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Neil & Ken

From podcasts to drunken chicanery and everything in-between, YINZBOYZ ushers the world into the life of the Western Pennsylvanian. Visit us at yinzboyz.com, watch us on YouTube and follow us on IG & Snap.
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Yinka Adeniyi

Become a Paid Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/yinkasmuse/subscribe Join host Yinka, Yinka'smuse, as she shares relatable life experiences, stories and random banter on current events, entertainment, lifestyle and life in general. Tune in every Sunday for new episodes and for more content from Yinka'smuse visit the link below:
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Those Dram Yinzers

Those Dram Yinzers

Attention all yinzers and whiskey drinkers! Welcome to Those Dram Yinzers! A podcast about all things whiskey, bourbon and scotch based right here in Pittsburgh! Follow along with co-hosts Jon and Zack as they expand their whiskey knowledge and palates.
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In diesem Podcast erhälst du Impulse und Antworten auf die Fragen rund um die Themen von FrauSein, Weiblichkeit und weibliche Energien. Es erwarten dich Interviews und Eindrücke aus meiner Gedankenwelt. Mein Wunsch ist es zu inspirieren in einer Weise, die erinnert - an das was schon immer da war: die weibliche Kraft. Daniela Hutter ist Bewusstseinsforscherin und Bewusstseinstrainerin für weibliche Energien, das Yin, das Wesen der Frau. Das Mysterium Frau und die weibliche Essenz zu ergründe ...
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Welcome to Yingfluence podcast, where great cross-cultural insights will be discussed, and futuristic solution will be provided, breaking walls, building bridges, and using Cultural Intelligence to move humanity a step forward!
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Conversations With Yinka

Yinka Ekungomi

“The secret of champions is in their stories” Listen to the inspiring stories of great people who have gone through challenging times and overcome them. Each episode is a huge dose of inspiration! Have you subscribed or favorited?
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Empower You withIN is about sharing perspectives with the intention to serve through intuition and inspiration to empower your divine essence and embody your feminine presence.
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Hope English has you covered, with an all new program "NG English". Every week, new guests will join in to talk about the embarrassing and sometimes hilarious English mistakes they've seen and heard. Get ready to chat in English with ease, by tuning in to "NG English"!
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The Yin Yoga podcast marries traditional Yin Yoga with scientific evidence. Engage in healing practices that help you to deepen your mindfulness practice and support self regulation. All practices are Pain Care Aware to support individuals living with chronic pain.
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Yin & Wang

Clint Esposito, Bethany Olsen

Clint and Bethany co-star in this light-hearted podcast with no agenda. Come hang out with us while we drink, share funny stories, and talk about various topics with a male and female point of view.
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Hello world!This is yin_the_world podcast.In every podcast I will talk about at least one story or more happened during my visit in that country.Each podcast last for about 10 mins and each day I’ll talk a new country.I’ve visited 146countries so far.So I’ve got stories,have you got time?You’re welcome to subscribe and listen to the world.Please mark and comment yin_the_world on ITunes Store.Follow my IG @yin_the_world Million thanks from HongKong:)
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Living Yin is a podcast dedicated to all things Yin Yoga, Chinese Medicine and meditation related. In each and every podcast you will enjoy Yin Yoga Theory, Chinese medicine wisdom, interviews with experts and the most up-to-date information about the science of Yin. I look forward to sharing the wonderful world of Yin Yoga with you.
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Change Your Destiny Through Reciting Buddhist Scriptures, Practicing Life Liberation & Making Great Vows 改变您的命运通过三大法宝:念经、许愿、放生 “卢军宏台长”所弘扬的“心灵法门”解决了许多医学上都无法根治的疑难杂症,许多自闭症的孩子、痴呆的老人、癌症的病人都被治愈。 观世音菩萨普度众生,大慈大悲,台长走这条路线的方向,不是要到处宣传自己,而是实实在在、默默无闻的在救度众生,让每一家庭都好,让每个人的心灵都好。 “卢台长”免费为人指点迷津,替信众治疗心理病,找到病因后,就教他们念经,台长所提倡的念经、许愿、放生,是教导众生行善的行为,并没有鼓吹迷信之嫌。 在“心灵法门”的书籍之中,有多少人被一生判死刑、有多少人在感情、事业、家庭深受折磨,念经后都得到了改变。“心灵法门”就是帮助他们脱离苦海的神医良药。凡是认真按照“卢台长”的指导去做的人,都有了很大程度的受益和体会。
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Hi! This is "The Quiet Quill: Yin Yoga for Writers" podcast, where writing and yin yoga harmoniously converge. Immerse yourself in gentle yin yoga targeting body and soul while exploring creative prompts. Get inspired with captivating author interviews, where celebrated writers share insights, experiences, and literary masterpieces. Unleash your writing potential with writing classes that delve into genres, techniques, and storytelling. Join our sanctuary of mindfulness and creativity, nurtu ...
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Hello and Welcome to Greatness! I'm Yeshua Yin, your Growth, Monetization & Marketing Strategist with over a decade of experience in Direct Response Marketing, Copywriting, Audience Building, Advertising, Community Development, and Sales. Over the last decade, my strategies and teachings have made a significant difference in the lives of over 100,000 people all over the world. Even if you've never made a dime or tasted long-term success before meeting me, I can help you succeed. Listen as I ...
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In the heart of every Asian household, there's a traditional saying that transcends generations - 饮茶 (Yǐn Chá) or "Yum Cha" which means to drink tea. It's much more than just a saying as it's an experience. The joy of tea drinking is an art, a culture, and a gateway to delightful conversations. It's about coming together with friends and family to catch up, laugh, and share heartfelt stories over a cup of beautiful tea. Each episode is a warm invitation to join our virtual tea table, where e ...
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We’re so happy to have Aileen Cho, a licensed therapist based in the Southern California area, as our guest this episode! Aileen is a 2nd generation Korean-American clinician that offers psychotherapeutic services in both English and Korean. In this podcast (a first for Aileen) she shares her personal and professional insight into intergenerational…
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葉佳修是臺灣校園歌曲時期最重要的創作歌手,許多巨星都演唱過他的經典作品,本集介紹的歌曲,都是葉佳修的代表作,也透過這幾位歌星的演唱,讓他的歌傳遍大江南北。葉老師的童年是在花蓮瑞穗鄉,外婆家長大,那裡的農村,稻田、果園都是他最熟悉的風景,山水田園景象都特別的親切,所以葉佳修一開始寫的歌曲,基本上都帶了一些鄉村的色調。 五十多年來,葉佳修見證了整個華語樂壇民謠音樂的發展歷程,無數歌迷從《鄉間的小路》、《外婆的澎湖灣》、《爸爸的草鞋》、《思念總在分手後》等葉老師的經典作品,開始接觸到校園歌曲,葉佳修崇尚自然,他的音樂創作清新質樸充滿田園情調,擁有獨特的「鄉村風格」,90年代之後,葉佳修參與了更多音樂風格的創作與製作,展現他在華語歌壇上多元音樂的風格,受到歌迷的歡迎。 從1970年代末開始引領校園民…
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Daniela Hutter erzählt über verschiedene Themen der Wochen In dieser Podcastfolge greift Daniela Hutter Themen und Dialoge der Woche auf, die sie mit Frauen über Social Media geführt hat, und taucht dabei in verschiedene spannende Themen ein. Die Gespräche reichen von der Inspiration, die Frauen einander schenken können, über die Bedeutung von Klei…
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Due to unforseen circumstances, the Boyz end up discussing terroristic plots in the US, religious sanitary techniques, and Israel being attacked (we called it). The conversation then turns to the age old question... is topping gay? Thoughts?Neil & Ken による
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葉佳修是臺灣校園歌曲的代表人物,他是歌手、詞曲創作者,也是知名音樂製作人,本集所播出歌曲都是由葉佳修創作及演唱的經典代表作。葉佳修自幼非常喜愛文學,曾以葉曦為筆名發表多首新詩。1974年大一時加入吉他社,開始音樂之路,1975年於全國北區大專院校吉他社觀摩演唱會中,首度發表自創詞曲作品〈流浪者的獨白〉,被警廣電臺主持人凌晨女士相中,邀請赴電臺錄音,為他的創作大力推廣。 1976年加入海山唱片,爲旗下歌手創作歌曲,1978年擔任第一屆民謠風比賽評審,並在《民謠風第一輯》合輯中由當屆冠軍齊豫演唱其創作〈鄉間的小路〉,1979年發行首張全創作專輯《葉佳修》,展現他創作與演唱長才,被《你我他》電視週刊排行榜選為年度暢銷金嗓獎,成為第一代創作型歌手。同年推出潘安邦〈外婆的澎湖灣〉一曲,獲得廣大迴響。 …
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Another week another whiskey. Jon and Zack come together to taste Driftless Glen Straight Bourbon. In this episode you’ll be thinking ‘Isn’t this a podcast about whiskey? Why are they talking about camping? When do they actually try the whiskey?’ Those are all very good questions. Will they be answered in this episode? Probably! Guess you’ll have t…
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華語歌壇的玉女歌星-銀霞,1977年主唱電影〈秋詩篇篇〉主題曲紅遍台灣及星馬,1979年再以《蘭花草》專輯造成暢銷成為歌壇有校園曲風的玉女歌手,也贏得1980年代「最受歡迎校園民謠歌手」頭銜。1980年初台視與香港TVB首次合作「港台除夕特別節目」,台視推派銀霞與香港無線的沈殿霞「雙霞」聯合主持,創下港台電視首次同時轉播。 銀霞造型齊眉瀏海、成為少女們爭相模仿的造型,銀霞除了音歌曲廣受歡迎之外,她的英語流利,氣質高雅、玉女形象零緋聞,在歌壇、影壇的良好表現,當年更接下台視《勁運大觀》運動類型的節目主持人,並主持廣播節目《銀霞時間》,從1980年起,連續主持廣播電視金鐘獎、金鼎獎、亞太影展頒獎典禮、金馬獎頒獎典禮,使她的演藝事業大放異彩。 銀霞在淡出螢光幕前,出版多張暢銷專輯如《秋詩篇篇》、《…
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華語歌壇的玉女歌星-銀霞,出身於軍人世家,祖父章鴻春是騎兵學校校長,父親章沛霖上校曾任駐外的高階長官,母親張鳳琴年輕時曾是演員,姐姐是1970年代影壇文藝片著名影星及亞洲影后甄珍,銀霞自初中起到美國求學,直到1977年,17歲時回到臺灣灌錄唱片,踏入演藝圈,漂亮的臉蛋和優美的歌聲造成大轟動。1979年更以〈蘭花草〉造成旋風,成為當年最流行暢銷歌曲。 當時校園歌曲的浪潮狂捲華語歌壇,海山唱片為銀霞灌錄專輯,當年唱片公司舉辦【金韻獎】、【民謠風】歌唱大賽,挖掘許多新人。銀霞的出現,讓校園歌曲出現一個大轉折,因為當年參加校園歌曲比賽的年輕人,通常都是一把吉他,極為樸素的氣質唱著單純的創作歌曲,而海山唱片看重她的明星氣質,演唱的歌曲又具有清新的唱腔,成功的打造銀霞成為家喻戶曉的歌壇玉女偶像。 銀霞曾…
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Daniela Hutter über das Bewerten und Vergleichen Ein weiterer Blick auf das Yang-Dilemma: Bewerten & Vergleichen. Verurteilen & Abwerten. Warum Frauen dazu neigen, sich selbst und andere ständig zu bewerten. Wie können wir Wege finden, diese Muster zu durchbrechen und eine gesündere Selbst- und Außenwahrnehmung entwickeln? Welche Rolle spielen gese…
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華語歌壇的長青歌王-謝雷,1964年警廣舉辦「交通安全歌曲演唱比賽」,獲得亞軍之後,謝雷開始在警廣《空中歌廳》現場演唱。之後又在台視《群星會》節目與張琪搭檔許多對男女對唱歌曲,大獲觀眾好評而爆紅,同一年在作曲家林福裕的推薦之下,將他介紹給環球唱片,出版第一張個人專輯《謝雷之歌》,主打歌〈多少柔情多少淚〉和〈阿蘭娜〉,專輯推出後暢銷至超過50萬張,同時各大歌廳開始找謝雷登台唱歌,成功打開謝雷的歌唱生涯。 第一張專輯銷後,謝雷在兩年間又出了五張唱片。直到1967年,海山唱片邀請謝雷出唱片,更用新台幣一萬元的價格挖走謝雷,決定採用河洛語歌曲〈悲戀的酒杯〉,邀請慎芝填寫華語歌詞為〈苦酒滿杯〉成為專輯主打歌。專輯一推出果真大受好評,半年後賣破百萬張,謝雷成為百萬暢銷歌星,隨著唱片擴散至海外華人地區,謝…
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華語歌壇60年代男偶像-謝雷,1964年警廣舉辦「交通安全歌曲演唱比賽」,冠軍獎金新台幣二百元,對謝雷而言是相當高額的獎金。決賽時選唱由王琛作詞、周藍萍作曲的《家在山那邊》,獲獎之後,謝雷開始在警廣《空中歌廳》現場演唱。台灣電視公司《群星會》節目開播後,打算引進新血,李鵬遠帶謝雷拜訪慎芝,謝雷受邀參與演出,在《群星會》節目被看見的謝雷,作曲家林福裕將他介紹給環球唱片。 謝雷於1964年出版第一張個人專輯《謝雷之歌》,主打歌〈多少柔情多少淚〉和〈阿蘭娜〉,專輯推出後意外暢銷至超過50萬張,同時各大歌廳開始找謝雷登台演唱,成功打開他的歌唱生涯。1967年,海山唱片邀請謝雷出唱片,決定採用原係河洛語語的歌曲〈悲戀的酒杯〉,再邀請慎芝填寫華語歌詞為〈苦酒滿杯〉成為專輯主打歌。專輯一推出果真大受好評,…
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Daniela Hutter gibt Tipps wie die Umsetzung der Veränderung gelingt Veränderung ist eine unvermeidliche Realität des Lebens, aber der Prozess, Veränderungen tatsächlich umzusetzen, kann oft eine große Herausforderung darstellen. Warum ist es also so wichtig, in die Umsetzung zu kommen, und warum tun sich manche Menschen damit so schwer? Die Relevan…
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Hi everyone, today we discuss most of the free agent signings and whats still available. The projected -/+ 7.5 win total for this year is a joke and where we are cap wise at this very moment. As always enjoy and thanks for watching!Jeff による
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Hi all today we are covering what's going on with the Steelers, has Pickens been put on notice? Possible trade with the 49ers for a wide receiver? Pirates are about to start the regular season and that's exciting. Oneil Cruz has hit atleast 8 HR's in the grapefruit league hopefully he can stay healthy and how the team looks. Finally Pitt mens baske…
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Hey its Jeff and Brandon here covering your sports needs. Today we're talking about the Patrick Queen and Deshon Elliott signing as well as the Donte Johnson/ Donte Jackson trade from Carolina. Plus we have some Pitt basketball and lastly....what is Omar Khan preparing? As always enjoy and thanks for watching!…
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Another week, another guest! Jon has his good friend Steve Ruperto this week, as they try the Tenth Ward Smoked Bourbon. A few of their thoughts on this whiskey are not too surprising, especially with Steve’s love of smoked whiskeys. Some of the other topics do, however, seem a little random, such as Jon and Steve’s living situations in college. Do…
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從少女時代就出道的尤雅,16歲就開始在飯店駐唱,原本最初都是演唱河洛語歌曲與西洋歌曲的她,直到遇見劉家昌,當時劉家昌直接被她的嗓音驚豔,衝到後台問她:「要不要當歌星?」,這一問改變了尤雅的命運,帶她走向另一個截然不同的世界。 「時光一逝永不回,往事只能回味,憶童年時竹馬青梅,兩小無猜日夜相隨…」當時由劉家昌作曲、林煌坤填詞的〈往事只能回味〉紅遍整個華語樂壇,就連張學友、劉德華都視她為偶像,而這首歌更是傳唱至今,成了經典中的金曲。1973年尤雅更與日本CBS SONY簽約,前往日本發展兩年,灌錄4張EP與2張大碟。 1970年代,海山唱片參與商展,當時有兩個攤位,那一年是尤雅出版《往事只能回味》唱片,海山的同仁就請尤雅週末到展場來簽名,她一到現場所有的人全都圍過來,簽名買唱片的人大排長龍,這個…
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熱愛唱歌的尤雅,11歲時說服媽媽幫忙報名了兒童歌唱比賽,卻慘遭淘汰,原以為與歌唱無緣,沒想到卻出現奇蹟,因為在歌唱比賽當天,在台下的唱片公司的老闆一眼就相中尤雅,認為她甜美的嗓音很有潛力值得栽培,便邀請她入行並幫忙發行唱片,出版了許多張河洛語專輯,成績不錯。 16歲,尤雅開始在飯店駐唱演唱西洋歌曲,立刻獲得了觀眾激賞,使她在歌壇中獲得了一席地位。同個時期她遇見音樂伯樂─劉家昌,對她的聲音驚為天人,兩人即用餐廳的餐巾紙寫下合約,劉家昌為尤雅量身打造歌曲,她也成為劉導演第一個正式學生。1970年,尤雅加盟海山唱片公司,以劉家昌譜曲、林煌坤填詞的華語流行歌曲〈往事只能回味〉一炮而紅! 美麗大方的尤雅,以甜美的笑容和迷人的梨渦,深情親切的歌聲,征服了歌迷的心,讓她的歌唱事業一路扶搖直上,尤雅說:「〈…
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Daniela Hutter über die unerkannte Herausforderung der Veränderung des Yang-Dilemma In unserer heutigen schnelllebigen Welt, die von einem ständigen Streben nach mehr, besser und schneller geprägt ist, stehen viele von uns vor der Herausforderung, eine gesunde Balance zwischen Leistung und Achtsamkeit zu finden. Insbesondere für Frauen ab ca. 35 Ja…
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紀露霞雖然在五光十色的娛樂圈成名,但私生活十分嚴謹,從沒有任何花邊新聞。婚後她淡出舞台,隨夫婿住在嘉義的眷村;很多人都很好奇當時聲名遠播的她,為何願意拋棄一切遠嫁到嘉義?而且一待就24年,紀露霞只以一句「緣分到了,躲也躲不了」。由於歌迷對她念念不忘,她在嘉義正聲電台的邀請下,在電台主持多年的「紀露霞時間」。 紀露霞與丈夫結褵46年,感情深厚,豈料在2004年發生丈夫意外走失,紀露霞不斷努力公開協尋,卻在兩年後,才找到已化為白骨的丈夫,兩人天人永隔,讓她當時一聽到成名曲〈望你早歸〉難過而淚崩,甚至好幾年不敢再唱這首歌。紀露霞憶起老公離世後,大受打擊,極度哀傷,形容當時是她這一生最痛苦的時間,她特別感謝在歌唱班的學生們暖心相助,學生紛紛時常陪伴、邀約她外出遊玩,她坦言臉部的表情真的騙不了人,「大…
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One popular saying that’s making the round is “nobody is going or coming to save you. You’re the only person that can save yourself”. While there’s some truth to this statement as it helps to take responsibility for our lives, it also perpetuates the myth that we’re self sufficient of ourselves.
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紀露霞踏入歌壇,是因為養父家附近有位鄰居賣枝仔冰,為吸引顧客,收音機整天開著,電台常播放白光、周璇、姚莉等人所唱的歌曲,愛唱歌的她跟著哼唱,一位經常來吃冰的客人是位樂師,覺得她唱得不錯,就帶她到台北民聲電台洪德成(洪一峰的哥哥)主持的節目試唱,洪德成答應讓她到電台演唱,那一年紀露霞19歲,還是台北市商業學校夜間部的學生。 20歲時,由亞洲唱片發行日本曲改填河洛語詞的〈離別傷心曲〉和〈荒城之月〉,正式進入歌壇。同年,麗歌唱片為她錄製由周添旺填上河洛語歌詞的〈黃昏嶺〉之後,成為她的代表歌曲,奠定紀露霞在臺灣歌謠界的地位。歌唱生涯中,大約灌錄有一千餘首作品,包含各類廣告歌曲、流行歌曲、政府宣導歌曲等,歌聲傳遍大街小巷,沒有人不認識她。 紀露霞的代表作有〈黃昏嶺〉、〈離別傷心曲〉、〈荒城之月〉、〈河…
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Daniela Hutter spricht über die Rolle der Frau in Familie und Gesellschaft Der Ausgangspunkt für diese Folge war eine Nachricht, die ich von einer Hörerin erhalten habe: Sie fühlt sich von ihrer Familie nicht gesehen. >> Die NachrichtIch bin mittlerweile an einem Punkt angelangt, wo ich Hilfe brauche in Bezug auf " Umgang mit Töchtern, die nur auf …
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Jon and Zack are back! After taking January off, they came back to talk about some more whiskey. Today they are talking about a few different samples from some Texas distilleries. They talk about where each came from, how they ended up on this show, and they even get into some interesting topics that I…. can’t even begin to describe. Have a listen,…
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