The newest sermons from Messages by Dolph Painter on SermonAudio.
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Be not conformed to this world. Be transformed and renew your mind. How? Sanctification and Gratitude.Brother John Harvey による
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Paul was transparent about his past, about the part he played in having men and women jailed for their faith, with some put to death. But God forgave Paul. Why? Grace, Mercy, and Love. If Paul, then maybe me.Dolph Painter による
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The motivation behind Jesus' three rebukes were deliverance and compassion. The focus behind the disciples' three rebukes were food, time, and money. Jesus' rebukes were just right, the disciples' rebukes were over-ruled by Jesus.Dolph Painter による
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Do all you know to do, and do it with the best of your ability; then, go to bed. Do not wear yourself out staying up late or rising early, go to bed ... rest.Dolph Painter による
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Sin and obedience have been overlooked and/or maligned in recent years. To identify certain behaviors as sinful is said to be hateful. To preach obedience is to promote legalism. Not so! There are many blessings in obedience. (Also addressed in this message is the 2024 Super Bowl commercial on foot washing).…
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Obedience is extremely important, but the motive for obedience is just as important. This is the conclusion to the 6-part series on the 10 Commandment ... a series that compared a love motive with fear & reward motives (Part 6 f 6 in the series).Dolph Painter による
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What if we obey the 9th and 10th commandments motivated by love, instead by fear or reward? Not, "I have to;" but, "I want to." Part 5 of 6 in the 10 Commandment Series.Dolph Painter による
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What if we obey the 7th and 8th commandments motivated by love, instead by fear or reward? Not, "I have to;" but, "I get to." Part 4 of 6 in the 10 Commandment Series.Dolph Painter による
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What if we obey the 5th and 6th commandments motivated by love, instead by fear or reward? Not, "I have to;" but, "I want to." Part 3 of 6 in the 10 Commandment Series.Dolph Painter による
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What if we obey the 3rd and 4th commandments motivated by love, instead by fear or reward? Not, "I have to;" but, "I get to." Part 2 of 6 in the 10 Commandment Series.Dolph Painter による
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What if we serve no other gods because we love for our Heavenly Father so much that we have not room for another god? What if we obey the 1st and 2nd commandments motivated be love, instead of by fear or reward. Part 1 of 6 in the 10 Commandment Series.Dolph Painter による
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Jesus entered and exited nine courtrooms prior to His crucifixion: 3 Jewish, 3 Roman, and 3 of God's. The first three sought a charge to justify a sentence; the second three declared a sentence that did not match the verdict; and the last three define the gospel (part 3 in the series).Dolph Painter による
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The Romans, the Herodians, and Jewish elders ruled in various capacities as Jesus introduced His kingdom. Sometimes Jesus submitted, but other times He resisted. This look at Jesus' ministry might help us negotiate the political climate we find ourselves. Part 2 in the series.Dolph Painter による
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This message will attempt to describe the political landscape in and around the time of Jesus' birth, the factors that motivated Rome and Herod to do the things they did. Part 1 in a series: At Jesus' Birth.Dolph Painter による
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We shall look at Jesus' finished work from a financial perspective. Scripture uses financial terms such as bought, purchased, and redeemed to describe His finished work. Part 4 in the Slow Looking Series.Dolph Painter による
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We shall look at Jesus' Finished Work from a legal perspective. Scripture uses terms such as pardon, justify, and impute to describe His finished work (Part 3 in the series).Dolph Painter による
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We shall look at Jesus' finished work from a relational perspective. Scripture use terms such as reconcile, atone, and made nigh (part 2 in the series).Dolph Painter による
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We shall look at Jesus' Finished Work from a sanitizing perspective. Scripture uses terms such as cleanse, wash, and purge to describe Jesus' Finished Work (part 1 in the series).Dolph Painter による
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Winds, Earthquakes, Fires, or a Still Small Voice?
40:30God spoke to Elijah in a still small voice. This approach could be very profitable when sharing the truth of Jesus Christ's finished work.Dolph Painter による
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When have folks claimed the creature to be greater than the Creator? Anytime Humanism, Relativism, Pragmatism, Existentialism, Stoicism, or Arminianism gains a foothold in a person or church.Dolph Painter による
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Ten of the twelve spies dropped their eyes, much like Peter dropped his eyes after having stepped out of the boat. Both took their eyes off God to look at their circumstances, but not Caleb. Caleb's eyes remained fastened on God.Dolph Painter による
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An overview of Psalm 34, comparing the perspective our current culture is prone to view it versus the manner David intended it.Dolph Painter による
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Reckon is a nautical term which references the adjustment to heading midway through a journey as is needed because of currents, storms, or detours. One cannot reckon without a destination ... How does one correct a heading when he/she doesn't know where they are going? Part 5 in the Judgement SeriesDolph Painter による
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Ever consider how many judgements one has to make in a normal day. More than you can count. May all ours, glorify God. (Part 3 in the Judgement Series)Dolph Painter による
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Best if a brother judges us before God does. Better if we judge ourselves before God judges us. Because, eventually, God will judge. He is longsuffering, but not forever suffering. When done correctly, the judgement by another is an act of love, ... when judgement's focus is conversion. (Message #2 in the Judgement Series)…
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Scripture warns against hypocritical judgement, wrong-criteria judgement, impatient judgement, and no judgement. This message will address the subject of pre-mature judgement. (Message #1 in the Judgement series)Dolph Painter による
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Isaac faced a difficult decision, with contradicting evidence. Instead of taking time to harmonize the evidence, his judgement was based 50-50 data. What could he have done to improve the odds? (Part 4 in the Judgement Series)Dolph Painter による
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What is the difference between little faith and great faith?1) Believe in God vs. Believe God2) Overcoming minutiaDolph Painter による
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Pride: defined, manifestations, causes, consequences, and cures ... with several illustrations.Dolph Painter による
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Paul issued several charges to Timothy and Titus in the pastoral epistles. We shall look at both a minister's master and the master's charges to the minister. (part 4 in the series)Dolph Painter による
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Brother Lincoln shared a testimony with the congregation this past Sunday. Negotiating COVID as a medical crisis worker.Lincoln Painter による
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Paul claimed three titles: Preacher, Apostle, and Teacher. What is the difference between a preacher and a teacher? Differentiating the two is about as difficult as differentiating soul and spirit, but this message will give it go.Dolph Painter による
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Lots of folks were specifically named in the three letters Paul wrote to sons in the ministry. Some of the names mentioned were good guys, some were not-so-good guys, and others referenced fell into the not enough information category. Part 2 in the Pastoral Series.Dolph Painter による
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The word "committed" appears 6 times in the pastoral epistles, each time referencing God's word having been entrusted to God's ministers ... a responsibility not to be taken lightly. Part 1 in the pastoral series.Dolph Painter による
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The better one understands sin, the more humble he/she becomes. The better one understands grace, the more bold he/she becomes. Strange combination, the child of needs both.Dolph Painter による
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Paul prayed that Israel might be saved. Saved from what? From Ignorance! Part 4 in our "Faith that is Primitive" series.Dolph Painter による
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Jesus proclaimed, "It is finished," just before He died. What exactly did Jesus finish? We shall answer that question with "simple" words (i.e., purged, washed, bought, purchased, perfected, healed, and put away. Part 3 of the Faith that is Primitive series).Dolph Painter による
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Paul asked the question commonly when one hears that salvation is 100% by grace (i.e., federal headship in Romans 5:17-20). The question: If my works play no part in my going to heaven, then why not live like the devil? Paul answered this question in Romans 6, with three unique explanations.Dolph Painter による
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People are looking for truth and stability in an unstable world. They want to know how Jesus made a difference in your life. That want your experiences. We must drive straight as we share the gospel. One ditch is 100% experience, the other ditch is 100% doctrine. Center of the road is: begin with experiences that harmonize with scripture. Part 2 of…
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It is impossible to understand grace without understanding the human condition before God 's intervention. Without intervention; faith, love, or obedience cannot and will not exist. This is part 1 in the "Faith that is Primitive" series.Dolph Painter による
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A lack of repentance can keep us from enjoying fellowship with God (part 2 of this series), as can our choices (part 3 of this series). This message discusses how that our emotions can keep us from enjoying fellowship with God (4th and final part of this series).Dolph Painter による
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Fellowship with God begins with repentance, progresses into conversion, resulting in fellowship with God ... assuming motives all along the way are pure.Dolph Painter による
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Part 1 of 2 of this mini-series defines terms and illustrates healthy and unhealthy perspectives toward three life and death types (physical, eternal, and relational).Dolph Painter による
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Resurrection morning, Peter and Mary Magdalene were emotional wrecks. The remedy: wisdom, the Holy Ghost, and forgiveness.Dolph Painter による
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When does a clump of cells become a life? When does a life become a clump of cells? Who is suppose to speak for the weak? What differentiates murder from killing? When does life have integrity? ... Tough questions, but scripture answers them all.Dolph Painter による
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Scientists agree that race is a social construct, not a scientific one. Although Darwin's race theory has been disproven, terminology remains and is a source of confusion between believers and unbelievers. We will show that there is one race, scientifically and scriptorally.Dolph Painter による
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God holds fathers responsible for the nurture and admonition of their children. God holds local churches responsible for equipping and supporting its fathers, but He holds fathers responsible for educating their children. Family Integrated Worship is God's design, and segregated worship has failed modern America. Family and Gender - Part 3.…
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God holds husbands and fathers responsible for their marriages and families. Passive, lazy, culture, purposeful delegation ... the reason does not matter; God holds men accountable. Part 2 in the Family & Gender Series.Dolph Painter による
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Adam and Eve sinned differently and received different curses. Adam passed along his curses to men and Eve passed along her curses to women. We shall take a look at the roles of men and women before and after the fall, and in heaven. This is part 1 in the Family & Gender series.Dolph Painter による
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God is a trinity of persons; howbeit, one in being, accord, and purpose. God's three in one nature can be seen throughout all that He created: salvation, church, prayer, resurrection, creation, Judgment, obedience, faith, adoption, life, ... Like a painter signing the lower right-hand corner of a painting, God designed all that He established with …
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