Will be discussing Sports pre game predictions stats and more also local up-and-coming artist interviews and talkin about what matters to the listener. join me everyday we're ever you listen to your podcast and join the flock.
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Weekend recaps entertainment gossip and more. Tune in Monday through Friday reach me at John tillson [email protected]
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All around news update gossip and more
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Giving informative information entrepreneur tips and leads
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Explaining why having a progress report can help your business. Also I'll be giving tips on how to look for the right invester for your business.
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Giving pointer's on thinking of a great business idea. Building,it an growing the brand. How to market research, learning the consumer, an learning how to capitalize an increase customer approval..
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Recap of the weekends activities breaking news sports scores and more
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Nba talk
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Going to be talking about some of the recent violent actions in Chicago. And violence among the blacks in our community what effect have the racial profiling and covid-19 tribute to the situation
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General talk all over stay tuned
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We will be talking about the current legal situation that Young thug and gunna are facing following the RICO charges at the 50 page indictment
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Being black in a corporate world knowing the three steps to success
14:08Knowing your three steps to success being able to achieve and being black and corporate America. Giving insight on the everyday struggle of the African-American man inside of the corporate industry.
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we'll be covering numerous topics from sports world celebrities to breaking news.
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Discussing some of the greatest and top hip hop artist AKA rappers from Jay z to DMX even rakim
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Best tips on resolving conflicts in relationships one on one
18:07Giving a brief description one on one on how to resolve conflicts amongst two people in their relationships. Knowing one's rest point and being able to stop an meet on common ground.
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Fun family talk
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Giving a quick overview of being self driven self-determined knowing when to make the right move and be invisible to yourself and potentially to other investors do's and don'ts of entrepreneur limitations of being a successor.
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The $50 million defamation lawsuit between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard.
9:33Discussingthe lawsuit currently between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard also will be discussing a number of other hip Hop and daily News
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Humorous comedy on celebrities
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La Street games still from the rich wrong or right
2:46We will be discussing La Street games and the current crime rate that's going up from groups of Southside games quote unquote Robin the rich of jewelry and watches
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