An independent daily global news hour, anchored by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González, broadcast weekdays on 1,400+ radio and TV stations. Livestream the show weekdays from 8AM to 9AM ET at
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Democracy Now! is an independent daily TV & radio news program, hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. We provide daily global news headlines, in-depth interviews and investigative reports without any advertisements or government funding. Our programming shines a spotlight on corporate and government abuses of power and lifts up the stories of ordinary people working to make change in extraordinary times. Democracy Now! is live weekdays at 8am ET and available 24/ ...
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Weekly podcast from Democracy Docket going over the top voting rights, elections and democracy news.
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Servicio diario de noticias de radio y TV presentado por Amy Goodman y Juan Gonzalez y transmitido en mas de 1,000 emisoras, conformando así la red más amplia de medios comunitarios de los Estados Unidos.
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Wild Wild Web erzählt Geschichten aus dem Internet. Mal Wissenschaft, mal Tech, mal Investigativ-Recherche und mal Tier-Doku. Die Hosts Janne Knödler und André Dér-Hörmeyer nehmen euch mit in ein Gefängnis, suchen die Band hinter dem mysteriösesten Song im Internet und fragen sich, ob Hunde sprechen können. In dieser Staffel treffen wir einen Hacker, der in einen der größten deutschen Cyberkrimis reinstolpert und gründet. Und wir entdecken, was die Memes und Internet-Rätsel über uns ...
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I make podfics/narrate fanfictions from Ao3. Mostly gay fanfiction, and 18+ Hope you enjoy! I'm on all the platforms under the same name, check them out!
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Democracy Mao is an Asian podcast about culture, politics, and history. Comedians Wilfred Padua, Jeff Scheen, and Garri Madera dissect the past, present, and future of Asian culture. Warning: they’re all stupid, so don’t take what they seriously.
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Northern Ireland’s history and politics offer a blueprint for how the US can implement a better electoral system, especially in the wake of rising polarization and political violence. Developed in partnership with Larj Media and More Equitable Democracy.
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Democracy at Work Persian
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Stories from ancient China, and whatever else comes to mind.
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L'émission la plus raciste de sphère francophone
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El programa de maquetas y bandas emergentes de Radio 3
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democracy-ish is a bold and unfiltered political podcast dedicated to defending democracy and maintaining your sanity in an era where both are under attack. Hosted by outspoken political commentators Danielle Moodie and Wajahat Ali, this podcast exposes the dangerous forces of white supremacy and ignorance that threaten our nation's future. For too long, America's political landscape has been dominated by a white-centric narrative, ignoring the true diversity of our multiracial society. Dani ...
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Reportagen aus der Welt der Kirchen und Religionen. Lebensfragen, Ethik, Theologie.
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An ongoing discussion with activists, advocates, political operatives, candidates and others about the state of democracy in the U.S., the threats to its future and how we can fight back to preserve our nation.
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Join the LSAT Demon team Tuesday through Sunday as they discuss a broad range of topics related to the LSAT and law school admissions. Listen on your way to work and kickstart your daily study routine. Questions? Email Learn more at
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Dem Tod auf der Spur - Der True Crime-Podcast Erleben Sie spannende und tiefgründige Einblicke in die Welt der Kriminalistik mit "Dem Tod auf der Spur - Die Jagd nach dem Täter" vom Hamburger Abendblatt. Jede Folge wird moderiert von Deutschlands bekanntestem Gerichtsmediziner, Prof. Klaus Püschel, und unserer erfahrenen Gerichtsreporterin Bettina Mittelacher. Was erwartet Sie? Neue Fälle alle 14 Tage: Tauchen Sie ein in komplexe Mordermittlungen, grausame Verbrechen, und die Welt der Serien ...
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Democracy Now! is an independent daily TV & radio news program, hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. We provide daily global news headlines, in-depth interviews and investigative reports without any advertisements or government funding. Our programming shines a spotlight on corporate and government abuses of power and lifts up the stories of ordinary people working to make change in extraordinary times. Democracy Now! is live weekdays at 8am ET and available 24/ ...
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Dating, engaged and married objectives from a young Christian perspective! I'm Monique Simmons the host of DEMO with Mo. I started this podcast to give a space for people who have a desire to do relationships well and to hear authentic conversations about the struggles we all face.
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A casual look about all things Liberal Democrat in the weird and wonderfully sandalled world of LibDem Land. Started by Richard Kemp & John Potter but with guests from everywhere. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @libdempod
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A fan-made podcast dedicated to discussing Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, as well as a broad range of anime and manga through our podcast network! Affiliated with and .
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Hier findest du alle Predigten aus dem CZM
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Dem Black Mamas answers all the questions yo mama won't! From sex & dream catching to adulting & raising free Black children in an unfree world, three #BlackMamaCreatives Crystal Tennille Irby, NeKisha Killings, & Thea Monyee, give you all the #BlackMamaMagic your heart can hold while pursuing their own creative dreams.
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Power 3.0 | Authoritarian Resurgence, Democratic Resilience
International Forum for Democratic Studies
Explore cutting-edge research and ideas about authoritarian resurgence, democratic resilience, and other emergent trends in democracy studies.
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The Crusty Demons Creators bring you the Crusty Demons Podcast. In this feed we have two different types of podcasts. 1. The Crusty Demons Podcast: Interviews with Freestyle Motocross riders, Athletes in other action sports, Film makers and Celebrities. 2. The Vault of Chaos: The Raw Unseen footage you love already Commented on by Jon Freeman and Dana Nicholson plus a rider or two. Hope you enjoy!
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Montag bis Freitag. Aktuell und informativ. Wirtschaftsthemen als Radiobeiträge in knapp drei Minuten unterhaltsam aufbereitet. Kontakt:
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Democracy in Focus is a new program from New Narratives and Front Page Africa looking at Liberia's governance and democracy. It's a collaboration with reporters from some of Liberia's best reporters with the New Narratives program. Funding is provided by the Swedish and US embassies and the American Jewish World Service. The funders had no say in the program's content.
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Songs about current events and human values.
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The future of democracy is uncertain, but we are committed to its urgent renewal today. This podcast will draw on historical knowledge to inspire a contemporary democratic renaissance. The past offers hope for the present and the future, if only we can escape the negativity of our current moment — and each show will offer a serious way to do that! This podcast will bring together thoughtful voices from different generations to help make sense of current challenges and propose positive steps ...
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Näher dran geht kaum. Gerichtsreporterin Cornelia Hartmann ist seit Jahrzehnten in den Thüringer Gerichten unterwegs. In diesem Podcast erzählt sie, was täglich vor der Richterbank abgeht. Das sind nicht nur spektakuläre Fälle, denn der Alltag sieht anders aus! Bei jedem der bespochenen Fälle war sie selbst mit dabei und hat Zeugen, Täter, Anwälte und Opfer beobachtet.
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The Democracy Works podcast seeks to answer that question by examining a different aspect of democratic life each week — from voting to criminal justice to the free press and everything in between. We interview experts who study democracy, as well as people who are out there doing the hard work of democracy day in and day out. The show’s name comes from Pennsylvania’s long tradition of iron and steel works — people coming together to build things greater than the sum of their parts. We belie ...
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Geschichten aus dem Altbau ist der Gruselpodcast mit dem X-Factor! Jeden zweiten Freitag erzählen sich Christoph und Josch in einem Altbremer Haus Geschichten. Geschichten, die es in sich haben. Es geht um Grusel, Horror und mysteriöse Vorkommnisse. Das Besondere dabei ist: Die beiden wissen nicht, ob an den Spukgeschichten etwas Wahres dran oder alles nur frei erfunden ist. Beide hören zum ersten Mal gemeinsam mit ihren Zuhörenden die Geschichte des jeweils anderen. Dran bleiben lohnt sich, ...
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Would you like to know more about the backgrounds and histories behind today's news? Subscribe to to find out the whys of where we are. Also interviews with authors of new non-fiction books. From a left perspective. Entertaining and educational twice weekly one hour shows since 2004.
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Best of the Left - Leftist Perspectives on Progressive Politics, News, Culture, Economics and Democracy
Expertly-curated progressive politics, news, and culture produced by leftist humans, not algorithms or AI. This is an award-winning podcast that dives deeply into a wide range of national and international issues facing society and governments. We draw from hundreds of sources of progressive news and commentary. Est. 2006. Save time by listening to a range of perspectives on a focused topic in each episode and be introduced to new sources you will not have come across on your own!
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„Dem-Schmerz-Gewachsen” mit Anästhesist und Schmerztherapeut Robert Bonnemann ist Ihr Podcast rund um spezielle Schmerztherapie und Schmerzmedizin. Wir beleuchten aktuelle Forschung, teilen Praxiserfahrungen und erkunden alternative Heilmethoden. Entdecken Sie mit uns ganzheitliche Ansätze zur Bewältigung chronischer Schmerzen – für Betroffene und Interessierte.
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Der Rückblick auf die Anfangsjahre der Schweizer Radiohitparade, gespickt mit Wettbewerben, Trouvaillen und Anekdoten von Ralph Wicki, Musikexperte.
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LEADERSHIP für Unternehmer. Authentisch, real and raw. Denn nur die Leadership-Fähigkeiten eines Unternehmers entscheiden über Erfolg oder Untergang des Unternehmens. Hier erfährst Du was Leader (und somit auch Unternehmer) erfolgreich macht – und was nicht. Hier erfährst Du, was Dich als Mensch erfolgreich macht. Leadership ist die Lösung!
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In zwei Staffeln erwarten Sie spannende Gespräche mit inspirierenden Persönlichkeiten aus der HR-Welt. Unsere Gäste - echte Expertinnen und Experten auf ihrem Gebiet - teilen wertvolle Erfahrungen, ordnen aktuelle Trends ein und geben praxisnahe Tipps, von denen Sie im Personalwesen profitieren können. Von Recruiting über Mitarbeiterbindung bis hin zu Leadership und aktuellen Entwicklungen in der Arbeitswelt - jede Episode bietet neue Perspektiven für Ihren HR-Alltag. Jetzt reinhören!
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This is On The Frontlines of Democracy, a podcast about the challenges facing democracies around the world
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Welcome to Demon Babie, the podcast where we talk about all things culture, relationships, and living our best lives in the city of angels, Los Angeles. Hosted by the dynamic duo, Joey and Emma, who bring you their hot takes on the latest happenings in the media, as well as stories from their wild nights out in West Hollywood. With Emma's unique perspective as a bisexual woman and their 10-year-strong relationship, the two offer a fresh and fun take on love and life. Join us for some laughte ...
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These short top tips and skills for the Amazon Echo are for everyone who’s simply dotty about Alexa. Your host is Robin Christopherson - with frequent appearances by Shaun Preece and other friends.
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What can YOU as US citizen do to preserve Democracy? We talk to YOU to hear about your ideas, your thoughts and your proposals. The US is a democracy in development - and YOU are a part of it! WE Inform! WE Motivate! WE Kick YOUR Butt to READ, THINK and VOTE! Host: Cornelia Gyura
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Für SR 3 Saarlandwelle unterhält sich Uwe Jäger mit spannenden Gästen über alles, was direkt "Aus dem Leben" kommt. Das Besondere dabei ist, dass er Zeit für das Gespräch mit seinen Gästen hat und in die Tiefe gehen kann.
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Nachgefragt. Das aktuelle Gespräch - Mit Volker Jung: Wie blicken Sie zurück auf Ihre Zeit als Kirchenpräsident?
16 Jahre lang stand Volker Jung an der Spitze der Evangelischen Kirchen in Hessen und Nassau. Zum Jahresende geht er in den Ruhestand. Seine Amtszeit ist durch große Umwälzungsprozesse gekennzeichnet, kirchlich und gesellschaftlich.Die hr-Religionsredakteure Klaus Hofmeister und Lothar Bauerochse blicken mit Volker Jung zurück auf seine Zeit als Ki…
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Rechtsanwalt angeklagt: Wie er im Prozess (fast) bühnenreif vom Stuhl rutschte
Ein Anwalt am Rande des Abgrunds. Millionenbeträge, verschwunden im Nichts. Ein Spiel mit dem Gesetz, das fast perfekt funktioniert hätte. Doch dann kam alles anders... Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der großen Betrügereien und erleben Sie hautnah, wie ein Mann versucht, sein dunkles Geheimnis zu verbergen. #TrueCrime #Podcast #Betrug #Justiz #Skandal…
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Folge 126 - Geschichten aus dem Altbau Time Code zum Beginn der neuen Geschichten Falls ihr Folge 125 "Fingerspitzengefühl und Unglückspilz" noch nicht gehört habt, dann springt zu 27:32 denn ab da geht es direkt los mit den neuen Geschichten aus Folge 126 und ihr überspringt die Auflösung der vorherigen Folge! ACHTUNG SPOILER - AUFLÖSUNG VON FOLGE…
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#11 Marv muss anrufen - präsentiert von Telehopia
Wild Wild Web empfiehlt: Telephobia. Wir arbeiten schon an neuen Folgen für euch. Um euch die Wartezeit zu verkürzen, haben wir diese Woche eine Episode aus einem unserer Lieblingspodcasts für euch: "Telephobia- Dieser eine Anruf". Darin hilft Lea Utz euch bei schwierigen Anrufen. Zum Beispiel auch Marv. Der war mal ein bisschen berühmt, und will e…
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Elton John mit "Nikita" und Sandra mit "In The Heat Of The Night" bleiben in dieser Woche unverändert auf den beiden Top-Positionen.Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF) による
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Hope and Optimism - The Green Book Series (Episode 267)
Episode 267 In our last episode before Christmas our panel discuss where liberals can find hope and optimism in the current political climate. This is part of the Green Book series and features Layla Moran MP, Baroness Lynne Featherstone, Professor Timothy Garton Ash and Chris Bowers. Keep up to date with the LibDem Podcast on Instagram, Facebook &…
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2025 wird noch viel härter für die deutsche Wirtschaft werden als 2024.Darum ist es wichtiger denn je für jeden Unternehmer, sich auf das enorme Potential im eigenen Unternehmen zu fokussieren und das finanzielle Ausbluten zu stoppen.Jeder Unternehmer, der 2025 nicht die Themen Leadership und Unternehmenskultur priorisiert, wird das bitter bereuen.…
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Karin Mayer による
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Die aktuellen Wirtschaftsnachrichten mit Michael Weyland Thema heute: Brandgefährliche Weihnachtsromantik: Gut versichert durch die Festtage Ob Adventskranz oder Weihnachtsbaum – zur besinnlichen Jahreszeit holen sich viele Menschen wahre Brandbeschleuniger ins Haus. „Fängt die Weihnachtsdekoration Feuer, ist nicht garantiert, dass Versicherer komp…
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Diagnose CFS/ME - Eine Herausforderung für Patient und Arzt
In dieser Episode erfahren Sie, warum die Diagnosestellung von CFS/ME so herausfordernd ist, welche Kriterien dabei eine Rolle spielen und wie einfühlsame Betreuung entscheidend sein kann. Lernen Sie, weshalb eine genaue Diagnose der erste Schritt zu effektiver Unterstützung ist, um den Alltag trotz chronischer Erschöpfung besser meistern zu können…
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Vor mehr als 20 Jahren wird eine Frau eiskalt erschossen. Von den Tätern fehlt lange jede Spur. Wie die Ermittler den Tätern doch auf die Schliche gekommen ist, erzählen Ihnen MDR THÜRINGEN-Gerichtsreporterin Conny Hartmann und Reporter Oliver Gussor. Mehr zum Prozess und zum Urteil lesen Sie unter diesem Link.…
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Wir sprechen mit Bastian Mahmoodi, Gründer und CEO der VISABEE GmbH, über das spannende Thema „Fachkräftegewinnung aus dem Ausland“. Was sind die Schlüsselfaktoren bei der Rekrutierung internationaler Fachkräfte? Wie gestaltet sich der Rekrutierungsprozess im Detail? Antworten auf spannende Fragen wie diese gibt’s in dieser Folge!…
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Ein (zweites) Kind ist uns geboren | Elli Pour
Gott wurde Mensch und schon bald feiern wir seine Geburt! An diesem kommenden Sonntag jedoch wollen wir unseren Blick auf eine andere Geburt werfen und erkennen, was sie mit uns ganz persönlich zu tun hat.CZM München による
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Dear Mama, What if I told you I didn’t think I had the words for the intro of this episode because we recorded it before the election, and after November 5th, joy was THE LAST THING I wanted to talk about? I wish I could say thinking of our ancestors pulled me through, but the truth is reaching forward in time helped me more than reaching back, and…
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Law School Internship Opportunities (Ep. 1002)
Matt and Erik discuss the process of pursuing judicial internships during law school. Read more on our website! Email with questions or comments. Watch this episode on YouTube.
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Fred is recovering from surgery but we thought we would run this recent show that was overlooked with all of the excitement of the Tyson-Paul fight. Fred took a look then at how Democrats can do a better job of getting their messages to more Americans and why that’s important as we face 31 states holding local and state elections next year. Looking…
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Column — “Christ is Still in the Rubble”: No Silent Nights in Gaza this Christmas Amidst Ongoing Israeli Bombardment
By Amy Goodman & Denis MoynihanChristmas marks the birth of Jesus of Nazareth over 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem, Palestine, in what is now the Israeli Occupied West Bank. The occasion is both solemn and celebratory. The Church of the Nativity now stands on the site considered to be Jesus’ birthplace, in an animal stable, where the newborn is believ…
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Democracy Now! is a daily independent news hour hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. Visit to watch and listen to the latest interviews, read through show transcripts, search the vast news archive or to make a donation to support our nonprofit news program. Livestream weekdays 8 a.m. ET.…
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Last covered nearly 1000 episodes ago, we're steering away from the conventional meaning of Boxing Day today. Zap! Pow! Blatt! Kapow! Those would be the sound effects in this skill if your opponent were any of the evil villains in Batman. As it is, however, they're more your normal boxing noises that punctuate this pugilistic skill that surely pull…
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Democracy Now! 2024-12-26 Thursday Headlines for December 26, 2024 Meet State Dept. Official Michael Casey, Who Resigned over Gaza After U.S. Ignored Israeli Abuses Back in Syria After Exile, BBC Reporter Lina Sinjab on "Joy" & Calls for Prosecution, Reconciliation 3,100+ Indigenous Students Died at U.S. "Boarding Schools": WaPo Native American Jou…
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Democracy Now! 2024-12-26 jueves Headlines for December 26, 2024 Hablamos con Michael Casey, funcionario del Departamento de Estado que renunció en oposición a la decisión del Gobierno de EE.UU. de ignorar los crímenes de guerra Israelíes en Gaza La reportera de la BBC Lina Sinjab cuenta cómo es estar de vuelta en Siria después del exilio; la “aleg…
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Democracy Now! 2024-12-26 Thursday Headlines for December 26, 2024 Meet State Dept. Official Michael Casey, Who Resigned over Gaza After U.S. Ignored Israeli Abuses Back in Syria After Exile, BBC Reporter Lina Sinjab on "Joy" & Calls for Prosecution, Reconciliation 3,100+ Indigenous Students Died at U.S. "Boarding Schools": WaPo Native American Jou…
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Wei Yuan, the 19th century mandarin and geographer who taught the Chinese to open their eyes to the outside world. Support the showWilliam Han による
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Nathan and Erik outline steps for dealing with difficult vocabulary on the LSAT. Read more on our website! Email with questions or comments. Watch this episode on YouTube.
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Democracy Now! is a daily independent news hour hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. Visit to watch and listen to the latest interviews, read through show transcripts, search the vast news archive or to make a donation to support our nonprofit news program. Livestream weekdays 8 a.m. ET.…
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A nice selection of simple games to spice up the day itself 🎁🎅🎄 Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️ 👍 Do tell your friends, leave us a review on iTunes (ok, 🍏 Podcasts) or follow us on Twitter with #DTDPodYou can also support the show with a tap at - please consider doing so and become an offi…
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On The First Day Of Christmas... [A Drarry Podfic] Chapter 13
Spotify comments are jank as hell, so if you want me to see something DESPERATELY, join my Discord server or send me an Instagram DM! Please enjoy, this was a blast! Summary: Harry receives a gift. Of a partridge. From Lucius Malfoy. Who's just been released from Azkaban. There's only one thing for it. He's going to have to ask Draco Malfoy what th…
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Democracy Now! 2024-12-25 Wednesday A Tribute to Blacklisted Lyricist Yip Harburg: The Man Who Put the Rainbow in The Wizard of Oz Download this show
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Democracy Now! 2024-12-25 Wednesday A Tribute to Blacklisted Lyricist Yip Harburg: The Man Who Put the Rainbow in The Wizard of Oz Download this show
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#1566 Wrestling with Ethical Consumption Under Capitalism (Throwback)
Original Air Date: 6/13/2023 Today, we take a look at the struggle to act ethically, at least by our own measure if there's not a universally-agreed standard to compare with, relating to the purchase of both the necessities of life we all need as well as the more luxury items that get added on top. Be part of the show! Leave us a message or text at…
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Ben and Nathan reflect on the history of LSAT Demon, their podcasts, and their friendship. Read more on our website! Email with questions or comments. Watch this episode on YouTube.
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فلسطین بیشتر از صد سال است که موضوع مناقشه در خاورمیانه و در جهان و اشغال آن توسط صهیونیستها به مثابه مورد متاخر مهاجر/استعمارگری درخور بررسی و نگاه دقیق است که هر چه از نقطه شروع این مناقشه دورتر میشویم بیشتر در زیر غبار تاریخ و دروغهای تاریخی لابی صهیونیسم و فرقه حمایت کننده از اسرائیل در جهان مدفون میشود. این پروژه فراموش کردن مسئله فلسطین و…
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Democracy Now! is a daily independent news hour hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. Visit to watch and listen to the latest interviews, read through show transcripts, search the vast news archive or to make a donation to support our nonprofit news program. Livestream weekdays 8 a.m. ET.…
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Help! Santa's trapped in an infeasibly large bewitched soap bubble and we need to do all the usual escape room type activities to get him out. Please help save Christmas! 🎅 Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️ 👍 Do tell your friends, leave us a review on iTunes (ok, 🍏 Podcasts) or follow us on Twitter with #DTDPodYou c…
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Democracy Now! 2024-12-24 Tuesday Headlines for December 24, 2024 "Conscience into Action": Biden Commutes 37 Federal Death Row Sentences Ahead of Trump's Second Term Gaetz-Gate: House Ethics Report on Former Florida Rep. Details Statutory Rape, Drug Use, Corruption Kurds Under Threat in Syria as Turkey Launches Attacks and Kills Journalists After …
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Democracy Now! 2024-12-24 Tuesday Headlines for December 24, 2024 "Conscience into Action": Biden Commutes 37 Federal Death Row Sentences Ahead of Trump's Second Term Gaetz-Gate: House Ethics Report on Former Florida Rep. Details Statutory Rape, Drug Use, Corruption Kurds Under Threat in Syria as Turkey Launches Attacks and Kills Journalists After …
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Ep 11: 20 topics in 20 minutes, Xmas Eve Edition
Episode 11 of Demon Babie is here just in time for Christmas Eve! Joey and Emma unwrap their favorite holiday movies, share festive traditions, and sprinkle in their signature Demon Babie twist. Cozy up with some hot cocoa (or spiked eggnog) and tune in for all the holiday vibes and laughs! 🎄🎁🎙️✨ Disclaimer: Joey messed up the mics this time, but w…
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Democracy Now! 2024-12-24 martes Headlines for December 24, 2024 "Llevar la conciencia a la acción": Biden conmuta 37 condenas a muerte semanas antes de que Trump vuelva a la presidencia de EE.UU. El escándalo Gaetz: el informe del Comité de Ética de la Cámara de Representantes sobre el exlegislador por Florida expone sus delitos de estupro, uso de…
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From 153 to 173: Cassandra's LSAT Success Story (Ep. 999)
LSAT Demon student Cassandra joins Erik to share her LSAT success story. Read more on our website! Email with questions or comments. Watch this episode on YouTube.
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Weihnachtsessen und Eiskalte Augen | Weihnachtsspecial
Geschichten aus dem Altbau Weihnachtsspecial 2024 Frohe Weihnachten und ein paar schöne Feiertage!Auch in diesem Jahr legen wir euch mal wieder eine weitere Kleinigkeit unter den Baum und wünschen euch hiermit ein schaurig schönes Weihnachtsfest! Diese zwei Geschichten waren, genau wie die Weihnachtsgeschichten im letzten Jahr, ein Jahr lang exklus…
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Democracy Now! is a daily independent news hour hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. Visit to watch and listen to the latest interviews, read through show transcripts, search the vast news archive or to make a donation to support our nonprofit news program. Livestream weekdays 8 a.m. ET.…
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Christmas Truce of WWI: Not So Isolated, Really
You’ve probably heard of the famous Christmas Truce of 1914 between the trenches of the British and German soldiers. These were indeed brave men. But that was not the only such event: there were desertions, mutinies, and fraternizations. The post Christmas Truce of WWI: Not So Isolated, Really appeared first on KDA Keeping Democracy Alive Podcast &…
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Shaun's back today with some stunning Santa-related banter 🎅 Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️ 👍 Do tell your friends, leave us a review on iTunes (ok, 🍏 Podcasts) or follow us on Twitter with #DTDPodYou can also support the show with a tap at - please consider doing so and become an officia…
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On The First Day Of Christmas... [A Drarry Podfic] Chapter 12
Spotify comments are jank as hell, so if you want me to see something DESPERATELY, join my Discord server or send me an Instagram DM! Please enjoy, this was a blast! Summary: Harry receives a gift. Of a partridge. From Lucius Malfoy. Who's just been released from Azkaban. There's only one thing for it. He's going to have to ask Draco Malfoy what th…
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ARD-Reihe „Besondere Zeiten“: Kino im Kopf – Die Kraft des Träumens
In der jüdisch-christlichen und muslimischen Religion gelten Träume als eine Offenbarung Gottes. Tagträume hingegen sind oft negativ behaftet. So fragen sich manche Gläubige, ob das ziellose Gedanken-fließen-lassen, das mitunter wie Faulenzen wirkt, nicht Sünde sei. Ganz anders betrachtet die Wissenschaft das Tagträumen. Spontane Assoziationen und …
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Bonus Edition #331 - The Realignment Will Make You Seasick
LOOKING FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS? Air Date: 12-23-24 Today, Jay!, Amanda, and Deon (Erin was again missed) discuss: - The Realignment of the right-wing toward economic populism and government programs - The need for a different kind of government efficiency than DOGE is offering - The future of the left working to fix government …
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