit Sukadev Bretz, Gründer von Yoga Vidya, eine Aufnahme speziell für den Täglichen Inspirationen Podcast. Infos über Yoga, Meditation und Ayurveda auf www.yoga-vidya.de. Der Beitrag 3. Advent – Sukadev spricht über das Manip…
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Chith,Sakthi Consciousness blending with Being,Siva. Sri Adi Shankaracharya explains in Soundaryalahari Sloka 23. त्वया हृत्वा वामं वपुरपरितृप्तेन मनसा शरीरार्धं शंभोः अपरमपि शङ्के हृतमभूत् युदेतत्त्वद्रूपं सकलमरूणाभं त्रिनयनं कुचाभ्यां आनम्रं कुटिलशशि चूडालमकुटम् tvayA hrutvA vAmam vapuraparitruptEna manasA sharIrArdham shambhOh aparam api shankE …
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Many of us miss the intricate aspects of Ganesha when we worship other Deities.Many are not aware that Ganapathy am, the Worship of Ganesha is the first of Shanmathas or Six Systems of Worship formulated by Sri Adi Sankaracharya.Ganesha was granted the boon of the Right of First Worship in any pooja, by none other than His uncle Sri Vishnu on Ganes…
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following questions:”What is the meaning of life?” “Why am I here?” “Why does mathematics work, anyway?” “If the universe had a beginning, who created it?” “Why are the physical constants in the universe so finely tuned to allow the possibility of complex life forms?” “Why do humans have a moral sense?” “What happens after we die?”Dr. Collins alway…
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namassavitrē jagadēka chakṣusējagatprasūti sthiti nāśahētavētrayīmayāya triguṇātma dhāriṇēviriñchi nārāyaṇa śaṅkarātmanētatō yuddha pariśrāntaṃ samarē chintayāsthitam ।rāvaṇaṃ chāgratō dṛṣṭvā yuddhāya samupasthitam ॥ 1 ॥daivataiścha samāgamya draṣṭumabhyāgatō raṇam ।upāgamyābravīdrāmaṃ agastyō bhagavān ṛṣiḥ ॥ 2 ॥rāma rāma mahābāhō śṛṇu guhyaṃ sanāt…
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dēvyuvāchadēvadēva! mahādēva! trikālajña! mahēśvara!karuṇākara dēvēśa! bhaktānugrahakāraka! ॥aṣṭōttara śataṃ lakṣmyāḥ śrōtumichChāmi tattvataḥ ॥īśvara uvāchadēvi! sādhu mahābhāgē mahābhāgya pradāyakam ।sarvaiśvaryakaraṃ puṇyaṃ sarvapāpa praṇāśanam ॥sarvadāridrya śamanaṃ śravaṇādbhukti muktidam ।rājavaśyakaraṃ divyaṃ guhyād-guhyataraṃ param ॥durlabh…
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There are 25 Moorthas of Siva.1.Bhikshadana2. Kaamaari3.Kaalaari.4.Kalyana Sundara5.Rishabaarooda6.Chandrasekara7.Umamaheswara8.Nataraja9.Tripurarari10.Jalandhraari11. Maadhangaari12.Karaala13.Sankaranarayana14.Ardhanaareswara15.Kraatha16.Gangaala17.Sandesa Anugraha18.Chakrapradha19.Somaskandha20Eka Paadha21.Vignesa Anuugraha22.Dakshinamoorthy23.Ni…
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Individuals living with the sin (killing a snake) tend to have misfortunes in life. There are many problems in marriage life, career, and childbearing.Taking the Sarpa Samskara Pooja helps couples with fertility problems and childbearing issues get solved.It helps in healing dreadful diseases such as skin diseases.All men and women with marriage de…
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One can reach the temple from Kumbakonam, ( Temple Phone 04366 239170 Myladuhurai.It is about half an hour from Myladuthurai and about an hour and a half Kumbakonam. Thirukkadavur is about an hour and fifteen minutes from Thirumeyachur.You may stay in any of these towns where excellent facilities for stay are available. Thirumeyachur is a very smal…
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aantham padmaasanasthamSasithara MakutamPanchavaktram TrinetramSoolam Vajram chaKatkam ParasumabhayakamDaksha Bahe VahaanthamNaagam Paasam chaGandhaam pralayasuthavahamSangusam vaama BaageNaanaalankaara deeptham spatikamani nibhamPaarvatheesam Namaami..Shanmugham Shatgunam Saiva kumaaram Kula booshanamDevasenapathim Vande Sarva Kaaryaartha Siddhaye…
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Slokas.Subrahmanya.12. Shadaananam kumkuma Raktha Varnam mahamadhim Divya mayura vaahanamRudrasya soonum surasainya Nadham guhaam sathaaham saranam prabhathye13.Shanmugham Shatgunam Saiva kumaaram Kula booshanamDevasenapathim Vande Sarva Kaaryaartha Siddhaye 14.Tat purushaaya vidmahe mahasenaaya deemahiMayuraadthi Roodam Mahavaakya koodmManohaari D…
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Saraswati Slokas for Students and for communication skills.Saraswati.1 Yakundendu Tusharahaara davala yaasubra vadtravrutha,Yaa Veena varathanda manditha Kara yaaswetha padmaasanaYaa brahmaachyutha Sankara pradhibir Devay satha Poojitha,Syamaambathu Saraswathi Bhagavathi nissesha jaatyabhaga.2 Saraswati namasthubyam varadhe kama roopini Vidyaarambh…
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Guru Vandana,Guru Slokas.Guru Stuthi.9. Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Guru devo Maheswaraha Guru saajshaath para Brahma Thasmay sree Gurave NamahaGurave sarvelokaanaam Bhishaje Bhava roginaamNidhaye Sarva vidhyaanaam Dakshinamoorthaye Namaha.10.Sruthi smriti puraanaanaam aalayam KarunaalayamNamaami Bhagavath Paadha sankaram Loka sankaram.11.Gnanandamay…
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Gajananam bhootha Ganaathi SevithamKapitha Jambo Palasaara PakshithamUma sutham Soka Vinasaa kaaranamNamaami Vigneseswara Paadha Pankakajam 6.Agajanana Padmaargam gajananan AgannisamAneka dhamdham Bakthaanaam Eka Dandham Upasmahe.Sri Ganesa Padha Sthavam.Being updated frequently
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Soundaryalahari.śivaḥ śaktyā yuktō yadi bhavati śaktaḥ prabhavituṃna chēdēvaṃ dēvō na khalu kuśalaḥ spanditumapi.atastvāmāmārādhyāṃ hariharaviriñchādibhirapipraṇantuṃ stōtuṃ vā kathamakṛtapuṇyaḥ prabhavati ॥ 1 ॥tanīyāṃsaṃ pāṃsuṃ tava charaṇapaṅkēruhabhavaṃviriñchissañchinvan virachayati lōkānavikalam.vahatyēnaṃ śauriḥ kathamapi sahasrēṇa śirasāṃhar…
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Deatils of Sri Vidya .Some more texts.https://ramanisblog.in/2014/04/09/devi-upasana-authoritative-texts-to-follow/The Lalitha Sahasranama begins addressing the Goddess as The Mother , Mother of Prosperity, “Sri Matha, Maharajne’ As Knowledge of Prosperity Sri Vidya it gives scope for prosperity in this world through Saguna Upasana and for Beyond b…
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Sahasyasri are his consorts.8.Hema (gold)wall—Seventh chamber. Kadamba forest. Sisira (winter)is the protector.Tavasri and Tavasyasri are his consorts. This is where Mantrini deviresides in a temple.She has one more quarter very close to that of Lalita devi in Mahapadmatavi (forest of lotuses).When she is on duty she stays in thatquarter.In this se…
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Though Hinduism advocates The Realization of the Self, which is a Principle and beyond Attributes,Hinduism recommends worship of gods in the form of Idols.In this sense in Hinduism,God exists in Form and at the same time does not.For details read my post ‘God Exists, Yes And No’Worship of Gods in Human forms that in a form which one likes is specia…
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Taniyamsam pamsum tava carana-pankeruha-bhavamVirincih sanchinvan virachayati lokan avikalam;Vahaty evam Shaurih katham api sahasrena shirasaamHarah samksudy'ainam bhajati bhajati bhasito'ddhalama-vidhim.Lord Brahma ,the creator of yore,Selects a dust from your feet,And creates he this world,The great Adisesha* with his thousand heads,Some how carr…
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