Still Creating. Be patient with me.
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Daily podcasts on how to become a better version of you.
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Messages to my students and helping them analyse their test performance and study targets
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Ever found yourself struggling with something. Could be a character, a habit, an addiction, sense of low self esteem and all those things each of us is struggling with? You feel trapped and you want out but unfortunately you find yourself back it. Let me remind you something Life is a fight for territory and once you stop fighting for what you want, what you don't want will automatically take over. Don't let that happen so just take a moment and Breathe! Let us walk this journey together and ...
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I went on a personal rant during this session but the message is very clear!
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We are calming our thoughts and standing on business in 2024. Just listen 🎧
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I am not repeating lessons in 2024 and neither should you. Some of the lessons were rooted in my childhood and probably yours too. Just take a listen 👂🏾
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The world can become so entertaining and draining at the same time. This episode focus on the importance of discovering a better version of yourself.
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🎧🎧 (Nocopyrights to this song) 💌I’m on this journey of being the best version of myself. Rebuilding my home with the broken pieces that others have left me with. Will you rebuild with me? 💌 In these segments we will learn how to recognize the brokenness of ourselves and then we will learn the tools we need to rebuild wi…
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How to break-free from being selfless to others and become more selfish to get back to “you” 😊
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I know you have heard the phrase motivation alone won’t help you get to where you want to go. You need to add discipline and consistency. And believe me when I say that your brain recognizes the things are important to you. Listen to it, share and listen some more😊. Write your email to [email protected]…
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What does silence mean to you? Do you get time alone in silence and just evaluate yourself, appreciate your efforts and love on yourself as you give thank to God. Well listen in and get to find out whether you are just afraid of your thoughts.Thank you so much for listening and sharing and subscribing 🥰🙏🏽👏🏽…
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In this episode I talk about something called Emotional time travel. Where you find yourself going to your past where we have memories and they always either good or bad and then you come back to your present then travel to your future.Listen in and please share share. I would love to hear from y’all 😊🙏🏽🙏🏽…
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I am back after a long while . In this episode I am talking about how It has been a challenging time for me and I had to learn to take it slow and just breath. Listen in and then take a moment to participate on the poll. 😌😀
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I have been away for some time but now I am back and ready to share what I have with you guys. Thank you for reaching out and for the love and concern you showed. Feel free to listen and share.
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Throwback Episode from 2019 How to change your mind in the midst of chaos. A change mind can bring a different result from the same situation. ➡️ Link to Soul Anchored ➡️
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Regular or TND | How to Select || Guidance by Dr Deepti Bahl, Director DAMS
32:08Most popular courses for NEETPG for last two decades are DAMS regular course and Test & Discussion courses. How to choose between them. This is one of the most important question in the mind of medical students. Dr Deepti Bahl one of most prominent educators in this space and Director DAMS explains the approach. Selecting the right course for yours…
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System wise Approach to Learning: Secret Recipe DAMS uses to give to the Extra Edge
20:57This is a an audio session live with a student who wanted to ask about approach to NEETPG/NEXT.
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Is this what you do to yourself? Unedited / unscripted episode.
15:57We tend to do unkind things or say unkind words to ourselves. We don’t extend grace to ourselves. This is just a little reminder to stop doing that to your sweet soul. Need a session, have a question or suggestions write to [email protected]
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Mindset and strategy for FMG’s to clear NEETPG/NEXT.
22:27This episode is a live Q&A session with an FMG student from Nepal. The podcast is primarily in Hindi.
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Do you view Yourself as shopping Cart or are the one pushing the Cart?
26:45By using the metaphor of a shopping cart, you will learn that there is a difference between a story about the self and the self that observes this story….part of the segment are my thoughts and some information are from positive psychology articles. Thank you for you support and feedback. Looking forward to your engagement and emails to momenttobre…
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Gut feeling or sixth sense | Connecting the dots looking backward.
21:37Special episode by Dr Sumer Sethi, Dr Deepti Bahl together discussing an important topic of decision making & subconscious
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Allowing self-doubt to prevent you from grabbing opportunities that come your way is an act of self-sabotage. How can you deal with self-doubt in a constructive way?
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Forgiveness we all can’t leave without it.Why to forgive, who to forgive and how to go about it.
22:09In this interesting episode get to learn how to go about forgiveness and why it is healthy to forgive people who wrong you and to forgive yourself. For sessions, feedback reach us on [email protected]
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Happy 2022 dear ones!!! 9 questions you need to ask yourself as the year starts.
16:46So I wouldn’t call these resolutions but just questions to guide you,help you reflect and help you make some changes in your life. Thank me later 😜😊 for any feedback or questions write to [email protected]
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Relationships are those strings which need to bear lot of pressure. Striking a balance at two ends is what keeps the relationships going long and strong.
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How to tackle negative comments on self image?
11:58Knowing when to respond and how to respond to someone is the key to maintain self confidence and can help you grow.
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This is an episode I did few days to my grandma’s demise. But since I promised that I will post it here it is. As always listen, do the test with me and share it widely 😊 as I take you through the steps. Thank you for the support guys!
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My grandma passed away on the week we were going to see her. It shuttered me to say the least. But in all these I have learned that as much as there is so much pain in what we have lost there’s still some magic in what we Have in the present. Thank you for the love and support always. Email: [email protected]…
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This is the last episode on self healing journey and here i mention a few things that one can do that will help in the process of getting to know and heal from what is hurting you. I truly appreciate your support.. You can send you feedback and suggestions to [email protected]
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Allowing yourself to heal sequel.How prenatal, perinatal and post natal factors affect us.
22:43In this episode we touch on what or rather how prenatal, perinatal and post natal factors affect us as human beings. I disclose of how it affected me and my relationship with my daughter and how we both got ❤️🩹 healing.For question, feedback, concern and advertising reach us on [email protected]. Thank you for your mails. Much appreciated…
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This episode is from a piece written by an amazing lady who’s been walking the journey of self-awareness.listen, share and don’t forget to give us feedback to [email protected]
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self-criticism deflates your spirit, and defeats you before you even begin. It is not “motivating” like the tyrant in your head assumes it is. What will truly motivate you is self-love, approval, and acceptance. Try approving of yourself, even if it’s hard at first, and discover how much more you have to give.…
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At the end of the day, tell yourself gently, “ I love you, you did your best you could today and even if you could not accomplish all that you planned, I love you anyway.”
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Fam, a better version of yourself is one years old!! 👏🏽👏🏽🎊🎊. It’s exciting. It’s been an interesting journey but I am grateful for the support.In this i have also touched a little on why affirmations don’t work. So listen in good people. For question, feedback and suggestion you can Whatsp or send an email to [email protected]…
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Learn from the past...plan your future and take charge of your present.concerting so much on the past and all that went wrong is the beginning of the journey to depression.
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Episode 10; How our thoughts affect our emotions
12:25Thoughts birth emotions...emotions birth habits and then habits birth personalities. Thoughts have no power until you start paying attention to them, whether negative or positive and you have to be aware the kind of thoughts you are having.listen in and share
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Episode 9 Self sabotage...what is it and why do we sabotage or own dreams and goals?
27:00So one beautiful lady by the name Sharron invited me on her YouTube channel to talk about self sabotage amd few of you that i mentioned to requested that i talk about it as well her on my podcast and here it is. Sharon's YouTube channel is go subscribe 😊 and for those with questions you can mail them momenttobreath@gmai…
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Sharing my own experience of handling anxiety. I am sure with these 3 solutions you will be able to tackle the anxiety episodes.
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We human beings can be sooo nasty!! But are you going to be the bearer of hope..kindness and good news? Listen share and give your feedback 😊. [email protected]
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If getting motivated is your strategy,you can't build new habits.
19:33Habits require consistent repetition.doing little bit everyday has a greater impact than doing alot on one day. Thanks for listening and sharing don't forget to sens us an email at [email protected]
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A delicate balance between perfection and ensuring progress leads you forward in the path of success
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First episode of 2021 and i am excited..nervous and abit anxious as well. I feel like a new bee here ha ha ha. Ok your fav voice is back and i can't wait to share what i have in store for you beautiful souls. Listen in and share and i am waiting to here from you as well. [email protected]
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Tough times don’t last for people who choose to evolve. Don’t confuse a season for a lifetime.
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Take right decisions for right reasons to get what you deserve and not accept what you are getting.
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Episode get out of life what you put into it. You don't lose by being yourself
16:00Don't worry too much till worry becomes worried at how worried you are! easy, all is well
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Episode 4 self awareness...What triggers you?
24:33When you are self aware,you can choose where to focus your emotions and energy and the best way to continually develop self awareness is to learn how to look at yourself objectively.
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Don’t let your first FAILURE define what you BECOME!!
15:08Change your emotional reaction to meaningful action when failure hits you.
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This is a continuation on Self awareness series. Do you know your strengths. Weakness, motivators or triggers. Self awareness helps you discover something about yourself. Listen in and share your thoughts plus for support or professional help write an email to [email protected]
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Episode 3 part 2 why wouldn't you tell yourself this.....
12:16Self awareness = self motivation = affirmations. The journey to self awareness is not easy and you have to remove the mask you have had on for a while and be yourself. Some ugly truths about get to learn as well and some beautiful aspect of you that you had unearthed gets revealed to you but only if you are willing and you have to be inte…
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By becoming self aware, you gain ownership of reality; in becoming real, you become the master of both inner and outer life ~~Deepak Chopra. It is the most interesting journey of your life😊.Got questions, story or feedback reach me on [email protected]
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Everyone goes through seasons, phases and stages on life and with all that comes with lessons learned and better version of ourselves revealed and we become self aware. Thanks for the support and don't forget to share after listening and send us an email at [email protected]
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When self doubt surrounds you listen to this and bounce back.
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In today's episode i give you 10 questions to help you find your best self. So take your headphones, pen and a notebook then thank me later! Don't forget to reach me on [email protected] listen share ans listen some more
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