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Agora Digital Art


The Network for Women in Digital Arts Promoting women’s creativity Agora Digital empowers the digital artists’ community by promoting and sharing great artworks made by women in the New Media Art. Agora Digital Art is a certified social enterprise that initiates dialogue around Digital Art and Technology. We are building a vibrant community to embrace the Digital Art experience, to explore the new developments related to art and technology, to engage with a growing Digital Art net Stay tuned ...
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Bit Digital es un podcast sobre inteligencia artificial y digitalización. En él encontrarás información práctica y de actualidad sobre el mundo digital, innovación y tecnología, todo ello con un enfoque en marketing, comunicación y diseño gráfico. Bit Digital es el podcast de Armand Montserrat y Victoria Ballesta, un programa en el que queremos comunicar sobre inteligencia artificial y el mundo digital de forma fácil y sencilla, apta para todos los públicos. BIT DIGITAL. Inteligencia Artific ...
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The digital world is disrupting our lives, our work and our entertainment. Each Tuesday, join Dr. Art Langer for conversations and interviews with people leading in the digital world. Whether you are a leader, educator, or parent trying to understand how to keep up with the quickly changing world of digital disruption, this show is for you.
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Featuring Artists, Creatives, Entrepreneurs, and Solopreneurs! This is OUR virtual cafe community + podcast and NFT Lab. Starting up and success stories from the everyday developing digital eco-space. Bridging the unknown market gap; driving ingenuity, in art, business, and digital culture. Follow our lifestyle community + cafe. Fuel your organic inbound marketing strategies, and get better organic results with our digital ecosystem; for everyday Entrepreneurs developing digital products and ...
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show series
Hace unas semanas se hizo viral un vídeo de Figure 01 el primer robot humanoide de Figure AI que integra la tecnología de Chat GPT para interaccionar con humanos. Un robot que sorprende por su agilidad en la manipulación, la capacidad de interactuar mientras realiza distintas tareas, y su fluidez verbal. Si quieres saber qué son los robots humanoid…
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¿Sabes que tienen que ver Marilyn Monroe, la Inteligencia Artificial y los Digital Twins? En este episodio de Bit Digital, te contamos qué son los digital twins y cómo la inteligencia artificial va a volver a dar vida a Marilyn Monroe. off de Abba Voyage: https://youtu.b…
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Esta semana Open AI ha vuelto a ser noticia con la presentación de una innovadora tecnología que permite la clonación de voz con solo 15 segundos de muestra. En este episodio reflexionaremos sobre esta tecnología, desafíos éticos y de seguridad que presenta, y potenciales usos positivos y negativos. Escucharemos unos ejemplos de voz clonada y verem…
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En este episodio hablamos de gafas con inteligencia artificial para personas ciegas. Un ejemplo super inspirador de tecnología al servicio de las personas, ya que gracias a la inteligencia artificial, estas gafas permiten a personas con problemas de visión poder desarrollar tareas para las que antes estaban impedidos o muy limitados, sin necesidad …
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¿Sabes sacarle el máximo partido a Chat GPT? ¿Conoces los principales elementos que debe tener un buen prompt? La IA está aquí para ayudarnos a ser más eficientes, pero a menudo nos encontramos con personas que han realizado peticiones a Chat GPT, Bing u otros LLM y los resultados no son satisfactorios. En este episodio explicaremos los 6 elementos…
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La Inteligencia Artificial ya es capaz de interpretar emociones humanas gracias a las lecturas biométricas, expresiones faciales e incluso corporales. Y este tipo de lecturas o interpretaciones realizadas por Inteligencia Artificial abren un mundo totalmente nuevo en el campo de la retención del talento, motivación de empleados y en acciones de mar…
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En este episodio hablamos sobre ANILLOS INTELIGENTES, un nuevo dispositivo tecnológico que abre una categoría inexistente hasta ahora y que será tendencia en el 2024. Con los anillos inteligentes de Oura Ring, Ultra Human Ring, Evie Ring, Samsung Galaxy Ring y pronto Apple, se presenta un nuevo wearable con infinitas posibilidades en el campo de la…
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En este episodio hablaremos de Metaverso, Realidad Aumentada y Realidad Virtual con una invitada especial: Eva Domínguez. Eva es experta en comunicación, consultora, productora, investigadora y emprendedora. Especializada en narrativas inmersivas, o lo que es lo mismo, en contar historias en el metaverso. Con ella charlaremos sobre- qué es el Metav…
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En este episodio compartimos las novedades del Mobile World Congress 2024 (MWC) y del 4YFN. Hemos tenido la oportunidad de visitar el MWC 2024 y la zona dedicada a start ups y empresas tecnológicas del 4YFN y queremos compartir contigo nuestras impresiones, las innovaciones y tendencias que están marcando el rumbo de la tecnología móvil y el empren…
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En este episodio de Bit Digital exploraremos el fascinante mundo de los avatares. Con el auge de las redes sociales, los videojuegos en realidad virtual y el metaverso, los avatares se han popularizado. Gracias a la Inteligencia Artificial ahora está al alcance de todos crear y dar vida a un avatar. En este episodio hablaremos sobre- qué es un avat…
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En este episodio hablaremos de cómo usar la Inteligencia Artificial en Ventas y Atención al cliente con Marta López, Directora de Ventas en España de Concentrix, antes Webhelp. Marta nos explicará cómo utilizan la Inteligencia Artificial para eficientar los equipos de ventas, qué ventajas e inconvenientes tiene la IA como soporte en atención al cli…
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About Nicholas Donofrio: Nicholas "Nick" Donofrio is a distinguished American scientist and engineer with a career spanning 44 years at IBM. Joining the company in 1967, he ascended to the role of Executive Vice President of Innovation and Technology until his retirement in 2008, leaving an indelible mark on the technological landscape. Recognized …
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La inteligencia artificial está cambiando el panorama laboral, y a menudo nos preguntamos si esta nueva tecnología destruirá trabajo, cómo nos afectará en nuestra profesión y qué nuevas profesiones creará. En este episodio hablaremos de cómo está afectando la Inteligencia Artificial Generativa en el entorno laboral, cuáles son las profesiones más a…
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En este episodio hablamos de las Influencers creadas por Inteligencia Artificial. Con el auge de la IA generativa de imágenes y el perfeccionamiento de las imágenes conseguidas ha surgido una nueva tendencia: las influencers o modelos virtuales, creadas por inteligencia artificial. En marzo de 2023 la prensa se hizo eco de la que fue la primera mod…
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En este episodio contamos con un invitado de lujo: Henry Jiménez, fundador de EVOLUPEDIA, la mayor comunidad de inteligencia artificial en español. Con más de 40.000 suscriptores, Henry fundó hace sólo un año esta comunidad que es un punto de referencia para todo el que quiere aprender de IA. Henry nos cuenta cómo funciona la comunidad, (desvelando…
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En este episodio de Bit Digital hablamos sobre Inteligencia Artificial para generar imágenes. Explicaremos cuáles son las plataformas o IA generativas de imágenes que puedes utilizar para redes sociales, presentaciones o proyectos profesionales sencillos, y también qué IA usar si lo que necesitas son imágenes de mayor calidad y realismo para usar a…
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En este episodio de Bit Digital hablamos sobre los GPTs y la GPT Store, recién lanzada por Open AI. En el episodio descubriremos qué son los GPTs y cómo funciona la GPT Store, qué ventajas tiene un GPT frente a Chat GPT y compartiremos algunos ejemplos de GPTs que podemos utilizar en marketing y diseño gráfico.…
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La inteligencia artificial (IA) está revolucionando el mundo a un ritmo vertiginoso. En los últimos años, hemos sido testigos de un gran progreso en el desarrollo de la IA, con la aparición de nuevos modelos y tecnologías que prometen cambiar nuestra forma de vivir, trabajar y relacionarnos.En diciembre de 2023, Victoria Ballesta y Armand Montserra…
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About Jack Barsky: Jack Barsky has a captivating life story as an author, IT specialist, and former sleeper agent of the KGB. Born in Germany and dispatched to the USA by the KGB, he spent a decade spying for the Soviets before retiring and becoming a productive American citizen. His autobiography, "Deep Undercover," published in 2017, sheds light …
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About Don Marinelli: Don Marinelli, a co-founder of the Carnegie Mellon Entertainment Technology Center (ETC) alongside the late Randy Pausch, has a distinguished career spanning 31 years at Carnegie Mellon University. As a Professor of Drama and Arts Management, he played a pivotal role in establishing groundbreaking academic programs. His acclaim…
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About EJ Bodnar: EJ Bodnar is a Global CXO Marketing Leader at Nutanix, where he plays a pivotal role in guiding the company, a pioneer and industry leader in hyper-converged infrastructure, towards leadership in the hybrid multi-cloud space. With a rich background encompassing a 20-year tenure at HP, where he rose to the position of VP of Marketin…
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The digital world is disrupting our lives, our work and our entertainment. Each Tuesday, join Dr. Art Langer for conversations and interviews with people leading in the digital world. Whether you are a leader, educator, or parent trying to understand how to keep up with the quickly changing world of digital disruption, this show is for you.…
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The Dream VR exhibition launched on 22 January 2023, led by our Digital Curator, Dr. Isil Ezgi Çelik, with an Opening Talk with prestigious guests: Sharon Sliwinski, Assoc. Prof. University of Western Ontario, and Founder of the Museum of Dreams Marek Wojtaszek, Asst. Prof. University of Lodz Duane Rousselle, Asst. Prof. IITG Founder of Anarchist D…
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Dans cet épisode, nous avons invité la galeriste allemande Priska Pasquer qui se réinvente en précurseuse dans la VR/AR et les NFTs. IG: @priskapasquer | w: PriskaPasquer En 2017, la galerie Priska Pasquer a lancé la première exposition numérique intitulée Reset III and Virtual Reality. Sur base de ce succès, 10 expositions numériques supplémentair…
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In this episode, we invited the German gallerist Priska Pasquer who re-invents herself precursor in VR / AR and NFTs. IG: @priskapasquer | w: PriskaPasquer Back in 2017, Priska Pasquer Gallery launched the first digital exhibition called Reset III and Virtual Reality. Based on this success, 10 additional digital exhibitions followed in the gallery'…
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In this installation of the Digital Digest x AOS, Ace shares quick direct response marketing referencing, OUR pod's latest e-Book to QR code pivot, after realizing that our pod community project, needed a smart solution; since advertising measuring metrics are currently, changing with privacy restrictions. In this episode, we start the conversation…
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Residency Curator: Elizabeth Richardson Learn about this whimsical residency ►► here Join us for the Hubs Party on 19 July 2022, at 6 pm BST | 7 pm CEST Have you ever thought of knitting a love letter to yourself? Gertrūda Gilytė’s durational project: Neuroplasticity or I Love You Gertrūda, does just that. Gilytė merges knitting and TikTok-based vi…
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Let's kick-off Summer by getting a head start on the evergreen trend. Join our 30 Day eBook Challenge, let's connect and support one another with a simple and civil productivity challenge, we see "dance" challenges taking over Tik Tok and Instagram, so let's get in on the viral action with content and productivity!! Create your next lead magnet or …
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@MarcellaFranca.Arts is our #artistinresidence during the #womensmonth with the sumptuous project #TheFaceofTheRain, previously presented @sat_montreal More info ►► The Face of The Rain is an immersive dance performance that mixes live performance movements captured by …
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W21 is an open-source data feminist project that has received contributions from all around the world. W21 is an ongoing participatory art project focusing on post-feminism and intersectional practice in art, science, culture, and technology. We aim to map feminist practice and to write a collaborative manifesto for the digital era, with deep consi…
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For this #womensmonth, discover the artist residency project X-pop by @leahroh ►► More info What comes into your mind when you think about Oriental women? Are they smiley discreet yellow faces, are they K-pop chic or cynical like in the Squid Game series? In this work called X-pop, Leah Roh confronts the covert and overt racist depictions of East-A…
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Hosted by Bethan Carrick @bethanelericarrick Vanessa talks to Beth about DATEAGLE ART’s recent projects and discusses the everyday considerations that curators and gallerists go through to reach sustainable goals. Revealing how exhibition-making is not a simple path from artist to viewer, instead of being a constant mediation of multiple webs, Vane…
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In this installation Today's Pizza Shop Owner, Kwab Nkrumah shares his journey into entrepreneurship, his transparent story of how certain DC Programs for returning Citizens help set his trajectory for success. Spring is almost here, get in touch with Today's Pizza to create your team's fundraiser. This episode is true to the saying -- don't judge …
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In this first episode of Recentering series, we chat with Creative Producer, Kate Farrell and Assistant Producer, Willow Bowen, from York Mediale. Drawing on their national and international projects, Farrell and Bowen discuss how new media art allows them to explore humanity and nature, topics that are central to their organisation. York Mediale i…
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Hosted by Bethan Carrick @bethanelericarrick - the Podcast Recentering focuses on New Media Art, the cultural sector in the UK, and the environmental sustainability. More info ►► Agora Digital Art Hello and welcome. I'm Beth, your host for this new series called Recentering, which explores contemporary New Media Art through the lens of environmenta…
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In this installation of the Digital Digest x AOS, Ace chats with the local real estate favorite, Ellwood Reid, Founder and Owner of iRealty Real Estate Group. Ellwood is a United States Navy Veteran, and Real estate professional with over 15 years experience. We're talking about what it takes to be a successful Realtor, in Maryland. Ellwood shares …
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In this installation of the Digital Digest x AOS, we're talking to Braedon Jenkins, Washington, DC Native and Creative Director and Founder of Xlens Productions. A film production and editing company now serving the Atlanta metro. In this follow-up, we talk about his recent move to Georgia, working on book to film projects. And how you can secure h…
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In the latest installation of the Digital Digest x AOS, I'm speaking with Michelle Brown, Washington, DC Native and Howard University graduate, who's mobile and private luxe teeth whitening service, provides you the opportunity to get a smile assessment and FREE oral health exam. During our conversation Michelle breaks down the key benefits of havi…
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Raluca Moldoveanu and Alice Prum (Amiss Collective) talked with Isabella Helms about their residency project “honey, i’m home”); As the domestic landscape engages with objects in relation to social constructs, the Amiss proposal captures meanings within objects of the banal: mirrors and concepts of identity and vanity; laptops and notions of digita…
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Gabriela Reyes alias @CeroTres conversó con MiMi sobre su residencia en Ágora. 👉 Descubre su nuevo proyecto llamado “m o r e” mezclando nuestras emociones con su arte generativo abstracto monocromático y su sonido. Curada y moderada por Liz Richardson Visite la exposición de realidad virtual: más ►► Hubs Mozilla diseñados por @Metaxustudio Sobre el…
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Gabriela Reyes aka @CeroTres conversed with Liz Richardson @_Liz_Richardson about her Agora's Residency. 👉 Discover her new project called “m o r e” mixing our emotions with her monochrome abstract generative art and sound. Curated and Moderated by Liz Richardson Visit the VR Exhibition: m o r e ►► Hubs Mozilla designed by @Metaxustudio About the a…
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Are all proverbs always wise? Discover some extravagant thoughts about women with Turkish illustrator, Irem Çoban. Artist: Irem Çoban Project: Women in Proverbs Digital Curator: Isil Celik Wherever you are from and whichever language you speak, just think of a proverb that objectifies or disparages women. Most probably, you will come up with one, i…
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Atasözleri her zaman doğru mu söyler? Türk illüstratör İrem Çoban ile kadınlar hakkında yanlış bilinenleri keşfedin. Sanatçı: Irem Çoban Proje: Atasözlerinde Kadın - Women in Proverbs Dijital Küratör: Işıl Ezgi Çelik Nereden olursanız olun ve hangi dili konuşursanız konuşun, kadınları nesneleştiren veya küçük düşüren bir atasözü düşünün. Büyük olas…
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Listen to our #artpodcast and discover 🔥𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕽𝖎𝖘𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘🔥 featuring #motherartists Moderator and Curator: Isabella Helms More info ►► website Artists in the show: Julie Béna, Catherine Biocca, Ching Ching Cheng, Sofía Córdova, Julie Grosche, Faith Holland and Hildegard Holland Watter, Monika Horčicová, Rory Scott, Wednesday Kim and Fla…
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@JoshanneDar @joshanne conversed with @amielmimi about her Agora's Residency 👉 Discover her new project called “Homo ex Machina – now playable” mixing our awareness of virtual back to the physical Curated and Moderated by Amiel Maucade About the artist Joshanne Dar (b. 1996) is an Asian-Australian artist; her practice merges art direction, filmmaki…
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In this Agora, we learned more about the importance of certification and creative authenticity for digital artists. Vinciane Jones spoke about how Verisart empowers artists to tell the story of their work and enables trusted transactions by giving collectors confidence in the identity of the artists. Vinciane Jones, Head of Community at Verisart, t…
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Immerse yourself in the Metaverse In this Agora Talk, discover the advantages of social VR in Mozilla Hubs with Dr P-F Gérard from Metaxu.Studio More Info ►► Talk Page The VR expert will share a quick history of virtual reality technology and give us a personal guided tour in Mozilla Hubs. Curator and Moderator: Isabella Helms Apologies for the ech…
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More Info ►► Talk Page Alice Scope, the founder of Cultural Policy, shared her experience of virtual world creation and the construction of detailed identities in 3D characters. She illustrated how to apply personal experience to public projects, the process from inception to the exhibition of her two latest art projects (Webtaura and Posthuman Isl…
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