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Carrie Jade Does Not Exist

Audio Always

Carrie Jade Does Not Exist is the story of how one woman, who took on over six different identities, infiltrated the lives of vulnerable people, and lied her way into gaining their trust. This series hosted by Sue Perkins and journalist Katherine Denkinson tells the story of how Carrie built up a picture-perfect persona and scammed her way into the literary world until she finally got tangled up in her very own web of lies. But, it doesn’t end there. Bonus episodes are released as new inform ...
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Why do countries exist

Ryan O'Hara

A dive into every country's history and why they exist. I also do episodes on political parties throughout the world or just talking about stuff that interests me! email:whydocountriesexist@gmail.com Request/feedback form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf5m6cVniic8zkY13UZmUAxwLTNuVdBEkYqHmQCvvyAkGcUSg/viewform?usp=sf_link
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Join Ed and Phil O'Meara as they look at countries lost to the mists of time. We’ll have stories, sketches, songs and guests. Have you ever heard of the Republic of West Florida? Or how about the Soviet Republic of Bavaria? Subscribe to hear their stories, learn and maybe even laugh.
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The Existential Owl

North Aster Inc.

The Existential Owl is composed of a handful of friends, all with lived experience with a variety of mental health disorders, barriers, and additional stigmas. We discuss all things mental health, culture, philosophy, ethics, etc, all with a twist of comedy and authenticity.
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I'm Glad You Exist

John Liot

I'm Glad You Exist is a network of podcasts created by photographer, author, trainee counsellor and generally introspective dude, John Liot. From chats about existential counselling and mental health, to figuring out where the best breakfast in Jersey is. Horror movies and much more! Each episode, John and his plethora of co-hosts and guests talk candidly and comically about anything and everything.
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Why Does This Exist?

Why Does This Exist?

Why Does This Exist explores the very weirdest in pop culture ranging from bad TV shows to recalled toys, failed products, strange ideas that turned out to be huge success stories, and more. Help support the show and discover articles and more by heading on over to our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/whydoesthisexist. Buy us Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/whydoesthisexist Like, Dislike, Comment and Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY23JJcBuc904cgAZpnD ...
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Our Next Existence

Katie and The Chorus

Katie is a former technology strategist turned reluctant spiritual channel. The Chorus is a collection of beings who enjoy sharing their perspectives on humanity's existence. Together, they take listeners on a fascinating tour of new ways to understand being human, as well as the incredible context into which humans are awakening now. As Katie discovers, it's not a choice between a human life or a spiritually ascendent one. It is through the experience of both that we expand into…our next ex ...
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More joy, less toxic people in life. Conjuring up positive vibes and practical advice to fight that Monday morning feeling. Find us also on: BlueSky: @imgladyouexist.bsky.social Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imgladyouexistpodcast/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imgladyouexistpodcast TikTok: @im.glad.you.exist Music from #Uppbeat https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/tropicana License code: NYOVUAKYTTPYUPBP
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IMPACT POSITIF - les solutions existent

LCI - Sylvia Amicone

Le podcast de celles et ceux qui ont un impact positif sur la société et sur le monde. Devant l’urgence climatique, la crise démocratique, une société aux inégalités croissantes, certains ont décidé de ne pas rester les bras croisés, ils ont un coup d’avance, l’audace de croire qu’ils peuvent apporter leur pierre à l’édifice. Ils sont ce que l’on appelle des Changemakers. « Impact positif », c’est le podcast porte-voix de ces acteurs du changement. Entrepreneurs, citoyens, grands groupes, ét ...
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Magic Exists with Dani Margeaux

Dani Margeaux

This is a podcast for anyone on their personal development or spiritual awakening journey who is transitioning from 3rd-dimensional living to 5th-dimensional being. We talk about all things magical, spiritual, galactic, cosmic, astral, inspirational and so much more! I believe magic exists everywhere, and it's about shifting your perspective to see it all around you. I’ve experienced and seen things that I never thought could be possible throughout my lifetime. Magic exists all around us and ...
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Barbara Nöken

Kopf, Bauch oder Sinn? Mit der Existenzanalyse auf Spurensuche zu innerer Zustimmung. Heute der 1. Podcast mit einem Überblick zur Existenzanalyse und zum existenziellen Coaching. Barbara Nöken, selbständig als Coach mit der Firma icoaching, im Gespräch mit Annette Fährmann, Mitgründerin des Instituts für existenzielles Coaching.
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Si tiene nombre, existe

Si tiene nombre, existe

Bienvenidos a Si tiene nombre, existe. Un podcast que habla sobre mitología, creencias, cultura, tradiciones... Si es verdad que regimos nuestro mundo por las palabras que utilizamos para nombrarlo, también es cierto que vemos el mundo como lo nombramos. Es difícil saber qué influye a qué ¿Cómo determinar el punto en el que todo comienza? Además, en el momento en el que le damos nombre a las cosas, hacemos que existan. Tenemos ese poder, la habilidad de hablar nos concede privilegios mágicos ...
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Existo porque Resisto

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Ann Flaathen

En podcast om at være nødsaget til at leve blandt andre mennesker, og de problemstillinger det engang imellem forsager. Kontakt: coexistpodcast@gmail.com
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Ida Ölmedal, kulturchef på HD och Sydsvenskan, och Isabelle Ståhl, idéhistoriker och författare, lever och läser. En podd från HD:s och Sydsvenskans kulturredaktion. Ansvarig utgivare: Pia Rehnquist.
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Maratonando Crises Existênciais

Maratonando Crises Existênciais

Sejam todos bem-vindos ao primeiro episódio de Maratonando Crises Existências. Nesse episódio falamos sobre meteoro brasil até cursos sobre inteligência financeira. Incluindo uma nova ideia de empreendedorismo inovadora! Mande seu e-mail para maratonandocrises@gmail.com que leremos no próximo episódio!
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Has life's struggles left you feeling like you were going through your days "just existing?" In this podcast you will hear stories/testimonies from myself and others who have dealt with the struggles life has to offer and getting to that place in which life is being lived "beyond existing." I appreciate all of those who have been willing to "put themselves out there" to open up and share personal information for the betterment of others.
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Serão abordados vários assuntos, entre eles filmes, séries, animes, HQ's, jogos, sexo, investimentos, histórias para não dormir e mais!!! $$$ Cadastre-se usando o link para receber R$10 para pagar qualquer boleto no RecargaPay!!! https://recargapay.com.br/r/hugleo809-xW $$$ Cadastre-se usando o link e receba R$10 de volta na primeira compra com cartão de crédito no Picpay!!! http://www.picpay.com/convite?XX-YAR6P9 $$$
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Exist Brightly

Kristina Santiago

Hi! I'm Kristina Santiago, and I help creatives, coaches, and spiritual biz owners hone their voice, show up boldly for their service, and create more time freedom through developing systems. Stay Grounded. Stay Connected. Stay Inspired. Shine on! www.KristinaSantiago.com
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just a girl and her existential holes so let’s just go on this adventure we call life and try to fill them Cover art photo provided by Anthony Intraversato on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@anthonyintraversato
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show series
Chris and Rob tackle the life and times of Larry David as they discuss the hit HBO sitcom Curb Your Enthusiasm. Help support the show and discover articles and more by heading on over to our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/whydoesthisexist. Buy us Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/whydoesthisexist Support us on Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.co…
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Send us a text Have you ever won an award and just said, "Nah"? Well this is the time that Marlon Brando won the Oscar for the Godfather and turned it down, by causing a scandal. Lucy and Corbett have a special guest Sam (Corbett's Sister and Lucy's Aunt, so definite nepotism is involved), to talk about the problems that have been around since Amer…
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Ed & Phil explore some of the ways Angkor Wat has been used in film. From a split second cameo on Transformers to a Tomb Raider trope. Phil then uncovers some of the darker aspect of the Khmer Rouge and Ed watches Jungle Atlantis to find out just how much he got wrong about Angkor Wat. Please send in questions and answers to ctdeapod@gmail.com or g…
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Congratulations! You have been selected to enter todays episode where a classroom full of teenagers learns the hard way that group projects can be deadly—literally! In this darkly comedic episode, we explore the absurdity of forced friendships, survival strategies, and the real question: who thought it was a good idea to give high schoolers weapons…
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Send us a text Tiger shares how they unexpectedly saw a friend walk out of their life. While the person still held a place in Tiger's heart, what can we do to help us accept, respect, and let the person go in a positive way? You can find us wherever you listen to your favourite podcast, as well as on socials: BlueSky: @imgladyouexist.bsky.social In…
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Samantha Cookes has finally been sentenced for fraud, journalist Kat Denkinson travels to Ireland to watch the story conclude and find out whether Samantha will spend time in prison. To keep up with the podcast, follow us on social media @carriejadepod and If you have a story to share, email us at carriejadedoesnotexist@gmail.com If you need suppor…
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A history of Cuba Email: whydocountriesexist@gmail.com Website: https://whydocountriesexist.libsyn.com/sources-for-the-cuba-episode Feedback and request forum: https://forms.gle/mtwuDhtbRkYALszd6 Intro 0:00 Country profile 1:07 Pre-colonial cuba 3:51 Spanish colonization 4:36 Cuban nationalism and wars for independence 11:53 American protectorate 1…
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Do you hate yourself? Do you think criticizing yourself will make you better? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss why hating yourself won’t make you better and what you can do. Thanks to listener Mike W. for this episode topic. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a question you want answered in a future episo…
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Bienvenidos y bienvenidas a Misterios y Leyendas de la Historia, un podcast donde exploramos las vidas de personajes enigmáticos que dejaron una huella imborrable en la cultura y la literatura. Hoy nos adentraremos en la vida de un hombre envuelto en sombras y rumores, considerado tanto un erudito como un hechicero: Pedro Axular, el sacerdote que, …
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In this episode of the Magic Exists podcast, Dani Margeaux and Tyrzah M., a certified Natural Health Practitioner specializing in mind, body, and soul healing, explore the profound journey of self-healing. They dive into the importance of self-love, emotional awareness, and the integration of both Eastern and Western medicine. Tyrzah shares her per…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! En el mundo existen historias que desafían la lógica, hechos que la ciencia aún no ha podido explicar… Relatos que nos obligan a mirar hacia las sombras y preguntarnos: ¿qué es real y qué es solo una ilusión? Hoy, en Si tiene nom…
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What does it mean to be happy? Why does it seem like so few people are actually happy? Will most people find happiness? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss why most people will never truly be happy. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a question you want answered in a future episode? If so, send your question…
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L’Orchestre du Nouveau Monde a été co-fondé par Etienne Jarrier. Il s’agit d’une centaine de musiciens qui ont décidé de jouer pour la justice sociale et climatique. Parce que l’art -la musique- possède aussi le pouvoir de sensibiliser, de toucher nos émotions, de nous faire vibrer au plus profond de nous-mêmes. L’Orchestre sort donc dans la rue, v…
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This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! We all want to live a good life. The problem, however, is that many of us don’t know what a good life is. Is the good life a sort of end, something you achieve? Is the good life living a certain way or being a certain kind of person? If we don’t know what makes a life good, how can…
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There's so little to do and so much time on this episode of....wait a minute, strike that - reverse....there's so much to do and so little time on this rendezvous at Existence Brewing, as Jack & Michael whoop it up about a certain Khloe's recent interview with Dr. Steven Greer; famous people experiencing MKUltra glitches; how to properly boss aroun…
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Are you always stressed? Do you seek small dopamine hits to feel better? Can you imagine not being stressed? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss our addiction to stress and what to do about it. Thanks to listener Mike W. for this episode topic. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a question you want answered …
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Do your thoughts limit you? Is it possible to change how you think, to free yourself from the confines of your beliefs and values? Can we ever break free from the prison of our own minds? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss how our thoughts imprison us and how to break free. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you hav…
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Desde siempre, los seres humanos hemos encontrado refugio en la familia, el primer espacio donde aprendemos a vivir, a descubrir valores y realizar sentido. Pero ¿qué pasa cuando ese espacio, en lugar de impulsarnos, nos limita? En este episodio de Los Diarios Existenciales, exploramos dos películas que nos ayudan a reflexionar sobre esto: Encanto …
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Arboriste-grimpeur, il s’est fait connaître en occupant des platanes centenaires pour empêcher qu’ils ne soient abattus sur le trajet de l’A69 entre Toulouse et Castres. Quand la décision est tombée, le vendredi 28 février, les militants n’y croyaient plus. Thomas Brail nous parle de l’utilité des arbres et de la nécessité de tourner la page des pr…
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This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! Many of us seem to believe happiness is a life free of discomfort, a life free of pain and suffering. In this episode, Danny and Randy explore how to deal with discomfort and why, at least sometimes, we should reinterpret its value. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for li…
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It's Jack & Michael at their zinger finest in this sit down at Existence Brewing , as the pair trade impressions about lightworker awakenings, David Letterman, and the Plutonian theory of astrology. Jack also shares his recent out-of-persona experiences. Drop us a lineJack Hansen & Michael Elliott による
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Do you struggle with letting things go? Do you find yourself holding grudges? Does it feel impossible to let things go? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss why letting go feels impossible and how to actually do it. Thanks to listener Mike W. for this episode topic. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a questi…
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Chris and Rob jump on the Nosferatu bandwagon and discuss one of the most underrated vampire movies of all time: Shadow of the Vampire! Help support the show and discover articles and more by heading on over to our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/whydoesthisexist. Buy us Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/whydoesthisexist Support us on Spreaker:…
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Antes de sumergirnos en las leyendas y mitos que fueron revitalizados por el Romanticismo, es importante entender qué fue este movimiento y cómo impactó la literatura española. El Romanticismo fue un movimiento cultural y artístico que surgió a finales del siglo XVIII y alcanzó su apogeo en el siglo XIX. Nació como una reacción contra la Ilustració…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! El conocido como "crimen de las 113 puñaladas" tuvo lugar en 2012 en Mallabia, Bizkaia. La víctima fue Jaime Olañeta, un hombre de 68 años que fue brutalmente asesinado en su propio vehículo, estacionado junto a su caserío. La ag…
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This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! Do we have access to too much information? In this episode, Danny and Randy examine whether we are facing information overload and what to do about it. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a question you want answered in a future episode? If so, se…
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Send us a text What do we need to look out for when it comes to love? And what does it actually look like? In short there is a lot more to it and it takes a lot of different shapes and sizes. So do you find a good match? You can find us wherever you listen to your favourite podcast, as well as on socials: BlueSky: @imgladyouexist.bsky.social Instag…
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Chaque année, 11% des récoltes sont jetées dans les champs. En cause ? Des fruits et légumes « déclassés » : trop grands, trop petits, biscornus qui ne rentrent pas dans les calibres de la grande distribution. Atypique collecte ces fruits et légumes et les vend à des prix attractifs à la restauration collective. Plus de 5 millions d’euros ont déjà …
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Desde siempre, los seres humanos hemos encontrado refugio en la familia, el primer espacio donde aprendemos a vivir, a descubrir valores y realizar sentido. Pero ¿qué pasa cuando ese espacio, en lugar de impulsarnos, nos limita? En este episodio de Los Diarios Existenciales, exploramos dos películas que nos ayudan a reflexionar sobre esto: Encanto …
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This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! Do you feel like you are constantly going against the grain? Does it feel like you’re always trying to control everything? Do you get stressed, worried, or freaked out when things don’t go as planned? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss how to go with the flow. Subscribe to ES…
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In this enlightening conversation, Dani Margeaux and Rita explore the profound journey of spiritual awakening, emphasizing the importance of listening to one's inner guidance and the transformative power of curiosity. They delve into the Akashic Records, the Oversoul, and the quantum realm, discussing how these concepts can enhance spiritual practi…
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It's a no-holds-barred bout for Jack & Michael as they take jabs at repugnant celebrities, egregious materialism, and the suddenly-contracting menu board at Starbucks. Jack also goes on a cathartic rampage directed at Bill Gates and a certain family of reality TV stars whose sir name he just can't quite remember. Drop us a line…
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This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! Everyone has problems. When we have problems, talking about them can be extremely helpful. In this episode, Danny and Randy do a freeform episode and discuss their current problems. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a question you want answered …
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Send us a text Lucy and Corbett check in for the end of Black History Month and Talk about Good Times. Sure we could always use some good times, but this was all about the 1970's sitcom, Good Times. Lots of little trivial bits to know about the show and then Lucy wraps it up, talking about some more contemporary shows. It may not be the best time f…
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Hay un antiguo refrán vasco que dice: "Dana izena duela omen da", que se traduce como “todo lo que tiene nombre existe” o “todo lo que tiene nombre es”. Esta frase nos recuerda que el acto de nombrar algo no es solo una cuestión lingüística, sino un acto de creación. Las cosas existen porque somos capaces de imaginarlas, de darles un nombre y, con …
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We cover the temple-addicted, hydraulic super power known as the Khmer Empire. How did they tame the monsoon to become the greatest power in Southeast Asia? Not only does Angkor Watt remain a wonder if the world, but its suburbs stretched for miles and miles - making it the largest city in pre-industrial history. How did they achieve such power and…
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Sue Perkins and Katherine Denkinson return as Samantha Cookes (aka Carrie Jade Williams) has her day in court. After spending 8 months in a prison cell, on 19th February 2025 Samantha went before a judge..but the hearing ended abruptly after a surprise interruption. To keep up with the podcast, follow us on social media @carriejadepod and If you ha…
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Do you want to be successful? Do you grind every day in pursuit of success? What does success look like? Will being successful make you happy? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss the brutal truth about success no one talks about. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a question you want answered in a future epi…
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"Original or Remake?" - media's most tedious question gets brought out to wince in the sunlight as the Crafting Chills co-ghosts discuss Robert Egger's Oscar-nominee re-imagining of the granddaddy horror of them all, Nosferatu. Follow Nyxx on IG @nyxx_nocturna and myself @johnliot IGYE also has it's own IG now, so do follow that too @imglad.youexis…
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Send us a text Tiger called for an unplanned episode! Following some of Alex's side comments in the previous episode, where his biggest insecurity showed. So let's talk about it! You can find us wherever you listen to your favourite podcast, as well as on socials: BlueSky: @imgladyouexist.bsky.social Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imgladyouex…
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This episode is a replay from The Existential Stoic library. Enjoy! How often are you truly honest with yourself? When, if ever, are lies and deception justified? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss the problems with honesty. Should we reconsider the value of being honest? Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have …
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Jack takes ireful aim at a radio commercial he believes incites habitual alcohol abuse and sloth, while both he and Michael weave in discussions about the DOGE's possible link to the Antichrist. The two also say thanks to their growing audience of listeners around the world. Drop us a lineJack Hansen & Michael Elliott による
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If we are living in a simulation, would you be able to tell? Would your sense of right and wrong change if you knew everything is a lie? In this episode, Danny and Randy discuss what we know and whether everything we know is a lie. Subscribe to ESP's YouTube Channel! Thanks for listening!  Do you have a question you want answered in a future episod…
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In this episode of the Magic Exists podcast, host Dani Margeaux speaks with musician and spiritual practitioner Elise Carver about the transformative power of Kundalini awakening and activation. They explore the concepts of prana, energy work, and the journey of spiritual awakening, discussing how these practices can lead to profound personal insig…
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