London's floating church
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Damit Sie Ihr Geschäft mit der richtigen Bezahllösung auf ein neues Level heben. Wir klären Händler:innen und Dienstleister:innen auf über bargeldlose Zahlverfahren, neue digitale Geschäftsmodelle und aktuelle Kundenbedürfnisse. Denn jedes Unternehmen profitiert von modernem Payment – der Bäcker um die Ecke ebenso wie der deutschlandweit tätige Filialist oder das internationale agierende Großunternehmen. Alle vier Wochen sprechen wir mit Expert:innen über Payment im E-Commerce, im stationäre ...
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Welcome to Redemption’s Table – a fresh ingredient podcast. Every week I will sit down to this table with a Special Guest, share a restaurant meal or cup of coffee or an ice cream cone, and engage in a recorded podcast conversation, on site, with redemption as the main course. You’re invited to join in on this flavorful adventure that will accentuate the reality of redemption in the lives of everyday people like you and me. A reality that, I believe, finds its ultimate expression in Jesus of ...
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Our nation's waterways are the economic engine that allows the agriculture, manufacturing and energy sectors to thrive by being the most cost-effective and energy-efficient mode of transportation in the world. Listen here for the latest news, people and companies that make the Marine industry what it is today.
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Follow Sarah & Tony on their adventures, buying a Dutch Barge, moving aboard, getting it ready to live off grid & taking it to Europe. We will be making some of the most important decisions of our lives, so there will be much excitement, doubt, joy, anxiety, laughter, tears and no doubt some heated language. We will be sharing our adventure on a weekly(ish) podcast with you. So come aboard its going to be a BLAST Our plans are to take you to the secret canals of Europe and find and taste the ...
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Through the Line with Andy Bargery features interviews with leading marketing and agency professionals. Each episode aims to explore a topic related to marketing and communications performance, or the business of marketing i.e. running agencies. Through the Line is brought to you by Agency Squared. Find out more about through the Line and Agency Squared at: Through the Line was formerly known as Techmap: Digital Marketing Podcast. However, as the topics of c ...
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Oil Twitchers and Barge Spotters: A Field Guide to Whale Creek
A self-guided audio tour by Floating Studio for Dark Ecologies
A Field Guide to Whale Creek is a self-guided audio tour and field guide pamphlet (available for download at These tools add insights to the strange beauty of the post-natural landscape accessible via the Newtown Creek Nature Walk, designed by George Trakas. You can reach the site in Greenpoint, Brooklyn by G train, bicycle or car. Just look for the enormous digester eggs belonging to the DEP’s Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. A NOTE TO THE CURIOUS: ...
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Ephesians 2:1-10 This service will include an interview with Col. David Ellison, and a talk by him on the central claims of the Christian faith. Col. David Ellison is Deputy Head Corporate Strategy for the Armed Forces Recruiting Headquarters. A Royal Engineer by background, he has served operationally in the Balkans, Northern Ireland, South East A…
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You are a human GoPro and your soul is recording every nanosecond of your life! To some degree, you're taking it all in. Your internal audio and video recorders are receiving data at an incredible shutter speed. And even though your memory capacity is enormous, you can't recall it all, but it is amazing how much your soul does remember. Welcome to …
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Acts 14:1–28 When the door of faith is opened, what changes? Superstitions and idols are brought down, the gospel is preached despite opposition, and the souls of God’s people are strengthened.
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„Wie lassen sich Kantinen zu Betriebsrestaurants aufwerten?“ (#99)
Kantine war gestern: Großküchen wandeln sich zunehmend zu Restaurants, die sich in die jeweilige Markenstrategie einfügen und neue Ansprüche erfüllen müssen. Denn Gäste stellen wachsende Erwartungen ans Ambiente, die Qualität der Speisen und die Customer Journey von der Menüauswahl bis zum Bezahlen. Den einen Standard, der für alle Unternehmen pass…
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I first met Peter Scott when I walked into his place of business in Montgomery Alabama almost 10 years ago. His office wall was filled with photographs he had taken from Yellowstone National Park. We struck up a conversation and became fast friends. Pete worked in Yellowstone back during his college days. He has since visited our first National Par…
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Matthew 2:1-12 On his recent royal tour of Australia, King Charles got a mixed reception. So did King Jesus from the moment he came into the world, but how we respond to him is a good deal more significant, given who he is. In this passage we encounter three responses. Which best represents our own?
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There's a phenomenon that takes place within us when we spend three days in the great outdoors. It's called "the 3-day effect." Three days in nature can reset our brains. And after those three days, our ability to problem solve goes up, our inductive reasoning goes up, and we become more creative. When we step out of life as we know it and into lif…
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Matthew 1:18-25 We’re born, we live, we die. We all conform to this universal pattern. If we’re going to get out of the hole we’re in, it’s going to have to be an outside job. We need someone who breaks the chain. Someone not ordinary but extra-ordinary. And that is what we find in Jesus – a unique birth producing a unique baby.…
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Matthew 1:1-17 ‘Go and tell everyone everywhere they need to become my disciples and start following and obeying me’. That’s where Matthew’s Gospel ends. An outrageous thing for anyone to say, never mind a carpenter from Nazareth. Why should we take him seriously? Who even is he? That’s where Matthew’s Gospel begins.…
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"Everybody I know says they need just one thing And what they really mean is they need just one thing more." - Rich Mullins. Everyone has a life song. Or if you're like me, you have dozens of life songs. But through the years, one seems to keep rising to the top. Rich Mullins' My One Thing is that song for me. It's a song about Jesus - my one thing…
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Nahum 3 Though his name means ‘comfort,’ the message is clear—sin and shame are intertwined, and true freedom from shame comes when sin is judged.
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„Wie viel Technik braucht die Gastro fürs bargeldlose Kassieren wirklich?“ (#98)
Als Servicekraft in der Gastro muss man viel mit sich rumtragen: ein mobiles Kassengerät, ein Kartenterminal und dann noch das Portemonnaie mit Bargeld. Muss das so? Nein, muss es nicht. Moritz Tim Ebert von Hanseatic POS-Cash und unser Vertriebsexperte Michael Leschkowski wissen, wie es leichter wird. Im #PaymentPower Podcast erzählen sie, wie sie…
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Psalm 19 If the atheist is right, then we live in a world with no ultimate meaning, no purpose, no hope. But the world of Psalm 19 is very different – and this is the real world – a world in which God is there and is not silent.
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Confluence. A place where two or more rivers or streams merge together. Confluences fill me with wonder. I want to journey upstream to find the headwaters of every tributary. A confluence is kind of like a reversed fork in the road made of water. Wherever you are right now is a confluence. Think back over your summer. What were your favorite tables…
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„Was müssen Händler:innen über die girocard, den digitalen Euro und Wero wissen?“ (#97)
Der Payment-Markt ist im Wandel und Matthias Hönisch weiß Bescheid! Als Abteilungsleiter Kartengeschäft beim Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken (BVR) behält er den Überblick. Mit ihm haben wir über die Bezahllandschaft in Deutschland gesprochen: Darüber, wie Konsument:innen in Deutschland aktuell bezahlen, warum die giroca…
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The Holy Trinity is a wondrous mystery. You know the certainty of the Truth of it - and yet, it blows your mind. Absolutely amazing how Truth and Wonder come together in the glorious reality of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. But there is also an unholy trinity that lurks beneath the surface of enough churches and denomination…
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Do you hear the song? The song that is all around you right now. Do you hear that? It's a song being sung especially over you. It's a Voice that never ceases to sing to you. And when you hear it, it makes all the difference in how you live your life. "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." …
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A Conversation with Special Guest: Steph Cherry It is always a delight to bring Steph Cherry to the Table. You never know what or who might wander through the conversation. There might be a tornado in the backyard or a birthday visit with a capybara at a local petting zoo or the art of being an uncommon friend during someone else's difficult season…
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„Lohnt sich Kartenakzeptanz im saisonalen Erdbeerverkauf?“ (#96)
Ganz viel Erdbeerliebe steckt in dieser Folge – denn Diedrich Untiedt, Vertriebsleiter des Erdbeerhof Glantz, ist zu Besuch. Er erzählt, warum er nach 50 Jahren Betrieb die 240 Erdbeerhäuschen mit Kartenterminals ausgestattet hat, welche Herausforderungen es dabei durch das Saisongeschäfts gab und welche Lösung gefunden wurde. Schnappt euch ein paa…
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The Importance & Value of Creativity with Neil Quick
In the marketing and advertising worlds, we often hear about the importance of creativity. A great deal has been written about how creativity is a big driver of marketing effectiveness, and it’s hard to argue with the data - see Paul Dyson's work evidencing how greta creative delivers a 12x profitability multiplier in advertising effectiveness, or …
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Your soul has a unique speed. It is not in a hurry. It does not travel at the speed of our world nor our culture. It travels at the speed of Light - the Light of the world. Your soul is in need of nourishment. It must be fed and there is only one real source of food. C.S. Lewis wrote, "God designed the human machine to run on Himself. He Himself is…
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„Wie relevant sind die asiatischen Zahlungssysteme Alipay und WeChat Pay in Deutschland?“ (#95)
Wer die Fußball-Europameisterschaft 2024 verfolgt, sieht automatisch überall: Alipay. Das chinesische Bezahlsystem ziert Stadien und Fanmeilen. Warum eigentlich? Welche Rolle Alipay und sein Pendant WeChat Pay an Verkaufspunkten in Deutschland spielen, erklärt Marco van Eersel, Gründer von WeRetail. Er weiß, wie Händler:innen und Dienstleister:inne…
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It's intermission! The curtain has dropped on the first half of the movie. The band has stepped off the stage to take a break. The first half of this year's journey is about to pass the baton to the second half. It's the perfect time to re-examine where we've come from and fine tune where we're going. And all are encouraged to do just that. Let's a…
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Courtney Ellis is a bird enthusiast, a pastor, and an author. Her newest book is Looking Up: A Birder's Guide to Hope through Grief. She also hosts a wonderful podcast called The Thing with Feathers. Today's episode is a whimsical, ornithological, and theological swoop through Jesus' beatitudes from His Sermon on the Mount. I asked Courtney to pair…
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I remember my family's first color television. I came home from school one day as a boy and there it was in our den. I sprawled out in the floor and watched the Sergeant Jack Show, featuring Dick Tracy cartoons, on Channel 42 out of Birmingham. I was enthralled. I was drawn in to the screen and would sometimes sit so close, I could see the hundreds…
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„Welche Vorteile hat das Cashback-Programm MeinPlus?“ (#94)
Vorteilsprogramme wie Payback kennen wir alle. Mit MeinPlus hat die genossenschaftliche FinanzGruppe ein eigenes Angebot in petto. Die Idee dahinter: regionale Händler:innen und Endkund:innen zusammenbringen und beiden Seiten echten Mehrwert bieten. Wie genau die Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken das mit MeinPlus machen, welche Vorteile im Cashback-Prog…
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Consider your worship. In the first 22 weeks of 2024, what worship moments have been most memorable to you? Worship is an easy word to ignore. It's wrapped in plain brown paper. We imagine we could guess the content of today's Table without opening or listening. Yet, it's the very thing that can calm and rattle your life at the same time. God is re…
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Welcome to our 150th Redemption's Table! I am learning how to host a podcast. I now have 150 episodes of practice. And I think the secret is to not take yourself too seriously while taking your guest and your subject very seriously. Come join us for some fun as the host becomes the guest and I get grilled by three of the sharpest people I know. Alo…
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I like the word navigate. I like the images that come to mind when I ponder that word. It falls into a category of simplicity, of a way of life that brims with more intensity, with more pure oxygen than any artificial substitute our culture keeps seducing us to embrace. To navigate is to know where we are, and to know where we want to go. Once thos…
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„Wie kommt mehr Leben in den Handel in Innenstädten?“ (#93)
Der stationäre Handel in Deutschlands Städten hat es nicht leicht: Fachkräftemangel, hohe Energiepreise und Onlineshopping sind nur einige der Herausforderungen heute. Wie kann der Einzelhandel attraktiver werden? Das weiß Ulrich Binnebößel vom Handelsverband Deutschland. Er erklärt, was die Innenstadt ausmacht, welche Erwartungen Verbraucher:innen…
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Eclipse. Last month, millions in North America migrated both near and far to fall under the wonder of a moon shadow for a few, brief moments. A total solar eclipse. Calypso. A musical style which originated in Trinidad, Tobago, and spread throughout the West Indies of the Caribbean. Eclypso. A combination of two familiar words to inspire a brand ne…
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„Wie sieht modernes Franchising heute aus?“ (#92)
Die Franchisebranche ist vielfältig: Sie reicht von Restaurants wie Burger King über Autodienstleister wie Point S bis hin zu Schmuckunternehmen wie die Trauringschmiede. Trotz der unterschiedlichen Produkte und Anforderungen stehen alle vor den gleichen Herausforderungen wie Digitalisierung und Fachkräftemangel. Wie können Unternehmer:innen dennoc…
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Conversation with Special Guest: Raymond Turner Recorded Live in Sparklefly Studio in CookChildren's Medical Center - Fort Worth, Texas. We step in and out of sacred spaces every day, oft times unaware. But every now and then, we are overwhelmed from the outside in and the inside out simultaneously, just by being where we are. That's how I felt whe…
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A Very Special 5th Birthday Table Episode Featuring Special Guest: Chris McLane Originally Recorded July 19th, 2019 - Dinner and Conversation at Mooyah’s Burgers in Birmingham, Alabama. Originally Released July 22nd, 2019 Redemption's Table was launched 5 Years Ago today - April 22, 2019. And since then, 146 episodes have been released. The origina…
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Lunch and Conversation with Special Guest: Larry Cobb Recorded Live at Salsarita's Fresh Mexican Grill in Montgomery, Alabama. I believe my good friend Larry Cobb has discovered the secret sauce of fatherhood. During today's live table over Salsarita's two taco special, Larry never uses the term "secret sauce," but I think he's found what it is. He…
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Thomas was one of Jesus' 12 disciples. He has unfortunately been labeled as a doubter. He missed Jesus' first post-resurrection appearance to His disciples. He had a backstage VIP pass to the greatest event in all of history and he didn't even show up. One Sunday later, Jesus and Thomas finally came face to face. Thank God for the oddball and the o…
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SURPRISE WIDE OPEN All around the world tonight the ultimate Table of Redemption will be remembered and celebrated. The bread and the wine Jesus shared with His disciples would become the flesh and the blood sacrificed for all, less than 24 hours after they shared the meal. It's Holy Week! A week full of surprise. Surprise wide open. When it comes …
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Spring arrived a little early this year. It happened Tuesday night - March 19 at 10:06 pm CST. We crossed the equatorial line once again where day and night are everywhere on earth, for just a brief moment, of approximate equal length. Of course, we didn't literally step across that line. Earth glided across like a curling stone, and you & I - well…
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„Welche Vorteile hat der kassenlose Checkout von payfree für Aramark?“ (#91)
Ob Betriebsrestaurant, Schulmensa oder Messeshop – Aramark hat sich der Digitalisierung des Catering- und Servicemanagements verschrieben. Je nach Zielgruppe, Ort und Frequentierung unterscheiden sich die Anforderungen an die Verkaufspunkte dabei stark. Gesucht: Ein Tech-Partner für alle Fälle. So hat der Full-Service-Caterer das Düsseldorfer Unter…
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Today is March 14, 2024. It's just an ordinary day. It's not the Oscars. Not yet the Ides of March or St. Patrick's Day. A little too early for Spring Equinox or Palm Sunday. It's just an ordinary day in your life. Or is it? Do you know what happened on all the March 14ths of your life? Because what you can do today, you can do the other 365 days a…
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Complete this sentence: I delight in ........ I posed this open-ended declaration to several of my friends. And as their responses came tumbling in, I knew today's Table was gonna truly be something special! Delight is a word most of us don't use often enough. Gratitude is like the map of our entire journey; delight is the buried treasure. So, come…
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All of us find ourselves in seasons where it seems our lives are struggling upward through the dark. Angels Landing in Zion National Park is often considered one of the most dangerous trails in the National Park System. I hiked it in the dark with rain in the forecast at a time when my climbing legs were not in peak physical condition. I almost did…
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According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a curio is "something considered novel, rare, or bizarre." A memento is "something that serves to warn or remind." Today's light hearted episode encourages you to look around; go on a treasure hunt and search for curios, mementos, and everyday Ebenezers. Don't know what an Ebenezer is? We're glad you ask…
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„Wie sieht attraktiver Radverkehr in Deutschlands Hauptstadt aus?“ (#90)
Die Mission von infraVelo: Den Radverkehr in Berlin attraktiv gestalten und den Umstieg aufs Rad durch Anreize fördern. Ein wichtiger Bestandteil dabei sind sichere und witterungsgeschützte Abstellmöglichkeiten. Für einfache Nutzung sorgt das Unternehmen mit der App ParkYourBike. Was genau dahintersteckt und welche wichtige Rolle das Payment spielt…
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Before you awakened this morning, God was in His kitchen preparing fresh, new recipes of steadfast love and mercy, and Jesus was already setting the table for your day as it began. Don't miss the meal. The greatest opportunity you may have to taste something unbelievably wonderful this week, could be the one you far too readily overlook. Let Jesus …
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Breakfast and Conversation with Special Guest: Alex Hettinga Recorded Live at Vintage Cafe in Montgomery, Alabama. It doesn't take long to hear the heart of today's special guest Alex Hettinga. His conversation always weaves back to family and fatherhood. Alex is a husband, a father of two children, a classical violinist and violist, and the Senior…
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It is February and I am still singing Christmas songs. One carol in particular I sing all year long because of two words in its title that deeply connect with my soul. Wonder and wander. "I wonder as I wander out under the sky." Today's episode ponders three questions: - How often are you struck with wonder? - What evokes wonder in you? - Do you co…
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