Welcome to "A Couch Divided Podcast" where secular psychology meets a Christian worldview. Hosted by Dr. Robyn Hall, PsyD (Doctor of Clinical Psychology) and Nick Thomas (Nouthetic Counselor and Behavioral Health student), this podcast aims to provide a useful, Christ-centered discourse on 'all things' mental health-related.
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Nick and Robyn discuss the "so what should Christians think about all this hypnosis stuff?"Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Hey Guys! We're back with Part 2 of our series on the Psychology of Hypnosis! We hope you enjoyed Part 1 and learning all about the history of hypnosis and some of the "fields" major players. In Part 2 we cover the Neurobiology involved in Hypnosis and talk about some of the major research studies that have been done in the area. For those of you n…
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We're Back!!!! And we missed, you guys! The couch has been cold without you and we can't wait to launch all of us full throttle into this "Part Two" of Season 4. We have some truly neat episodes to share with y'all over the next few months starting with our 3 Episode Series on the Psychology of Hypnosis! We lay out a pretty cool foundation in part …
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Hey Guys, Please enjoy this special episode of On the Couch that we are releasing across all platforms! ACD has some exciting updates and is closing out the first part of Season 4! We will be back for part 2 starting September 5th, and for those of you who are Patreon supports, you will have early access beginning August 1st! We have some really aw…
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That it we are breaking up!!! It's been fun but please dont blame yourself, its us not you.okay...we are not really breaking up but we are talking about break ups and specifically our interrelationships. Do Christians break up? How should we think about breaking up? How do you go about it when you do?…
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Nick and Robyn talk about the proper term of descronsuction and how its used today. They speak of the heresy of descunstrtion but also remind everybody how deconstructing might be necessary if you already have bad theology.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Nick and Robyn talk about a classic experience that all humans have had and continue to have. What is anger? Is there any need for it? Is all anger sin? Take a listen and find out.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Uh ohhh the big "L" word. Nick and Robyn talk about love from a biblical point of view and chronicle history to see love in many different shapes and understandings. Is there such a thing as love at first site? What about love languages? These are just some of the things Nick and Robyn go over in this post Valentines Day episode.…
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"Your mom" - Sigmund Freud. This week, Nick and Robyn take a deep dive into vast pool that is parenting styles. What makes a good parent? Come hang out on the couch with us while we try to summarize the current psychological thought on the matter and as always, attempt to leave you with a good idea of what God says about it all!…
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Nick and Robyn talk about dissociative identity disorder (D.I.D.), They go through the criteria and the implications of this strange phenomenon that seems to pop every once in a while. Is there any hope for people with this disorder? Is there a purpose in dissociating at all?Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Exciting podcast about the future of A Couch Divided. We hope you guys will love it, plus Nick and Robyn discuss a year in review about their lives and how far the grace and mercy of Christ has brought them as they chronicle their personal sanctification.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Horrific (Horrible, Horrifying) Psych Experiments, Vol 2: The Monster Study
1:05:29What do we actually write hear that won't "speak" for itself when listening. Let's say that certain academics wanted to see if they can create a speech disorder in young vulnerable children? Would you say that it's a good idea? After all, we will learn what makes people st..st...st....stammer.Just listen!! its undesirable for you to speak right now…
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A must listen Patreon exclusive story of our friend Haley who has had some strange experiences in seeing what is believed demonic activity.Sign up at patreon.com/acouchdivided to listenDr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Horrific (Horrible, Horrifying) Psych Experiments, Vol 1: Little Albert
1:00:21In light of the Spooky Season, Nick and Robyn discuss horrible Psych experiments that press ethical boundaries. The First Episode of this two part series. Nick discusses the trauma and harm of a baby known as Little Albert as the experimenters try and condition this baby like Ivan Pavlov did to a dog. This Horrible and Horrifying experiment eventua…
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The great debate that has been argued for thousands of years has come to A Couch Divided. Nature vs. Nurture is not an easy topic to tackle but, Nick and Robyn indeed attempt. Where does human responsibility begin and end? What have the sociologist and psychologist of the past theorized on this matter vs. what the bible has described this to be?…
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Very important topic! Nick and Robyn talk about self love from the biblical aspect to the complete and under destruction of the worlds definition of self love. In our society, how has self love completely discounted our neighbor and how has the love of God taken a backseat in our pursuit of pleasure, happiness and self indulgence?…
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This episode is a highly requested topic that we hope you enjoy. Nick and Robyn talk about honoring dishonorable parents, the types of tension that can be created in the immediate and extended families, generational curses and more.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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In this episode Nick and Robyn in light of all the alien talk and pseudo spirituality out there, discuss the topic of superstitions and the psychology behind it. What does the bible say about superstitions and should we as christians give ourselves over to them?Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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On The Couch is a new show coming exclusively to patreon next week on 08/17/2023!!!! You can subscribe at patreon.com/acouchdivided. You are in for a treat!!!!Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Grieving and Ministry With Dr. James White
1:05:28Dr. James white joins Nick and Robyn to talk about the very serious topic of grieving and being a minister in the midst of (not only your own grief)but others as well. Dr. White gives us a series of stories about how hard it was to be a hospital chaplain in a secular world and discusses how he came to write his #2 best selling book "Grieving, Your …
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IVF:#JustSaying with Laura Klassen and Jon Speed
1:03:55Today we discuss a very huge and controversial topic, the subject of IVF. Laura Klassen with Choice42, an anti abortion ministry and John Speed from Loor.tv discuss the nature and the horrors of IVF and what it really is. This is all in light of Choice42's and Loor.tv's Exposed Series and their new release Build-a-Baby. Sit back and prepared to be …
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This is part 2 of diving into the psychology of evangelism. Nick, Robyn and special guest James Baird (Robyn's Husband) go through some of their experiences doing ministry, dealing with abortive minded mothers, the homeless and addicted on the streets and how they been able to make an impact. Their stories do not come without troubles though, they …
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Nick and Robyn along with a very special guest(Robyn's husband) James Baird have a round table discussion about life and emotions as ministers of the Lord. With this month being a secular celebration of pride and sin, we thought it be a timely discussion.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Nicks Audio Blog: Self Deprecation And Comedy
10:15A special episode of ACD. Nick gives you one of his audio blogs that he wrote about self deprecation, comedy and the consuming nature of verbal self harm one can do to themselves that can sling you into complete depression with what seems to be no way out.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Nick and Robyn continue their talk about bad theology and sharing stories from when they first got saved and how much false presuppositions about God created so much angst and anxiety in their lives. This is an important episode on just how important discipleship really is.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Bad Theology Hurts People and that is just what Nick and Robyn talk about today. Robyn tells of her experience hearing bad preaching and the mischaracterization of God that can lead people astray with much guilt in their faith and just how much of this is going on in a world of angst and confusion.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Nick and Robyn dive deeper in the subject of OCD in this part two episode. They define criterion from the DSM and explain from a christian perspective how Christ is the ultimate remedy and solution. They both share some personal stories that involved major scruples which at some times led to them to high anxiety…
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Nick and Robyn talk about OCD in this episode and set up some foundational truths to know when considering this disorder. You may notice though that they actually never addressed the topic, so don't obsess OKAY, there may just be a reason for that. Guess you will just have to listen to find out why.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Hey guys it's Nick, this is the audio blog I mentioned in our singles episode. I go a little deep and take an emotional risk by sharing about my past dating life (before christ), what I desired to happened and what actually happened. Go easy on me, you just might hear a sniffle or two come out of me.…
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In this very special valentines day episode Nick and Robyn talk about singleness and the different circumstances people find themselves in when it comes to their aspirations of marriage. They also talk about the gift of the so called "singleness" and what the bible says about being called to the life that the Apostle Paul lived and why its importan…
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Nick and Robyn speak on a very complicated subject in secular psychology. They first speak of an intrusive personality feature known as delusions of grandeur and the difference between such feature and grandiosity. They then discuss the scripture and how very important biblical discipline at an early age can be an amazing preventive aspect to such …
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We welcome Marcus Pitman the co-owner and founder of Loor.tv to the Podcast to talk about the objectivity of art and how it should reflect the Triune nature of God. This concept highly effects society, how we think about beauty and the therapeutic nature that art bring inside the skills of creation.Loor.tv is a Christian streaming platform that all…
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In this 3rd and final episode of Spiritual Warfare, Nick and Robyn go over some more basic fundamentals of spiritual attacks and also talk about some common errors people make regarding physiological realities being attributed solely to spiritual warfare one of those things being Sleep Paralysis.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Nick and Robyn continue their series on Spiritual Warfare and the kinds of things that happened to the mind under such circumstances. In this episode they briefly describe some of the attributes of Satan and Nick Shares a personal story of how he perceived Satan attacking when ministering to the homeless and addicted population in Phoenix, Arizona…
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In this 3 part series, Nick and Robyn discuss the psychology of spiritual warfare, by first talking about the realities of this very real phenomenon, the attributes of Satan and how this plays a role in the our everyday lives.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Money! Money! Money! Insight to Financial Stewardship
1:24:35In light of Black Friday and the current holiday season, Nick and Robyn talk about something we all need and deal with on a day to day basis and that is MONEY!!! With special guest Sherry Staggs who owns her very own financial consulting business, Sherry gives very deep insight on a biblical approach to being a good steward and tells us some of the…
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Are You A Psychopath? A Sheologians Crossover
1:21:10The world of mental health and mental illness is dominated largely by an unbelieving worldview. This week Nick & Robyn are joined by the stars of the Sheologians podcast Joy and Summer, to discuss the nature of psychopaths and other traits such as narcissism and how we should look at these things with a Christian Worldview…
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What's The Fuss About Dahmer? ACD + Cultish Crossover Part 2
1:14:00Listener Discretion is Advised In this series, we reunite with Jeremiah Roberts from Cultish as we delve into the dark and twisted world of Jeffery Dahmer that shocked the world in the early 1990s. Nearly 30 years after his horrific murders took place, many are still trying to grasp and understand who he was and why he did what he did. Dr Robyn Hal…
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What's The Fuss About Dahmer? ACD + Cultish Crossover
1:20:02*Listener discretion is advised In this series, we reunite with Jeremiah Roberts from Cultish as we delve into the dark and twisted world of Jeffery Dahmer that shocked the world in the early 1990s. Nearly 30 years after his horrific murders took place, many are still trying to grasp and understand who he was and why he did what he did. Dr Robyn Ha…
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Nick and Robyn talk about a highly requested topic of impulsive behavior. They define what it is, what impulsiveness is and what reflex is and even go into their own personal struggles with this.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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The Psychology Of Picking Up Your Cross
1:05:49Nick and Robyn go over some of the dynamics of the command to pick up your cross and follow Christ, what that means for your mind and how that will impact the way you view the world.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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The Gloria Tapes Part 3- Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
1:14:13Nick and Robyn finish up the last part of the Gloria Tapes with one of the more profound therapy approaches still seen today. This approach being Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy or REBT. The "father" of this approach is Albert Ellis and they begin to analyze his approach using a Christian World View to show the truth in what Ellis is saying but a…
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The Gloria Tapes Part 2-Client Centered Therapy
1:16:51Nick and Robyn continue there series of the infamous Gloria Tapes. Today they set focus on Car Rogers "Client Centered Therapy" and have a thing or two to say in dissatisfaction in regards to his worldview and the nature of his counseling approach.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Nick and Robyn start there series on The Gloria Tapes a Documentary series on a series of Psychotherapeutic approaches (3 to be exact) that were given to one patient. A woman named Gloria. This was done in 1965 and has been widely viewed by the behavioral and mental health field of study.Nick and Robyn go over part two in the series that shows Dr. …
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Nick and Robyn go deeper on the topic of abortion and discuss in full the psychological effects of faulty beliefs and even go after the false pastors hurting their sheep with false virtue and lackluster exhortations.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Roe V. Wade has been overturned and we rejoice in this for many prayers have been answered!!! In this episode we talk about abortion and the heinous effects it has on the culture at large, how Christians should feel about Roe V. Wade and an exhortation to rejoice but also a consideration to know that the work of ending abortion is not done!…
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Nick and Robyn in light of pride month, talk about marketing and the psychology around it. A wide range of topics are discussed in this episode such as tv shows, commercials and yes, even Pro Wrestling and how all of this plays into the day to day of the common consumer.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Given the tragic events that happened in Texas and the devastations of the shootings that went on there. We decided to rehash out series on The Psychology of Mass Shooters and specifically Part 2 of this series.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Nick and Robyn continue interview each other with Nick in the hot seat this time. Robyn asks Nick what compelled him to study psychotherapy and want to become an elder of a church. Nick then touches on some very personal aspects of his life involving fears and doubts.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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Well things have been a little hectic in the studio!!! So today Nick decided to interview Dr. Robyn Hall and get her story of what compelled her to enter into the field of Psychotherapy.Dr. Robyn Hall, Nick Thomas による
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