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We've had almost a full week of sunshine and I LOVE IT! The days are warmer, the sky is bluer, and the daffodils are blooming. Everywhere I look, there are signs of new growth. Spring is springing! Which reminds me... the clock 'springs forward' this Saturday as Daylight Saving Time begins. We would hate to miss worshipping with you... so adjust yo…
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I love to travel! I enjoy seeing new places, meeting new people, and riding new rollercoasters. I don't know if the Apostle Paul necessarily enjoyed traveling - it was definitely a more arduous endeavor then than it is for us today. But I'm sure he knew a thing or two about what it takes to prepare for a long journey and the importance of planning …
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Talk to any school teacher and they will confirm that the final stretch of the school year, between Spring Break and the early part of June is HARD! Add in bright sunshine and warm temperatures, and the chance of getting students to focus on learning is zero to none. The goal is in sight, the school year is almost over, but the distractions are ove…
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To put down roots means to settle in, to become fixed or established, to reside or dwell deeply, to create a sense of 'home'. There are tremendous benefits to deep roots. Plants that are deeply rooted have better access to water, oxygen and nutrition; they contribute more to the health of the environment around them, they endure drought or stress b…
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Do you have siblings? I'm the oldest of four. And like most brothers and sisters, we had our share of squabbles. But at the end of the day, no matter what - and there was plenty of 'what' to get annoyed or frustrated about - we were family. And family sticks together. As we grew up, we all took different paths. We had different interests, skills, d…
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I assume you woke up this morning. That wherever you are, the sun came up again. That there is air in your lungs. And that you can see to read these words. Do any of these things surprise you at all? Probably not. They happen without any effort on your part. The very fact that they are predictable and ordinary has stripped away the wonder we should…
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It's one of the least likely places in the world for Christianity to flourish. Talking openly about Jesus there can cost you your freedom, perhaps even your life... Ghazal, an Iranian convert to Christianity shared her story with an online Christian magazine. She wrote, "I am speaking on behalf of millions of Iranians who live in the Islamic Republ…
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Imagine with me for a minute… it’s the 9th inning of a do-or-die Major League Baseball playoff game. You’re warming up in the on-deck circle; stretching, jumping around to get the blood flowing, and swinging a bat for all it’s worth. You are hyped and ready to go. There are already runners at first and second, when the batter just ahead of you smac…
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We’ve come to the end of another year. Is it just me, or are our trips around the sun getting faster? Before we get swallowed up in the pace of a new season, I think it would be helpful to hit the ‘pause’ button, just for a moment. The Bible tells us more than 200 times to remember… most often referring to remembering God and His work on our behalf…
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Join us this Christmas Eve for a Night of Wonder, where we’ll journey together through the story of Jesus' birth, exploring the mystery and beauty of the Bethlehem star. This special evening combines tradition and inspiration, featuring scripture readings, reflections on the miraculous signs surrounding Jesus’ arrival, and time to pause and celebra…
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Have you ever been part of starting something new? Like a new business venture or launching a non-profit organization; maybe starting a new program within your company, or taking a risk and opening your home to host a Bible study for your neighbors. With every new venture there are tasks that need to be done, to-do lists that need to be conquered, …
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While the Greek word “ekklesia” is mistranslated as “church” in many Bibles, the word actually means “group” or “gathering.” Christianity has always been a movement; local groups of people who are committed to becoming like Jesus, learning to live daily life with the posture of Jesus; a little more today than yesterday, a little more tomorrow than …
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God’s grace to us is an invitation to be amazing. It’s our chance to extend to others what God has freely extended to us. But while most of us are full of something . . . it’s usually not grace. So what are you full of? And what would it take for you to give someone what they don’t expect? Or deserve? ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR N…
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The kingdom of God is characterized by unsettling generosity—the kind of generosity that gives the undeserving what they don’t deserve and, regardless of how unright we’ve been, makes us right with God. So what do we do when we’re faced with this “math” that doesn’t add up? And how do we respond to this unfair, unsettling system that Jesus came to …
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There is an unsettling solution for just about everything, and we can sum it up in one word—grace. It’s the undeserved, unearned, unearnable favor that Jesus came to offer us. So why wouldn’t we want Christianity to be true? And where should you start if grace was never part of the equation for you? ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEX…
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We are wrapping up our study of 2 Corinthians this Sunday. As we come to the end of Paul's letter, we find him boldly declaring what an authentic following-Jesus-way-of-life looks like and challenging his readers to evaluate whether the truth of the gospel has transformed their lives, or if they're still stuck in old patterns of sin. It was an urge…
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Have you ever had someone unfairly criticize you? Or maybe misrepresent you? Maybe even flat out lie about you? How did you react? Did you sling some accusations of your own? Let it go? Ignore it? Or just boldly declare that it doesn't matter what anybody else says or thinks? Except the truth is, it does. It matters because as followers of Jesus, w…
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It's giving season again. The holidays are on the horizon and your email inbox and regular mailbox are most likely stuffed with catalogs, advertisements, and special offers for all the newest, hottest, most-wanted Christmas gizmos and gadgets of the year. What's the best gift you've ever received? I love to give gifts that are significant or meanin…
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Freedom... it's a concept that we cherish in our country. But not everyone thinks about freedom the same way. Some think of freedom in terms of what they are released FROM; things like obligations or limitations. Others look at freedom in light of they are released FOR - a purpose, calling or passion. As followers of Jesus, we are both... free from…
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Actions speak louder than words. We've all heard that before. And we would probably all agree... in theory. But it's a lot easier to talk the talk, than it is to walk the walk. As we continue in our study of 2 Corinthians this week, we find the Apostle Paul emphasizing the importance of using what we've been given - our fragile, earthly bodies - to…
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We are often tempted to view ourselves through the lens of what is wrong, broken, or inadequate. When life presses us, we naturally focus on our limitations—our human fragility. But Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 3 and 4 turn that thinking on its head. He speaks to a reality that is as radical as it is liberating: God’s glory is most powerfully reve…
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What's your favorite smell? Most people would agree that there are certain things that smell good... freshly baked cookies, clean laundry, and bacon on my plate. And there are other things that definitely do NOT smell good... diesel exhaust, skunk spray, and the bedrooms of teenage boys. But there are also things that smell good to some people and …
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As I sit in my office this afternoon, it is 65° in our corner of the northwest; the skies are blue, the breeze is calm. The only debris in our parking lot is from the fall leaves that are starting to drop. But in the southeast corner of our country, things are very different. A couple weeks ago, Hurricane Helene wreaked havoc as she tore her way ac…
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I've had the privilege of traveling by air quite a bit in my life. Along the way, I've experienced the variety of accommodations that various airlines provide. Domestically, flying with Delta is always my preference. And flying Comfort+ (or better) is definitely worth the extra expense. But airlines in other countries don't always offer the same up…
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Are you a go-until-your-gas-light-comes-on kind of driver or do you head for your favorite gas station when you're at about a quarter of a tank? Or maybe you're like me, and prefer to fill up when you hit the half-tank mark. Whatever your habit for filling your tank, imagine what it would be like if you pulled up to the pump and only put in .08¢ wo…
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Elijah was one of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament. Yet even he wasn’t immune from the effects of burnout. As he reached the desert, he was literally running on empty. Physically, emotionally and spiritually spent. Done. If you’ve ever felt like Elijah, you understand the overwhelming, hopeless feeling that comes when you’re ready to give…
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Your car might have a leak in the radiator, or maybe the engine is leaking oil, or the power steering fluid is seeping out somewhere. For those things, there are Stop-Leak products that can be helpful - at least for a bit. A leaky tire can be remedied with a can of Fix-a-Flat or FlatOut... it'll at least get you to the nearest Les Schwab. These pro…
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Have you ever noticed how many stories in the Bible are about emptiness and how God fills it? In every instance of emptiness, when all had been poured out, used up, exhausted, depleted… God stepped in bringing fullness, light, hope, and joy. And not just a little bit… but abundant, overflowing, unimaginable fullness and delight. Are you running on …
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