Welcome to the Frontline AIDS' podcast, bringing you voices from the frontline of the HIV response around the world. With insights from human rights activists, gender champions, health experts, and others we'll tackle some of the biggest questions influencing our work to end AIDS for everyone, everywhere. Get in touch at communications@frontlineaids.org
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München, 80er, Disco-Ära: Die queere Szene blüht und Weltstars wie Freddie Mercury machen hier Party. Aber plötzlich ist Schluss. Ein mysteriöses Virus erreicht die Stadt. In "I Will Survive" sprechen wir mit den Menschen, die als Erste und vielleicht am härtesten von der AIDS-Krise getroffen wurden. Der Podcast erzählt von ihrer Angst, ihren Verlusten und ihrem Widerstand in einer Zeit, als Bayern als einziges Bundesland auf Ausgrenzung statt auf Aufklärung setzt. Und es geht um die Frage: ...
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Welcome to the Accessible Hearing Aids podcast!
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A podcast from the intersection of art, AIDS, and activism. Season 1 highlights Strip AIDS 2020, a series of new comics addressing contemporary aspects of the ongoing HIV pandemic. Visual AIDS is a NYC-based non-profit that utilizes art to fight AIDS by provoking dialogue, supporting HIV+ artists, and preserving a legacy, because AIDS is not over.
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Comedian Aidan DeSousa's weekly podcast featuring rants in conversations with fellow comedians and people of interest
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Testing Cover art photo provided by Daniel Olah on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@danesduet
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learn how aids has spread among the world, and how many people are effected.
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Since 1984, when Dr. Robert Gallo announced at a press conference that HIV caused AIDS, there has been an ongoing debate within the medical and scientific community whether Gallo was right. Today there are over 2300 medical and scientific experts, doctors, chiropractors, researchers, journalists, and other professionals – including Nobel Prize winners and members of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences – who all agree that HIV does NOT cause AIDS. In these recorded interviews and talks, ...
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In "Plague" journalist Michael O'Loughlin investigates stories of the AIDS epidemic and the Catholic Church. Mike is America’s national correspondent and he’s covered Catholicism for more than a decade. Mike is also gay and Catholic—and he’s curious how others manage this sometimes complex identity. No time in modern history has been more volatile for gay Catholics than the height of the AIDS epidemic. So he spent the last few years interviewing people who were right in the middle of it. Peo ...
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Learn any time and any place, with these soft-spoken readings of material for your studies. Not a student? We also provide many other kinds of useful information delivered ASMR style in a soft voice. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/brainmaker/support
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Want clear honest advice on hearing aids? We offer no gibberish, easy to understand advice on hearing aid types and technology and the people who supply them. Simple, plain English advice with no technobabble nonsense.
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Looking for the best hearing aids in Cardiff? Prestige Hearing offers a wide range of advanced hearing aids designed to meet your unique needs. With a commitment to excellence and personalised service, Prestige Hearing ensures that each device is tailored to enhance your hearing experience, offering crystal-clear sound and exceptional comfort. Their team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing comprehensive hearing assessments and expert advice, guiding you through the selection p ...
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Join host Dr. Steve Taddei to learn about the disruptive products and services that are starting to make inroads into the vast underserved community of people with untreated hearing loss. You'll also meet industry insiders to learn about the scientific and technological advancements that are driving the better results when it comes to hearing your phone, your television, your loved ones, and yes, even in noise. And you'll meet people just like you, who are learning how to best cope with thei ...
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A podcast series from the National HIV Story Trust, the charity telling the story of HIV and AIDS in Britain. Presenting a perspective of the crisis in the 1980s and 1990s through the lives of a diverse set of individuals, this series recognises the true tragedy of HIV and AIDS, and shares tender stories of love, unending compassion, and the unity of a disparate community in the face of a global crisis. Introduced by Anita Dobson and voiced by actors Christopher Ashman, Elexi Walker, and Kay ...
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The end of choice? Game-changing prevention drugs at risk
46:29There has been a quiet revolution in HIV prevention. It could give women more choice and control to stay HIV-free. And it's under threat. In Tanzania, Kenya, and many other countries affected by the US aid funding cuts, people are going without vital treatment and prevention services, and research programmes to help bring new prevention drugs to th…
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Wir legen Euch den Podcast Telephobia ans Herz. Host Lea Utz hilft hier Menschen bei diesem einen Anruf, den sie schon viel zu lange aufschieben. Egal ob es der erste Kontakt zwischen Vater und Tochter nach vielen Jahren Funkstille oder das Gespräch mit dem eigenen Fluchthelfer ist ... Hier geht es zu Telephobia in der ARD Audiothek…
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Discover Top-Quality Hearing Aids in Cardiff with Prestige Hearing
1:04Looking for the best hearing aids in Cardiff? Prestige Hearing offers a wide range of advanced hearing aids designed to meet your unique needs. With a commitment to excellence and personalised service, Prestige Hearing ensures that each device is tailored to enhance your hearing experience, offering crystal-clear sound and exceptional comfort. Thei…
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Krishen Samuel: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic
10:35Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. Krishen Samuel, born in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1986, studied Speech-Language Pathology in Cape Town before pursuing a Master’s degree in Global Health, Public Health and Policy in London. Despite being born after the AIDS pandemic began, he grew up…
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Richard Leaf: The Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic
10:44Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. Richard Leaf, an English writer, pursued his education in San Francisco and then embarked on a career in theatre. His journey led him to the Royal Shakespeare Company and appearances in notable films such as Braveheart, Hannibal Rising, The Fifth Element,…
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Dr Graeme Moyle: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic
16:03Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. Dr. Graeme Moyle graduated from medical school in Adelaide, Australia in 1986. His interest in infectious diseases led him to the UK in 1988 to specialise in HIV medicine and research. Much of his career has been associated with the Kobler Clinic in Londo…
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David Eason: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic
23:03Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. David Eason's selfless commitment to volunteering at London Lighthouse, providing care for individuals affected by AIDS, exemplifies his unwavering dedication to making a difference. Collaborating with friends, he spearheaded initiatives such as the "Warr…
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Andrew Keates: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic
9:03Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. Andrew Keates grew up in Dorset and realized he was gay at 13. He loves the theater and is now an award-winning director. Some of his productions have been performed in the West End, including 'As Is', 'Dessa Rose', and 'Dark Sublime'. In 2018, he receive…
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Dr Rupert Whitaker: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic
15:50Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. Dr. Rupert Whitaker is a remarkable individual who has shown extraordinary resilience as one of the longest survivors of HIV. He has been a strong advocate for people with HIV and other long-term illnesses for over 40 years. Disability, mental illness, an…
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Fast 40 Jahre nachdem Peter Gauweiler als bayerischer Staatssekretär des Innern die Zwangstests und andere Maßnahmen mit auf den Weg gebracht hat, trifft Phillip Syvarth ihn zum Interview. Phillip will wissen: Wie blickt Peter Gauweiler heute auf seine AIDS-Politik? Räumt er Fehler ein? Oder verteidigt er seinen harten, bundesweit einmaligen Kurs v…
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Zu Beginn der 90er Jahre sterben mehr Menschen an AIDS als je zuvor. Bis die Schlagzeile kommt: "Es gibt ein Medikament gegen HIV!" Ist mit dem medizinischen Durchbruch alles gut? Kann die Show einfach weitergehen? Host Phillip Syvarth trifft noch einmal alle Überlebenden aus diesem Podcast. Was kann die neue Generation von ihrem Kampf lernen? “I W…
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Wie überlebst Du, wenn Dir alles wegbricht? Wenn ganze Freundeskreise sterben? Wenn Du positiv getestet wirst? In dieser Folge zoomen wir in das Leben von drei Menschen, die während der Krise alles verlieren: Sabrina, Dieter und Martin. Schaffen sie es, sich ein neues Leben aufzubauen? Und wir begleiten eine Gruppe, die AIDS härter trifft als alle …
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1987 wird zum Schicksalsjahr. Razzien und Zwangstests bestimmen den Alltag der queeren Szene. Viele Schwule verlassen den Freistaat. Aber Hoffnung keimt auf: Prominente solidarisieren sich. Politikerinnen wie Rita Süßmuth wollen Aids keine Chance geben. Und die queere Szene plant den Showdown: eine Groß-Demo gegen die Zwangsmaßnahmen der Regierung.…
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Angst geht um in der queeren Szene und in der bayerischen Politik: Angst vor Kontrollverlust und vor Infizierten. Während junge Queers ums Überleben kämpfen, greift ein Law-and-Order-Mann hart durch. Und die bayerische Regierung erlässt so harte Maßnahmen wie nirgendwo sonst in Deutschland: Zwangstests für Risikogruppen und Absonderung von Infizier…
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Die rätselhafte Krankheit erreicht München. Plötzlich lichten sich die Reihen an den Bartresen. Junge Männer kommen mit Lungenentzündung und Tumoren ins Krankenhaus. Die "tödliche Seuche” bekommt einen Namen: AIDS. Todeszahlen schnellen nach oben und Münchens Szene fühlt sich "under pressure". Denn niemand weiß: Wie kann ich mich schützen? "I Will …
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Freddie Mercury zieht durch die Bars, die Discos sind voll, die queere Szene startet durch. Willkommen im München der 80er Jahre: Travestie, Saunaclubs, High Life bis zur Sperrstunde. Doch die Partystimmung wird zum Fiebertraum, als sich schlimme Berichte häufen. Es soll in den USA eine neue Krankheit geben, die Schwule befällt. "I Will Survive" be…
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München, 80er, Disco-Ära: Die queere Szene blüht und Weltstars wie Freddie Mercury machen hier Party. Doch plötzlich kommt eine mysteriöse Krankheit auf: AIDS hat die Stadt schon bald fest im Griff. Immer mehr Leute sterben und Bayern setzt plötzlich auf Ausgrenzung, statt auf Aufklärung. Jetzt abonnieren und keine Folge verpassen!…
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Love, Loss & Life: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic: Rupert Everett
18:09Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. Acclaimed actor and national treasure Rupert Everett describes the excitement of his youth when he first encountered the gay scene in London. Rupert Everett's full story can be found in the NHST archive, but in this story he reveals his deepest fears as h…
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Love, Loss & Life: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic: Arnold Gordon
8:46Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. Blackliners grew out of a realisation that there were no organisations dealing with HIV that catered specifically for the black community, with the result that many HIV+ black people in the UK felt side-lined. Arnold describes the role the charity played …
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Love, Loss & Life: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic: Lord Fowler
12:52Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. As Minister of Health in the mid-1980s, Lord Fowler found himself at odds with Margaret Thatcher and other members of the Cabinet over how much attention should be paid to the AIDS pandemic. Some neat political manoeuvring enabled him to run a memorable p…
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Love, Loss & Life: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic: Barbara von Barsewisch
14:07Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. Barbara von Barsewisch trained as a nurse in London in the early 1990s and worked on Broderip Ward, the HIV ward at the Middlesex Hospital, for ten years. She went on to work at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in the Kobler Day Care Unit, where she d…
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Love, Loss & Life: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic: Jonathan Blake
12:58Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. Actor Jonathan Blake describes the excitement of his youth when he first encountererd the gay scene in London and San Francisco. His story is both delicious and dangerous and life was joyful. He tells how he had to rally against ‘a terrifying disease’ and…
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ART+ Positive & Electric Blanket with Leslie-Lohman Museum
1:20:43Visual AIDS partnered with the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art on the final public program for "Images on which to build, 1970s-1990s," curated by Ariel Goldberg.This event celebrated two pivotal AIDS-related projects: Electric Blanket, a public projection created by Nan Goldin, Allen Frame, and Frank Franca with Visual AIDS in the 1990s, and the work …
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Love, Loss & Life: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic: Flick Thorley
12:30Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. In the early years of the AIDS pandemic, the focus was on the physical needs of people with the illness. But by the 1990s it was becoming clear that people with AIDS could also become acutely psychiatrically unwell, often as a result of the illness attack…
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Love, Loss & Life: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic: Winnie Sseruma
10:24Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. As a young woman, Winnie only gradually became aware of the word Slim, as AIDS was called in Africa, which was devastating communities in Uganda in the 1980s. When she was diagnosed HIV positive, she believed she was under a death sentence until she came …
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Love, Loss & Life: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic: Jane Bruton
15:34Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. Jane Bruton began her nursing career in Leicester and first encountered HIV patients when she became Ward Sister in the infectious diseases unit there. After a short spell as a health advisor in the Sexual Health Clinic at the Chelsea and Westminster Hosp…
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Love, Loss & Life: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic: Kelly Hunter
10:32Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. “It was profoundly moving that a bunch of people, pilloried by society and told that AIDS was their own fault, were utterly non-judgmental themselves.” When Kelly Hunter’s close friends in the theatre began dying of AIDS related illness, she put her caree…
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Mentally Ill Gym Bros (featuring: Peter Grant)
1:28:57Construction. Gym. Women. We are men. Follow Peter - @pfgrnt Follow the podcast - @ass_podcastAidan DeSousa による
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Welcome to ASS aka Aids' Shit Show. New name, new logo, same dumb as shit show. We talked: Hoe phase Fun times at a show Shrek 2 and The Houdini Down Syndrome Drag Shows WE BACK!!!Aidan DeSousa による
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Love, Loss & Life: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic: Alan Burgess
18:17Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. This podcast represents just one example of many stories from the full form Audiobook "Love, Loss & Life" published by the National HIV Story Trust. Alan Burgess was diagnosed as a child in 1967 with a moderate form of haemophilia. A painter and decorator…
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Love, Loss & Life: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic: Adrienne Seed
9:19Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. This podcast represents just one example of many stories from the full form Audiobook "Love, Loss & Life" published by the National HIV Story Trust. Although her partner died of AIDS-related illness in 1998, Adrienne was not diagnosed herself until four y…
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Love, Loss & Life: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic: Nick Partridge & Janet Green
23:53Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. This podcast represents just two examples of many stories from the full form Audiobook "Love, Loss & Life" published by the National HIV Story Trust. After studying International Relations at Keele University, Sir Nick Partridge was living in Amsterdam wh…
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No gay stuff at the World Cup, Trauma Tiktok dances, and the curious "disease" that is sexsomniaAidan DeSousa による
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Love, Loss & Life: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic: Rebecca de Havilland
13:45Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. This podcast series features stories taken from our first book, a collection of essays, reflections, and testimonies also entitled ‘Love, Loss & Life’ which you can buy here. An audiobook is also available here. Visit the National HIV Story Trust website…
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Recap the controversy. Trans Brian wins a pageant. Thrown in jail for bad outfits. Rippin darts while running a marathon.Aidan DeSousa による
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CREAMY Butter Chicken Pizza (Featuring: Ernie Hart)
1:20:49Fun things our dads used to call us. Drake. Haybray123. Portuguese people. PIZZA HUT, BRING BACK THE BUTTER CHICKEN PIZZA PIZZA HUT!!Aidan DeSousa による
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Love, Loss & Life: Real Stories from the AIDS Pandemic: George Hodson's Story
11:32Your feedback means a great deal to us. Please text us your thoughts by clicking on this link. This podcast represents just one example of many stories from the full form Audiobook "Love, Loss & Life" published by the National HIV Story Trust. George Hodson can legitimately claim to have been there at ‘Ground Zero’, living in San Francisco when the…
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We're BACK! I'm a pisces so had to take last week off. Halloween sucks. Stop complaining. BOOKS OVER PUSSY!!Aidan DeSousa による
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My first trip to the casino. What a hellscape. It's beautiful! Trans troll and her big tits. The best sports call ever.Aidan DeSousa による
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Batch bowls. Insomnia. Ignoring messages. Why dogs are bullshit and I'll eat 'em. Austin runs the MOTN in Vancouver and it's a dope space! Support it if you're in Vancouver.Aidan DeSousa による
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Super Creatine cured my son's mental retardation. SO thankful!! Thank you Bang Energy!Aidan DeSousa による
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I was sexually assaulted at a show recently. AIDS is all Elton John's fault. Door to door sales gone wrong. They tried setting my boy up to say the N-word at a spelling bee.Aidan DeSousa による
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Pepper Sprayed Asian (Featuring: Liban Farah)
1:03:51Joined by Liban "The Man" and we talk about the Breakout Fest "riots" in Vancouver, getting pepper sprayed into a different race, how much we'd go for on the open market, shitting in public protocol, and more cool stuff.Aidan DeSousa による
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Queen Lizzy the BADDIE is dead. She was always drippy as fuck. Black people love spicy according to chic-fil-a. A couple class clowns pull a fun prank. HIP HIP HOORAY!!Aidan DeSousa による
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Harry Styles, spit in my mouth! Fantasy football is back. Rude Restaurant is coming, but how rude can you be?Aidan DeSousa による
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I did some Bikram yoga and was unfortunately not sexually assaulted... Oh well. What sound do you make when you bust?Aidan DeSousa による
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Episode from Toronto. Talking comedy, manifestation, and turning a homeless man into the President.Aidan DeSousa による
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I'll be the new Andrew Tate. There's also a tyrant restaurant owner on my street that seems like a fuckin fun dude!Aidan DeSousa による
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We are back! After a long time we (I) am back in studio and I am looking for a common whore. I also have a crush.Aidan DeSousa による
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Puttin’ Down On Some Thicc! (Featuring: Ernie Hart)
59:51We're back! Joined by Yung Ernest ||| for a pod full of voices and bits and borderline autism. Enjoy!Aidan DeSousa による
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