Ever have a moment when you get a new way of thinking about something, a piece of emotional freedom you want to share because it feels important for spiritual growth? That is Download with Diane. Sharing personal observations and my spiritual journey. www.downloadwithdiane.com
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The Benefits of Talking Early with Your Kids About Sexuality
24:05God has consistently put this topic of conversation on my heart. Given the state of the world and how early sexualization is for kids I feel strongly that we need to talk with our children early and often about their sexuality. I know I did this with my children, and I am sharing the benefits that I have received by doing so. If we don’t claim resp…
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Beginning to have real clarity, that my formed identity, my entire life, is the person that "makes everyone's life easier". At first glance this seems very noble and kind and generous. A good Christian, right? As I spend more and more time in quiet contemplation with God, I am questioning where is the fruit in this now? God is encouraging me to go …
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I Felt Our Hearts Talk: My Miscarriage Part 2
22:41Even after miscarriage, Diane follows the promptings from God How God’s promptings can lead to healing and direction Discussing her soon to be released book; “I Felt Our Hearts Talk – The Anna Marie Story” an example of promptings and following God’s breadcrumb approach to guiding me in my life “My fetus has a voice and a name, and she is connected…
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Have you ever had a time of spiritual dryness? Looking for true direction but not getting the message? Join me in this renewal time to rejuvenate and bring life to those dry bones of yours. You need a reset!Download With Diane による
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Stop with the "Yeah Buts" Judge not the promises of God, be open to possiblities Are we not to co-labor with God We ask - He provides Be open to the blessings you pray forDownload With Diane による
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Taking control of our thoughts and energy What if we choose to believe - really believe? Live by believing not by seeing Luke 1:37 "For no word from God will ever fail"Download With Diane による
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Why Not Me? The Question Envy and Jealousy Asks
24:07Isn't there really enough to go around? What if there are enough clients for you and me? "And my God seal supply all your needs" Phil 4:19Download With Diane による
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Hard to believe we are already half way through 2024. In this conversation I reflect on my New Years words for 2024. My words are Inheritance and Sound Mind. Isaiah 61:7 is the inspiration for Inheritance. This scripture talks about instead of shame and disgrace we can receive an inheritance of double portion in your land and everlasting joy. Now t…
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Impactful follow up from previous episode: Frankly Speaking to our children about their sexuality. Intriguing conversation with special SVU detective explaining why it is important to talk with our kids about their bodies. She gives specific advice on who can be a potential perpetrator and advice on how to keep our kids safe. Please share this epis…
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Frankly Speaking: To our Children About their Sexuality
23:52Several years ago, sitting in a coffee shop journaling, I found myself receiving a download before I even knew what to download was. I was overcome by this powerful rant about how important it is to teach our kids about sex. How important it is for them to know their identity as sexual beings. How we need to speak frankly to them about the truth of…
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Do you wonder what your true calling is? Me too. I believe part of mine has to do with removing self condemnation. I share this story and how I feel encouraged by the Holy Spirit to dig deeper into knowing: 1) We are unconditional loved by God 2) We have special gifts and talents 3) We are guided and protected by a Divine God If we all knew deep in…
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Have you ever noticed that everyone has an opinion? As I explore the best way for me to eat, sleep, spend time with my family, exercise, etc, there are so many voices telling me the right way to do it. Deciding not to be a submissive listener but being more observing of feedback and not absorbing what I hear. I’ve been stepping more into my discern…
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Have you ever noticed that everyone has an opinion? I am finding that one person’s “doing it right” is the opposite of another person’s. In this show I am reflecting on my process to get to the KNOWing of what is best for me while staying connected to God and His path for me.Download With Diane による
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