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The Existential Owl

North Aster Inc.

The Existential Owl is composed of a handful of friends, all with lived experience with a variety of mental health disorders, barriers, and additional stigmas. We discuss all things mental health, culture, philosophy, ethics, etc, all with a twist of comedy and authenticity.
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Our Next Existence

Katie and The Chorus

Katie is a former technology strategist turned reluctant spiritual channel. The Chorus is a collection of beings who enjoy sharing their perspectives on humanity's existence. Together, they take listeners on a fascinating tour of new ways to understand being human, as well as the incredible context into which humans are awakening now. As Katie discovers, it's not a choice between a human life or a spiritually ascendent one. It is through the experience of both that we expand into…our next ex ...
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IMPACT POSITIF - les solutions existent

LCI - Sylvia Amicone

Le podcast de celles et ceux qui ont un impact positif sur la société et sur le monde. Devant l’urgence climatique, la crise démocratique, une société aux inégalités croissantes, certains ont décidé de ne pas rester les bras croisés, ils ont un coup d’avance, l’audace de croire qu’ils peuvent apporter leur pierre à l’édifice. Ils sont ce que l’on appelle des Changemakers. « Impact positif », c’est le podcast porte-voix de ces acteurs du changement. Entrepreneurs, citoyens, grands groupes, ét ...
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Barbara Nöken

Kopf, Bauch oder Sinn? Mit der Existenzanalyse auf Spurensuche zu innerer Zustimmung. Heute der 1. Podcast mit einem Überblick zur Existenzanalyse und zum existenziellen Coaching. Barbara Nöken, selbständig als Coach mit der Firma icoaching, im Gespräch mit Annette Fährmann, Mitgründerin des Instituts für existenzielles Coaching.
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Si tiene nombre, existe

Si tiene nombre, existe

Bienvenidos a Si tiene nombre, existe. Un podcast que habla sobre mitología, creencias, cultura, tradiciones... Si es verdad que regimos nuestro mundo por las palabras que utilizamos para nombrarlo, también es cierto que vemos el mundo como lo nombramos. Es difícil saber qué influye a qué ¿Cómo determinar el punto en el que todo comienza? Además, en el momento en el que le damos nombre a las cosas, hacemos que existan. Tenemos ese poder, la habilidad de hablar nos concede privilegios mágicos ...
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Ida Ölmedal, kulturchef på HD och Sydsvenskan, och Isabelle Ståhl, idéhistoriker och författare, lever och läser. En podd från HD:s och Sydsvenskans kulturredaktion. Ansvarig utgivare: Pia Rehnquist.
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Cuentos, Fábulas, Relatos e Historias para niños en español. También vamos a charlar sobre el arte de contar cuentos, narrar historias, entretener con palabras y sobretodo, hablaremos de ese momento hermoso y mágico cuando estamos completamente presentes y sincronizados con nuestro público, y va tomando forma una historia a nuestro alrededor. Contamos cuentos, por el disfrute de contar y por la deliciosa necesidad de dejarse llevar. Musica Original: Cristian Ruiz open.spotify.com/artist/2MJq ...
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Serão abordados vários assuntos, entre eles filmes, séries, animes, HQ's, jogos, sexo, investimentos, histórias para não dormir e mais!!! $$$ Cadastre-se usando o link para receber R$10 para pagar qualquer boleto no RecargaPay!!! https://recargapay.com.br/r/hugleo809-xW $$$ Cadastre-se usando o link e receba R$10 de volta na primeira compra com cartão de crédito no Picpay!!! http://www.picpay.com/convite?XX-YAR6P9 $$$
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just a girl and her existential holes so let’s just go on this adventure we call life and try to fill them Cover art photo provided by Anthony Intraversato on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@anthonyintraversato
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Hasta Agotar Existencias's show

Hasta Agotar Existencias

Retransmisión de parte del legado histórico radiofónico que nos dejó Álvaro González al partir en Julio del 2010. Vervotraficante como él se hacía llamar y enamorado de Guadalajara y Doña Radio, como él la llamaba. Además Producciones y Tu Programa El Circo tienen la dicha de poder retransmitir al Vallero Solitario todos los lúnes 20:00hrs y Viernes 10:00hrs por www.programaelcirco.blogspot.mx
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Elyse's existence is about many different topics that people may struggle with. We will give you tips on how to overcome that. We well also have a monthly recap along with drama that happened in that month.
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Existential Breakdown

Stephen Vielleux

Existential Breakdown is a podcast where one man stares into the void and rambles on about video games, general entertainment news, and reads your feedback! Follow me on Twitter @stepsvayoo for ramblings and grumpiness limited to 120 characters.
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Existential, Crisis.

Alejandro Arballo

Hello! My name is Alejandro, and this is the Existential, Crisis podcast. It’s just me, talking, with all of the overt charisma and confidence only an 18 year old male can have. So go on, listen and make fun of it, that’s kind of the point ;)
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Welcome to Marketing Existential, a marketing podcast that is aimed directly a the heart of the toughest questions in marketing. Questions like, How can I start earning a living on the Internet so I can quit my stupid job?
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As Mulheres Não Existem

Carla Quevedo e Matilde Torres Pereira

As Mulheres Não Existem é um podcast sobre mulheres para ouvintes de todos os géneros. Porque persistem expetativas antiquadas e imerecidas sobre o papel das mulheres na sociedade, as autoras Carla Quevedo e Matilde Torres Pereira apresentam todas as segundas-feiras uma nova convidada para expor preconceitos e contrariar o título do próprio programa. As Mulheres Não Existem teve uma primeira temporada na Antena 1 e lança agora a segunda temporada no Expresso. Com o patrocínio do Banco Credib ...
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Tricky Existence

Tricky Existence

A Mental Health Podcast for those experiencing the tricky part of existing. Tricky Existence aims to provide a space for learning, unlearning, and healing. Join Jordyn and Pearl in examining who they are and deciding who they wish to be. Topics include mental health, social justice, relationships, sex, and more.
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EX3 - an existential trilogy

robert e g black

a trio of movies-by-minutes podcasts in one feed. the individual shows are minutiae ex machina, the groundhog day project minute by minute, and eternal sunshine of the spotless minute. looking at three movies, one minute at a time, with crossover guests each week.
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This is the radical feminist history party you've been waiting for. Recorded at Caveat in NYC, each episode of Nevertheless She Existed brings the story of an erased woman from history from our LES speakeasy right to your earbuds. You'll hear tales of gay nuns burned as witches, queens of NYC thieves, mothers, warriors, and poets. The fabulous, funny, and fierce comedians Molly Gaebe and Kylie Holloway serve as our hosts and voices as we travel down the rabbit hole of women's history. You'll ...
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Evan Leal

A podcast contemplating what it means to pursue a life well-lived through discussions on love, death, consciousness, self-reflection, philosophy, and connection.
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Existential Star Stuff

Existential Star Stuff

Hi there, I'm Aila Osm! I dissect pop culture topics and connect it to ethics! www. ExistentialStarStuff.com Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/existential-star-stuff/support
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Black Existentialism

John E. Drabinski

Podcasted process pieces from my course Black Existentialism. The course introduces one of the most important and potent mid-century intellectual movements - the existentialist movement - through a series of black Atlantic thinkers. Our keystone will be Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks, which is arguably the most important work of Black existentialism from this period. Across the semester we will see why existentialism, with its focus on the ambiguities and ambivalences of lived-experi ...
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show series
Hay un antiguo refrán vasco que dice: "Dana izena duela omen da", que se traduce como “todo lo que tiene nombre existe” o “todo lo que tiene nombre es”. Esta frase nos recuerda que el acto de nombrar algo no es solo una cuestión lingüística, sino un acto de creación. Las cosas existen porque somos capaces de imaginarlas, de darles un nombre y, con …
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This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! Do you feel like you are constantly going against the grain? Does it feel like you’re always trying to control everything? Do you get stressed, worried, or freaked out when things don’t go as planned? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss how to go with the flow. Subscribe to ES…
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It's a no-holds-barred bout for Jack & Michael as they take jabs at repugnant celebrities, egregious materialism, and the suddenly-contracting menu board at Starbucks. Jack also goes on a cathartic rampage directed at Bill Gates and a certain family of reality TV stars whose sir name he just can't quite remember. Drop us a line…
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This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! Everyone has problems. When we have problems, talking about them can be extremely helpful. In this episode, Danny and Randy do a freeform episode and discuss their current problems. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a question you want answered …
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Do you want to be successful? Do you grind every day in pursuit of success? What does success look like? Will being successful make you happy? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss the brutal truth about success no one talks about. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a question you want answered in a future epi…
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This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! How often are you truly honest with yourself? When, if ever, are lies and deception justified? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss the problems with honesty. Should we reconsider the value of being honest? Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have …
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Jack takes ireful aim at a radio commercial he believes incites habitual alcohol abuse and sloth, while both he and Michael weave in discussions about the DOGE's possible link to the Antichrist. The two also say thanks to their growing audience of listeners around the world. Drop us a lineJack Hansen & Michael Elliott による
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If we are living in a simulation, would you be able to tell? Would your sense of right and wrong change if you knew everything is a lie? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss what we know and whether everything we know is a lie. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a question you want answered in a future episod…
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Hoy os traigo un episodio que nos transporta a una época de reyes y mitos, de ambiciones y secretos, donde la línea entre la realidad y la leyenda se desdibujaba con facilidad. Viajamos a la Castilla del siglo XV, al reinado de Enrique IV, un monarca conocido por su debilidad política, sus conspiradores en la sombra y, sobre todo, por un rumor que …
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! En este programa, exploraremos el poder del lenguaje, las historias que ha creado y las que aún permanecen ocultas esperando ser descubiertas. Desde las tradiciones que han definido civilizaciones hasta los mitos que han alimenta…
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Are you waiting for the perfect moment to make a big change in your life? Have you ever put your own desires, wants, or happiness on hold because the time just wasn’t right? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss why you should stop wasting life waiting for the perfect moment. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have…
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L'intelligence artificielle peut faire peur, chez Lalilo, elle rassure. Cette "ed-tech" c'est à dire une start-up dans l'éducation travaille avec 40 000 enseignants en France et 400 000 élèves pour les aider dans l'apprentissage de la lecture et du français du CP au CM2. Lalilo leur permet de leur proposer du contenu adapté en fonction de leur prog…
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This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! Do you want to live authentically? Do you find it difficult to stand alone, outside the crowd? In this episode, Danny and Randy explore how to be an outlier. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a question you want answered in a future episode? If …
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In books, movies, video games, and more, we are reminded again and again that good will conquer evil. But in the real world, will good actually conquer evil? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss whether good will conquer evil. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a question you want answered in a future episode…
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Hola, queridos oyentes de Si Tiene Nombre, Existe. Hoy quiero comenzar con una pregunta: ¿Qué os viene a la mente cuando escucháis la frase "Reina Roja"? Cerrad los ojos por un momento y pensad en ello. ¿Veis a una mujer poderosa, envuelta en un aura de misterio? ¿Una reina gobernando con pasión o atrapada en las intrigas de su tiempo? ¿O quizá os …
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In this energetic whopper of a three part episode, Katie explores the human experience of dreaming and the concept of the matrixed reality. She connects this to The Chorus and AO perspectives, while sharing some of her experiences of both. Note from Katie: "you may experience clearer dreams and greater self-allowance as a result of this episode ;) …
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Does life seem unfair? What would life look like if it was fair? What do we mean when we say that something is unfair? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss why life is unfair and what you can do about it. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a question you want answered in a future episode? If so, send your que…
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Hoy conversamos con Carlos MoreLi sobre una de mis películas favoritas de Pixar: Luca. 🌊✨ Exploraremos temas profundos como la amistad, los vínculos, las redes de apoyo y la diversidad que nos enriquece y nos ayuda a encontrar y realizar sentido en nuestras relaciones interpersonales. 🎧 Disponible ya en tu plataforma de podcasts favorita. ¡No te lo…
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Marine Calmet est juriste, elle a fondé l'ONG Wild Legal qui s'occupe d'accompagner les juristes pour mieux défendre les droits de la nature. Elle a pu convaincre la Maire de Paris de lancer une convention citoyenne afin de donner des droits à la Seine. Objectif : aboutir à une loi pour mieux protéger le fleuve. "Impossible de protéger les droits h…
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This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! How much money do you need? Can money solve all your problems? Does wealth determine quality of life? Can you be successful, happy, if you’re not wealthy? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss whether you need to be a millionaire. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for l…
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Jack & Michael pour their hearts out in this sit down at Existence Brewing, with the examination of their thoughts on the dangers of social technologies and how the knowing of extraterrestrial entities might not rely on any evidence of a physical nature. Jack also shares his belief that the Western world's rampant and rising issues with what's term…
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Misattribution is a cognitive bias that occurs when someone incorrectly assigns the cause or source of their emotions, memories, or experiences. For example, you feel down or depressed, so you go buy something you don’t need. How can we address misattribution? What does modern Stoicism suggest for dealing with misattribution? In this episode, Danny…
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¡Hola, queridos oyentes de Si Tiene Nombre, Existe! Es un placer reencontrarme con vosotros en este rincón donde cada semana exploramos juntos lo inexplicable, lo mágico y lo fascinante. Me encanta recibir vuestros mensajes diciéndome que me escucháis tanto que ya empezáis a conocerme, y os confieso que ese vínculo que hemos creado me llena de aleg…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! ¡Bienvenidos a un episodio fascinante y lleno de misterio! Hoy vamos a explorar una de las leyendas más enigmáticas de la música clásica: la historia detrás de "La Sonata del Diablo", obra maestra del violinista y compositor ital…
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Sartre famously argued that we are absolutely responsible for ourselves, our actions, and our choices. In contrast, many people blame the world, society, and others for their problems. In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss how responsible you should be. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a question you want an…
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Après le Vendée Globe, Alexia Barrier a décidé de se lancer à l'assaut du Trophée Jules Verne, le tour du monde en équipage sans escale et sans assistance. Son équipe sera 100% féminine, et son projet s'appelle "The Famous Project". Alors qu'aucune femme n'a jamais réussi à boucler ce tour du monde, l'objectif est d'obtenir un temps de référence po…
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This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! Do you feel like you need to solve all your problems today, right now? Do your problems feel impossible, insurmountable? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss trying to handle tomorrow’s problems today. Listen now and start focusing on today. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! …
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There's plenty on the table in this trip to Existence Brewing, as Jack and Michael serve up their thoughts on the presidential order to declassify several famous assassinations and the pen that what used to make it happen, as well as chem trails and Jack's beliefs surrounding experiential pain. Drop us a line…
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Everyone has problems. Where do our problems come from? Can we ever be free of problems? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss the origin of problems. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a question you want answered in a future episode? If so, send your question to: [email protected]  Danny, Randy…
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Hoy exploraremos uno de los enigmas más fascinantes de la historia: el Cuadrado de Sator. ¿Qué es? ¿Cuál es su origen? Y ¿por qué ha desconcertado a los estudiosos durante siglos? Preparaos para un viaje lleno de historia, simbolismo y leyendas. ¡Comencemos! Sígueme en redes sociales: Telegram: https://t.me/+F5gsvjrFyHE5OTc0 Facebook: Si tiene nomb…
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If our souls remember everything across frequencies, what might the connection be between everything we can remember...and can't quite yet? In this episode, Katie explores the common thread between listener-reported experiences of "blinking out" during certain portions of her episodes, as well as missing time, shock, catatonia, and memories of unus…
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Is how you think influencing how you feel? Are there thoughts we should all avoid? What types of thinking are most harmful? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss 3 thoughts that will ruin your life. We reference the following book in this episode: “How to Make Yourself Happy, and Remarkably Less Disturbable,” by Albert Ellis, PhD. Subscribe to E…
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Shaka Ponk a décidé d'arrêter tournées et albums pour ne plus participer à la pollution engendrée par l'industrie musicale. Bien qu'ils soient en démarche écoresponsable depuis des années, impossible de faire un concert sans faire déplacer des centaines de milliers de personnes, et c’est ce qui pollue le plus, les spectacles en eux-mêmes n’ont qu’u…
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This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! The stories we tell ourselves determine how we interpret the world. In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss the importance of personal narratives and explore how to create a new, healthy narrative. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a question y…
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En este episodio, exploramos la inspiradora película de Pixar, Brave (Valiente), una obra que nos invita a reflexionar sobre la libertad, las tradiciones y el destino en el seno de nuestras familias. ¿Estamos predestinados por los dioses, las tradiciones familiares y culturales? ¿O existe una libertad que nos permite construir sentido en nuestra vi…
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Jack & Michael dish on several topics related to current events in this sit down at Existence Brewing, including the U.S. population's histrionic reaction to the banning of TikTok and who stands to gain from the disclosure movement. Jack also doles out his thoughts on how synchronicity ties all things together. Drop us a line…
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The ideal of Bushido, often translated as "The Way of the Warrior," represents a code of moral principles followed by samurai in feudal Japan. What are the core virtues of Bushido? Is the ideal of Bushido still applicable in contemporary times? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss the ideal of Bushido. Thanks to listener Alex B. for this episod…
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A lo largo de la historia, la humanidad ha sido testigo de fenómenos celestiales que desafían la comprensión de su tiempo. Desde luces inexplicables hasta objetos voladores no identificados, estos eventos han dejado una marca indeleble en la memoria colectiva. A continuación, exploramos algunos de los avistamientos más enigmáticos registrados antes…
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Katie continues exploring the definition of power presented by The Chorus in the previous episode. This time, she shares a recent paranormal/energetic experience from two perspectives: the 5 senses we are awakening from, and a perspective we are awakening into. What is the difference between expressions of power that are connective vs disconnective…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hola, ¿cómo estás? Bienvenido a un nuevo episodio del podcast, donde exploramos historias reales que nos muestran el lado más oscuro y perturbador de la humanidad. Hoy vamos a adentrarnos en un caso que sacudió profundamente a un…
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Hola. Muchas gracias por escuchar. Subo éste podcast el 22/ene/2025 a las 10:11 a.m. Me gustaría comentaran al respecto y compartieran lo ue opinan acerca de lo ue escuchan:)Lalo Viveros: Existencialismo, arte y más による
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Are we responsible for our actions, our choices? Are we free, or are our actions determined by other factors? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss whether we have free will. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a question you want answered in a future episode? If so, send your question to: existentialstoic@prot…
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