Emmaus Road Church in Stanwood, Washington
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Emmaus Road Church in Fort Collins, Colorado seeks to be formed as followers of Jesus through faith practices, community, and liturgy. We desire to work for justice, love, peace, and hope as demonstrated through the life and teachings of Jesus.
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The newest sermons from Emmaus Road Reformed Church on SermonAudio.
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Emmaus Road Anglican Church - Sermon Podcast
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We have gathered together tonight to observe Ash Wednesday. This day marks the beginning of a season in the Christian calendar known as Lent. The purpose of Lent is to help prepare our hearts for the celebration of resurrection and new life at Easter. It is also a season in which we acknowledge our own mortality–our tendency to wander in the darkne…
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Rev. Ryan Kron による
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Alexa Wowchuk による
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The Day Of The Lord1 Thessalonians 5The Day of the Lord will come and we have directive while we and expect Jesus's return.Emmaus Road Church による
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Sermon Scripture: Exodus 34:29-35, Luke 9:28-36, 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 In the Transfiguration, God has revealed to us, through Jesus, what he is really like. “God is like Jesus. God has always been like Jesus. There has never been a time when God was not like Jesus. We have not always known what God is like—but now we do. (Brian Zhand, Word of Lif…
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Sermon Scripture: Luke 6:27-36 Whether you are a student in school, a young adult navigating friendships and dating, a working professional, a parent of kids, or a wise elder, we are constantly faced with people who get in our way, who block our goals, are mess up our flow, our way of doing things, or perhaps who actively oppose us, threaten us, or…
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A Godward Focus to Finishing Well: Questions to Ask in Planning for the Future
32:36Rev. Ryan Kron による
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Sermon Scripture: Jeremiah 17:5-10 Jeremiah’s prophetic words were full of honest naming of the infidelity to God that led to his people’s destruction—but his message also was saturated in lovingly poetic promises of God’s faithfulness if his people would humble themselves and confess their sin, and return their trust to the Lord. Will we be like t…
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Rev. Ryan Kron による
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Father Chad Block による
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Sermon Scripture: Luke 5:1-11, Isaiah 6:1-8 God has proclaimed, “Unto us a savior is given,” and Jesus has invited us to come and see, go and tell — “making Christlike disciples in all the earth.” So today, we consider the call of God upon our lives and we find encouragement in God’s equipping and guiding us in living the call.…
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Rev. Ryan Kron による
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Mike Stewart による
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Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Long after the rest of the world has moved on from the decorations of Christmas, the church remains wrapped in light and greenery because we want to remember, we work to remember — the light has come, and the light of Christ shines brightly through us. As we celebrate Epiphany and Candlemas, and the final Sun…
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A Promise of Rest1 Thessalonians 4Pastor Mike brings us back to 1 Thessalonians with chapter 4, where he reminds us of the promise of rest when Jesus Christ comes back for His church.Emmaus Road Church による
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Rev. Ryan Kron による
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Athanasius - On The IncarnationFather Chad Block による
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Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 What if, in the midst of a culture that celebrates individualism, we are instead called to embrace belonging, humility, and responsibility within the community of faith? The Gospel message suggests that our purpose is to live in openness to others through service, acts of love and kindness, and protecting th…
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Called to Serve: The Biblical Offices of Elder and Deacon
33:03Rev. Ryan Kron による
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Father Chad Block による
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Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 God wants to use each and every one of us to accomplish his goodness, and it's going to look different for each one of us. It won’t look and feel the same, there is not one best way of being used by God that is better than the others, but God is faithful to use us for his work if we will join in the process. …
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Marcus fills in for Pastor Mike with a Stand Alone Sermon. Asking us what do we rely on for life and salvation?Emmaus Road Church による
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Rev. Ryan Kron による
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From Trials to Triumph: A Blueprint to Spiritual Growth | 1 Thessalonians 3
39:41From Trials To Triumph: A Blueprint To Spiritual Growth1 Thessalonians 3Marcus reminds us that we can keep growing in our faith and make a real difference in the world.Emmaus Road Church による
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Sermon Scripture: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22, John 1:43-51 The message for the first day of Epiphany was that the light of God has shined upon all humanity. Today, the message on this first Sunday of Epiphany is that accompanying the light of heaven, comes its power, presence, and potency invading our humanly form; our weaknesses, our strengths, our very …
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Rev. Ryan Kron による
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Sermon Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12 In Epiphany we are reminded that God knows our road — the roads we've travelled so often they become mundane and the roads we have never paid any attention to. Most of us are facing crossroads of many kinds today on this first Sunday of 2025. Jesus may be opening up new ways before you, or he may be causing you to s…
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Suffering For The Faith1 Thessalonians 2Pastor Mike continues in our 1 Thessalonians series, as he talks about the suffering for the faith as Christians.Emmaus Road Church による
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The Persevering And Triumphant Church of Christ
33:08Rev. Ryan Kron による
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Joyful Expectation - Presentation of our Lord
28:43Sermon Scripture: Luke 1:68-79 This week we hear the story of Jesus' presentation at the temple, where Simeon and Anna recognize Him as the long-awaited Messiah. Their joyful proclamation reminds us that God is faithful to fulfill His promises, even after years of waiting and longing. As we celebrate Christ’s arrival, we are invited to live like Si…
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Pastor Mike talks about A Labor Of Love as we start a new series in 1 Thessalonians.Emmaus Road Church による
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Kevin Carr による
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Sermon Scripture: Luke 2:1-20 The truth that we celebrate in Christmas is that the light of the world has come. Jesus Christ, our messiah, our savior is born. This is why candle light is so important at Christmas. These lights proclaim the THE light has come.
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Father Chad Block による
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Sermon Scripture: Luke 1:68-79 God chose Mary; 15-years old, poor, and unwed. He chose Elizabeth, a senior in the old folks home, used up, overlooked, too old. And you know what? He chooses you! This anthem for a new age that Mary sings about, this different kind of Kingdom that she envisions, that Jesus comes to demonstrate, it only happens when i…
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Our Savior AppearedTitus 3Pastor Mike finishes the letter of Titus and reminds us of the Savior who appeared to us.Emmaus Road Church による
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Rev. Ryan Kron による
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Rev. Ryan Kron による
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