Take control of your life and rise up to your fullest potential! We will discuss topics to build transformational growth grounded in heart-centered values and focused on the personal care and support of ourselves, and others to produce proven extraordinary growth and results in our bodies, minds, and souls. To help grow the audience, please like, follow, and share Healing Humanity with others. Don’t miss the WEEKLY EPISODES now available for you to enjoy. Check us out at our website: https:/ ...
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Do you want to know if God is real? Look to the light. https://healing-humanity.org/Dee Rizzo による
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Our journey to wholeness is to heal our memories. It's up to you to figure out who, and what has formed you. Then it's your job to change it and learn about the true you. https://healing-humanity.org/Dee Rizzo による
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Your pride, your ego and whatever you allow to control you through your fleshly desires is your sin and leads to death, not life. It's all about our own choices and what you want...not for your body, but for your soul. https://healing-humanity.org/services/Dee Rizzo による
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Your doing your best to get through our days, but then you find your in the midst of bullying, depression, recalling or reacting to older stressful events or maybe you're the target of various types of attacks, at school, at home or even at work. You could be spiritually wounded, but I don't want you to give up! There is hope. https://healing-human…
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There are many ways we are deemed as sinners, from gross sins to small sins of omission such as not calling a friend in need or judging others. Are you cheating, lying, stealing? God expects these things will happen and many more, but the good news is, He has given us guidance on how to improve our thoughts, and greatly improve how we show up in th…
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What is the new covenant, and how is it for you? Listen in to find out. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesDee Rizzo による
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Our hearts are hard and many think we can only gain strength and power through manipulation, and force. But there is a special power in being humble. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesDee Rizzo による
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A “secret life” might be as simple as quietly dealing with anxiety or sadness without sharing it, or as complex as engaging in behaviors that we wouldn’t want anyone else to see. This disconnect leads to cycles of shame, isolation, and further hardening of the heart. Let's talk about it.Dee Rizzo による
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Betrayal: The Wound That Breaks and the Path to Healing
Let's explore the challenges and how to heal from deep betrayals. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesDee Rizzo による
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Our history could be part of a big old game of Telephone. The whispers and shares of the life, ideologies and reputation of Mary Magdalene could be one of those historical narratives sent down a broken and altered line of facts. Healing our world has to start with healing our women. https://healing-humanity.org/services/…
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The Bible talks about Ha Satan, the evil one. Do you know that you could one of the ones it describes? https://healing-humanity.org/servicesDee Rizzo による
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Today is the best day to consider a new truth, a new reality, a new future. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesDee Rizzo による
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Planning to rest one day a week is important for your spiritual journey, to connect your heart and mind, to bring you closer to God and supports you so you are able to stay in a more peaceful state of mind. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesDee Rizzo による
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If you want to make a change in your life, start with your tongue. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesDee Rizzo による
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When you are facing hard times or poor health, there are things you can do to turn it around in your mind and learn to enjoy each and every breath...even if you're not in the best circumstances. https://healing-humanity.org/Dee Rizzo による
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Some people are surprised I'm still here, some people ask, are you in a cult...here's the deal folks.. https://healing-humanity.org/Dee Rizzo による
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There is one thing that is certain in this world, corruption and evil are all around us. But you too are being watched too. The devil never sleeps. It is time to change our ways and force the devil to sleep. https://healing-humanity.org/Dee Rizzo による
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I've met many people who are on a spiritual journey who have experienced things they cannot explain. I want to encourage you, if you see things in the shadows, to keep going. Don't give up. You are not crazy, and you don't need to suppress these things with alcohol or drugs. Keep your head up, keep going. https://healing-humanity.org/services/…
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I was frustrated tonight...I wanted to quit. But then I remembered how I have thought about this journey. You see there are times when you're walking a path that just seems to take forever. There are times when you want to quit. But do you want to walk that path with people who let you sit there and waste away, or do you want to walk that path with…
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How can we live in the spirit and stay in the word of God in this world today? It's not easy, so why are we even here? https://healing-humanity.org/Dee Rizzo による
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To hear someone's opinion should never convict you or cause division in your heart. Knowledge and education can come through other people's opinions. Let's open up the conversations that are necessary right now. Because who is fighting for what is actually right and just? https://healing-humanity.org/…
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The eyes of your heart refers to your inner perception of the outer world. When your “inner eyes” are “enlightened” is when they are opened and light is cast upon them, allowing them to see and understand the things of the Spirit. Are you ready to see? https://healing-humanity.org/Dee Rizzo による
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Have you been a caretaker most of your life, most women have. But there will come a day when it is time to put Mom to bed and focus on the rest of your life. What's next for you? https://healing-humanity.org/Dee Rizzo による
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If you don't wake up looking forward to what the day will bring more times than not in any given month, then maybe this information will help you change that. https://healing-humanity.org/Dee Rizzo による
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In order to never give up you have to build some skills. Here are 5 ways I've used to keep going even when life is crumbling around me. I hope you find these things helpful too. Https://healing-humanity.org/servicesDee Rizzo による
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Here are 5 ways to start your pathway to restore your relationship with your diety and help you walk in truth through the darkness into the light. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesDee Rizzo による
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When you find yourself in a position of power, and you have control to change the lives of others; who will you become? https://healing-humanity.org/servicesDee Rizzo による
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Today was less about love and more about our ego, and judgment. I hope this inspires someone to be or do better when it comes to talking to or about other people. Because you never know what people are truly going through. https://healing-humanity.orgDee Rizzo による
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In the Devil's Playground; Love Wins, Always!
Do you want to defeat the devil? I faced many evils in the last eight years, where most people don't survive, I've not only come out of it, but my life is all the better for it, and yours can be too. We are living in a great time of change. Many people are suffering from spiritual warfare, attacks, manipulation, and fear-mongering to name just a fe…
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We have to connect the body, mind, and soul to be able to walk in spirit and truth. Are you ready?Dee Rizzo による
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The only way to tap into the gifts that God has for you is to disengage from technology become quiet and listen. God chooses you, he wants to connect with you. Do you want that blessing too?Dee Rizzo による
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Our churches need to be the rock from where our people can stand. https://healing-humanity.org/Dee Rizzo による
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If we want to heal this nation...this world...we need to bring God back in the forefront of our hearts. We cannot say there should be a separation of church and state when this country and our laws were built with God's guidance and approval. One Nation, under God. https://healing-humanity.org/Dee Rizzo による
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You cannot appease God by sitting in a pew on Christmas and Easter, and you cannot save your soul into the eternal kingdom without action on your part. Free will is yours, are you checking boxes in your life or are you moving into true joy with an open heart?Dee Rizzo による
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It's not always easy, I still struggle sometimes, but here are some tips for you to help you keep joy and peace in your heart.Dee Rizzo による
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There have been so many changes to business, government, and our schools in the last 10 years, but there is so much more that needs to be changed.Dee Rizzo による
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Okay, so I haven't really sold my soul, and yet, my life is still improving. But this message is for anyone who has been walking in sin or signed a contract or danced with the devil. Please listen to this! Listen if you want to get through judgment and win on the other side. If you want more guidance or information, book a session with me here: HTT…
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It takes a lot of work to live with an open mind, but it also requires God to make a change in you. Are you ready?Dee Rizzo による
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Personal Strength Through ”The Four Agreements”
Never making assumptions will be the biggest change you can make in your life! Your confidence, dedication to doing your best and developing your ability to let life flow through you will exponentially help you find new blessings.Dee Rizzo による
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Humbly, one of my greatest accomplishments is not something I ever set out to do. It seems I have somehow inspired my fellow human beings from the north, south, east and west of this great country to find ways to collaborate...to come together as one and I am encouraged, in awe and immensely grateful! What a trip this has been. Keep going, because …
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Just because a person went to medical school does not mean they know everything about your body. Brace yourself, because the medical and pharmaceutical industries have never stopped planning for another uptick in a certain deadly event we recently endured. Don't trust anyone without first doing your own research!…
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We all enter conversations with our own perspective, and our own limited knowledge, so if someone is trying to guide you, give you advice, judge you or give you their opinion of you, just know, you don't have to accept it.Dee Rizzo による
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If your boss called, you in early tomorrow would you be there? If you told yourself you want to work out tomorrow morning, would you, do it? Sometimes it's easy to press snooze on our goals. But it's time to start showing up for yourself!Dee Rizzo による
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Many people stand in fear against the things they don't understand. Are you one of them? Let's learn from our history instead of repeating the similar offenses. It's time.Dee Rizzo による
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Many of us live the same day over and over again. But we have dreams to do something more, we have dreams to travel, build a business, learn a language, meet new people but we never take the steps to do it. Sometimes we just need to schedule it and go do or go create the things we dream about!Dee Rizzo による
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As we are living our lives through this holiday season, we should be aware that suicide, divorce, credit card debt, and domestic violence rates climb up and up! But wouldn't it be wonderful if we all decided to walk in the world with brand new intentions of hope and caring for one another during this most stressful time in everyone's year?…
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There are many of you who have recently or will soon wake to occasionally experiencing the world in a different way than you ever have. It MAY cause frustrations, anger or fear, especially if you have or are seriously entertaining the thought of waking up chemically or with natural substances made in other countries. My awakening was natural, which…
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When you are on a path to better your mind, body or soul and things get tough, how do you keep going?Dee Rizzo による
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The best way to transform your body, mind, and soul is through your blood.Dee Rizzo による
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Are you seeking community? Do you want to be a free thinker? Are you looking for acceptance and understanding? Should our country separate church and state? Is Satanism the way?Dee Rizzo による
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