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The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals exists to call the twenty-first century church to a modern reformation that recovers clarity and conviction about the great evangelical truths of the gospel and that then seeks to proclaim these truths powerfully in our contemporary context. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/581
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Weekly Livestreams on YouTube on Wed nights at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific with hosts Ashley Swearengin and @UnconventionalPastorPaul, Paul Swearengin. She served as mayor of a city, Paul was an evangelical pastor. Together, they were deep in the middle of the rise of Christian nationalism. Come join us as we discussing a spirituality that reaches beyond the walls of a church building and connects deconstructing people of faith to a renewed identity and a beautiful connection to divine love and ...
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A Igreja Evangélica Luterana Redentor foi fundada em 11 de julho de 1932. Herdeira da Reforma Protestante iniciada por Martinho Lutero no século 16, a Redentor é filiada à Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil (IELB), denominação cristã fundada em 1904 como resultado do trabalho missionário iniciado no Brasil em 1900 pela Igreja Luterana – Sínodo de Missouri, dos Estados Unidos. Rua Prof. Vilalva Jr, 97 Moinho Velho - São Paulo - SP CEP 04285-120 | Tel.: 2063-0844 CULTOS Sábados, 19h (PRESENC ...
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Chiesa Cristiana Evangelica ADI Milano


Il nostro scopo è presentare la “Buona Notizia” del Vangelo dell’amore, del perdono, della pace, della guarigione e della vita eterna che Dio offre liberamente nel Suo Figlio Gesù. Annunciamo che Cristo risorto è l’unica via, non solo per la salvezza dell’anima, ma anche per vivere serenamente qui in terra.
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Swan Lake Evangelical Free Church

Swan Lake Evangelical Free Church

The mission of Swan Lake Evangelical Free Church, based upon Jesus’ final commission to his disciples in Matthew 28, is to make disciples by “Loving God passionately by helping people find and follow Jesus Christ!.”
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Soul Purpose Evangelical Church Podcast

Rev. Albert Feliciano, Sr

Our weekly messages recorded LIVE each week and made available Free of Charge to the World from Soul Purpose Evangelical Church, located at 11 Certified Dr. Middletown, NY 10940. Office: (845) 956-0133 Cover art photo provided by Jason Leung on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@ninjason
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evangelical 360°

Host Brian Stiller

A timely and relevant new podcast that dives into the contemporary issues which are impacting Christian life and witness around the world. Guests include leaders, writers, and influencers, all exploring faith from different perspectives and persuasions. Inviting lively discussion and asking tough questions, evangelical 360° is hosted by Brian Stiller, Global Ambassador for the World Evangelical Alliance. Our hope is that each person listening will come away informed, encouraged, challenged a ...
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Uma igreja que prega o Evangelho com equilíbrio! A Igreja Missionária Evangélica Maranata confessa que somente CRISTO salva, salva somente pela GRAÇA, somente por meio da FÉ, e declara que somente a Escritura Sagrada é a fonte de autoridade final, nossa única regra de fé e prática. A Maranata faz parte da família evangélica Pentecostal, enfatizando o novo nascimento, seguido de um profundo despertamento espiritual, a vivência de uma fé operante, encorajando a todos os crentes a busca de uma ...
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Recovering Evangelicals

Luke Jeffrey Janssen

A podcast for people who were once very comfortable in their Christian faith … until the 21st century intruded and made it very hard to keep on believing. And for those who are intrigued by science, philosophy, world history, and even world religions …. and want to rationalize that with their Christian theology. And for those who found that’s just not possible … and yet there’s still a small part of them that … … won’t let it go.
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Grace Evangelical Church Sermons

Grace Evangelical Church

Sermons from Grace Evangelical Church in Germantown, TN USA (Memphis area). Please feel free to visit our web site at www.graceevan.org to find out more about us. The mission of Grace Evangelical Church is "reaching an unchurched world through maturing Christians". You may contact us regarding the podcasts at podcast@graceevan.org
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show series
Tema – O PODER DE NÃO DESISTIR: FÉ E ORAÇÃO ATÉ A VITÓRIA. Quarta –26/03/2025 Pregador : Bp. André BarbosaNeste poderoso sermão, o Bispo André Barbosa ministra sobre "O poder de não desistir", mostrando que fé, oração e perseverança são as chaves para viver o cumprimento das promessas de Deus. Ele reforça que orar sem cessar, mesmo quando tudo pare…
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A pesca maravilhosa - Pr. Ablarmin de Deus by Igreja Missionária Evangélica Maranata Para conhecer mais sobre a Maranata: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imemaranata/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imemaranata Site: https://www.igrejamaranata.com.br/ Canal do youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1jcJx-DIDqu_gknjlWOrQ Deus te abençoe…
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Trienal C – 4º Domingo na Quaresma – Lucas 15.1-3,11-32. ✝ O EVANGELHO DA SEMANA ✝ [Jesus era criticado pelos líderes religiosos de sua época por "misturar-se com gente de má fama" (Lucas 15.2). Para deixar bem claro que ele "veio buscar e salvar quem está perdido" (Lucas 19.10), Jesus conta três parábolas em Lucas 15. Todas as três têm em comum a …
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These Event Friday messages are from thePensacola Theological InstituteConference 1983. Speakers at this conference include:Sinclair Ferguson,Roger Greenway, O. Palmer Robertson,R.C. SproulandJohn White.To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/581/29Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc による
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Scott unpacks the journey he’s been on, and the very un-Evangelical and very unorthodox faith he now holds. Three weeks ago, Luke sketched out what his faith looks like now, after completely deconstructing and reconstructing the one he grew up with. This week it was Scott’s turn! We first traced out the common path we’ve both been on. Both of us sp…
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As the Israelites approached Jericho, they faced a walled city with proportions that could not be overcome by human means. A different approach was necessary and as Johua pondered the situation, a divine messenger appeared with the solution to his problem. Join Dr. James Boice next time on The Bible Study Hour as he reveals the secret to tearing do…
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Two scenes: the domestic and the business. The sad and sorry domestic life of Jacob's family. Here is the result of departure from God's ordinances, as well as the ugliness of envy whether in the home or in the church. Also, the blessing of the Lord on the labour of believers.Ashley Mendes による
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Listen to Paul on the Marc Kapetan Podcast Buy Paul's Book: Religious Right Religiously Wrong Buy Evangelicalish SWEET SWAG: Clothes, Candles, Water Bottles, Coffee Cups ISH Socials: TikTok YouTube InstaGram Facebook Private Facebook Group (Must request entry)Paul Swearengin による
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Listen to Paul on the Marc Kapetan Podcast Buy Paul's Book: Religious Right Religiously Wrong Buy Evangelicalish SWEET SWAG: Clothes, Candles, Water Bottles, Coffee Cups ISH Socials: TikTok YouTube InstaGram Facebook Private Facebook Group (Must request entry)Paul Swearengin による
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What lies behind the persecution of Christians? Revelation 12 look at the spiritual realities behind persecution: the anger and defeat of the Devil, and his wrath now that he has been cast out of heaven. It points us to God's protection, and the victory that is through Christ's blood.Gervase Charmley による
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In the aftermath of judgment and devastation, God comes to fulfill the covenant which he made with Noah. Reverend Alexander guides us through the significance of Noah’s altar to the Lord, the concept and basis of a unilateral covenant, and the blessings of that covenant. This episode is an invitation to reflect on the grace that we have found in Ch…
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Trienal C – 4º Domingo na Quaresma – 2Coríntios 5.16-21. ✝ A EPÍSTOLA DA SEMANA ✝ [No trecho a seguir, o apóstolo Paulo ensina que Deus enviou Jesus para pagar pelos nossos pecados e para fazer-nos amigos de Deus. E nós, que agora somos novas criaturas em Cristo, temos a tarefa de fazer com que outras pessoas também sejam amigas de Deus. Deixemos q…
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Trienal C – 4º Domingo na Quaresma – Isaías 12.1-6. ✝ O ANTIGO TESTAMENTO DA SEMANA ✝ [O nome Isaías significa "Yahweh/o SENHOR é salvação". Isaías é conhecido como o "evangelista" do Antigo Testamento, tantos são os trechos que falam da paciência e do amor de Deus para conosco. O trecho a seguir é formado por dois pequenos salmos ou cânticos. Cada…
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Trienal C – 4º Domingo na Quaresma – Salmo 32. ✝ O SALMO DA SEMANA ✝ [Esta poesia de Davi é um dos sete Salmos "penitenciais", isto é, orações que expressam a tristeza por pecados cometidos, seguida pelo arrependimento e pelo pedido de perdão. Os salmos penitenciais são os seguintes: 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130 e 143. No Salmo 32, Davi demonstra que a …
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Most of us would like to have more authority. We would like people to do what we want, when we want it. The centurion in Luke actually did have this kind of influence. When he said something, it was done. But when this powerful man came across Jesus, the centurion was the only one who recognized that his authority amounted to nothing in comparison …
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In this TALKS Episode, Tim interviews former Congresswoman Marie Newman, who shares her unique journey into politics, her experiences during the insurrection, and her perspectives on faith and its intersection with political activism. They discuss the current political climate, particularly regarding trans rights and the role of media in shaping pu…
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What lights your fire? This might be the most important question in discovering your divine purpose, according to Jim Cantelon, whose remarkable faith journey has taken him from youth pastor to church planter in Jerusalem to founder of an international NGO serving orphans and widows. In this profound conversation with Brian Stiller, Cantelon reveal…
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Condemned prisoners live every day under the scepter of certain judgement, knowing that the day is approaching when the sentence of death will be executed. The Bible declares that everyone outside of Christ lives under God's condemnation awaiting the sentence of eternal judgement for their sin. But the coming judgement of sin and wickedness will no…
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2 Corinthians 5:16-21 From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 18 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to h…
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Hello and welcome to Bethel Evangelical Church in Gorseinon and thank you for checking out this weeks sermon recordings. The 23rd of March saw us host our Sunday morning service from the church building, with a livestream available via Facebook. The service was led by our pastor, Dafydd Williams, who continued with his series in […]…
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Hello and welcome to Bethel Evangelical Church in Gorseinon and thank you for checking out this weeks sermon recordings. The 23rd of March saw us hold our evening service from the building, with a livestream available via Facebook. This evening, Dafydd continued with his series in the book of Genesis, entering chapter 8, where we […]…
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Dependência de Deus - Pr. Paulo Junior e Juliana Brito by Igreja Missionária Evangélica Maranata da Tijuca Para conhecer mais sobre a Maranata: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imemaranata/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imemaranata Site: https://www.igrejamaranata.com.br/ Canal do youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1jcJx-DIDqu_gkn…
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Huiós, filhos maduros - Diác. Rafael Pereira by Igreja Missionária Evangélica Maranata do Recreio Para conhecer mais sobre a Maranata: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imemaranata/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imemaranata Site: https://www.igrejamaranata.com.br/ Canal do youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1jcJx-DIDqu_gknjlWOrQ De…
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É tempo de posicionamento - Sem. Vanessa Magalhães by Igreja Missionária Evangélica Maranata de Jacarepaguá Para conhecer mais sobre a Maranata: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imemaranata/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imemaranata Site: https://www.igrejamaranata.com.br/ Canal do youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1jcJx-DIDqu_gk…
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O poder da pressão - Pr. Daniel Nobre by Igreja Missionária Evangélica Maranata do Méier Para conhecer mais sobre a Maranata: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imemaranata/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imemaranata Site: https://www.igrejamaranata.com.br/ Canal do youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1jcJx-DIDqu_gknjlWOrQ Deus te abe…
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Avançando na vida cristã - Sem. Adriana Rocha by Igreja Missionária Evangélica Maranata de Caxias Para conhecer mais sobre a Maranata: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imemaranata/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imemaranata Site: https://www.igrejamaranata.com.br/ Canal do youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1jcJx-DIDqu_gknjlWOrQ De…
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