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I podcasten Avistid vender Martin Krasnik, Christian Bennike og Nikolaj Arve ugens mest presserende problemstillinger. Det er lyden af Weekendavisen. Få adgang til resten af Weekendavisen her: www.weekendavisen.dk/tilbud
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Avis Désastreux

Robin Doux, Zara Lefebvre, Julie Rey-Jimenez, Léa Verhoye

Au commencement Dieu créa le ciel et la terre et il vit que c’était bon. Nous c’est à peu près pareil, sauf qu’il s’agit de ce podcast, et qu’on y parle cinéma. Le tout dans une ambiance posée au coin du feu, où tout le monde est le bienvenu : du pur néophyte au cinéphile condescendant. Mais attention, les personnes derrière ce podcast ont probablement des avis désastreux à partager.
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The Joanne Avison Podcast is a journey into Spiritual Science, examining the sacred geometry of human form and motion and how the Fascia Matrix changes all we thought we knew about human bodies. Reflecting on her rich experience as a movement and manual therapy practitioner, Certified Archetypal Consultant, ordained minister and Doctor of Spiritual Science; Joanne challenges our assumptions of human anatomy, and asks us to consider the "Humans Being" as intimately relating "soma to soul" suc ...
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Uplevel your life, team, organization and the world with the power of “yes, and!” Unlock the power of "Yes, And" to transform your life, your work, and your world. Hosted by Avish Parashar, a funny keynote speaker and leading expert in applied improvisation, this podcast dives deep into the principles of improv comedy and shows you how to apply them to real-life challenges and opportunities. Whether you're a leader looking to inspire your team, an individual aiming to elevate your personal a ...
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We are Twin Sister named Avisha and Arpita and our purpose is to motivate people and share with you insightful theories of Indian teacher, philosopher, economist, jurist and royal advisor. We have two YouTube channel named Marvel Twinz and Economics by Avisha and Arpita. You can also follow us on our YouTube channels.
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Relax Avishek

Avishek Banerjee

I host a sports podcast but sometimes I take a break and this is where I lay down my days and moments when I'm not working. You'll get to meet my friends, colleagues and also experience some weird recordings of others as well. Listen at your own risk or I must say, miss it at your own risk. Cheers! Btw, use earphones. Btw(1) parental guidance is advised.
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Avishek Das

Avishek Das

Avishek Das একটি MOJAR বাংলা YouTube Channel. আমিই সেই বঙ্গীয় Viner ওরফে অভিষেক দাস।. twitter #AvishekDas. R চাকরির যা বাজার তাতে চাকরি আর হলো না, তাই ভাবলাম আপনাদের হাসানোর একটু চেষ্টা করে দেখি । আপনারা আসবেন কিন্তু । YouTube Channel Subscribe কোরবেন Please হ্যাঁ । নামটা মনে রাখবেন Avishek Das. আমি বাঙালি । আর তাছাড়া Avishek Das নিশ্চই অন্য কোনো দেশের না, আমাদেরই Like Great Bengal Tiger. তো আমি একটা বাঙালি এবং Viner। নাম Avishek Das । আর হ্যাঁ Subscribe টা করবেন Please যদি হাসতে চান তো AVIS ...
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Every Whisky is a podcast about entrepreneurship, startups, and investing where I talk to startup founders I invested in. On this podcast, we talk to founders about their entrepreneurial journey, and the startup they are building while drinking whisky.
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Welcome! Here I will talk to a range of people on issues which interest me and I hope you, from religious slogans and wargaming to deeper political ideas to forgotten historical episodes. Bring up a chair, get comfortable, and enjoy! Avi
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Nido de Avispas

Berícid Sulfúric

Nido de Avispas es un pueblo perdido en una isla recóndita; sus únicos habitantes llevan una vida reposada lejos de cualquier preocupación. Todo esto cambia cuando Suroeste empieza a encontrar unos extraños mensajes de alguien llamado Mel que parecen revelar secretos sobre la Isla, sus vecinos y un pasado ya olvidado. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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For the Record: Avishai Cohen's Podcast

For The Record Avishai Cohen

For The Record is sharing with you a personal insight on Avishai Cohen’s musical world. Over the last two decades, internationally acclaimed bassist, singer, composer and leader Avishai Cohen has earned his reputation as one of the world's greatest bassists. This series follows him and shares with you stories from the road, views and comments from friends, musicians and invited guests, fan Q&A’s, personal insights, news and of course his MUSIC. Listen out for exclusive features and giveaways!
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Hvilke skandaler og brudte løfter gemmer sig i gamle avis? Vores kollektive hukommelse er blevet ultra kort, og ingen kan længere huske fra næse til mund. Bliver der overhovedet fulgt op på historier eller drukner det hele i informationstsunamiens glemmekasse? I ‘Gamle aviser’ gennemgår vi slavisk gamle aviser på årsdagen for programmets sendedag og følger op på de historier, der var aktuelle dengang. Har du input, spørgsmål eller kommentarer? Skriv til gamleaviser@24syv.dk
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Sin Previo Aviso

Anabhell Vásquez

Con este Podcast no te extiendo mi mano, pero si mi voz para que juntos aprendamos escuchando sobre esos tópicos que ¡Sin Previo Aviso! se hacen tendencia y que serán analizados desde su óptica legal. En cada edición te conectaré con Jurisprudencias, Doctrinas y Leyes relacionados al tema en particular. ¡Sube tu nivel profesional y toma esta batuta digital suscribiéndote desde ya!
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Livres et essais historiques, économiques, scientifiques, sociologiques ; textes d’intervention ou recherches de fond, rien de ce qui agite la pensée et le débat ne doit échapper à la critique. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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AVIS Viswanathan is the happynesswala - He is an Inspired Speaker, Life Coach and Author of “Fall Like A Rose Petal”. He believes his Life's Purpose is "Inspiring 'Happyness'". He blogs, podcasts and vlogs, sharing Life lessons from lived experiences.
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L'Investisseur Avisé part d’un constat simple : il est essentiel de comprendre dans quoi l’on investit. Et c’est d’autant plus vrai dans l’immobilier, tant les supports et les produits sont variés : immobilier locatif, SCPI, crowdfunding immobilier, ETF et assurance-vie thématiques... Si on mêle à cela les questions fiscales, ou encore la question des risques versus le rendement proposé, c’est parfois dur de s’y retrouver, même pour un investisseur avisé. Quelle que soit votre profession, vo ...
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Chaque vendredi, Kalindi vous propose 5 à 10 minutes de chronique clivante, rapide et furieuse. Mi-critique, mi-pillier de bar, notre rédactrice cinéma devrait vous donner du cinéphile à retordre car le pop corn, elle l’aime salé. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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Los ladrones son como tú; quieren entrar en tu casa entrando por la puerta. Naturalmente, es importante disuadir a los ladrones del punto de acceso más fácil con buena seguridad. Características como los cerrojos, los sistemas de alarma y la iluminación del sensor de movimiento protegen el punto de entrada más fácil: la puerta. ¿Pero qué hay de otros puntos de acceso? Si el uso de la puerta principal o trasera parece difícil, los ladrones amateurs pueden abandonar y apuntar a otra propiedad. ...
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show series
Bonjour à toutes et tous, et bienvenue dans cette pastille pour parler du film The Substance de Coralie Fargeat, prix du scénario au dernier festival de Cannes, la sortie événement de la semaine. Dans celle-ci nous vous parlons des origines de ce film, des intentions de sa réalisatrice, de comment elle a réussi à imposer sa vision, avec un bout d'e…
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Dall'idea di un pescatore, Paolo Fanciulli, che voleva tutelare i fondali marini dai danni della pesca a strascico, è nato il progetto La Casa dei Pesci. Si occupa di proteggere l'ambiente marino e le sue creature attraverso anche opere d'arte. Abbiamo raggiunto Giovanni Contardi, presidente de La casa dei pesci, che ci racconta l’attività del prog…
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MIGO’s NAV fell by 1.0% in September After a tumultuous August, September was generally a quieter month. In performance terms, it was an underwhelming period with our net asset value declining nearly one percent. Despite very little share price reaction there were two events which could be described as potentially game-changing for our portfolio...…
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Det kan virke mærkeligt, at regeringen indkaldte til pressemøde i går for at tale om Donald Trumps valgsejr, men for Arne Hardis er det meget logisk: »Der er opstået en situation. Vi er under atomparaplyen, der er en ny mand, der holder den, og vi aner ikke, hvordan han vil svinge med den paraply.« Og som Hans Mortensen tilføjer: »Regeringen har br…
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Det var den forsonlige udgave af Donald Trump, som i sin sejrstale lovede en ny »guldalder« i USA. Men verden er alligevel vågnet til en ny og mere usikker fremtid – med en uforudsigelig og hævngerrig amerikansk præsident. Samtidig afslører Kamala Harris’ sviende nederlag, at Demokraterne aldrig formåede at svare overbevisende på vælgernes største …
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Overalt har historien om den amerikanske valgkamp været den samme. Det har handlet om splittelse og polarisering. Om to modsatrettede udgaver af Amerika, der står og stirrer olmt på hinanden. Men måske er der også en anden historie om amerikansk politik. En mere håbefuld historie, hvor vælgerne ikke opfatter hinanden som »fjender«, og hvor partiern…
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Verdens rigeste mand, Elon Musk, er her, der og allevegne i den amerikanske valgkamp. Han donerer enorme millionbeløb til Donald Trump. Han holder rallies og fylder alt på sit eget sociale medie X. Og så er han tilsyneladende udset til at få en nøglerolle i Trumps regering. Sker det, vil fremtiden blive »AMAZING!«, siger Musk selv. Men hvad er det …
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In this solo episode, I dive deeper into the idea of psychological safety, building on my conversation with Jason Eisner from last week. If you haven't listened to that episode yet, I highly recommend checking it out for a foundational understanding of how a psychologically safe environment can drive team performance and innovation. Join me as I re…
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I USA gøres selv almindelige hverdagsprodukter til våben i valgkampen. Langt inde på forbrugerlandets hylder aner man en ny, konservativ kultur. Selv en kop kaffe er blevet et politisk valg, erfarer Markus Bernsen. Lyt til flere artikler fra Weekendavisen her. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Vi er tæt forbundne med amerikanerne og længes efter, at USA stadig vil påtage sig lederskabet. Sådan udtrykker Hans Mortensen og Arne Hardis det i Avistid, der i denne uge handler om Danmarks forhold til Amerika. Kærligheden til USA er forholdsvis ny. Op gennem det 20. århundrede så man både på venstre- og højrefløjen amerikanerne som dumme, kultu…
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Join Joanne in this brilliant chat with Dr. Karen Kirkness as they take a fascinating journey to unlock the secrets of the embryo, that remarkable human blueprint we all share! From the earliest stages of development, the embryo’s genetic code orchestrates a complex dance of tissue dynamics, fascia insights, and biological pathways - which Karen de…
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Er det en skuffelse, at Kamala Harris er på nippet til at tabe til Donald Trump? Eller er det tværtimod en stor bedrift, at hun overhovedet har fået genskabt Demokraternes mulighed for at generobre Det Hvide Hus? Harris kunne nærmest gå på vandet, da hun i juli tog over efter Joe Biden. Hun blev hypet og hyldet, men nu virker hun forkrampet og stiv…
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I weekenden blev Donald Trump spurgt, om han vil bruge militærmagt mod en kinesisk blokade af Taiwan. Svaret: »Det vil jeg ikke være nødt til, fordi han [Xi Jinping, red.] respekterer mig, og han ved, at jeg er fucking crazy.« Og sådan er Trumps og hans støtters fortælling om hans udenrigspolitiske kløgt: Han får sin vilje, fordi andre statsledere …
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Retrouvez toute la programmation et autre détails du festival sur ⁠⁠https://www.cinespagnol.com/⁠ Voilà ! Cinespaña c'est terminé (et depuis deux semaines en vrai). Nous avons donc voulu marquer le coup en le concluant avec un casting XXL : quatre des organisatrices sont présentes autour de la table ! On revient tout d'abord sur 11 derniers films, …
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Alle taler om splittelsen i USA. Alligevel blev Matias Seidelin overrasket over, hvor voldsomt den udfolder sig overalt i samfundet, da han for snart fire år siden rejste til USA som korrespondent. I sin nye bog, Game over there, argumenterer Seidelin for, at det meget vel kan ende med, at supermagten kollapser indefra – fordi amerikanerne har fået…
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I en helt ny måling fra New York Times svarer tre ud af fire amerikanere, at demokratiet er truet. Demokraterne kalder Donald Trump »fascist«, Republikanerne svarer igen ved at kalde Kamala Harris »djævlen«. Splittelsen er større end nogensinde før. For fire år siden endte valget med den voldsomme storm på Kongressen. Dengang fulgte dokumentaristen…
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In this episode, we dive deep into the concept of psychological safety and its profound impact on workplace culture. Join me as I chat with Jason Eisner of Aristotle Performance (along with a number of other cool businesses), who specializes in fostering environments where team members feel safe to express their ideas, share concerns, and admit mis…
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Discover the hidden language of your body, and how it makes SUCH a huge difference to your ability to enjoy moving and being in your body - if you learn to tune into it... Fascia, as you'll discover in this week’s episode, literally signals to itself and to you 24/7 - ALL the time! If you know what you’re listening to, you can discover this hidden …
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Nu har også USA bekræftet, at Nordkorea har sendt mindst 3.000 soldater til russisk Fjernøsten, hvor de trænes til kamp mod de ukrainske styrker. I dagens Avistid taler udlandsredaktør Anna Libak med avisens Ukraine- og Ruslands-ekspert Andrey Kazankov om, hvordan det vil påvirke krigens gang. Avistid er produceret og tilrettelagt af Marie Louise V…
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Apriamo questa puntata parlando della guerra in Medio oriente e delle risposte che la società civile sta cercando di trovare alla crisi umanitaria che si aggrava di ora in ora non solo a Gaza, ma anche nel Libano. Qui il numero di profughi in fuga dai bombardamenti è in continua crescita. Migliaia di persone, tra cui bambini, donne e anziani in cer…
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In questa puntata parliamo di CBM Italia, organizzazione internazionale impegnata nella tutela della salute, dell’educazione, lavoro e diritti delle persone con disabilità. L’anno scorso ha condotto oltre 60 progetti in Italia e all’estero, raggiungendo oltre 2 milioni di persone. Quello di cui parliamo oggi è un percorso pensato per insegnanti e s…
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Kongernes Samling har overtaget formidlingsforpligtelsen for de dele af Christiansborg, der vedrører Kongehuset - Riddersalen, Tronsalen, de kongelige stalde, Slotskirken, ruinerne under slottet med videre - fra Nationalmuseet. Lokaler der blandt andet bruges til udstillinger og årligt besøges af tusindvis af turister. I dagens Avistid taler Weeken…
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Forhandlingerne om den grønne trepart går trægt. Oppositionen finder regeringens ambitioner alt for lave. Ideen var at binde alle parterne til det samme bord, men det er åbenbart ikke så nemt. »Alle synes, at regeringen har givet landbruget en gave ved at vælge den mindste model, fordi den ikke løser problemet med, at vi skal have liv i fjorde og h…
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Interview faite avec Julie le 20 Octobre aux Cinémas Studio de Tours, dans le cadre du festival Mauvais Tours. Photo © Pierre DejonDernièrement, nous étions au festival Mauvais Tours, et le réalisateur Just Philippot y était aussi en tant que membre du Jury. Et cela a appris que nous puissions le rencontrer, et échanger avec lui. L'occasion pour no…
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Det er ikke bare republikanerne mod demokraterne ved det forestående præsidentvalg. Det er også manden mod kvinden. I dagens avistid taler udlandsredaktør Anna Libak med kulturskribent Sarah von Essen om, hvordan de to kandidater, Trump og Harris, bruger deres køn aktivt i valgkampen, og hvordan de hver især forsøger at appellere til de yngre vælge…
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It’s Halloween-Time, which means it’s time to watch horror movies! I love horror movies (now, I used to be terrified of them as a kid) and so I watch and re-watch quite a few horror movies. Especially right around Halloween. In this special solo episode, I dive deep into the world of horror films and uncover six surprising business lessons that can…
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I Thomas Vinterbergs nye serie Familier som os truer en fremtidig klimakatastrofe – Danmark står til at blive oversvømmet, og alle borgere i landet bliver evakueret. Men hvor realistisk er det, at Danmark bliver oversvømmet? I dagens Avistid måler vi Vinterbergs serie op imod DTUs spritnye rapport om fremtidens stormfloder. Vært Anna Libak taler me…
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Bonjour à toutes et tous. Mauvais Tours jour 4, c'est terminé... C'est donc le cœur lourd que nous venons le conclure dans cet épisode XXL, histoire de finir sur une aussi bonne note que le festival. Donc dans ce dernier épisode on parle de quatre films : Primitifs de David Zellner et Nathan Zellner, 37 : L'Ombre et la Proie d'Arthur Môlard, La Chu…
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D'Ieteren was the most significant detractor shaving - 106bps from returns. We discuss this below having materially added to the position such that it is now an 8.2% weight. Other notable detractors included News Corp (-60bps), Aker (-40bps) and Partners Group Private Equity (-38bps). View the Sept 2024 Factsheet here //About us: Asset Value Invest…
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AJOT’s NAV increased by +3.9% (in GBP) over the quarter and declined -2.0% in local currency terms (in JPY). The two largest drivers of performance were JADE GROUP (+27%), which in July disclosed promising post-merger integration of MagaSeek with its operating income in May up +63% on an annualised level relative to FY23, and Beenos (+11%). Meanwhi…
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AJOT’s NAV increased by +3.9% (in GBP) over the quarter and declined -2.0% in local currency terms (in JPY). The two largest drivers of performance were JADE GROUP (+27%), which in July disclosed promising post-merger integration of MagaSeek with its operating income in May up +63% on an annualised level relative to FY23, and Beenos (+11%). Meanwhi…
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AJOT’s NAV increased by +3.9% (in GBP) over the quarter and declined -2.0% in local currency terms (in JPY). The two largest drivers of performance were JADE GROUP (+27%), which in July disclosed promising post-merger integration of MagaSeek with its operating income in May up +63% on an annualised level relative to FY23, and Beenos (+11%). Meanwhi…
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Bonjour à toutes et tous. Mauvais Tours jour 3. La fatigue s'installe doucement, les journées deviennent plus intenses, les films aussi. Donc dans cet avant-dernier épisode on parle des classes de maîtres, et de deux films audacieux. On commence par les masterclass respectives de Just Philippot et de Sébastien Vaniček. Et nous continuons sur deux f…
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Bonjour à toutes et tous. Aujourd'hui, et plus tôt qu'hier, nous continuons désormais fameux festival Mauvais Tours. Au programme des castors tués par centaines, et des politiciens qui par l'amour, veulent atteindre la gloire, mais peut-être aussi la beauté. Bref, on vous parle d'Hundreds of Beavers de Mike Cheslik, et de Rumours de Galen Johnson, …
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Bonjour à toutes et tous. Aujourd'hui, en compagnie de Julie, nous attaquons un nouveau festival qui est tout récent, puisqu'il en est à sa première édition : Mauvais Tours. Donc dans ce premier épisode on revient sur qu'est-ce que ce festival, on avait envie de partager nos galères, mais surtout on vous parle cinéma. On vous parle deux films sur l…
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En ny bog om Flammen og Citronen rokker ved nationale myter. På en stille villavej i Allerød skal en faderløs families historie nu skrives om. Poul Pilgaard Johnsen fortæller, hvem der i virkeligheden var skyld i, at Gestapo kom på sporet af Citronen. Lyt til flere artikler fra Weekendavisen her. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Per molti di noi la scuola è un edificio dove si entra, ci si siede e si impara. Non è quello che penseranno 8 studenti delle superiori che questo anno scolastico lo passeranno spostandosi da un luogo all'altro in giro per l'Italia per il progetto "Strade Maestre". Partiti il 16 settembre da Orvieto, percorreranno un totale di 1000 km a piedi tra L…
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S’intitola “Guida e Basta” la nuova campagna promossa da Anas, ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti e Polizia di Stato. Grazie al coinvolgimento di tre influencer, Vincenzo Schettini del canale La Fisica che ci Piace, lo chef Ruben Bondì e la tiktoker Iris Di Domenico, la campagna punta a diffondere uno slogan semplice, immediato e soprat…
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Questo nuovo appuntamento di PositivaMente è dedicato alla salute mentale degli adolescenti. Un tema delicato e molto importante su cui Fondazione Progetto Itaca sta lavorando al fianco di oltre 17mila studenti delle scuole superiori, coinvolgendo anche i loro genitori e gli insegnanti. Secondo i dati dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, il 7…
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If you’ve ever experienced muscle trembling during or after a workout or a class - you may have heard the idea that it’s “good for you”. But, as Paul and Joanne discuss in this episode, it could actually be a sign that you’re overtraining, and it’s essential to recognize these warning signs to avoid injury. You can maintain optimal performance, if …
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In this solo episode, I dive into the connection between emotions and creativity, productivity, and effective communication. Building on my recent conversation with "Kindness Speaker," MJ Shaar, I explore how our feelings shape our experiences and influence our thoughts and actions. Have you ever noticed how your emotional state affects your intera…
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Bestseller forfatteren Margaret Atwood er umulig at interviewe, men Markus Bernsen fik muligheden. Her fortæller hun om klimakatastrofer, kunstig intelligens, og det Amerika, som hun gennem et halvt århundrede har iagttaget på sikker afstand af den canadiske grænse. “Jeg er bekymret for, at de stærke mænd vil mødes i et baglokale og dele verden op.…
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Uddannelsesreformen, som kom denne uge, trækker store gennemgribende linjer, som ikke levner plads til De Radikale i forhandlingslokalet. »Der foregår en meget heftig værdikamp, og man bruger nogle af de tricks, man altid bruger, man taler om et A- og et B-hold,« siger Arne Hardis i Avistid, og suppleres af Hans Mortensen: »Mattias Tesfaye og Kaare…
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Le protagoniste di questa puntata sono Sara e Alessia, due sorelle accomunate dalla passione per i viaggi. Assieme hanno creato un canale Instagram e un blog interamente dedicato ai viaggi accessibili alle persone in carrozzina. Alessia, infatti, è disabile e vivendo in prima persona il problema delle barriere architettoniche ha voluto dare vita a …
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L'appuntamento di oggi ci porta in India, da un giovane imprenditore che con la sua startup ha rivoluzionato il modo di portare a casa la spesa: con i sacchetti, sì, ma realizzati dagli scarti di mais ai quali si aggiungono zucchero e cellulosa. Il risultato è un composto al quale viene data la forma del sacchetto per la spesa quotidiana che ha car…
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In this enlightening episode, Joanne delves into the fascinating world of myofascial release, discussing various interpretations of this powerful bodywork technique and what it means to different people. Tune in to discover how myofascial release has become a well known complementary health technique - and... what does it really mean? It has very d…
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Nell’appuntamento di oggi approfondiamo il tema del volontariato e del suo ruolo insostituibile soprattutto nelle comunità locali, più piccole come quelle di montagna. A tale proposito, in Valle d’Aosta è da poco partita la campagna “Io mi faccio un Dono così” che punta a promuovere l’altruismo come un gesto che regala emozioni positive a chi lo co…
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