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Heart Beat サンデー!

FMうらやす(83.6MHz)~Heart Beat サンデー!~

FMうらやす(83.6MHz)で放送中の音楽番組Heart Beat サンデー!イイ感じの次世代アーティストを発掘、応援していく音楽番組です。月ごとにかわるマンスリーMCにも注目!■FMうらやす(83.6MHz)第2・4日曜日16時半~17時オンエア中!■
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「人生の彩りかた」をテーマに様々なライフスタイルのゲストと対談します。対談の最後には彼らの想いを即興で歌にします♪毎週金曜日配信! ナビゲーター:どり プロデューサー:上坂実
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I’m Yohei Hayakawa, a media journalist in Japan. I think “March 11th, 2011”, that day was the turning point of people in Japan. “What is the most valuable and precious thing?” Not only a few people ask themselves this question.Some of them might have changed their way of living, such as where they work and live to find the answer. They might have already found it.The person, who is reading this interview program, may be one of them.We, Japanese people have kept having our own original mind; ...
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The GLocal

Kwansei Gakuin University (TMC)

English follows Japanese: 関西学院東京丸の内キャンパスと関学生による英語インタビュー番組。 ホストの関学Taro(エキスパート)とTamago(ビギナー)が、世界的なニュースからローカルなトピックスまで、 気になる話題について世界中からゲストを迎えインタビュー。 様々な環境や背景、多種多様な人々のストーリーを聞きながら、世界をより身近に感じませんか? The GLocal is a bi-monthly podcast about people and events from around the world. Visit us at https://theglocal.carrd.co
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A group of seniors is learning beauty secrets. They draw in their eyebrows, select their favorite lip color and apply blush.The event is run by Japanese cosmetics company Shiseido Co. It's holding these free courses for older people across the country.Japan is the fastest-aging society in the world. More than a quarter of its population is over 65 …
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今週のお客様は、ジャーナリスト、堀潤さんです。 堀さんは、大手メディアが報じない 被災地のリアルを独自の取材で発信し続け、 また、デマと向き合ってきた災害取材10年の集大成として、 ご著書『災害とデマ』を発売されました。 堀さんは、この本を執筆したきっかけは…、 「SNSが戦争に使われ始めたから…」と、おっしゃいます。 誰もがSNSで発信出来る時代になったからこそ、 いろんな情報が溢れている中に「デマ」も増えてしまった…。 そんなジレンマを抱えている今、 堀さんのご著書を通じて、災害時にSNSで起こる、 「デマ」や「フェイクニュース」について、考えていきます。 来週も引き続き、堀潤さんをゲストにお迎えします。…
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Huawei tri-foldable phone—an industry first.The Mate XT has been launched to the international market in the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur. Its 10.2-inch screen is similar to the most compact Apple iPads.The company says the phone, first released in China six months prior, is the thinnest foldable phone at 3.6 millimeters (0.14 inches), and tho…
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A push to ban sugary drinks, candy and more from the U.S. program that helps low-income families pay for nutritious food has been tried before—but it may soon get a boost from new Trump administration officials.Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the newly confirmed Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary, and Brooke Rollins, the new Department of Agriculture…
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Missy Vraney and Kristin Westphal didn't go to Marquette University. Neither did any of their relatives. Yet their family tradition of attending Marquette Golden Eagles basketball games spans generations.They're still supporting the school regularly—just in beer money rather than tuition fees. It happens every time they buy a Marquette Golden Ale b…
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Thieves used a stolen card to buy a winning French lottery ticket worth 500,000 euros ($523,000). But they vanished before cashing in—and now they’re among France’s most famous fugitives.The man whose card was stolen, identified in police documents as Jean-David E., is offering to split the cash with the lucky winners. He wants his wallet back, too…
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Top-ranked chess player Magnus Carlsen turned his controversial denim into some greens—for charity.The Norwegian chess grandmaster announced in February that he is auctioning off the Italian luxury brand jeans that started a dress code dispute at December's World Rapid and Blitz Chess Championships. Carlsen ultimately quit the New York competition …
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As a citizen of both France and America, Margaux Lantelme has noticed a difference in how store cashiers work in the two countries: in France, they do their jobs sitting down. In the U.S., where Lantelme works a register at REI, cashiers typically spend eight hours a day on their feet.For Lantelme, a former kayaking instructor, prolonged standing c…
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A jury sat solemnly in a gilded hall in central London, presided over by a bewigged representative of the crown in flowing black robes, but there were no criminals in the dock.Britain’s coinage was on trial.In a ceremony that dates back to the 12th century, the jury filed into the Livery Hall of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths to begin the pro…
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West Virginia's reliance on federal funds to help address deeply ingrained issues makes it particularly vulnerable to President Donald Trump's freeze on spending on federal loans and grants.Federally funded programs provide social safety nets and employment in one of the nation’s poorest, most rural states, where nonprofits play a vital role in pro…
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NASA's two stuck astronauts are returning to Earth a little sooner than planned.The space agency announced that SpaceX had switched capsules for the astronaut flights in order to bring Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams home in mid-March instead of late March or April. That decision shaved at least a couple of weeks off their prolonged stay at the Int…
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A bakery owner in New Hampshire testified that his excitement about displaying a painting by high school students of giant pastries quickly turned to annoyance after a zoning code officer told him it was a sign and had to be changed or removed.Sean Young said the work atop his bakery is art and was never intended to be a sign.“I was artistically of…
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今週の「ドリームハート」は、内容を変更しまして… リスナーのみなさまから大好評の特別企画! 「茂木健一郎のお悩み相談室」を久しぶりにお送りします。 リスナーのみなさまから寄せられたお悩みやご質問に、 脳科学者の茂木さんが1つ1つ、丁寧にお答えしていきます! みなさまの生きるためのヒントになるかも…?! ぜひ、お聴きください! 来週のゲストは、ジャーナリスト・堀潤さんです。 ご著書『災害とデマ』を通じて、災害時にSNSで起こる「デマ」や「フェイクニュース」について、考えていきます。茂木健一郎 による
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Analyzing the brains of London's taxi drivers could be key to improving AI navigation systems and Alzheimer’s research, scientists say. University College London (UCL) researchers have found that London taxi drivers develop a larger posterior hippocampus (the part of the brain responsible for memory and navigation) due to years of training.Each dri…
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The Louisiana Department of Health “will no longer promote mass vaccination” according to a memo written by the state's top health official and obtained by The Associated Press.A department spokesperson confirmed Louisiana Surgeon General Ralph Abraham had ordered his staff to stop engaging in media campaigns and community health fairs to encourage…
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Loneliness is a widespread issue across Australia, with studies showing it can have a harmful effect on both mental and physical health.In the outer suburbs of Melbourne, residents are taking action to ensure their communities stay connected.Gaye Martin has come to a cafe on the northern periphery of Melbourne to meet a group of women. At first sig…
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Large areas of the planet may become too hot to be habitable during extreme heat events.Researchers say that even healthy young humans would struggle to maintain a safe body temperature if we hit 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels in a new study that examines a 'worst-case' scenario.An international group of scientists has found that an a…
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British tech company, Skin Analytics has received regulatory approval for DERM—its autonomous AI skin cancer detection system that uses a smartphone.Dermatologists are in short supply, with an average of only 30 dermatologists per one million population in Europe.Skin cancer is one of the most treatable forms of cancer if it's caught early but in t…
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The U.S. winter virus season is in full force and, by one measure, is the most intense in 15 years.One indicator of flu activity is the percentage of doctor's office visits driven by flu-like symptoms. That number was clearly higher than the peak of any winter flu season since 2009-2010, when a swine flu pandemic hit the nation, according to data p…
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Each winter, hundreds of thousands of tourists go to see the spectacle of Japan’s snow monkeys bathing in the hot springs of Jigokudani Park in Nagano.Temperatures in the Japanese Alps plunge to around minus 20 and the macaques rely on the natural springs to survive the cold. With increasing visitor numbers to Japan, the monkeys have become the reg…
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今週のお客様は、引き続き、 今年の1月2日・3日に行われた、 「第101回箱根駅伝」で、総合7位に入り、 6年連続となるシード権を獲得した、 創価大学駅伝部から、榎木和貴監督と、 今年「花の2区」を走りました、創価大学4年生の吉田響選手です。 創価大学は、1区17位で、2区の吉田選手へと襷をつなぎましたが、 各大学のエースが揃う「花の2区」で、吉田選手は13人をごぼう抜き。 「1時間5分43秒」というタイムで、2区の日本人歴代最高記録を叩き出し、 創価大学を4位まで押し上げ、大活躍をされました。 そんな吉田選手、今後は、プロのランナーとして、 マラソンとトレイルの「二刀流」に挑まれます。 世界で戦うには、どんな能力が必要なのか…? 榎木監督にその秘訣を伺いながら、 吉田選手の今後にも注目して…
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The Scottish government wants everyone to know it does not plan to ban cats.First Minister John Swinney was forced to issue the statement after a report by independent experts branded felines a threat to Scotland's wildlife and suggested "containment" measures be considered to reduce the damage.The Scottish Animal Welfare Commission said cats kill …
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Amazon has agreed to pay nearly $4 million to settle charges that the e-commerce company subsidized its labor costs by taking tips its delivery drivers received from customers, District of Columbia Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb said in February.The settlement came four years after Amazon forked over $61.7 million to resolve a complaint the Fede…
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President Donald Trump said he is banning the federal use of paper straws, saying they "don't work" and don't last very long. Instead, he wants the government to exclusively move to plastic."It's a ridiculous situation. We're going back to plastic straws," Trump said as he signed an executive order to reverse federal purchasing policies that encour…
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In Denmark, most seasons have a bread or cake associated with them, but no other season's cakes have as much hype around them as those baked to mark the carnival tradition Fastelavn.This year, Copenhageners are taking tastings to the extreme—literally running to the best buns in town.The excitement surrounding its traditional cake, the cream- and j…
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Two years after buying her first home at age 62, Julieta Lopez still wells up with tears as she recounts her 30-year struggle for homeownership in Boston.“I can’t believe... I wake up, I’m like, ‘this is mine. I did it. I finally did it,’” she says, her voice breaking with emotion. “These are happy tears because I did it.”That emotional milestone m…
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Artists can copyright works they made with the help of artificial intelligence, according to a new report by the U.S. Copyright Office that could further clear the way for the use of AI tools in Hollywood, the music industry and other creative fields.The nation's copyright office, which sits in the Library of Congress and is not part of the executi…
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A new program at Edith Cowan University (ECU) in Perth is aiming to tackle an ongoing shortage of sonographers in Western Australia.The specialized medical sonography course is the first of its kind in the state, but the industry remains worried about the current gap in workforce numbers, which is expected to increase.Students take part in the new …
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今週のお客様は、今年の1月2日・3日に行われた、 「第101回箱根駅伝」で、総合7位に入り、 6年連続となるシード権を獲得した、 創価大学駅伝部から、榎木和貴監督と、 今年「花の2区」を走りました、創価大学4年生の吉田響選手です。 創価大学は、1区17位で、2区の吉田選手へと襷をつなぎましたが、 各大学のエースが揃う「花の2区」で、吉田選手は13人をごぼう抜き。 「1時間5分43秒」というタイムで、2区の日本人歴代最高記録を叩き出し、 創価大学を4位まで押し上げ、大活躍をされました。 「沿道の歓声って、耳鳴りがする程、本当に凄くて。力をもらえます。」 …と語る、榎木監督と吉田選手。 今週は、そのような、私たちが知りえない、 今年の箱根駅伝の舞台裏に、たっぷり迫ります! 来週も引き続き、創価大…
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World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) continues to expand its social media reach, as its successful blend of wrestling and celebrities took center stage at its Royal Rumble premium live event.The sports entertainment company said that this year's Royal Rumble set a record for most social video views in the event's history. An encounter in the ring be…
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Art gallery, science exhibition, and 21st-century funhouse, Paradox Museum Miami takes guests on a tour through optical illusions and other enigmas geared for the age of Instagram.The 11,000 square-foot (1,000 square-meter) museum, housed in Miami’s trendy Wynwood arts and entertainment district, features more than 70 exhibits that challenge the im…
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Thames Water, which serves 16 million customers in and around London, is seeking court approval for up to 3 billion pounds ($3.7 billion) of emergency funding to prevent the cash-strapped company from falling into government administration.The High Court in London began a four-day hearing on the financing package, with Thames Water facing off again…
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Huge U.S. technology companies that soared amid an artificial intelligence frenzy last year are getting pummeled after a little-talked-about Chinese startup demonstrated a chatbot that it says rivals versions from OpenAI and Google, and for a fraction of the cost.An AI company called DeepSeek said it has developed a large language model that can co…
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Looking for a quick fix for their fast-growing electricity diets, tech giants are increasingly looking to strike deals with power plant owners to plug in directly, avoiding a long and expensive process of hooking into a fraying electric grid that serves everyone else.It's raising questions over whether diverting power to higher-paying customers wil…
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The first person Madison Keys sent a message to after winning the Australian Open for her first Grand Slam title was her mother."Because," a smiling Keys said, "of course, you have to text Mom first."One of the others the 29-year-old American quickly reached out to was her therapist. Keys credits their conversations over the past 1 1/2 years with h…
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Skyscraper-studded Dubai has been on a hot streak for the last five years—and some residents are starting to feel burned.The city-state has seen record-breaking real estate transactions as more and more people come to live there, and its state-owned airline Emirates is booking record earnings. But all that growth comes with strains for the city's p…
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今週のお客様は、引き続き、 お笑いコンビ・ガレッジセールのゴリさんこと、 照屋年之さんをお迎えします。 ゴリさんは、全国公開となりました、 映画『かなさんどー』の監督を務められました。 「かなさんどー」とは、 沖縄の方言で「愛おしい」を意味する言葉で、 今回の映画では、沖縄県の伊江島を舞台に紡がれる、 「家族の愛と許し」がテーマとなっている作品です。 今回も、こちらの映画については、もちろん、 世界で大変な評価を受けた、ゴリさんの映画『洗骨』から、 ゴリさんの「生死感」について、詳しく伺います。 また、ゴリさんの「今後の夢」とは一体…!? 今週も、ゴリさんの魅力をたっぷりお届けしていきます。 来週のゲストは、今年の箱根駅伝で総合7位に入り、6年連続となるシード権を獲得した、創価大学駅伝部から…
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A pug rescue center in South Africa has taken in more than 2,500 pugs since opening in 2008, with more pugs needing assistance in the last few years.Pug Rescue is home to over 200 pugs and also has two foster homes in Johannesburg and Cape Town.“So currently we have 208 pugs in our care. They're not all at the rescue center, we do have some foster …
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A year after the launch of the short-lived Coca-Cola Spiced, Coke added another new flavor to its lineup. Coca-Cola Orange Cream went on sale on February 10 in the U.S. and Canada. It is sold in regular and zero-sugar varieties.Atlanta-based Coca-Cola Co. said that it developed the soda, which mixes cola with orange and vanilla flavors, in response…
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Starbucks's decision to restrict its restrooms to paying customers has flushed out a wider problem: a patchwork of restroom policies that has left Americans confused and divided over who gets to use the loo and when.Rules about restroom access in restaurants vary by state, city and county. New York requires restroom access for customers at food est…
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Homegrown businesses in Africa are developing a new industry to tackle the environmental damage created by fast fashion.Upcycling, where poor-quality, discarded clothes are made into desirable products, is becoming more widespread in countries like Kenya, supported by the social enterprise group Africa Collect Textiles.Here workers are earning an i…
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Billionaires’ wealth grew three times faster in 2024 than the year before, while the number of the world’s poor has barely changed over the last quarter-century, a top anti-poverty group reported in January.Oxfam International, in its latest assessment of global inequality timed for an annual gathering of elites in Switzerland, also predicts at lea…
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Southern California's expensive housing market is going to get a lot more competitive after deadly firestorms torched more than 12,000 homes and other structures in the Los Angeles area, leaving tens of thousands of people without a place to stay.Already, there are reports of rent gouging, prompting elected leaders to issue stern warnings against t…
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The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sued PepsiCo in January, alleging that it has engaged in illegal price discrimination by giving unfair price advantages to one large retailer at the expense of other vendors and consumers.The benefiting customer wasn't named in an FTC statement about the lawsuit. But a source familiar with the case, who asked not …
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