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Teresa de Sousa e Carlos Gaspar com moderação de Ivo Neto

Para compreender um mundo em suspenso, “Diplomatas” é um podcast com Teresa de Sousa e Carlos Gaspar, numa parceria com o IPRI.
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Black Diplomats

Black Diplomats

Founded in 2020 and led by Terrell Jermaine Starr, Black Diplomats is the go-to podcast for those who want relatable content on global affairs that doesn’t center the perspectives of white male experts. Few foreign policy shows are led by Black people or center the opinions, experiences and expertise of people of color. Black Diplomats is one exception. Guests are mostly people of color and people who are indigenous to the regions the episodes focus on.
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O Guilhotina é o podcast do Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil, com apresentação dos jornalistas Bianca Pyl e Luis Brasilino. Novos episódios sempre às quintas-feiras. Você também pode ouvir o Guilhotina na Rádio Brasil Atual 98,9 FM (Grande São Paulo), sempre às sextas-feiras, às 16h. Para sugestões e críticas, escreva para guilhotina@diplomatique.org.br
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American Diplomat

Ambassador (Retired) Pete Romero and Writer/Producer Laura Bennett

American Diplomat goes behind the scenes to hear real stories from diplomats who lived newsworthy events overseas. Experience the Cuban revolution, Central American insurgencies, the end of apartheid and more through the eyes of those who were there. A project of Arizona State University.
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The Climate Diplomacy Podcast gives insights into the latest developments in international climate diplomacy and security. Our hosts Raquel Munayer and Alexandra Steinkraus interview experts and practitioners on their take on climate foreign policy, climate-related impacts to security, and promoting peace and resilience in a changing climate. Together we look into climate-fragility, migration, food insecurity, gender dynamics and much more, not to mention our deep dive into countries and reg ...
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Diplomatic Immunity

Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University

Diplomatic Immunity: Frank and candid conversations about diplomacy and foreign affairs Diplomatic Immunity is a podcast from the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown University. We bring you "frank and candid" conversations on the issues facing diplomats and national security decision makers globally. We talk to current and former diplomatic officials, scholars, and analysts and seek to understand how best to foster international cooperation in an age of global crises. Hosted ...
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本人曾居住中東與中亞地區服務多年,對中東與中亞相關事務非常熟悉。針對這些一般亞洲人比較少關注的,但又是國際政治的聚焦重點地區,特別開設此一頻道,以講解相關國家背景、歷史、目前國情狀況與國際新聞上牽涉這些地區的新聞說明解釋。 所有各集說法僅代表本人意見,歡迎大家針對有興趣的主題收聽。 歐亞大陸遊牧民族的歷史研究,純粹個人喜好,中國正統朝代的歷史我沒興趣,但這些隱藏在歷史帷幕後的遊牧民族縱橫歐亞大陸東西,少數民族建國圖生存,歷史上沒有提到的東西方交流才是我最有興趣的重點。 此外中國敵情研究、中國太空事業、世界各國太空事業發展等亦為近日研究方向。有興趣者請搜尋臉書公開社團「蘇老師的太空世界與太空知識」,裡面有各種各樣的太空知識。 歡迎介紹給更多想增加知識的朋友一起來聽我講故事。如果有專門想聽的主題,或我哪邊講錯想訂正的,歡迎來信 yupingsu@hotmail.com 也可以在臉書上搜尋【外交官講中東與中亞】的粉絲頁與我交流喔。 截至2024年本人出版書籍包括 1. 聖地出任務-台灣國際志工故事集 2. 勇抗強權-阿富汗 3. 台以關係百年史:外交官眼中的以色列 4. 從奴隸到霸主 ...
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Every week, Your Bored Brother convenes his Diplomacy Dojo, where players of all skill levels come together to discuss their most "pressing" Diplomacy questions. To participate in the Diplomacy Dojo, contact Your Bored Brother through his website, brotherbored.com, or make a pledge on Patreon at bit.ly/supportybb for instant access to the discord server.
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Diplomacia para Democracia

Diplomacia para Democracia

Reflexões sobre diplomacia e democracia. Combate ao obscurantismo e ao ódio. Atuar para redução de desigualdades, promoção de direitos humanos e ampliação das liberdades. Zelar por uma política externa brasileira independente. O podcast Diplomacia para Democracia insere, na íntegra, os debates realizados no canal do Youtube do Instituto. Acessse os debates em https://www.youtube.com/DiplomaciaparaDemocracia.
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Funboat Diplomacy is a show hosted by Weimin Chen. Guests come from a variety of backgrounds and discuss their lives back home, experiences in other countries, and share their perspectives.
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Diplomacy 201

Audri Mukhopadhyay

Diplomacy 201 is a podcast series aimed at unveiling the best practices in diplomacy and optimizing the effectiveness of interventions to advance future economic, security and political objectives.
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Almost Diplomatic

Almost Diplomatic

Almost Diplomatic is a podcast discussing geopolitics, national security and nonsense over beers. Disclaimer: The comments and views discussed in the podcast are our own and do not represent those of any entity we volunteer with or are employed by.
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Talking Diplomacy

Lithuania MFA

This podcast uncovers and dissects topical issues of Lithuanian diplomacy, international relations and all things, related to mysteries and riddles of diplomatic work. The podcast is created by Lithuania MFA's Communications team.
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The Online Diplomat

The Online Diplomat

Sian is a British diplomat who plays the violin, rides a bicycle and likes skiing up hills. She is the UK Ambassador in Belgrade and has also lived and worked in Moscow, Vienna, Prague, Vilnius and The Hague. These are some of her thoughts about diplomacy, diplomatic life and diplomats.
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Grassroot Diplomat Talks

Grassroot Diplomat

Diplomatic consultancy Grassroot Diplomat discuss innovative practices of diplomacy and international relations in today's world. Topics include leadership and self-development, networking, public diplomacy, personal branding, and digital diplomacy. Popular guests include: Talyn Rahman-Figueroa, Sandra Francius-Renaudot, and Jeannette Viens. Find out more on: www.grassrootdiplomat.org
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The most significant aspect of our learning is what we do with it. Speaking intelligently with real people about global conflicts and issues that affect them has substantial educational value for students. This production consists of authentic student work - mistakes and all. Innovation Diploma is an innovative educational program of The Mount Vernon Upper School in Atlanta, Georgia. Students learn through self-directed investigation and analysis while solving real problems. Students engage ...
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The Diplomat


The Diplomat, hosted by Jason Greenblatt, is inspired by his work in foreign affairs with the intent of fostering candid conversations on a wide set of global and domestic issues. The Diplomat will veer away from personality-driven political disputes and instead bring nuance and depth to hot topics. Using his diplomatic skills, Greenblatt aims to get at the root of the issues and attempt to find common ground where it exists, rather than sow further division.
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Diplomatie Raakt

Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken / Liesbeth Rasker

In deze podcast krijg je een kijkje in het werk en leven van Nederlandse diplomaten. Ambassadeurs en consul-generaals vertellen wie ze zijn en hoe ze Nederland vertegenwoordigen. In serie vier staat in elke aflevering een belangrijk nieuwsmoment centraal waarin ambassadeurs of andere collega’s een grote rol speelden. Wat deed Buitenlandse Zaken en wat was het verhaal achter het nieuws? En hoe zetten de diplomaten zich in voor Nederland?
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The Public Diplomat

The Public Diplomat

The Public Diplomat is a dialogue about public diplomacy, nation branding, and all things international. We talk to public diplomacy practitioners, scholars and thinkers from around the world in an effort to better understand the field. Twitter @Public_Diplomat check out our website thepublicdiplomat.com
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Tar Sands Diplomat

Keith Halliday

Tar Sands Diplomat is a satirical thriller set at the Canadian diplomatic mission in Brussels. After a Russian prostitute dramatically murders the Canadian mission's star diplomat with an Inuit statue, Macgregor is plunged into a world of spooks, Big Oil, Russian oligarchs and eco-hacktivists that leads him back to a well-connected Canadian oil company and the Prime Minister's Office in Ottawa. Author Keith Halliday was formerly the twelfth most senior diplomat at the Canadian Mission to the ...
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2024.04.14 本週國際新聞導覽-伊朗出手打擊以色列報復 4/13 晚間,伊朗從本土對以色列發射200枚無人機、彈道飛彈與巡曳飛彈。大部分受到英國美國與約旦戰機與防空系統攔截,僅少數攻擊到以色列。 伊朗已經表示到此為止的意思,已經攻擊,伊朗人民也上街慶祝,對之前被以色列攻擊死傷的軍民也有交代了,可以到此為止。 但以色列揚言將再反擊。 以色列總理那唐雅胡也致電美國總統拜登,雖然兩人其實根本很討厭對方,但這是一個政治動作,誰都得要做。 此外對於伊朗什葉派宗教與領袖制度進行一番介紹,內容出自幾年前寫的一篇文章。 蘇育平/教宗在伊拉克宗教大和解關鍵 伊拉克沒內爆全因「他」! https://forum.ettoday.net/news/1938398 我們想讓你知道…希斯塔尼完全不與伊朗什葉派…
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#ukraine #russia #putin #warinukraine #blackdiplomats #ukrainianhistory #history #harvard Terrell J. Starr spoke with Havard Professor of Ukrainian History Serhii Plokhii about Putin’s obsession with fake Ukrainian history, Ukrainian resistance against Russian colonialism, Stepan Bandara, fighting Kremlin disinformation and more. Host: Terrell Jerm…
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2024.04.13 中國火箭軍建軍史與使用武器配備-擷取自蘇育平撰中國航天事業與火箭軍一書 解放軍火箭軍是除了陸、海、空三軍外的第四軍種,由中央軍委直接領導下命,負責地對地常規彈頭與核彈頭之彈道飛彈發射攻擊任務。 1966年到2015年間,原稱為陸軍二炮(第二炮兵)部隊,於2015年升格為火箭軍,取名借鑑蘇聯時期之「戰略火箭軍」名稱。 1958年,蘇聯贈送的第一枚R-2彈道飛彈抵中國,中國開始仿製生產,做出東風-1型短程彈道飛彈。1966年,解放軍導彈部隊陸軍「第二炮兵」由當時國務院總理周恩來命名並成立,後隨著擁有的彈道飛彈增加而擴大編制。時至今日,火箭軍約有15萬兵員,以約40個導彈旅之編制分布中國各地,擁有各款射程長短不一的彈道飛彈與巡弋飛彈(中國稱巡航導彈)。 據統計短程飛彈有1,1…
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Mário Soares e o 25 de Abril, da autoria de David Castaño, procura descrever e analisar de forma sucinta e acessível o papel desempenhado pelo líder do Partido Socialista nos momentos-chave da transição democrática e compreender de que forma as suas acções influenciaram o rumo dos acontecimentos político-militares nesses meses decisivos para a defi…
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Kelly speaks with Lt. Gen (ret.) Ben Hodges, former Commanding General of U.S. Army Europe, about the effect of the Ukraine War on military tactics and strategy. Prior to retiring from the armed forces in 2018, Lieutenant General (ret.) Ben Hodges served as Commanding General of the U.S. Army in Europe. He consults for several companies on Europe, …
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The Middle East remains one of the world’s most complicated, thorny—and, uncharitably, unstable—parts of the world, as countless headlines make clear. Internal strife, regional competition and external interventions have been the region’s history for the past several decades. Robert Kaplan—author, foreign policy thinker, longtime writer on internat…
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Meghan Stewart, head of the Negotiations Support Unit in State’s Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, knows the peace process – its structures, its history, the perspectives of combatants. Her team uses its specialized knowledge to help diplomats get peace agreements over the line, saving thousands and thousands of lives each time. Who …
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1956 Episode 2.11 finally takes us to that controversial moment when Britain, France and Israel began to move closer together. The Sevres Protocol was neither developed nor signed in a day, and in the first two weeks of October, negotiations critically important to the later conflict were underway. At first, Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd hoped to …
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Today I talked to Traian Sandu about his book Ceausescu: Le dictateur ambigu (Perrin, 2023). Born in January 1918, Nicolae Ceauşescu began his apprenticeship in Bucharest and discovered the social struggle and its repression at the age of fifteen within the Romanian Communist Party. In 1948, the Stalinist Gheorghiu-Dej, his mentor, having taken pow…
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2024.04.07 各國宇宙活動檢討-外空非軍事化、利益共享、火箭回收、自由民主陣營發展太空科技-擷取自蘇育平撰中國航天事業與火箭軍一書 總結人類太空歷史 人類在太空的活動與日俱增,已經到了前所未有的密集程度,現在幾乎每個月都有美國、中國或少數其他國家的火箭發射到太空。首先是成千上萬的衛星佈滿地球近地軌道或太陽同步軌道,彼此之間可能造成碰撞。第二,從地球表面以望遠鏡觀測星空時,很可能被天幕中滿滿的人造衛星干擾,因為數量真的不可計數。第三,太多火箭屢次發射會戳破電離層,導致過量太陽輻射或宇宙粒子入侵地表。同時,火箭箭身墜向地球時,在大氣層中燃燒殆盡而造成汙染。還有,太過密集的太空活動是否會引來地外文明的注意,並認定人類是一種威脅,進而前來消滅人類文明? 許多事情都是無法回頭的,既然已經選擇投…
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Neste episódio, recebemos a antropóloga Larissa Tanganelli. Ela lançou em 2023 o livro “Há perigo na esquina: discursos dissidentes do jornal Lampião”. A obra é fruto de sua dissertação de mestrado vencedora do prêmio Anpocs de melhor dissertação de mestrado em Ciências Sociais em 2022 na etapa regional Sudeste (saiba mais: https://tinyurl.com/9fa8…
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#crimea #crimeantatars #ukraine #russia #ukrainianhistory #history Terrell spoke with Tamila Tasheva, the Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea about liberating Crimea, human rights violations on the peninsula, Crimean history and what people get wrong about what’s happening there. Host: Terrell J…
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A NATO celebra este ano 75 anos, numa conjuntura internacional marcada, de forma muito clara, pela invasão da Ucrânia pela Rússia. Que mudanças trouxe à NATO a guerra na Ucrânia? E quais os desafios que vão marcar a Aliança Atlântica nos próximos anos? Portugal, que celebra este ano os 50 anos do 25 de Abril, faz parte dos países fundadores da NATO…
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In Only a Few Blocks to Cuba: Cold War Refugee Policy, the Cuban Diaspora, and the Transformations of Miami (U Pennsylvania Press, 2024), Mauricio Castro shows how the U.S. government came to view Cuban migration to Miami as a strategic asset during the Cold War, in the process investing heavily in the city's development and shaping its future as a…
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Before Josef Stalin's death in 1953, the USSR had, at best, an ambivalent relationship with noncommunist international organisations. Although it had helped found the United Nations, it refused to join the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and other major agencies beyond the Security Council and General Asse…
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Many diplomats urge what the vast majority of voters, including American Jews, want – a restrained Israel and a place for Palestinians. Former Assistant Secretary Eric Schwartz discusses the letter that he and 67 senior foreign policy professionals recently sent to the White House. Now in the aftermath of the killing of the World Central Kitchen vo…
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1956 Episode 2.10 takes us to the Commonwealth, seen as so vital to British interests, but fracturing over the question of the best course of action to take against President Nasser. The Canadian, Australian and NZ governments were all uneasy at the prospect of war, and some, like the Canadian Foreign Minister Lester Pearson, advocated a diplomatic…
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Why do great powers go to war? Why are non-violent, diplomatic options not prioritised? Nostalgic Virility as a Cause of War: How Leaders of Great Powers Cope with Status Decline (McGill-Queen's Press, 2024) by Dr. Matthieu Grandpierron argues that world leaders react to status decline by going to war, guided by a nostalgic, virile understanding of…
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1956 Episode 2.9 looks at that moment which has become infamous in history – the collusion between Britain, France and Israel. We are almost ready to see these sneaky meetings take place, and for the infamous agreement take shape, but first, it is worth investigating another important and underrated angle of the Crisis. The key element of the Suez …
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C'est comme le jeu des sept différences, mais à l'envers. Plutôt que de chercher des dissemblances sur deux dessins presque identiques, il faut repérer des points communs sur des images disparates, mais qui comportent tant de détails qu'on peut toujours y trouver certaines similitudes. Les temps de guerre se prêtent particulièrement à l'exercice.…
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2021年4月29日,重達22.5噸的「天和核心艙段」被長征-5B(遙2)運載火箭給推上太空,成功進入預定軌道並展開太陽能翼。 一個月後,天舟-2號貨運飛船也在2021年5月29日發射成功,並過來與天和核心艙完成順利對接連結,補充物資與燃料等。代表天和核心段運作正常,可接受補給。 再隔半個月,2021年6月17日,神舟-12號載人飛船由長征-2F遙12火箭從酒泉發射中心發射,並在6個半小時後過來與天和核心艙完成對接連結,神舟-12號的3名太空人聶海勝、劉伯明、湯洪波進入天和核心艙,等於是在太空中,第一次有人進入了天宮太空站。從此開始了神舟太空人在天宮太空站輪流值勤駐守的任務。 「天和核心艙」是今日天宮太空站的主體大廳,是天宮太空站的管理控制中心,也是太空人生活工作的地方。它的全長是16.6公…
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How do top-level public officials take advantage of immunity from foreign jurisdiction afforded to them by international law? How does the immunity entitlement allow them to thwart investigations and trial proceedings in foreign courts? What responses exist to prevent and punish such conduct? In Between Immunity and Impunity: External Accountabilit…
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Neste episódio, recebemos o juiz de Direito Felipe Morais Barbosa, que publicou em 2023 o livro “Atitude suspeita: a seletividade na atuação da Polícia Militar no combate ao narcotráfico” (Ed. Dialética; saiba mais: https://bit.ly/3TUIuPY) Fruto de uma pesquisa que analisou mais de 1.000 prisões em flagrante delito por suspeita de tráfico de entorp…
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#ukraine #russia #putin #zelensky #warinukraine #blackdiplomats Terrell J. Starr spoke with Ukrainian security expert Maria Avdeeva about Russia’s ongoing missile attacks against civilian targets, Germany’s reluctance to send Taurus missiles, why Russia doesn’t want peace, her own work documenting war crimes and so much more. Host: Terrell Jermaine…
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Colombia faces multiple challenges - from a complex peacebuilding process after more than 50 years of armed conflict to growing climate change impacts on its natural resources. Disputes over land use and governance have been at the heart of Colombia's struggle, and while everyone has been affected by it, indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities ta…
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Há uma semana, um atentado terrorista numa sala de espectáculos na cidade de Krasnogorsk, a pouco mais de 25 quilómetros do Kremlin, fez mais de 130 mortos. É o maior atentado terrorista na Rússia nos últimos 20 anos. O Daesh confirmou poucas horas depois a autoria do terrível ataque, colocou online imagens que demonstram a sua responsabilidade nes…
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Our climate: What we do during this decade will determine our climate for a millennium to come. Diplomats not only negotiate multilateral agreements that protect the earth but, even more so, work with nations to follow through on their commitments. But what is the surprising dynamic of domestic politics and global climate policy? And by what mechan…
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It’s very easy to study the history of the British Empire from the perspective of, well, the British–and to extend the early 20th century version of the empire as a world-spanning entity backwards through history. David Veevers, in his new book The Great Defiance: How the World Took on the British Empire (Ebury Press, 2023) studies the English, and…
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1956 Episode 2.8 examines the increasingly secretive plotting which took place behind the scenes in early autumn 1956. While Eden worked feverishly to make the conflict he desired come together, the countless variables continued to haunt him. We see here a glimpse of a common theme which will occupy us later on – the use of legal arguments to suppo…
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俄羅斯首都莫斯科附近的番紅花市政廳(Crocus City Hall)22日晚間發生了恐怖襲擊事件,造成至少137人死亡、182人受傷。在俄烏戰爭的敏感時期,此事受到全球高度關注,在對外公開的畫面當中,這些涉案槍手明顯受到嚴刑拷打。專家認為,俄羅斯總統蒲亭此舉是為了強調「跟他作對者將遭到殘酷懲罰」。 對於此次恐攻事件,伊斯蘭國分支「ISIS-K」已坦承犯案並公布相關影像,但俄國總統蒲亭(Vladimir Putin)仍持續恐怖主義矛頭指向烏克蘭,並表示即使莫斯科恐攻真是伊斯蘭武裝分子所為,也是為了烏克蘭的利益,質疑基輔在其中「發揮了作用」。 一週連3起!巴基斯坦中國工程師車隊遇自殺攻擊釀6死 https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E9%80%B1%E9%80%A33%E8%B…
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Is contemporary international order truly a secular arrangement? Theorists of international relations typically adhere to a narrative that portrays the modern states system as the product of a gradual process of secularization that transcended the religiosity of medieval Christendom. William Bain's Political Theology of International Order (Oxford …
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1956 Episode 2.7 examines the steps which led towards the military intervention in Egypt, by placing the British behaviour in its imperial context. In spring 1955, Britain remained a premier power in the Middle East, while American representation in that theatre was not particularly impressive, save for the commercial connections which American cit…
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2024.03.24 中國的太空站、嫦娥登月計畫、天問火星探測任務-擷取自蘇育平撰中國航天事業與火箭軍一書 中國從2011年起,建設「天宮一號」太空實驗室,或者叫他軌道飛行器,也可以說就是一艘停留在軌道上固定位置的太空船體,但是其實它也就是一個原始型態的太空站。 2011年9月29日,天宮-1號由長征-2F運載火箭發射升空,並完成順利進入軌道及變軌的任務,從此開始在太空中運行。 它與地面之通信測控是由中繼衛星、16個中國海內外陸基測控站、3艘遠望測控船、北京飛控中心、西安測控中心等共同組成。 圖2-36 天宮一號目標飛行器(中國航天局) 天宮-1號是由實驗艙與資源艙兩個艙體連結而成,全重8.5噸,長度10.4公尺,最大直徑處3.35公尺,內部空間約15立方公尺,一個套房的空間大小,夠兩、三位…
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