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Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

ウェブ開発、プログラミング、モバイル、ガジェットなどにフォーカスしたテクノロジー系ポッドキャストです。 #rebuildfm
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世界中を飛び回って取材するスマホ/ケータイジャーナリストの石川温さんをパーソナリティに迎えてお送りするスマホ情報番組。最新情報からお役立ち情報まで、スマートフォンに関連する幅広い情報をお届けします。ラジオNIKKEI第1で毎週木曜日20:20~20:50放送中! 番組Twitter:@spno1media
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Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and Japanese-speaking Australians. - 世界やオーストラリアのニュース、インタビュー、特集、そしてコミュニティーの話題などを、SBSの日本語放送でお聴きいただけます。
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Born in Wisconsin and raised in the deserts of Arizona. Having a professional background in IT Eric is taking everything ‘techie’ and turning it towards educating students. He now works and lives in northern Kyoto prefecture, Japan currently focusing on games based learning, electronic informal learning environments and eTourism. Eric has been innovating ways to apply augmented reality to a variety of fields including tourism and education. Eric is also director of interactive at TEDxKyoto w ...
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I’m Yohei Hayakawa, a media journalist in Japan. I think “March 11th, 2011”, that day was the turning point of people in Japan. “What is the most valuable and precious thing?” Not only a few people ask themselves this question.Some of them might have changed their way of living, such as where they work and live to find the answer. They might have already found it.The person, who is reading this interview program, may be one of them.We, Japanese people have kept having our own original mind; ...
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Ramadan is the holy month of fasting for many Muslims around the world. - イスラム教徒の人々にとって今月はとても神聖な月「ラマダン」です。断食をすることで感謝の気持ちや自制心、信仰心を高めます。
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今週のキーワード:「Xiaomi 15 Ultra」はライカとの共同開発による2億画素の望遠カメラやデュアルsim対応と使いやすく進化・Xiaomi Storeを郊外に開店させたのは、広い店舗を確保できるのはもちろん、家電も力を入れているだけにファミリー層を狙ったもの・Xiaomi Japan・プロダクトプランニング部本部長・安達晃彦さん See for privacy information.ラジオNIKKEI による
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Have you sent anyone a handwritten card recently? Hikoko Ito, a Japan-born artist living in Hong Kong, considers the exhibition of her artwork 'Happy Birthday 2U2' at the Art Gallery of New South Wales is like a journey back home. - 最近誰かに手書きのカードを送りましたか?香港在住のアーティスト伊藤彦子(ひここ)さん、「家族」と「ハッピー」が制作の原点。大学時代を過ごしたシドニーで作品「Happy Birthday 2U2」が展示されることは原点回帰だと考えていま…
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Learn how to describe the taste of food. - 料理を振る舞われた際、感想をどう伝えるか迷って、毎回「Delicious」や「Yummy」と言ってしまっていませんか?そんな時に使えるボキャブラリーやフレーズを学んで、感想をもっと豊に表現してみましょう。
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The Cats of Gokogu Shrine is a documentary movie by Kazuhiro Soda, which follows dozens of cats living at a shrine in Ushimado, Okayama Prefecture, Japan and the interactions with the local residents. The film will be screened across Australia from 27 March. We spoke with the film’s director, cinematographer, and editor, Kazuhiro Soda. This story w…
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The Opposition's treasury spokesman has confirmed the Coalition will repeal Labor's tax cuts if it is elected. Already soaked areas of Queensland are facing the prospect of more rainfall and flooding. Listen to the News from today's live program (1-2pm). - 労働党政権が今週発表した来年度の連邦予算案を受け、自由党と国民党は選挙で勝利した場合、今の政府が掲げる減税案を撤回する方針を示しました。クイーンズランド州で今後も降雨が続くと予想されてお…
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In the wake of Tokyo District Court's order to dissolve the Unification Church, opposition parties have demanded that the ruling Liberal Democratic Party reinvestigate its members' ties with the controversial religious group, also known as the Moonies.時事通信社 による
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Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba will meet Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in Tokyo on Wednesday to agree on future mutual visits by the two countries' leaders and confirm their cooperation on promoting decarbonization and expanding investments.時事通信社 による
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Motohiko Saito, governor of Hyogo Prefecture, western Japan, apologized to prefectural government workers Wednesday, after a third-party panel last week found that his prefecture's actions to identify a whistleblower accusing him of harassment violated the whistleblower protection law.時事通信社 による
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VIVA! Opera is a music content broadcast on the 4th and 5th Thursday each month. In the 74th episode, Ms Ohtake picks 'Inneggiamo, Il signor non è morto (Easter Hymn)' from Cavalleria Rusticana composed by P. Mascagni. - 来月のイースターにちなんだ選曲。人間の醜い部分や現実の厳しさを描く表現が特徴的なヴェリズモ・オペラの代表作より、イースターの礼拝が教会で行われている場面での一曲を取り上げます。…
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The Japanese government has decided to accept two Palestinian women who were injured in the Gaza Strip for medical treatment, in response to the serious humanitarian situation there and at the request of the World Health Organization, the Foreign Ministry said Wednesday.時事通信社 による
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The federal government has laid out $785.7 billion of spending in Tuesday's budget for the 2025-26 financial year, covering everything from tax cuts to cheaper healthcare. - 昨夜、2025-26年度の連邦予算案が発表されました。予算案の振り分けや、今回の発表で恩恵を受ける「勝ち組」、そして恩恵を受けられない「負け組」は誰か解説します。
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A memorial ceremony was held in an Okinawa Prefecture village Wednesday, the 80th anniversary of the U.S. military's landing on the Kerama Islands, which preceded fierce ground battles in the southwestern Japan prefecture during World War II.時事通信社 による
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Treasurer Jim Chalmers says the federal budget will improve living standards with broad cost of living measures, is the focus of Labor’s pre-election budget. The opposition Treasury spokesman Angus Taylor says the Opposition's budget reply will focus on cost of living measures and national security. - ジム・チャーマーズ蔵相は、昨夜発表された最新の連邦予算案は国民の生活水準を向上させるものであり…
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Disability advocates and experts say cultural stigma and migration laws leave migrants living with disability further excluded and marginalised. - 文化的なスティグマ(差別・偏見)や移民法によって、障害を持つ移民はより一段と疎外され、排除されているとの声が、障害者の支援者や専門家から上がっています。
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Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba is reluctant to accept a joint proposal by Komeito, the coalition partner of his Liberal Democratic Party, and the opposition Democratic Party for the People to tighten rules on political donations by companies and other organizations, it was learned Tuesday.時事通信社 による
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