"Ruthlessly pursuing the idea that the accordion is just another instrument." Join the front-lines of the Accordion Revolution, broadcasting around the world almost every Wednesday since 2006. From Punk to Piazzolla (a variety of loud rock and roll, and a famous tango composer). The most unexpected variety of squeezebox music you're likely to subscribe to today.
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Join us in this series of podcasts to learn more about the London Accordion Orchestra.
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For the first time this year, we’re celebrating Bandcamp Friday — a day when the Bandcamp e-storefront waives its share of revenues from digital music sales, passing their portion along to your favorite recording artists. (In our case, your favorite accordion recording artists!) Everyone featured in this week’s episode has music available for sale …
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Bruce is on the road tonight, wearing a rut in that long trail entre la jeunesse et la sagesse, but though he can’t be in the CFRO radio studios airing our weekly squeezebox music broadcast this week he can at least use the information superhighway to pipe the episode to us via his parent’s bathroom, […]…
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Accordion Noir radio playlist 2025-02-19: Punch a Nazi Listening Club on Sis Cunningham’s Birthday
Look out, Nazis! Bruce is in a real antifa mood this week, so if that’s going to hurt your feels… well, you’re probably better off unsubscribing and finding another podcast, I bet Joe Rogan will have a suitable guest this week. But if you are energized a bit at the prospect of Americans resisting the […]…
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Photo by David DG Jones Last winter we kept making new episodes of our weekly alt-accordion radio program, but they weren’t getting shared with our podcast subscribers because our host, the Internet Archive, was paralysed for a long time after a heinous hack. Since then we have been sharing the missing episodes with you as […]…
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It’s that time of year again, when lovers’ thoughts turn to accordions! Well… OK, maybe when accordionists’ thoughts turn to love. In any case, this week’s fresh episode of our hour-long alt-squeezebox broadcast is full of squeezy love songs, so we cover both possibilities. If your Apple or Android (or plain old RSS) podcast subscriptions (strongly…
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A few months ago, our podcast host over at the Internet Archive got hacked, and it temporarily became impossible for us to submit recordings. And yet, our weekly alt-accordion music broadcast schedule kept up at its regular pace on the radio. Ever since then, we’ve been trying to get “caught up”, making episodes that dropped […]…
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Accordion Noir radio playlist 2025-02-05: Wintery Tunes for some times when we could use some warming up
We don’t often have the white stuff on the ground here in Vancouver, but currently we do and Bruce was moved to program an hour of wintry squeezebox songs on frosty themes for this week’s episode of our alt-accordion broadcast. If your Apple or Android (or plain old RSS) podcast subscriptions (strongly recommended!) haven’t alerted you to the episo…
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Already the end of January? Every day feels like a lifetime of torments and yet… the time seems to be briskly whizzing away. Well, here’s a fresh helping of accordion music to help the time pass. If your Apple or Android (or plain old RSS) podcast subscriptions (strongly recommended!) haven’t alerted you to the episode’s availability yet, you can e…
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There were a lot of disappointments last fall. Of course, the course of the US Election was a big one, and naturally the interruption of service by the Internet Archive by hackers also really brought us down, because the episodes of our program we had been putting together and broadcasting (such as the one that […]…
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Last night’s episode of the weekly, hour-long alt-squeezebox Accordion Noir program pays impromptu tribute to one of our patron saints, Garth Hudson of The Band, who died this week. If your Apple or Android (or plain old RSS) podcast subscriptions (strongly recommended!) haven’t alerted you to the episode’s availability yet, you can enjoy listening…
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For our second concert in this years series of our live performances, the London Accordion Orchestra are preparing to play at the Broadway Theatre in Letchworth on Saturday 2nd July at 3pm. I meet one of our star players Derek Blythe who discusses what he and the Letchworth Settlement have done in continuing to make music to support their local are…
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In this episode I will be talking to composer, Marco Galvani about the piece he has written for accordion orchestra. Of which the orchestra is in rehearsal for our first concert in our 2022 series, which will be happening on Monday 18th of April at the Sacred Heart Church in Wimbledon.LAO による
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In this episode I will be talking to special guests that participated in the Global Accordion Project Orchestra. For more information visit www.londonao.co.ukLAO による
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In this episode I will be taking a look at Black Mountain, a new piece for Accordion Orchestra - premiered by LAO and written by Ian Watson. www.londonao.co.ukLAO による
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In this episode I’ll be taking an in depth look at Widor's Toccata and Gershwin's Rhapsody In Blue. These are two of the pieces that we have programmed for our 20th Anniversary Gala Concert. www.londonao.co.ukLAO による
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In this episode I’ll be looking back at the concert we played at the Union Chapel with clips from the orchestra, one of the solo pieces and talking to our special guest, singer Dillie Keane. www.londonao.co.ukLAO による
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I will be taking a look at the programme and soloists that are playing at our up and coming concert at the Union Chapel. www.londonao.co.ukLAO による
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In this episode I record the orchestra rehearse the exciting repertoire we will be performing at a concert in Skipton. www.londonao.co.ukLAO による
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In this episode I talk to two players from the London Accordion Orchestra. www.londonao.co.ukLAO による
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In this episode I will be talking to our music director, Ian Watson about recording the album Flight. www.londonao.co.ukLAO による
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In this episode I'll be talking to players of the London Accordion Orchestra about our trip to Slovenia and the pieces that were programmed for our concert at the Slovenian Philharmonic Hall. www.londonao.co.ukLAO による
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This is a podcast from the London Accordion Orchestra. www.londonao.co.ukLAO による
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