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Willkommen bei Business Class – dem Podcast für eure Finanzen und Karriere! Hier spricht Leo Ginsburg, Journalist von Business Insider, einmal die Woche mit erfolgreichen Menschen aus der Wirtschaft. Mit dabei: CEOs, Unternehmer, Top-Manager, Vermögensverwalter, Investoren und viele mehr. Bei Business Class kriegt ihr Finanz-Tipps, persönliche Stories und Ratschläge, um in der Business-Welt voranzukommen. Ob ihr Inspiration für euer Depot sucht, eure Karriere pushen wollt oder einfach auf di ...
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Office Hours, powered by American Express, spotlights what innovative leaders are doing to navigate today’s business environment. Discover all program content at To learn more about Business Class from American Express, with insights and resources to help your business thrive, visit
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Business Class: Money Minutes

American Express

Business Class: Money Minutes is the bitesize podcast by American Express unpacking big money topics with host, founder and Entrepreneur, Sharmadean Reid. For the latest trends & insights to fuel your business strategy please visit
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Owning a small business takes courage, resilience, and a little help from our friends! Business Class: Build It Braver is a podcast from American Express where small business owners can learn from the real-world experiences of seasoned entrepreneurs turned mentors. Listeners will follow host and entrepreneur Vivian Kaye through conversations with some of Canada’s brightest entrepreneurial minds as they provide fresh perspectives to small business owners to help them on their business journey ...
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The Business of Life Master Class

Barb Zant & Debbie Lundberg

The podcast for successful people embracing every chance to accomplish and experience all they can in life and in business! Every episode is 25 minutes or less asking our Podcast 4 - the four questions each guest addresses. It’s exciting to think about bringing people to you through the podcast! These dynamos and superstars are guests who have tackled their schedules, handled challenges, and they know when to say yes and they know when to say no. They are genuinely welcoming everything they ...
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Classic Business

Classic 1027

A carefully balanced blend of the daily business beat, markets and company news. Serious when required and irreverent when warranted, never boring, always striving to inform, educate and entertain. Stay in tune and keep in touch on Classic1027. Mondays to Thursdays between 17:30 – 19:00 Fridays between 17:30 – 18:00 For #ClassicBusiness branding, sponsorship, advertising and outside broadcast partnership opportunities contact United Stations # ViewfromtheMarket #Law #SmallBusiness # Personal ...
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In 2008 I started a series of radio shows with fellow Freak and host, Jonny Rock. The original format was based around vinyl. Digital started to creep in, then CD's, then YouTube rips, and so on. But the idea remained the same, that we were sharing our discoveries with an audience. Fast forwarding a couple of years and expanding on the original concept, I will once again be playing dance music that you may or may not have heard, but this time said music will be readily available, if pointed ...
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Best in Class - Marketing & Business Podcast

Sunay Tamashev @StunningSocial

Tune in to the Best in Class marketing and business podcast, to listen to inspiring interviews with new and established entrepreneurs, marketers, agency owners, and start up founders who share their stories about business, marketing strategies, tactics, and the things you can’t learn in school. What keeps them going, and how they overcome challenges. Learn actionable strategies & tactics on how you can make your business grow and mistakes to avoid during your journey.
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Cannabis Business Master Class by Cann Strategy, a cannabis business consulting firm, is your all-access pass to the booming world of cannabis business operations. With every short and sweet episode, you'll receive a high level view of insider insights into regulations, licensing, and best practices shaping the industry. Whether you're an established player seeking the next big move, or a green-thumb entrepreneur stepping into this budding market, our bite-sized briefings deliver crucial ind ...
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Welcome to The Clueless Business Owner Classroom Your go-to resource for practical business advice, marketing tips, and entrepreneurial inspiration. Do you have a small service-based business? This podcast was especially created for you! For the past 10 years I have been working with REALLY small businesses to help them double, triple, and quadrupel their revenue by properly leveraging the Internet. I have had tremendous success as a marketing consultant but it has ALWAYS been my dream to te ...
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show series
Episode #250! The Business of Life Master Class Podcast Instagram: @thebusinessoflifemasterclass Twitter/X: @ClassTBOL Gayle Guyardo - Bloom Youtube Facebook - Twitter/X - Instagram - LinkedIn - TikTok - WFLA Bloom TV Debbie Lundberg & Barbara Zant Facebook/Twitter/X/Insta…
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Reupload: Florian Homm, einst berüchtigter Hedgefonds-Manager, führte ein Leben im Luxus und war für seine riskanten Geschäfte bekannt. Nach Betrugsvorwürfen und einem internationalen Haftbefehl tauchte Homm unter und wurde später im Gefängnis gläubiger Christ. Diese Folge erschien bereits im August 2022 in zwei Teilen – aber sie ist so spannend, d…
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Episode #249! The Business of Life Master Class Podcast Instagram: @thebusinessoflifemasterclass Twitter: @ClassTBOL Rita Lowman Linkedin: Facebook/Twitter: @RitaLowmanRita Hosts: Debbie Lundberg & Barbara Zant Facebook/Twi…
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Episode #248! The Business of Life Master Class Podcast Instagram: @thebusinessoflifemasterclass Twitter/X: @ClassTBOL Morgan Doback - Wing Woman Brands Facebook LinkedIn Twitter/X Hosts: Debbie Lundberg & Barbara Zant Facebook/Twitter/X/Instagram: @debbielundberg TikTok: …
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In dieser Folge sprechen Host Leo Ginsburg und Wirtschaftsjournalist Steffen Bosse über die Wahlprogramme von CDU, SPD & Co. Es geht um deren Pläne für euer Depot, eure Rente und eure Finanzen allgemein. Artikel die in der Episode erwähnt werden: Renten in der Übersicht:…
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Episode #247! The Business of Life Master Class Podcast Instagram: @thebusinessoflifemasterclass Twitter/X: @ClassTBOL Morgan Doback - Wing Woman Brands Facebook LinkedIn Twitter/X Hosts: Debbie Lundberg & Barbara Zant Facebook/Twitter/X/Instagram: @debbielundberg TikTok: …
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Episode #246! The Business of Life Master Class Podcast Instagram: @thebusinessoflifemasterclass Twitter/X: @ClassTBOL Hosts: Debbie Lundberg & Barbara Zant Facebook/Twitter/X/Instagram: @debbielundberg TikTok: @DebbieLundbergCoach Instagram for Barb Zant: @thestayatworkmo…
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In 2008 I started a series of radio shows with fellow Freak and host, Jonny Rock. The original format was based around vinyl. Digital started to creep in, then CD's, then YouTube rips, and so on. But the idea remained the same, that we were sharing our discoveries with an audience. Fast forwarding a couple of years and expanding on the original con…
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Episode #245! The Business of Life Master Class Podcast Instagram: @thebusinessoflifemasterclass Twitter/X: @ClassTBOL Marion Yongue LinkedIn Profile Twitter/X USF Office of Development Charitable Gift Planners of Tampa Bay Hosts: Debbie Lundberg & Barbara Zant Facebook/Tw…
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In den 90ern baute Jan Henric Büttner für Bertelsmann und AOL das Internetgeschäft in Europa auf – und wurde damit sehr reich. Noch reicher wurde er nach einem Millionenstreit mit Bertelsmann. Mit seinem Vermögen kaufte er ein abgelegenes Dorf an der Ostsee und verwandelte es in ein Luxushotel, das sogar den G7-Außenministergipfel beherbergte. In d…
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In dieser Folge gewährt der renommierte Vermögensforscher Thomas Druyen Einblicke in die Denkweise und Erfolgsgeheimnisse von Millionären und Milliardären. Nach hunderten Gesprächen mit den reichsten Menschen verrät er, welche Eigenschaften sie miteinander teilen, was wir normalen Menschen daraus lernen können und ob der Traum vom Wohlstand tatsäch…
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In dieser Folge sprechen wir mit Christoph Gröblinghoff, dem CEO von Fendt, über seinen Weg vom Landwirt zum Chef eines der größten Traktor-Hersteller Europas. Wie hat er den Übergang vom Feld ins Business gemeistert? Was hat ihn geprägt, und welche Herausforderungen sieht er für die Zukunft der Landwirtschaft? Wir werfen auch einen Blick auf die a…
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Episode #244! The Business of Life Master Class Podcast Instagram: @thebusinessoflifemasterclass Twitter/X: @ClassTBOL Marion Yongue LinkedIn Profile Twitter/X USF Office of Development Charitable Gift Planners of Tampa Bay Hosts: Debbie Lundberg & Barbara Zant Facebook/Tw…
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Episode #243! The Business of Life Master Class Podcast Instagram: @thebusinessoflifemasterclass Twitter: @ClassTBOL Hosts: Debbie Lundberg & Barbara Zant Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: @debbielundberg TikTok: @DebbieLundbergCoach Instagram for Barb Zant: @thestayatworkmom Su…
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In a recent conversation on the Learn Tourism podcast, Stephen Ekstrom, CEO of Learn Tourism, spoke with Jeff Knapp, President and CEO of Visit Bend, about his journey to Bend, Oregon, and the lessons he’s learned along the way. Business Class is brought to you by Learn Tourism, the nonprofit academy - harnessing the power of science, business psyc…
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Ex-Konzernvorstand Thomas Sattelberger hat die Chefetagen von Telekom, Lufthansa, Continental und Daimler geprägt – und ordentlich aufgemischt. In dieser Folge gewährt er Einblicke in die Welt der Macht und der großen Entscheidungen. Er erzählt von den härtesten Momenten seiner Karriere, verrät, wie Machtspiele und Intrigen in Vorstandsetagen wirkl…
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In 2008 I started a series of radio shows with fellow Freak and host, Jonny Rock. The original format was based around vinyl. Digital started to creep in, then CD's, then YouTube rips, and so on. But the idea remained the same, that we were sharing our discoveries with an audience. Fast forwarding a couple of years and expanding on the original con…
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Episode #242! The Business of Life Master Class Podcast Instagram: @thebusinessoflifemasterclass Twitter/X: @ClassTBOL Hosts: Debbie Lundberg & Barbara Zant Facebook/Twitter/X/Instagram: @debbielundberg TikTok: @DebbieLundbergCoach Instagram for Barb Zant: @thestayatworkmo…
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Wie hat sich das Depot von „Alles auf Aktien“-Co-Host Holger Zschäpitz 2024 entwickelt? Welche Chancen und Risiken sieht er für die Börse im Jahr 2025? Und welche Rolle spielen Trump und Elon Musk dabei? In dieser Folge gibt Holger spannende Einblicke in seine persönliche Anlagestrategie und diskutiert die großen Trends, die die Märkte bewegen. Ein…
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Episode 241! The Business of Life Master Class Podcast Instagram: @thebusinessoflifemasterclass Twitter/X: @ClassTBOL Sydney Haynes LinkedIn Profile Instagram Profile Women in Leadership & Philanthropy - USF Hosts: Debbie Lundberg & Barbara Zant Facebook/Twitter/X/Instagra…
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Visit York County, led by CEO Andy Clinton, is a thriving tourism organization situated just outside Charlotte, North Carolina. The area, known for its rapid growth, offers a mix of suburban charm and rural appeal, making it a popular destination for families seeking authentic experiences. Clinton highlights the county's unique blend of local attra…
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Episode 240! The Business of Life Master Class Podcast Instagram: @thebusinessoflifemasterclass Twitter/X: @ClassTBOL Sydney Haynes LinkedIn Profile Instagram Profile Women in Leadership & Philanthropy - USF Hosts: Debbie Lundberg & Barbara Zant Facebook/Twitter/X/Instagra…
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Episode 239! The Business of Life Master Class Podcast Instagram: @thebusinessoflifemasterclass Twitter/X: @ClassTBOL Dr. Carlos Garcia Linkedin Profile Instagram Profile Facebook Profile Tampa Counseling & Wellness The Unseen Journey: Awakening Curiosity and Trust in the Corporate World Buy it …
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In 2008 I started a series of radio shows with fellow Freak and host, Jonny Rock. The original format was based around vinyl. Digital started to creep in, then CD's, then YouTube rips, and so on. But the idea remained the same, that we were sharing our discoveries with an audience. Fast forwarding a couple of years and expanding on the original con…
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Sein Unternehmen war im DAX: Delivery-Hero-Mitgründer Nikita Fahrenholz erzählt in dieser Folge von seinem Leben zwischen Höhenflügen, Insolvenz und Ultra-Marathonläufen. Leo spricht mit dem Seriengründer und Multi-Millionär über die wilden Anfänge bei Lieferheld, die Erschaffung eines DAX-Konzerns und seinen neuesten Coup: Fahrengold. Nikita spric…
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Episode 238! The Business of Life Master Class Podcast Instagram: @thebusinessoflifemasterclass Twitter/X: @ClassTBOL Dr. Carlos Garcia Linkedin Profile Instagram Profile Facebook Profile Tampa Counseling & Wellness The Unseen Journey: Awakening Curiosity and Trust in the Corporate World Buy it …
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Episode 237! The Business of Life Master Class Podcast Instagram: @thebusinessoflifemasterclass Twitter/X: @ClassTBOL LM "Lunar" Sawyer Linkedin Profile Instagram Profile Facebook Profile Twitter/X Profile Hosts: Debbie Lundberg & Barbara Zant Facebook/Twitter/X/Instagram:…
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In dieser Business Class-Episode spricht Sebastian Dettmers, CEO von StepStone, über die aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen: Deindustrialisierung, das Wirtschaftswunder und die Jobs der Zukunft. Zudem gibt er Einblicke in seinen persönlichen Karriereweg – von den ersten Stationen bis zum CEO und was ihn als Führungskraft ausmacht. Ein Ges…
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Eliza Voss, Vice President of Destination Marketing at the Aspen Chamber Resort Association (ACRA), provides fascinating insights into the delicate balance of managing Aspen's tourism while maintaining the quality of life for its residents. Business Class is brought to you by Learn Tourism, the nonprofit academy - harnessing the power of science, b…
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In 2008 I started a series of radio shows with fellow Freak and host, Jonny Rock. The original format was based around vinyl. Digital started to creep in, then CD's, then YouTube rips, and so on. But the idea remained the same, that we were sharing our discoveries with an audience. Fast forwarding a couple of years and expanding on the original con…
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Aufgewachsen im sozialen Brennpunkt, schaffte Janina Ellen Sari mit Mühe den Hauptschulabschluss. Heute besitzt sie rund 300 Immobilien und kassiert monatlich 186.000 Euro Mieteinnahmen. Nach Abzügen bleiben ihr 30.000 Euro jeden Monat – die sie reinvestiert. Wie hat sie angefangen und welche Strategien hat sie angewendet? Hört ihre spannende Gesch…
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Episode 236! The Business of Life Master Class Podcast Instagram: @thebusinessoflifemasterclass Twitter/X: @ClassTBOL LM "Lunar" Sawyer Linkedin Profile Instagram Profile Facebook Profile Twitter/X Profile Hosts: Debbie Lundberg & Barbara Zant Facebook/Twitter/X/Instagram:…
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Episode 234! The Business of Life Master Class Podcast Instagram: @thebusinessoflifemasterclass Twitter/X: @ClassTBOL Hosts: Debbie Lundberg & Barbara Zant Facebook/Twitter/X/Instagram: @debbielundberg TikTok: @DebbieLundbergCoach Instagram for Barb Zant: @thestayatworkmom…
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Episode 235! The Business of Life Master Class Podcast Instagram: @thebusinessoflifemasterclass Twitter/X: @ClassTBOL Benton “Blaze” Maslyk Instagram Facebook Profile LinkedIn Profile Hosts: Debbie Lundberg & Barbara Zant Facebook/Twitter/X/Instagram: @debbielundberg TikTo…
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Learn Tourism CEO Stephen Ekstrom sits down with John Urdi, the President and CEO of Mammoth Lakes, California, to delve into the unique challenges and opportunities that come with managing tourism in a remote yet breathtaking destination. With Urdi’s extensive experience in the tourism sector, listeners can expect an insightful discussion that goe…
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Christian Stadermann kennt die Superreichen. Als Assistent des damaligen Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden der Deutschen Bank begann der Vermögensverwalter seine Karriere. Anschließend arbeitete er bei Credit Suisse und Sal. Oppenheim, wo er sich auf die Betreuung vermögender Kunden spezialisierte. Später übernahm er die Geschäftsführung des Family Office …
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