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Eriko Kasai

日本語が大好きな日本語教師による、上級レベルの日本語学習者と日本語を教えてみたいと思っている方を対象としたちょっとためになるポッドキャストです。主に日本の文化や歴史、語源、季節の行事、日本のスーパーフード、日本人の精神、日本人のコミュケーション術などについてお話しています。 Japanese Podcast for who are learning Japanese and also be interested in teaching Japanese.
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一日の終わりに、心と身体の状態を整える「おやすみすとーりー」 想像力を育む物語、リラクゼーションミュージック、そして深呼吸で健やかな睡眠がとれる状態へと導きます。目を休ませ、睡眠前の習慣に是非取り入れてみてください。*お話は前半の約5分から10分、それ以降は音楽のみの構成となっています。 This is a bed-time story podcast in Japanese. With breathing exercises, music and story, this podcast will lead you and your children to be in a balanced place, both mentally as well as physically. It will help you to have a healthy sleep. This is a perfect for a child who started learning Japanese. Wishing you all the best. Good night and Oyasumi☆ ...
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Shuhei Nagata

この番組では、バルサ好きの二人が主にFCバルセロナや他のフットボールトピックについてゆるく話します。リーグ戦毎節ごとを目安に更新予定です。 This program is laid back talking about FC Barcelona and the other football topics in Japanese. Planned to be updated by every league match.
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Roundtable Japan is a bilingual podcast on modern and contemporary Japan sponsored by the Toshiba International Foundation. This series brings together scholars and experts from around the world to discuss a single theme each time. Topics will be selected from major themes in modern and contemporary society. Each episode will be accompanied by transcripts and/or subtitles, a reading list, etc., to make it accessible to the broadest audience possible. 公益財団法人 東芝国際交流財団のご提供でお届けするラウンドテーブル・ジャパン (R ...
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Hope Alive Podcast

Hope Alive

Welcome to the weekly podcast of Hope Alive Church with pastors Heath Hubbard and Osamu Sakamoto. Located in Tokorozawa, Japan, HA believes that as you form a relationship with God you can experience freedom, purpose, and fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Each episode on this podcast is a recording of our church service from the previous Sunday. We hope as you listen, you will be filled with encouragement, peace, and the love of Christ. For more information about our church, please check out our ...
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Lifehouse Japan

Lifehouse International Church

ライフハウスインターナショナルチャーチのメッセージポッドキャストへようこそ。日本のライフハウスチームによる、聖書に基づいたインスピレーションと励ましに溢れたメッセージとティーチングを毎週配信しています。メッセージは英語と日本語のバイリンガルで語られ、あなたの信仰の成長と豊かな人生を送るための助けとなることを目的としています。 Welcome to the message podcast for Lifehouse International Church in Japan. Join us each week as we share inspirational, encouraging Bible-based preaching and teaching from the team at Lifehouse. Messages are bilingual (English & Japanese) and aimed to help you grow in your faith and live a fulfilled life. ライフハウスチャーチと繋がる / Connect ...
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I’m Yohei Hayakawa, a media journalist in Japan. I think “March 11th, 2011”, that day was the turning point of people in Japan. “What is the most valuable and precious thing?” Not only a few people ask themselves this question.Some of them might have changed their way of living, such as where they work and live to find the answer. They might have already found it.The person, who is reading this interview program, may be one of them.We, Japanese people have kept having our own original mind; ...
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Hi guys :) This is the podcast program for Japanese learners. We want to give you Japanese real conversations! Please have fun learning Japanese :) Twitter: @smalltalkinJP Email: [email protected] Vocabulary List: We would appreciate informing us of any questions, comments or requests you may have. We are really looking forward to hearing from you 😊✨
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英語講師ライセンスを持つMinaとMarilouは、エクセルイングリッシュ(EXCEL ENGLISH / 神奈川県相模原市南区相模大野)でマンツーマン英会話レッスンを提供しています。お子様からご年配の方まで、それぞれの目的にあわせたレッスンが大好評!そんな二人が生徒のみんなに、さらに英語学習を楽しんでもらうためのPodcastを配信中。彼女たちの楽しいトークを聴けば、英語がどんどん身についちゃう!情報満載のウェブサイト:exl-english.comも、ぜひ一度訪ねてね!
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Born in Wisconsin and raised in the deserts of Arizona. Having a professional background in IT Eric is taking everything ‘techie’ and turning it towards educating students. He now works and lives in northern Kyoto prefecture, Japan currently focusing on games based learning, electronic informal learning environments and eTourism. Eric has been innovating ways to apply augmented reality to a variety of fields including tourism and education. Eric is also director of interactive at TEDxKyoto w ...
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Bilingual Buzz

Emily & Ami

バイリンガル帰国子女 Emily と Ami が最近の気になるトピック、帰国子女・留学生としての人生経験、ちょっとどうでもいい日常会話などを99%英語でお届けします! __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here: IG: / @teamflowusa
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「奇跡の道」ACIM 第一版:日英対訳版: 自己の内面を見つめて探求するためのスピリチュアル 思考 システム。普遍的な愛と心の平安は、許すことで罪責感を取り除く道を歩むことで得られるとの教え。この、兄イエズスからの素晴らしい教えをご堪能下さい。 ”A Course in Miracles” : First edition: Self-study spiritual thought system that teaches that the way to universal love and peace is undoing guilt through forgiving others. Please enjoy, this beautiful teaching of Brother Jesus!
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Japan Business News with Yuzuha Oka

Japan Business News with Yuzuha Oka

A freelance journalist Yuzuha Oka picks up trending business news each day from Japanese publications. Yuzuha have produced content for BBC, Reuters, ABC, Japan Times and more. 東大4年、フリーランスジャーナリストの岡ゆづはが、毎日一つ日本発の経済ニュースをピックアップして英語で振り返ります。ロイター通信で為替の記事を書いたり、BBC、東洋経済オンラインなどに執筆したり。取材を通じて日々勉強中です。
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show series
The Scottish government wants everyone to know it does not plan to ban cats.First Minister John Swinney was forced to issue the statement after a report by independent experts branded felines a threat to Scotland's wildlife and suggested "containment" measures be considered to reduce the damage.The Scottish Animal Welfare Commission said cats kill …
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(Bilingual) このメッセージではモンティー牧師が "「正しくされる」ってどういう状態? 自分がそうであるとどうやってわかるの?" について以下の3つのポイントから話します。 ディスカッション用の質問はノートの最後に確認できます。 In this message Ps Monty talks about "What is Righteousness? How Do I Know I Have It?" in these 3 points: Check the questions for discussion at the end of the note. Ephesians 6:10-12 NLT / エペソ 6:10-12 JCB 1 Peter 5:8-9 NLT / 1 ペテロ…
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Each winter, hundreds of thousands of tourists go to see the spectacle of Japan’s snow monkeys bathing in the hot springs of Jigokudani Park in Nagano.Temperatures in the Japanese Alps plunge to around minus 20 and the macaques rely on the natural springs to survive the cold. With increasing visitor numbers to Japan, the monkeys have become the reg…
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Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba said Saturday that his ruling Liberal Democratic Party is likely to face "extremely tough" battles in upcoming elections for the House of Councillors and the Tokyo metropolitan assembly later this year.時事通信社 による
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Asahikawa District Court in Hokkaido, northern Japan, has sentenced a 20-year-old woman to 23 years in prison in a high-profile murder case in which a female high school student died after being pushed off a bridge and into a river in Asahikawa in April last year.時事通信社 による
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The third meeting of signatories to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons ended its five-day session at the U.N. headquarters in New York on Friday, with participants adopting a declaration rejecting threats of using nuclear weapons.時事通信社 による
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The Democratic Party for the People may support the fiscal 2025 budget bill if the ruling bloc agrees to raise the tax-free portion of annual income to 1.5 million yen, regardless of income levels, DPFP leader Yuichiro Tamaki has said.時事通信社 による
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神様の計画が理解できないとき:ハバクク書 神様の計画が自分の期待と違っていて、悩んだことはありませんか?旧約聖書の預言者ハバククは、神様に遠慮せず率直に問いかけました。あなたも同じように、疑問を神様にぶつけていいのです。神様はあなたの悩みに希望ある答えを用意しており、そのご計画はいつも良い知らせです When God Doesn’t Make Sense: The Book of Habakkuk Do you ever struggle with God's plan because it doesn't meet your own expectations? The Old Testament prophet, Habakkuk, didn’t hold back from asking…
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Japanese Foreign Minister Takeshi Iwaya and his British counterpart, David Lammy, agreed Friday that the two countries will work together closely for a fair and lasting peace in Ukraine, while U.S. President Donald Trump is moving closer to Russia.時事通信社 による
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Amazon has agreed to pay nearly $4 million to settle charges that the e-commerce company subsidized its labor costs by taking tips its delivery drivers received from customers, District of Columbia Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb said in February.The settlement came four years after Amazon forked over $61.7 million to resolve a complaint the Fede…
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An explosion occurred at a plant of Chuo Spring Co., a Toyota Motor Corp. affiliate, in Aichi Prefecture, central Japan, at around 8 a.m. on Thursday, killing a 40-year-old male worker, according to local fire officials and other sources.時事通信社 による
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Japan Football Association President Tsuneyasu Miyamoto said Thursday that FIFA's decision to only accept applications to host the 2031 Women's World Cup from member countries in Africa, North America, Central America and the Caribbean was extremely disappointing.時事通信社 による
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The main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan is considering fielding former House of Councillors lawmaker Renho, 57, for a proportional representation seat in this summer's election for the Upper House, CDP sources said Thursday.時事通信社 による
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Toru Akama has been protecting feral pets left behind following the accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station as he feels a sense of responsibility as a former worker of the plant in northeastern Japan.時事通信社 による
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