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Astral Waves Collective

Astral Waves Collective

Immerse your senses in the ethereal world of The Astral Waves Collective podcast. Journey through soothing soundscapes, where gentle melodies meet calming rhythms. Each episode takes you on a tranquil voyage, offering solace from the chaos of daily life. Let the music transport you to a realm of serenity Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Mythologie Astrale le Podcast

Chris Mythologie Astrale

Quel secteur de votre vie est gouverné par l’archétype du héros, celui de la servante ou du centaure ? Mythologie Astrale se situe au Carrefour des Futés, et propose de traduire et contextualiser ces multiples archétypes et leurs nuances. L’Astrologie est un système de langage, un outil de divination qui a été mobilisé par le passé par de nombreuses religions et entités politiques au cours de sa très longue histoire. Elle est à la fois la dépositaire légitime de toutes ces expériences, décou ...
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Astral Gamer is a peasant girl who learned the ways of the KINGS who came to claim her. The ASTRAL WARS are raging and we must arm ourselves for battle by sharing stories, strategies, and camaraderie in the age of Elite Plots and New World Order Initiation. Will you choose the Great Awakening or Follow the Laws of Man? Developing a GAME to help empower and navigate the ASTRAL REALMS
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Join astral projection and lucid dreaming practitioner and adept Vincent Field as he shares his incredible and sometimes frightening experiences in higher dimensions of reality, attaining profound spiritual insights and encountering a wide variety of non-physical entities, including higher level spiritual beings, deceased relatives, aliens, the higher self, spirit guides, and more. Learn the techniques that he uses to reach and navigate these higher states of consciousness, and expand your o ...
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How far would you go for enlightenment? Westerners have long been drawn to the spiritual mystique of India. While many find what they’re looking for and return home, some vanish without a trace or even end up dead. Astray investigates those who pay the ultimate cost in search of spiritual awakening.
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Historian and novelist Ada Palmer and author and vocateur reader Jo Walton interview other fiction authors, historians, scientists, editors, and friends, interspersed with bonus episodes where they discuss topics such as history, gelato, and the craft of writing.
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Architect Gone Astray

von Julia Faßhauer

Architectgoneastray beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema, mit kreativen Ideen dem Alltagstrott aus der Arbeit zu entfliehen. Ob man nun den Alltag interessanter gestaltet, sich traut, mehr draus zu machen oder ganz die Branche wechselt, ist jedem selbst überlassen. Hier werden nur die Ideen gegeben. Nachahmung auf eigene Gefahr. Der Blog dazu heißt
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大家好,我是Hao,這個頻道介紹人生中走上迷途的真實犯罪故事,每周末更新。 前面集數的音質不讚讚,18集開始的音質比較正常,所以建議從最新的集數開始聽。 歡迎透過Instagram跟我互動,跟我討論案情或是聊聊天,上面會放跟案件相關的資料照片。 如果喜歡這個頻道的話就追蹤、評分起來,每周聽各式各樣的犯罪故事吧!! Instagram帳號 || astraymetoo 節目相關連結 || 合作邀約 || Powered by Firstory Hosting
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«A través del esfuerzo, el triunfo», «Por el sendero áspero, a las estrellas», «Por las rudezas del camino, hacia las estrellas» o «Hacia las estrellas a través de las dificultades».
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Tired of the glammed up, over filtered version of birth and parenting we keep seeing all over social media? Parents! – it’s time to get real and share all of it on Apparently with Astra - the new pregnancy and parenting podcast. Listen to your host, Astra as she shares a healthy dose of unpredictable humor and emotional moments as a new mom, while also interviewing parents from different backgrounds that have gone through their own extraordinary experiences while growing and raising their fa ...
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Music for Astral Travel

Absalon Radio CPH

A mix of downtempo and ambient music aiming to elevate consciousness and free the human soul from the weight of the material world. A chance to experience a non-physical way of travel into the astral spheres of existence through a high frequency sound bath.
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Story’s of our lives, both real and fantasy. Everything is possible and everything is real here in the Astral Plane. I am your host Ethan D. Rx. Join my guests and I as we venture through the vast everything of the Astral Plane.
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News, commentary and interviews about the World, Europe and Greece. Analysis of current events laced with thought provoking commentary on issues facing Greece and the U.S., gives listeners a unique perspective and practical point of view. The podcast is an entertaining fusion of news, interviews, geopolitics, personal finance, lessons from Greece’s classical heritage and American pop culture. Stamatis N. Astra is co-host of Grecian Echoes WNTN 1550 AM, a 70 year old Greek American program se ...
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Geister, Astralwesen, Fabeltiere und Sagengestalten Podcast

Sukadev Bretz - Weisheit und Spiritualität

Einblicke in die Feinstoffwelt: Geister, Astralwesen, Feen, Elfen, Naturgeister, Sagengestalten, Fabelwesen - die Mythen der Völker sind voll davon. Hier bekommst du viele Infos über die Feinstoffwesen der verschiedensten Völker und Kulturen - und vielleicht sogar einen Einblick in eine faszinierende subtile Welt.
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Astral Harvest Podcast

Astral Harvest Podcast

Welcome to the Astral Harvest Podcast! The podcast is the epitome of eclecticism featuring a series of interviews with individuals who are or have been involved with the festival in some way. Discussion topics include music production, spirituality, health, yoga, DJing, diet, art, poetry, shamanism, performance art and all things festival culture! As far as interviewees go, we like ‘em weird and brilliant, just like our Harvesters! Happy listening, folks!
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ad Astra

The Astra Project

Ad Astra presents a series of academic conversations with researchers on the history of astrology. It offers to a wider audience the main academic debates and works on the historical role of astrology in culture, science, and society. While it focuses primarily the historical study of astrological practices and methodologies, it also addresses other topics, such as current research, challenges, findings, astrological documents, new publications, and conferences. The Ad Astra podcast is hoste ...
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Olá. Você que está iniciando a jornada nos estudos espirituais e mesmo que já tenha uma base, esse curso lhe será muito importante. Aqui foram colocados com carinho conhecimentos e vivências sobre o mundo espiritual, dicas de autores sérios, de sites, de livros importantes e informações gerais sobre multi-dimensionalidade. O curso é voltado ao aprendizado de forma simples, com termos de fácil acesso, com o objetivo de levar conhecimento a quem precise, independente de credo, religião, posiçã ...
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The AI way, to drift astray, is a podcast with text and music by Artificial intelligence, and hosted by speech synthesis. No humans are involved in either writing, music making or talking in this podcast. The editing, however, is man made, and there is an actual human providing input and making creative selections. For now. Eventually this podcast will be completely controlled by AI. For the time being, the human has promised to take as little part as possible in the creating, limiting its r ...
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show series
"Red Dawn" whispers secrets of twilight, a symphony of rustling leaves and distant whispers. As the sun bows to the horizon, hues of crimson cascade across the sky, painting a canvas of serenity. Join us on a journey through the ethereal embrace of morning, where every breath is a whispered hymn to the new day Hosted on Acast. See…
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Original post here. Table of contents below. I want to especially highlight three things. First, Saar wrote a response to my post (and to zoonosis arguments in general). I’ve put a summary and some my responses at 1.11, but you can read the full post on the Rootclaim blog. Second, I kind of made fun of Peter for giving some very extreme odds, and I…
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"Zen Reflections" offers a serene sanctuary for introspection. Dive into tranquil waters of mindfulness as gentle whispers guide inward exploration. Amidst peaceful silence, find clarity and calm, embracing the essence of Zen philosophy. Let this episode be a mirror to your soul's journey, reflecting serenity and inner harmony. Hosted on Acast. See…
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Astral Gamer takes down the White House criminals and frees Jesse A California politician steals Astral Gamer's New Earth Designs and gets famous off her work Astral Gamer connects with th e Galactic Federation and determines that the world is to entitled for the kind of loving hand she wanted to offer anyways…
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[I haven’t independently verified each link. On average, commenters will end up spotting evidence that around two or three of the links in each links post are wrong or misleading. I correct these as I see them, and will highlight important corrections later, but I can’t guarantee I will have caught them all by the time you read this.] https://www.a…
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Many cities have regular Astral Codex Ten meetup groups. Twice a year, I try to advertise their upcoming meetups and make a bigger deal of it than usual so that irregular attendees can attend. This is one of those times. This year we have spring meetups planned in over eighty cities, from Tokyo, Japan to Seminyak, Indonesia. Thanks to all the organ…
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Saar Wilf is an ex-Israeli entrepreneur. Since 2016, he’s been developing a new form of reasoning, meant to transcend normal human bias. His method - called Rootclaim - uses Bayesian reasoning, a branch of math that explains the right way to weigh evidence. This isn’t exactly new. Everyone supports Bayesian reasoning. The statisticians support it, …
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Feel like you're being targeted IRL or in the astral realm by the illuminati? Feel under attack, like you're being followed, films, or seduced by high level celebrities and producers? You're not alone, you're NOT CRAZY and there IS A WAY OUT.Robin Richardson による
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"Mindful Melody" offers a serene auditory journey, blending soothing melodies with tranquil soundscapes. This episode invites listeners to unwind and embrace mindfulness through ambient music, fostering relaxation and mental clarity. Tune in to embark on a calming voyage of self-discovery and inner peace with "Mindful Melody." #meditationmusic #med…
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🚀 Retrouvez-moi sur les Réseaux Sociaux : Instagram 📸 : @MythologieAstrale Spotify 🎵 : @Mythologie Astrale Le Podcast Patreon 💜 : @Mythologie Astrale 💫 LE SITE MYTHOLOGIE ASTRALE : Réservez vos lectures compréhensives de thème astrale à : Pour explorer les différents archétypes relationnels …
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It’s every blogger’s curse to return to the same arguments again and again. Matt Yglesias has to keep writing “maybe we should do popular things instead of unpopular ones”, Freddie de Boer has to keep writing “the way culture depicts mental illness is bad”, and for whatever reason, I keep getting in fights about whether you can have probabilities f…
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🚀 Retrouvez-moi sur les Réseaux Sociaux : Instagram 📸 : @MythologieAstrale Spotify 🎵 : @Mythologie Astrale Le Podcast Patreon 💜 : @Mythologie Astrale 💫 LE SITE MYTHOLOGIE ASTRALE : Réservez vos lectures compréhensives de thème astrale à : Pour explorer les différents archétypes relationnels …
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🚀 Retrouvez-moi sur les Réseaux Sociaux : Instagram 📸 : @MythologieAstrale Spotify 🎵 : @Mythologie Astrale Le Podcast Patreon 💜 : @Mythologie Astrale 💫 LE SITE MYTHOLOGIE ASTRALE : Réservez vos lectures compréhensives de thème astrale à : Pour explorer les différents archétypes relationnels …
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Charles Haywood joins me once again, this time to discuss Elon Musk and the future of American politics. This episode was based on his review of a recent biography of Elon Musk, published on his blog The Worthy House. I highly recommend everyone go read through this blog, it's an education in history and political philosophy in and of itself. Follo…
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🚀 Retrouvez-moi sur les Réseaux Sociaux : Instagram 📸 : @MythologieAstrale Spotify 🎵 : @Mythologie Astrale Le Podcast Patreon 💜 : @Mythologie Astrale 💫 LE SITE MYTHOLOGIE ASTRALE : Réservez vos lectures compréhensives de thème astrale à : Pour explorer les différents archétypes relationnels …
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L'archétype des Époux traverse les siècles, influençant les récits fondateurs et les croyances profondes. Ces différentes expressions soulignent la richesse et la diversité de cette symbolique, attestant de son pouvoir universel à façonner les histoires humaines. 🚀 Retrouvez-moi sur les Réseaux Sociaux : Instagram 📸 : @MythologieAstrale Spotify 🎵 :…
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L'archétype relationnel du maître et de l'élève incarne une dynamique d'apprentissage profonde et significative. Le maître représente la sagesse, l'expérience et le savoir, guidant l'élève sur le chemin de la connaissance. L'élève, avide d'apprendre, symbolise la réceptivité, la curiosité et le désir d'évoluer. Cette relation va au-delà de la trans…
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Bienvenue dans l'univers fascinant des archétypes des relations ! 🌟 Les archétypes sont comme les personnages emblématiques d'une grande pièce théâtrale cosmique, chacun apportant sa propre dynamique et énergie aux scénarios de nos vies. Dans cette série dédiée, nous plongerons dans les profondeurs des connexions humaines, explorant les patterns et…
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Pandore, figure emblématique de la mythologie grecque, incarne un récit riche en symboles et en avertissements. Selon la légende, Zeus, le roi des dieux, ordonna à Héphaïstos de créer la première femme, Pandore, comme une punition pour les hommes. La naissance de Pandore était accompagnée de dons divins, tels que la beauté, la grâce, l'intelligence…
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Synthèse du Thème Astral de Jeffrey Epstein Le thème astral de Jeffrey Epstein, financier et homme d'affaires controversé, révèle une configuration céleste complexe, marquée par des aspects contrastés. Points Clés: 1. Soleil en Verseau (20 janvier 1953) : Sa nature indépendante et visionnaire, typique du Verseau, a probablement contribué à sa réuss…
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I discuss Freud with Garfieldbot, writer at "The Egg Report" on substack. He's writing a long series of articles reconsidering many of Freuds ideas, which he thinks are embedded in the framework of the modern individuals understanding of themselves, their relation to the world, and the primary mode of describing human interactions for all of the 20…
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L'Aphrodite Pandémos, une facette de la déesse de l'amour dans la mythologie grecque, incarne l'amour partagé et la dimension sociale des relations. Caractéristiques Clés: 1. Amour Social : L'Aphrodite Pandémos représente l'amour dans un contexte social et communautaire, contrastant avec l'Aphrodite Ourania, liée à l'amour céleste et spirituel. 2. …
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Au 21ème siècle, la féminité est confrontée à des défis majeurs, notamment le risque de la masculinisation du Yin, où la société valorise souvent des traits traditionnellement associés à la masculinité, reléguant les caractéristiques féminines au second plan. Il devient impératif d'explorer des perspectives anciennes pour comprendre comment les fem…
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Bienvenue dans le Lightside des signes astrologiques, une exploration qui illumine les facettes lumineuses de votre être céleste. Aujourd'hui, plongeons dans la radiance du Scorpion, Sagittaire, Capricorne, Verseau et Poissons. Le Scorpion, porteur d'une intensité magnétique, révèle son Lightside dans une profonde compréhension émotionnelle et la c…
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Bienvenue dans un épisode spécial de Mythologie Astrale, où nous plongeons au cœur des énergies karmiques des 12 signes astrologiques. Chacun d'entre eux porte une empreinte unique, une histoire cosmique qui influence les expériences de vie et les leçons à apprendre. Explorez avec nous les qualités lumineuses qui émergent de cette danse astrologiqu…
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