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Life After Breath

Julia Christine

Welcome to Life After Breath where everyone is worthy of whatever their hearts desire. We’ll start with Our Daily Breath each morning to connect with ourselves and create more awareness for the day. We’ll use breath to separate us from the bullshit that creates the chaos in our lives. That breath will allow us to take back our power… Because when we take control of our lives we are more prepared to create the life of our dreams - that means mentally, physically, financially, sexually, and sp ...
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Are you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or stressed with homeschooling and life? Do you need to press pause on all the chaos? Maybe you need a moment to reflect, pray, or be reminded why you started and how to keep going. Welcome to the ”Catch Your Breath” podcast. Let this be the break you need to laugh, cry, learn, and find the encouragement you may not realize you need. Homeschooling can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Grab your favorite cup of tea, tune in, and grab anot ...
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show series
Send us a text Like attracts like… THAT is the Law of Attraction. Wherever your thoughts are focused - good or bad; positive or negative, that is what the Law of Attraction is going to match for you. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Source within you. Simply click on this link to schedule a h…
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Send us a text Being aware of your emotions is key to creating your reality. You will be able to feel your way towards everything you want in life. You will have a deeper understanding of what is going on not just in your life, but in the world around you. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Sou…
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Send us a text Take some deep breaths with the energies of the universe. Allow yourself to cleanse and heal and be filled with their loving energies. As you fill yourself up with this love first, there will always be plenty to give to others in your life. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Sour…
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Send us a text You can feel whether or not you are connecting to Source. When you feel good, you know you are connecting to a source energy. When you don’t feel good, that’s your clue that you are not connecting… that you are resisting that connection and whatever desires you are trying to manifest. Focus on feeling good so that you raise your vibr…
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Send us a text Asking for your desires, getting yourself into a vibrational match and allowing yourself to receive, is a basic formula for manifesting all the desires of your heart. This formula is absolutely consistent. It doesn’t change and is what we rely on in order to create our own realities. Support the show Julia would love to help you furt…
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Send us a text You create your own reality. And when you can get into a state of deliberately and consciously focusing on the joy of receiving all that you desire, then those desires WILL flow to you. Choose to be someone who finds contentment in the anticipation of all that’s coming instead of focusing on the lack of it not being here yet. Support…
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Send us a text When we are standing in conflict or contrast we have the amazing opportunity to fine tune our perspectives and come to a deeper understanding of what we want and don’t want! Then our only “job” is to come into alignment with the things we want! Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the …
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Send us a text We are creators, and because we are creating from the forefront of thought - the forefront of all that is - creating our desires and bringing them into our experience literally expands the universe. In order to feel the complete fullness of who we are, we have to continue to desire and then receive those desires. Support the show Jul…
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Send us a text You cannot be separated from Source. Source cannot be separated from you. When you offer thoughts that would cause a separation between you and source, you change your vibrational frequency, and it feels like that connection is severed. It isn’t. That condition, of feeling like the connection is lost, is called Resistance and it happ…
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Send us a text Allow the energies of the Universe - the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth, and Source Energy itself to provide you with the support and strength you need for today and all week long. Allow yourself to receive all that they have for you. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Source withi…
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Send us a text All there is for you is well being and that means nothing is ever against you. The only reason it sometimes feels like it is because you are in resistance to something. Releasing that resistance raises your vibrational frequency into alignment with the well being that is yours. And ALL of this starts with becoming aware of how you fe…
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Send us a text Everything is energy… everything! Therefore, everything operates from a vibrational frequency. How we feel tells us how high or low we are on that vibrational frequency. We need to allow ourselves to release whatever resistance is getting in our way, because releasing resistance is the best and easiest way to shift your vibrational f…
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Send us a text The basis of everything is Well Being. It is all there is for us… all we have to do is know that and allow ourselves to receive it. Breathe it in and remember the infinite love that Source has for you. Experiencing this well being is the reason we are here, so let’s get to it!!! Support the show Julia would love to help you further c…
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Just a few days ago, I knew next to nothing about this huge country that is the size of Western Europe, but whilst preparing to lead the prayer meeting I had been asked to lead for it, I soon ‘discovered’ the country (the last of the former Soviet republics to declare independence in 1991) and took it to heart. Kazakhstan, has the reputation of bei…
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Send us a text You are an eternal being that chose to come into this physical world in order to create. You create from your unique perspective, the perspective that is you, by standing at the forefront of everything and allowing Consciousness, which is Source flowing through you, to flow. Support the show Julia would love to help you further conne…
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Send us a text Just as you were born into this world knowing your power and the joy that is yours, you also came into this physical world knowing that you would be the creator of your reality. And then we start to live and are so deeply influenced by the world around us - by family, friends, society and religion. You have a deep sense of knowing wh…
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Send us a text You came into this world knowing your power and the joy that is you! It’s time to reclaim that and enjoy the journey every step of the way. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Source within you. Simply click on this link to schedule a healing today! https://www.juliachristineheale…
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Send us a text Get comfortable and really breathe in the simplicity of this week’s grounding. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Source within you. Simply click on this link to schedule a healing today! If you're not quite ready for that, gr…
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Send us a text We came into this physical experience knowing who we are and excited about the fact that we would live lives full of joy and expansion. We forgot that along the way and it is time to remember! Let’s celebrate ourselves today and start to remember the joy that is ours. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to y…
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Send us a text Not everything you hear will resonate with you, and as you encounter some new ways of thinking, it’s important to remember a few things… Remember that we are all on the same journey, we’re just in different boats. And, as we move forward remember to take what works, and then be sure to leave what doesn’t work for you! Support the sho…
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Send us a text We are physical beings, living in a physical world… AND, there is also a non physical part of us. Our human-ness has made it all too easy to forget that part… to forget the connection we have to Source Energy (God, the Universe, whatever works for you). Understanding the power that simply feeling good has is where we begin to recogni…
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Send us a text Source, God, the Universe, Spirit, the Creator, has a message for you… Go Easy. Approach all of what you’re learning with an enormous sense of ease. It will absolutely change your life! Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Source within you. Simply click on this link to schedule a …
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Send us a text When whatever it is you’re focusing on makes you feel bad, even if it’s something important going on in the world or in your life… stop! Shift your focus to something that feels better. It absolutely doesn’t mean you’re living in ignorance. It means you are deliberately choosing to put your focus on something that generates feel good…
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Send us a text Sometimes moving our way up the Emotional Spectrum looks a little different than what we might expect… feelings of anger and blame are actually much better feeling feelings than powerlessness and despair. So let’s embrace those emotions as helpful and stay away from judging ourselves for having them. Support the show Julia would love…
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Send us a text Find peace from the energies of the Universe in this week’s grounding. Know that you are safe and secure and protected and allow yourself to feel the peace that that brings. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Source within you. Simply click on this link to schedule a healing toda…
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Send us a text Figuring out where you are on the emotional spectrum will help you begin to think thoughts that allow you to feel better, creating a sense of relief from those negative feelings. When you feel the relief, you know you’re moving into less resistance and more ease and allowing. Support the show Julia would love to help you further conn…
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Send us a text Your emotions will guide you to your desires. It’s not the gap between where you are and what you want that is your focus. Shift your focus to the distance between how you feel now and how amazing it feels when you imagine having that thing. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Sou…
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Send us a text The worst thing you can do for yourself is make a decision that contradicts your beliefs. Because then you are truly putting yourself through the discord that follows. Decide what makes you happiest and make your decisions in that direction. Literally follow what feels good. Support the show Julia would love to help you further conne…
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Send us a text Remember that you are an eternal being and that part of you, your soul, so to speak, is focused on the physical right now, and all of the things that come with that. At some point, there will be a consensus within and your soul will simply shift focus on the spiritual. You will still be you, you simply won’t be in physical anymore. I…
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Send us a text We can literally extend our lives by feeling good. Get into a place of living life to its fullest, of being passionately joyful, and feel good in every moment. Then, when we are ready, we can consciously choose how and when we want to transition. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and th…
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Send us a text Feeling good on an emotional level can and will absolutely dictate how your body feels on a wellness level. When you feel ill, ask yourself how you feel emotionally, ask yourself what you are resisting. Once you can release that and refocus on your desires and what feels good, you will immediately start to feel better - body, mind an…
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Send us a text Get comfortable and allow yourself to find that state of calm. You might be surprised by how absolutely energizing a simple grounding can be. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Source within you. Simply click on this link to schedule a healing today! https://www.juliachristinehea…
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Send us a text Practice what it feel is like to be you, and to feel good! Then find some fun in that! The more we can connect to what it feels like to feel good, the more we will be able to recognize when it stops feeling good and shift our thoughts to create more ease! Leaving the dis-ease behind you ! Support the show Julia would love to help you…
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Send us a text It is Natural for you to feel good. It is Natural for you to be well; to have abundance, to be free of fear. What is not natural is being in a state of anxiety or confusion… pain or disease. Whenever we are feeling any sort of discomfort, it is because somewhere our beliefs are in conflict with our desires and it is causing resistanc…
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Send us a text Every cell in your body individually responds to the direct connection to Source Energy. So when you start to feel discomfort, stop and ask yourself how and where you are in resistance. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Source within you. Simply click on this link to schedule a …
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Send us a text When you invite and allow Source in to heal your cells and your body, your only work - all you need to do, is relax and Breathe. Allow yourself to heal. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Source within you. Simply click on this link to schedule a healing today! https://www.juliac…
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Send us a text Get comfortable and repeat these, affirmations of health, to bring your body into that natural state of health and well being. You CAN heal yourself and this is the first step. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Source within you. Simply click on this link to schedule a healing t…
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Send us a text Let’s re-learn how to allow the Law of Attraction to be the Universal Manager in our lives. Stop effort-ing and trying to make your desires happen. Trust that the Law of Attraction has your affairs in order, while you turn your attention to being the visionary in your life. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connec…
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Send us a text Allow yourself to rest in the energies of the Universe knowing that you are safe, secure and protected. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Source within you. Simply click on this link to schedule a healing today! If you're not…
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Send us a text When it all becomes too much and we have trouble holding on to hope, the best thing to do is clear your mind. From there it’s important to choose a thought that feels good - right from the get go - so that you can start a positive focus and move out of that overwhelm or despair. Support the show Julia would love to help you further c…
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Send us a text You are Worthy!!! You don’t have to DO anything to earn your worth! The same is true for the abundance you want in your life. Get rid of the word “earn” and start to say “allow.” ALLOW abundance into your life by feeling good about the things that you want and the life you are creating for yourself! Support the show Julia would love …
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Send us a text Consider shifting your perspective of what “success” means, and put your focus on finding joy in every moment. Create a string of happy moments that will absolutely lead you to the most success you could ever imagine. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Source within you. Simply c…
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Send us a text You receiving financial abundance does not and will never take it away from anyone else. Others having it doesn’t take it away from you! It’s simply that they have focused on it enough to come into vibrational harmony with it. Start to feel good about money or even other things in your life and you will invite money and financial abu…
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Send us a text It is our role here in this planet to utilize energy and specifically focus it on the things we desire in our lives. It really is that easy! It doesn’t matter what it is or why you want it, how big it is or how small. It all comes down to where you’re focusing your energy! So let’s be sure to keep our focus on our heart’s desires! Su…
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Send us a text Become aware of how you feel in any given moment so that you can harness those emotions and shift them to be more aligned with the things you want! That is the only way to bring them into your existence! Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Source within you. Simply click on this l…
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Send us a text Allow yourself to receive the healing and loving energy the earth, the moon, and the Sun are offering today! Claim it for yourself today and take it with you through the week. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Source within you. Simply click on this link to schedule a healing to…
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Send us a text Here’s an example of how sometimes what we are saying absolutely does not match the vibrational frequency we are offering. It’s super important to imagine life with our desires to avoid being stuck in the vibrational frequency of not having them. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and th…
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Send us a text The words you use don’t matter - the feelings behind those words are Everything!!! So when you think about something you want for your life, immediately imagine how it feels to already have that thing… to how amazing it feels to already be experiencing it. After that, it coming into your existence is a natural occurrence - as natural…
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Send us a text A very real example of how thoughts are magnetic and how to completely clear your mind of all of them to connect to yourself and give yourself a nice reset. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Source within you. Simply click on this link to schedule a healing today! https://www.ju…
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Send us a text How you FEEL is what it’s all about. Not how eloquently you can speak the words. Make sure the words and phrases you use match how you feel so they can bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Support the show Julia would love to help you further connect to your Inner Being and the Source within you. Simply clic…
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